Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 199: Online game Tanmei Wen (Fanwai)


"Replication host consciousness - successful replication - ready to break away from the host -"


"The task completion is 100, the task score is 90, and the points are 90. Complete the body wish, and get 15 data points that can be allocated. May I ask the host, should the data points be allocated or replaced with points?"

"Turn it all into points."

Load host data:

Name: Tian Mi

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Grade: 16

Appearance: 93 (out of 100)

Skin type: 94 (out of 100)

Body: 93 (out of 100)

Intelligence: 87 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 88 (out of 100)

Charisma: 85 (out of 100)

Special skills: little shy (permanent use), pear blossom with rain (permanent use), mute language (permanent use), super navigation (permanent use)

Points: 78

Seeing that the points were finally no longer negative, Tian Mi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, do you want to take a break, or do you want to enter the mission immediately?"

0051 flew in mid-air, tilted his head and asked Tian Mi.

Tian Mi glanced at 0051, who was wearing a Queen's dress, and sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at 0051 with a serious face: "Don't worry about entering the mission, let's chat first!"

0051 swallowed, and gently landed on Tian Mi's bed: "What does the host want to talk about?"

Tian Mi raised her index finger: "First: It doesn't matter if you show up when I'm doing the task! But, can you be normal, whether it's clothing or words and deeds! As an upgraded version of the strategy system, it's really good to escape like this ?"

Tian Mi raised her middle finger again: "Second." Tian Mi clasped her hands together and said pitifully, "0051, please, when sending missions, can you accept some normal missions!? My little heart can't take it ah!"

"Hey~" 0051 smiled dryly at Tian Mi, imitating Tian Mi and raised his index finger: "First, the Lun family will pay attention to it in the future." Then he raised his middle finger: "Second." Putting his hands together, pitifully: " Receiving missions is random~ When the host reaches level 25, you can choose what missions to do~~"

"Really!?" Tian Mi sat up straight and looked at 0051 suspiciously.

0051 nodded vigorously.

Tian Mi sighed: "Forget it, trust you, send the mission."

"Receiving quest—mission received successfully—transmitting host—"

"Successful transmission—the system has suffered an unknown attack—the system has malfunctioned—rebooting—"

"Fool, how can it be a girl who proposes marriage! Well, I didn't prepare a ring today, so I will prepare it next time." Saying that, An Mi bent down to look at the ground, and went to pick a pink flower on the grass next to her. flowers.

Walking up to Tian Mi, she knelt down on one knee: "We've known each other for a year. At first, when you said you liked me, I just thought you were a young girl in love, and we were not suitable. Later, I was concerned about your body. The reason is that I dare not reject you clearly. In the past six months, I have seen your sincerity, and I know that you don’t just like me. I have been busy with a development project recently, and I thought I would wait until this time After a while, the matter between the two of us was settled. I didn't expect my Mimi to be so impatient, so, Miss Tian Mi, are you willing to marry me, be my wife, and stay with me for the rest of your life?" He looked up at Tian Mi , with a smile on his face.

Thinking about it, this is the longest sentence An Mi has ever said in her entire life.

Tian Mi's eyes were filled with warmth, her eye sockets were slightly red, but the corners of her mouth were raised higher and higher. She took the flower in An Mi's hand and nodded repeatedly: "I am willing, I am willing!"

An Mi stood up and hugged Tian Mi into her arms. The fireworks behind him are still blooming non-stop.

Since Tian Ye returned from the experience of running away from home for a month, he began to degenerate. He skipped classes, got into fights and race cars, and even took drugs.

As soon as Tian Ye came home, Tian's father and mother would ask him, but Tian Ye answered impatiently, and would quarrel after a few words, and then slam the door and leave.

No one knows what Tian Ye experienced and who he met during the month he ran away from home.

Later, Tian Ye was arrested for gathering people to take drugs, which also implicated Tian's father, causing Tian's father to retire early.

After being released from prison, Tian Ye has not changed for the better. An Mi is afraid that Tian Ye will do something to Tian Mi, so he sends Tian Ye abroad. As long as he does not return to China, he can do whatever he wants.

An Mi and Tian Mi have been married for three years and have never had a child.

It's not because she doesn't want to, but the doctor said that Tian Mi's body is not suitable for pregnancy. Even if Tian Mi wants to, An Mi will never allow Tian Mi to have any accidents.

Even if he doesn't want to have children for the rest of his life, he is not willing to let Tian Mi's body suffer.

For three years, Tian Mi has been working hard to recuperate her body. Finally let the doctor let go, as long as you pay more attention, you can still have children.

Tian Mi is very happy, but An Mi is not at ease.

This also led to Tian Mi's cold war with him for two days, which finally made An Mi a little bit unbearable.

"Oh, oh~ my waist hurts so much~ Is it really getting old? I can't stand sitting for a long time?"

Tian Mi glanced at An Mi who was lying on the bed and screaming at her waist. She really didn't appreciate An Mi's acting skills.

A man in his early thirties looks like he's in his mid-twenties, how dare he say he's old? How should those uncles with Mediterranean beer bellies look at themselves

And this image, where is the domineering president, the taciturn and indifferent look? !

Seeing myself calling out for a long time, I still didn't get a response from Tian Mi.

An Mi pursed her lips, walked to Tian Mi and sat down: "Okay, I was wrong, I was wrong. I'm not worried about your body!"

Then Tian Mi said: "Do you know or the doctor knows?! The doctor said, as long as you pay attention to it, be careful when you are pregnant, it doesn't matter! How come you can't do it!? If you don't want to have a baby with me Just say it straight, child! You can go out and find a healthy, young and beautiful one to give birth to a big fat boy for you! Anyway, there are many women out there who are willing to give birth to you!"

An Mi swallowed her saliva, and when she said a word, she was pushed back so many words, why was she a gentle little sweet before, but now a pungent little pepper

However, no matter what it is, he likes it: "Of course not! How can women outside have their own wives! Give birth, give birth, give birth, definitely give birth! Give birth now!" After finishing speaking, An Mi hugged Tian Mi by the waist , walked towards the bed.

Ten months later, Tian Mi gave birth to a little prince.

Afterwards, An Mi refused to let Tian Mi have another child no matter what.

For the little prince Tian Mi suffered for ten months and gave birth to, An Mi is not only sweet, but also thickly sour.

Whether it's in Ma Ma's stomach, or already born.

Since the arrival of the little prince, Tian Mi's eyes have mostly stayed on the little prince, completely ignoring him as her husband.

Twenty years later, An Mi disregarded Tian Mi's wishes and directly handed over the company to his son who was just a sophomore, regardless of how he took care of his company.

Take Tian Mi to travel around the world.