Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 200: Strategies for the 'unknown' hero (1)


The first thing Tian Mi did when she woke up was to call 0051, but there seemed to be nothing in her brain.

After a long time, Tian Mi swallowed, trying to absorb the plot and memory.

It turned out that she could only receive the memory of the host, but not the plot.

Frowning tightly, what should I do

The system restarts, so should she wait for the system to restart before doing the task

Or does she do the mission first

But no one knows the hero and heroine, how will she attack the hero

Tian Mi closed her eyes in discouragement, and began to study the memory of her body.

After all, according to the trend of each plot, most of the hosts have intersections with the hero or heroine.

She just studied which man and which woman were better in her memory.

Host a daughter of a small county magistrate, because the county magistrate has five sons and only has her one daughter, so she is very favored at home.

At the age of fifteen, according to the rules, she was old enough for the draft every three years.

For a long time, the reason why he pampered the body so much was also to send the body into the palace.

The body is good-looking, not to mention the beauty of the country, but the beauty of the city is more than enough.

So I have always been proud and arrogant, always thinking that I will definitely be able to enter the palace and be favored by the emperor.

In the end, the emperor did not choose himself, but a woman who could only be regarded as pretty.

Generally, after the emperor chooses a concubine, the rest will be chosen by several princes.

The body was chosen by a prince, and was bestowed by the emperor as a concubine.

It stands to reason that it would be very good to be the concubine of the emperor, but to be the daughter of a small county magistrate.

However, the prince was actually stupid.

Even if the host is unwilling, she still has to marry.

All this was different from what she had imagined, and Ji Zi really couldn't accept it.

But that woman who is not as good as her has become the emperor's favorite concubine.

She was not reconciled, and tried to seduce the emperor during a palace banquet, but was ordered to die on the spot by the emperor in the name of an assassin.

As far as the memory goes, Tian Mi really wants to vomit: Send me a body! You were completely killed by yourself, okay!

However, from this point of view, the emperor and the handsome concubine should be the male lead and the female lead.

After Tian Mi searched her memory, she really wanted to cry, because she married that silly prince yesterday!

Maybe it's because she was married to a silly prince when she was doing a mission before. Tian Mi doesn't have much resentment or resistance towards this silly prince, even though her body's memory is very disgusting to this silly prince.

But what Tian Mi wants to cry now is that she is already married to this silly prince.

This silly prince is different from the idle king Situ Mingyi.

He and the current emperor are not born of the same mother, back then the dragons fought for the heir. The current emperor ascended the throne and defeated the other emperor brothers and brothers, and the dead and the disabled died.

The only ones who were spared were King An and King Heping who were born on the same side as the current emperor.

And there is this King Yong who has been foolish since he was five years old.

King Yong's mother and concubine are the princesses of the Western Regions, and also the most beloved woman of the late emperor.

It's a pity, since ancient times, the beauty is so unlucky.

King Yong's mother and concubine died of dystocia in the fourth year after giving birth to King Yong.

In the second year, King Yong was seriously ill because he fell into the pond, and was frightened stupid.

Although the emperor loves King Yong, he can only try his best to make King Yong live a better life when he is not alive.

Having said all this, what Tian Mi wants to say is: after marrying this King Yong, she will not be able to see the emperor often. Because the emperor and King Yong didn't have the slightest affection at all, and if they did, it was just for face. After researching my memory, I found that the fastest time to see the emperor was the Mid-Autumn Festival half a year later.

Tian Mi sighed, now that 0051 is not here, there is no plot to study.

Although she guessed that the emperor was the hero, she was really not sure.

After all, there are hosts who have no intersection with the hero and heroine, and now she is really at a loss!

"Princess, are you awake?" A maid's voice came from outside, and Tian Mi opened her eyes to look around.

She didn't sleep with King Yong, in fact, the main reason was that the body didn't want to sleep with King Yong.

As a princess, she lived in the courtyard where the concubine lived.

Because King Yong was not valued by the emperor, the servants in the palace did not have much respect for King Yong.

The only one who will be kind to King Yong is an old eunuch who has been by King Yong's side since he was a child.

Therefore, everyone had foreseen Tian Mi's unwillingness to see King Yong, and was not too surprised.

"Come in." Tian Mi called softly, and immediately four or five maidservants came in with washbasins. First saluted Tian Mi, and then began to serve Tian Mi.

Tian Mi's expression was always cold, these maids were sent by her father.

After all, she was the daughter I had loved for fifteen years, even though she didn't become the emperor's concubine as she expected, but married a silly prince who didn't pay much attention to her.

Ji's father was still worried that Ji would be wronged, so he specially sent a maid here.

After being served breakfast, Tian Mi sat on the gazebo in the yard in a daze.

There are no other concubines and concubines in the palace, and there is no morning and evening. The big and small affairs of the palace are all taken care of by the old eunuch Xiao Eunuch next to King Yong, Tian Mi is happy to be at leisure.

It's just this leisure, and it didn't last long.

"Princess—" Tian Mi turned her head in response, and saw a handsome man in ancient costume with clear eyes running towards her. If he didn't smirk, that scene is really very beautiful.

"Princess, did you sleep well last night?" King Yong ran to Tian Mi and squatted down, like a puppy, put his head on Tian Mi's lap, and then looked up at her.

Tian Mi was stunned. The difference between King Yong in front of him and King Xian was his appearance. King Yong could only be regarded as delicate, and the only amazing thing was his amethyst-like eyes, like a modern half-breed. , but the facial features are more biased towards Chinese.

Although the color of the eyeballs is different, the eyes of the two are very similar. It actually made Tian Mi couldn't help but want to overlap the two.

She raised her hand and placed it on King Yong's face. King Yong's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at Tian Mi: "Princess."

"I slept well, where is the prince?" Tian Mi smiled slightly and said softly.

King Yong's eyes sparkled, and then he smiled and said, "I slept well too~~" After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and rubbed Tian Mi's palm a few times.

"Has the prince eaten breakfast?" Tian Mi helped King Yong straighten the hair on his cheeks, eyes full of love.

"Hmm!" King Yong nodded.