Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 352: The hero is a ghost (13)


"Well, I want to see from your eyes, what are you thinking when you are in a daze in front of me?" Su Zimo said with a smile, and moved closer to Tian Mi as he spoke.

The distance between a person and a ghost is less than five centimeters.

At such a close distance, Tian Mi blushed even without being 'little shy'.

Tian Mi placed both hands on Su Zimo's chest, and turned her head to the side: "I, I was just thinking, why did you come out all of a sudden?"

Su Zimo stood up straight and shrugged: "I don't know, but now I can come out during the day, and I can spend more time with you, aren't you happy?"

Tian Mi coughed lightly, and said with flickering eyes: "I, I... I'm going to clean up first!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Mi blushed and continued to clean up.

Su Zimo smiled without hesitation, and just waved his hands lightly.

The brooms, mops, and towels in the house began to clean up by themselves. Even the feather duster in Tian Mi's hand got out of her hands and started to move by itself.

Tian Mi's eyes widened, and she turned to look at Su Zimo, her eyes were full of novelty: "It's amazing! How did you do it?!"

"Just thinking about what you want them to do, that's all. When I was unhappy before, I liked to control things and scare those people!"

Su Zimo said with a smile, and then appeared in front of Tian Mi in a flash.

Holding Tian Mi to sit on the sofa, she turned on the TV again.

"Well, I haven't watched TV for a long time. I didn't watch it when I was in school. Watch TV with me?"

Su Zimo held Tian Mi in his arms, and then began to concentrate on watching TV.

Tian Mi was a little dazed at first, then turned her head to look at Su Zimo's handsome side face, a smile was always on the corner of his mouth.

Tian Mi blinked her eyes, then smiled, turned her head, and went to watch TV as well.

The TV was playing the anti-war drama starring An Yichen, and An Yichen was holding a pistol in one hand, one for one hundred.

The fortitude on that face and the determination to ignore life and death made one's blood boil.

Su Zimo pouted: "This is what a man should look like. Someone like me doesn't look like a man!"

Tian Mi heard that Su Zimo disliked her own appearance again, and couldn't help laughing: "But, you are not a man, you are a male ghost."

Seeing Su Zimo turning his head to look at her, Tian Mi said again: "You look so good, I like your type!"

"Ding—the favorability of the hero +5, the favorability is 85, the host is awesome!"

As soon as Tian Mi finished speaking, she blushed again, and quickly stood up from the sofa: "Well, I remembered, my clothes are still in the suitcase and I haven't packed them. I'll go and pack them first."

After finishing speaking, Tian Mi didn't wait for Su Zimo's response, and returned to the room as if fleeing.

Su Zimo blinked, looked at the black jade on the coffee table, and continued watching TV.

The plot on the TV happened to turn to an intimate rivalry between An Yichen and a leading actress, and the leading actress looked at An Yichen affectionately: "I like you!"

"But I have scars on my face."

"So what! I like it so much, it's you! I don't like your skin, it's you!"

"Ding—the hero's favorability degree +5, the favorability degree of 90 host is awesome!"

Tian Mi, who was packing her clothes in the room, paused for a moment, a little confused, why did she suddenly increase her favorability

Because Su Zimo couldn't stay five meters away from Heiyu, even though Su Zimo wanted to go to Tian Mi's side, he couldn't.

When Tian Mi came out, it was already an hour later.

The house has long been cleaned spotlessly, and the TV series has long since finished.

It's exactly noon now, and the noon news is on TV.

When Tian Mi came back, she didn't buy rice and vegetables, so she had to go out to eat.

"I'm going out to eat, are you at home or going out with me?" Tian Mi looked at Su Zimo.

Su Zimo turned off the TV and stood up: "Of course I'm going out with you! I haven't gone out in the daytime yet! I have to go out and have a look around!"

Tian Mi smiled and nodded, picked up the black jade on the coffee table and put it around her neck, then put on her shoes and went out.

Tian Mi didn't go too far, so she went to a restaurant outside the community for dinner.

Maybe because he never came out during the day, Su Zimo seemed very happy, no, since Tian Mi knew him, he seemed to be very happy all the time.

After dinner, Tian Mi took Su Zimo to the supermarket again. Originally, she was worried that she would not be able to lift because she bought too many things.

But with Su Zimo helping her, she lifted the two big pockets effortlessly.

The rate of turning heads was already very high because of his appearance, but now he has gotten a lot of people's attention.

No way, it would be fine if the bag was full of light weight things, but the problem was that there were 20 catties of peanut oil, 20 catties of rice, some vegetables, and some seasonings in the bag.

There are also a lot of snacks. It seems that even a strong man may not be able to easily lift them up.

In the eyes of outsiders, Tian Mi is simply a female strongman with an angelic face!

The holiday is only one month. During this month, Tian Mi basically stayed at home, or took Su Zimo out for a stroll.

Tian Mi would often chat with Yang Wenlan and the others in the QQ group, and occasionally, Su Yuyue would call her to chat.

She said that she had already broken up with that rich man, and that Yi Xiayang came back and looked for her.

After Yi Xiayang knew that their child was gone, he felt sad and felt guilty towards her, saying that he left so suddenly that he didn't have time to tell her.

Later, because of some family matters, I couldn't contact her.

Su Yuyue also said that Yi Xiayang wanted to start over with her, but she originally refused.

But after thinking about it, it seemed that he hadn't completely forgotten him.

Since there was a reason for his leaving at the beginning, she shouldn't hold on to the original matter.

After all, everyone is an adult now.

So Su Yuyue agreed to start over with Yi Xiayang.

But she told Yi Xiayang that she had been with a married man, but Yi Xiayang said that she didn't care.

Tian Mi was also quite happy with this result.

No matter what the fate is, if you follow your heart now, you will not let yourself down!

After the holiday, Tian Mi took Su Zimo back to school.

In the past few days, Tian Mi will study the plot when she sleeps at night.

There is no way, there is a chatterbox beside her, talking to her non-stop, she has no time to study the plot.

I had to wait until I went to bed at night to study for a while, and after studying and studying, I fell asleep. It was more useful than counting sheep!