Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1087: too terrifying


After several negotiations, Li Xiaoshan paid the price of a year's harvest and took back his own field from Zhang Juren.

Li Dashan asked him, "Do you regret it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If the court had taxed one ten years earlier, I would definitely not have donated Zhang Juren." Li Xiaoshan smiled while holding the newly issued land deed.

Li Dashan asked him again, "All the harvest for one year has been given to Zhang Ju's family. What are you going to do next?"

Li Xiaoshan looked at Li Dashan eagerly, "Brother, please help me!"

"Get out!" Li Dashan was furious, this bastard is dependent on him.

"Brother, brother, if you don't help me, my family will not be able to survive! The family's rations will be gone in the next month!"

"Tell you to go! With such a large mountain, I don't believe you can't find food. The rest station collects mountain products every day, and the Sihai meat and vegetable shop often goes to the countryside to collect mountain products. If you go into the mountains a few more times, you can eat as much food as possible." There is."

"But, but..."

"Don't tell me but. Others say you are stupid, but I see how stupid you are."

Li Dashan walked resolutely.

Even though Li Xiaoshan was crying behind him, he didn't look back.

Similar situations are happening in various state capitals, counties, townships, and villages in Dazhou.

Because ten taxes are one, everyone is crazy.

Xiaomin is crazy to get back the donated land.

The landlord is old and rich, and he is crazy to keep his land.

The imperial court cannot be so vicious and impose heavy taxes.

Not even a three-year reprieve.

As the autumn harvest approaches, the vast countryside becomes more noisy.

The personnel from the Shaofu, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Jinwu Guard had been sent out long before the law was promulgated to investigate the situation in each state capital.

Just wait until the first day of August arrives to start taking action.

Naturally, the assistance of the Four Seas Meat Shop is indispensable.

In terms of who in the world knows the size of the land in each prefecture and county, the land ownership, the size of each household's population, and the size of the land, it is none other than the Four Seas Meat Shop.

After nearly two decades of hard work, it is finally time to pay off.

Chen Erzhuang was very proud. He could proudly say that in every village in the world, the guys from Sihai's meat and vegetable shop could not make a trip.

Any village in any corner, any village in a valley, has the footprints of the Four Seas Meat Shop.

The population of the world and the acres of fields are all registered. The books piled up like a mountain.

The Shaofu sent hundreds of accountants to the Baijiafang Archives to transcribe the accounts of the world's population and fields.

Two large warehouses, tens of thousands of account books, registered in state capitals, county capitals, townships, and villages. Also with the year.

This is the essence of the fruit of Sihai Butcher's years of hard work.

Looking at the account books full of warehouses, all the accountants in the Shaofu were shocked.

The employees of the archives are cheerful, as if watching a group of uninformed bumpkins.

"The achievements of many years are all here. Copy it yourself."

"This, so much?"

"This is already the sorted amount. If it is the original data, it will be ten times more than this."

The accountant of the Shaofu felt panicked.

This workload is too great.

They admire Sihai Meat Shop for so many years of hard work and have traveled to every village, which is by no means something ordinary people can do.

Just admiration is admiration.

The thought of completing such a huge workload in a short period of time made everyone tremble a little.

"There is a printing room in the innermost part, you can use it." The staff of the archives kindly reminded.

"Thank you very much."

When they heard that it could be printed, everyone in the accounting office of the Shaofu breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a tough battle to be fought next, and no one dares to relax, and quickly divides the work and starts working.

Chang'an Palace.

Deng Cunli asked to see the empress, and was invited into the study after being notified.

The servant girl next to the empress has a new look.

The previous maidservants got married and had children one after another, and had other errands.

Deng Cunli bowed to pay his respects.

Gu Jiu called out before he sat down on the small round stool.

"how are things going?"

"Thanks to the blessing of the empress, things are progressing fairly smoothly." Deng Cunli said with his head bowed.

