Male God is Mine!!

Chapter 456: End of the testimonials!


From June 8th, 2015 to November 4th of the same year, this book is finally over!

Here, Mei Kai really has a lot of feelings!

Lovers, just listen to the wordy Meikai wordy wordy!

When I first started writing this book, Mei Kai had the mentality of writing for fun. It’s really just for fun, because Mei Kai also likes to read novels, and this year I especially like to read fast-traveling genres.

But after reading all the fast-traveling novels on various websites, the better ones, there is really a shortage of books.

In a fit of anger, Mei Kai simply wrote it herself!

Mei Kai's character is really confused. At that time, I thought, I just wrote it for myself!

Later, some people began to comment on the novel, and some people voted for it.

Mei Kai was really surprised and happy! Because I never thought that my book would be recognized and liked by others!

Then Mei Kai decided that she must insist on finishing this book, even if only one reader reads it, I will continue to write it!

Of course, now more than one reader reads Mei Kai's novels, this is Mei Kai's honor!

When the 50,000-word book received a text message that met the signing conditions, Mei Kai was surprised and dumbfounded!

I signed the contract in a daze, and then I was still not in the state.

After struggling for a long time, I simply put these entanglements behind me and coded honestly.

I am really grateful to some lovers who have followed Mei Kai from the time when Mei Kai was still 10,000 to 20,000 words to the current 900,000 words.

Accompanied by Mei Kai for nearly five months!

During the period of writing the article, Mei Kai also experienced passion, caving, trough...

Have you ever thought about it, otherwise, why not write

But when I think about how many lovers are waiting for Mei Kai’s text update in other places, I really feel that it would be irresponsible for you if you just give up like this!

Therefore, Mei Kai cheered herself up again and got up to type!

To this day, because it is the first book, the writing is green and immature, but you still follow me and watch me grow.

On the road of writing, Mei Kai does not know how far she can go.

However, unless the limit is reached, Mei Kai will always walk on this road and never turn back!

I hope that in the days to come, regardless of the type of book in the future, you will like it or not.

Maybe you will also get tired of Mei Kai, but please remember, we loved [Shy]!

Thank you to all the readers in the reader group, for understanding me when I am uncomfortable, comforting me when I am unhappy, and cooperating with me when I am funny! I really love you guys!

Thanks to those who have been silently watching Mei Kaiwen without leaving comments or names, and I love you very much!


Boom~ Mimi is the first child of the Lun family, and the Lun family is really reluctant to part with it!

The new book has been opened, and the second baby paper is our 0051, named Ling Wuwen.

The title of the book is: Strategies for the Male Supporting Role in Quick Transmigration

Seeking love and mercy~

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