Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 225: Raiders of the Bamboo Horse Hero (Fanwai)


"Replication host consciousness - successful replication - ready to break away from the host -"


"The task completion is 100, the task score is 90, and the points are 90. Complete the host wish, and get 15 data points that can be allocated. May I ask the host, do the data points need to be allocated?"

"Well, add five points to intelligence, five points to charisma, two points to looks, and three points to body."

Load host data:

Name: Tian Mi

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Grade: 18

Appearance: 95 (out of 100)

Skin type: 94 (out of 100)

Body: 96 (out of 100)

Intelligence: 92 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 88 (out of 100)

Charisma: 90 (out of 100)

Special skills: little shy (permanent use), pear blossom with rain (permanent use), mute language (permanent use), super navigation (permanent use)

Points: 256

"By the way, Su Ziqing never appeared in the plot, why did he appear this time? Is it because of me?"

"How should I put it? In fact, the character Su Ziqing appeared in the plot. When the body was young, Su Ziqing rescued Su Ziqing who wanted to commit suicide. Later, Su Ziqing came back from abroad and wanted to find the body. But in the plot, the body With that appearance, Su Ziqing didn't show up."

"It turns out that's the case, I said! So, Su Ziqing's approach to me was premeditated from the very beginning." Tian Mi nodded in a sudden realization.

"Well, should the host take a break or go to the next task?"

"Go to the next task."

"Receiving quest—mission received successfully—transmitting host—"

"Transmission successful—loading mission content—"

Recently Tian Yi is not at home all the time, ask him, he won't say where he went.

When a foreign girl named Tia came to her door, Tian Mi knew that Tian Yi had been raped by this foreign girl the night she didn't return home the night she got drunk.

Afterwards, this foreign girl kept pestering Tian Yi, and even found Tian's family.

She said she was pregnant!

Although Tian's father didn't really want to find a foreign daughter-in-law, but she was already pregnant with Tian's son, this is the eldest grandson!

Tian's father didn't know how long he had been looking forward to, even though Tian Yi was a little reluctant, he was still forced by Tian's father to marry his son.

Tian Mi thinks that this Tia is pretty good, she has a bright personality, and she doesn't seem to be the kind of casual girl.

Moreover, she was Tian Yi's schoolgirl when she was studying abroad, so she was able to follow Tian Yi for so long since she was in college, that kind of heart is also very remarkable.

Su Ziqing just proposed the idea of holding a wedding together, and the living room was instantly quiet.

Tian Mi stared at the smiling Su Ziqing with wide eyes: "Did you forget to put water on your brain today?"

"Well, I've let it go." Su Ziqing smiled, not minding Tian Mi saying that he was out of his mind.

"Then what nonsense are you talking about here!" Tian Mi gave Su Ziqing a white look.

She is already pregnant, and her stomach can't wait for someone, so the wedding must be held as soon as possible.

"I'm serious, we've been dating for a few months, we can definitely get married!"

"Fuck you big-headed ghost! You are only twenty-one years old, and you don't know the legal age is twenty-two!?" Tian Mi raised her hand and tapped Su Ziqing's head, and said angrily.

It's too eager to get married after only dating for a few months!

Afraid she ran away

She is sitting in a wheelchair and can't run even if she wants to!

"I know, we can hold the wedding first! I will apply for a marriage certificate when I reach the age, it's the same."

Tian Mi opened her mouth, and just as she was about to speak, Tian's father nodded and said, "Well, I think it's good." Tian Yi also nodded in agreement.

In just a few months, Su Ziqing has satisfied Father Tian and Tian Yi to the utmost satisfaction.

With Tian's father and Tian Yi talking, Tian Mi doesn't care anymore, anyway, she has no plan to break up with Su Ziqing, it doesn't matter when she gets married.

Because Tia was pregnant, in order to get married before her belly grew, the wedding was scheduled for two months later.

When the Tian family announced the news of Tian Yi's marriage, everyone was not too surprised. After all, Tian Yi is already thirty-one years old, although many celebrities have broken their glass hearts.

However, the news of Tian Mi's marriage made everyone almost dislocate their jaws.

Because, Tian Mi is getting married, and the groom is not Qi Zeming.

Qi Zeming has never been married, anyway, the Qi family already has offspring.

Qi's father and Qi's mother didn't say anything about whether he would get married or not, they just put extra efforts in cultivating Qi Yuan.

Jiang Xiaoxiao is also quite determined, because Tian Mi said at the beginning, she has been guarding Qi Zeming.

It's just that Qi Zeming's heart couldn't be opened again, it was full of a person named Tian Mi all the time.

In the end, Jiang Xiaoxiao married a civil servant who was two years older than her, and she lived a pretty good life as a child.

On a rainy night, a little boy ran towards the sea while shouting.

A car stopped, the rear window rolled down. The girl in the car frowned and looked at the boy: "Uncle Li, is there someone there, go and see!"

The driver, Uncle Li, got out of the car with an umbrella. Uncle Li was a soldier, so he ran very fast and pulled the boy back by force.

The boy lay on the beach and cried loudly, an umbrella blocked the rainwater that hit him mercilessly.

"What's wrong with you? Is there anything you can't think about, and you can't give up your life!"

The boy raised his head, and a beautiful young lady was holding an umbrella and looking at him with disapproval.

"My mother passed away," he said.

There was sympathy in the girl's eyes: "My mother also passed away, but I know she loves me. Your mother must love you very much too, so, in order not to make your mother sad, don't give up your life casually!"

The girl sent the boy home, got into the car and left.

The boy watched the car until he could no longer see it.

"Dad, if you don't get up again, I'll tell mom to ignore you!"

Su Ziqing opened his eyes, looked at his three-year-old son who was lying on top of him and patted his face with his small hands, with a helpless expression on his face: "Your dad doesn't go to bed until two o'clock in the morning, can't you let dad sleep late?" ?”

"Okay!" Su Rui got up from Su Ziqing and looked down at Su Ziqing: "Then let me sleep with mom tonight, and dad will sleep well by himself." After speaking, Su Rui wanted to get out of bed.

Su Ziqing stretched out his hand and hugged Su Rui in his arms: "Stinky boy! How dare you take your father's wife, you're fat!" While talking, he scratched Su Rui's itchy flesh.

Su Rui shouted for help while struggling: "Help! Mom! Come and save your son! Your husband is going to murder!"

Sitting on the electric wheelchair, Tian Mi looked helplessly at the big boy and the little boy on the bed, happiness almost overflowing in her eyes.