Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 212: Raiders of the 'bamboo horse' male protagonist (1)


She knew him, Qi Zeming, since she was eight years old.

She has liked Qi Zeming since she was twelve years old.

Qi Zeming was two years older than her, so she chose to skip a grade in order to be in the same class as him.

Although it will be difficult to study, she enjoys it.

At first, she only liked him secretly. She thought that they were in the same family, and the relationship between the two families was so good. It's only natural for them to be together.

At the age of eighteen, she began to regard herself as Qi Zeming's girlfriend. He didn't deny it. She thought that he still liked her somewhat.

Unexpectedly, he just used him as a shield, whether it was in school or in the family.

He was just too lazy to deal with those things, so he acquiesced that she was his girlfriend.

When he was twenty, Qi Zeming told her that he had someone he liked.

She couldn't believe her ears, she always thought they would be together, but he fell in love with someone else.

What Qi Zeming likes is a girl from a very ordinary family, who is very beautiful and has very good grades. She is a freshman.

She didn't even know when Qi Zeming fell in love with that girl, did he take precautions too well

She was very unwilling, and she wanted to meet the girl in person. If, if that girl really likes Qi Zeming too. Well, she will give up.

As a result, she found that the girl was not as strong, kind, independent and confident as Qi Zeming said.

In order to get benefits, she can go to part-time illegal jobs.

It's just that after meeting a rich second generation like Qi Zeming, she stopped doing it.

She was very angry, and dragged that girl to find Qi Zeming to expose her true nature.

They were tugging on the road, and the girl pushed her and fell to the ground again.

And she was hit by a speeding car and flew out.

After waking up, she learned that the girl had hit her head when she fell and died just like that.

As for her, her leg was the most severely injured, all the nerves below the knee were necrotic, and she could no longer stand up.

Originally, the doctor suggested that she amputate her leg so that she could stand up with the prosthesis.

She doesn't want to, she loves beauty. If a part of her body is missing, she will become ugly, which she cannot bear.

However, even though her leg was saved, she was still living a life worse than death.

After Qi Zeming knew that the girl was dead, he came to scold her, accused her, and said that he would never fall in love with her in his whole life.

She has loved ballet since she was a child, and besides Qi Zeming, that is what she cares most about.

Today, she can hardly even walk, let alone her ballet.

She started trying to commit suicide, but each time was unsuccessful.

She suffered from depression and had serious suicidal tendencies.

Her family found out all the information about the girl and told Qi Zeming.

I hope Qi Zeming can spend more time with her for the sake of family acquaintances and her good intentions.

Even though that girl's background and nature were so unbearable, she still became a cinnabar mole on Qi Zeming's heart.

Under the pressure from the family, Qi Zeming got engaged to her.

Every weekend, Qi Zeming would accompany her, but Qi Zeming would not talk to her every time.

She doesn't care, really doesn't care.

She thought that as long as she could be with him, that would be enough.

She is so easily satisfied, but Qi Zeming still refuses to look at her more.

When she was twenty-six years old, Qi Zeming had already inherited the family business.

They were engaged for six years, and every year, they were urged to marry.

But Qi Zeming always used work as an excuse to postpone the marriage, and she didn't care, she was willing to wait until Qi Zeming married her willingly.

When she was twenty-seven years old, Qi Zeming completely took over the family business and led the group to grow even bigger.

Obviously her family business is as famous as it, but now it is not as good.

One day, Qi Zeming told her that he was willing to marry her.

She was very happy, but when he was at the wedding scene, he left halfway, which made the wedding impossible.

Only later did she know that seven years ago, because of her affair with that girl, Qi Zeming went to get drunk, and ended up having a one-night stand with a girl she didn't know.

That girl was just an ordinary-looking alumnus from the same school with an ordinary family background who had always had a crush on Qi Zeming.

As a result, that night, the girl became pregnant and she gave birth to the child.

Later, she became an employee of Qi Zeming's company.

Qi Zeming didn't know it at first, he had a good impression of that girl at first, but after knowing that she already had a child, he didn't have any further contact with her.

During the wedding, he suddenly received a call from her, saying that the child had a car accident and needed a blood transfusion.

Then she said, "He is your child, please save him!"

Ah. Sitting in the wheelchair, she glanced at her feet, then looked up at Qi Zeming.

For this man, she destroyed herself.

Now, he came to tell her that he would not marry her and that he was responsible to the woman who bore his child.

Later, she began to take revenge on Qi Zeming crazily.

It's just that Qi Zeming was not something she could deal with, because of her behavior, Qi Zeming, who was originally guilty of her, no longer cared about his affection, which directly caused her family to go bankrupt.

Her father was devastated and paralyzed.

The elder brother who loved her did not blame her, but comforted her and said, "This is a test from God, as long as we stand it, everything will be fine! Believe in elder brother, we will be fine!" She nodded with tears in her eyes.

My brother started a small business and wanted to start over.

But my elder brother has never been in contact with business matters. He has always been fond of photography, and my father doesn't want to force his elder brother to do things he doesn't like.

So my brother is losing money in business.

My brother had no choice but to work in a photo studio.

She looked at the 50-square-meter small apartment they lived in at this time, which was smaller than her previous bathroom.

Now that there is no servant in the house, her father is paralyzed, and her brother is at work, no one will notice her.

She tidied up and pushed the wheelchair out.

She went downstairs to Qi Zeming's company, and happened to stop Qi Zeming from coming to the company.

Qi Zeming looked at her as if he was looking at a stranger, or even worse.

She laughed, and the more she laughed, the more crazy she became.

This is the man she has loved for fifteen years! This is the man!

Qi Zeming frowned and wanted to leave, but she stopped him: "For you, I ruined myself. For me, you ruined my family. Qi Zeming, I want you to remember me all your life! I want you to have a bad conscience all your life Peace!" She said bitterly, then took out the fruit knife she had prepared long ago, and cut her own throat in front of Qi Zeming. Blood sprayed out, even Qi Zeming's body was stained a lot.

Qi Zeming quickly pressed her wound and asked someone to call an ambulance.