"There is only half a month until the first day of August. If you have any difficulties, feel free to bring them up. Wait until the first day of August before you come to ask for help. I will never forgive you."

Gu Jiu's face was serious.

The new land law is a big move she has planned for many years.

In order to win the consent of court officials, many concessions were made.

If it can't be carried out smoothly, she has the heart to kill people.

Deng Cunli was well aware of the importance of this matter, "Reporting to the empress, all personnel have been dispatched. With the help of the Sihai meat and vegetable shop, the situation in each state and county has basically been figured out. By the first day of August, as long as the Jinwu Guard Cooperating well with the Ministry of Internal Affairs will definitely get off to a good start.

The main problem at present is that there is a fierce fight between the small people who invest in the land and the big households. One wants to get the land back, and the other refuses to let go. Yamen everywhere receive similar cases every day. As the first day of August is approaching, the old slave is worried that if the Shaofu does not intervene in time, it may lead to a big case. "

Gu Jiu lightly tapped on the table, "I have heard several incidents of what you said recently. The autumn harvest is approaching, and if you want to get back the land, you will have to pay a huge price. It is said that some of them are a year's harvest. Some even have a two-year harvest. Whether it is a one-year harvest or a two-year harvest, handing over the grain means that these ordinary people will be hungry. Adding fuel to the flames may lead to civil uprisings."

"Your Majesty is worried that someone will rebel?"

Gu Jiu nodded, "You have to be on guard! The Shaofu Food Bank has to start operating ahead of time, and let the Sihai Meat Shop cooperate with you to find out the family background of the donated people. After the autumn harvest, an announcement will be made that the grain bank will borrow money at 100% annual interest. Grain, next year’s grain will also be lent. Just take this opportunity to promote the selected high-quality grain.”

Deng Cunli frowned slightly, "The Shaofu grain bank has a heavy burden, and the profit will be settled as soon as the autumn harvest is over next year, and the whole court is waiting for the bonus. Is it too cheap to lend grain to the common people and only charge 10% interest?" ? If you can’t complete the profit-making task, you will have to subsidize money to the Shaofu Food Bank next year.”

Gu Jiu snapped, "Is it the profit that is important, or the promotion of the law? You are an old man around me, so you should be able to tell the difference. In order to promote the law, even if there is no interest, you have to lend food. do you understand

The law of ten taxes and one tax payment for the whole people cannot tolerate any mistakes. A mere coin is dross before this law. How much money will be short of the Shaofu Food Bank next year, I will give you a private subsidy. However, the implementation of the law of ten taxes and one national tax payment is not good. Starting from you, this palace will judge each crime one by one, and no one will be spared from the whole house! "

Deng Cunli's face turned pale, "Your Majesty taught me the lesson. This old slave will definitely not disappoint your Majesty's expectations, and will resolutely carry out the ten taxes and one comprehensive tax payment."

Gu Jiu's face softened a little, "As for the profitability of the Shaofu Grain Bank, the grain can be transported to Xiliang and to the grasslands. There are huge profits there. The brewery under the Shaofu Grain Bank can also be put into operation in advance. Shaofu The wine produced must occupy at least half of the market. Those rich families hold a lot of land and grain, and the grain wine market is almost monopolized by them. I want you to break the monopoly of the rich family on grain wine and force them to sell field."

"The old slave obeys the order! The old slave is not worried about the market, but worried about the riots of the rich."

"You can't make trouble, don't worry about that. Instead of worrying about the big family making trouble, it's better to worry about the poor people who are hungry and turn into bandits and bring harm to the neighbors."

"My lady is right."

Gu Jiu frowned.

Deng Cunli asked cautiously: "Your Majesty is worried that the implementation of the law will not go smoothly?"

Gu Jiu nodded, "The first year is the most important thing, everyone is staring at the first day of August. Once the development of the Shaofu fails, the gang of officials who are like quails will all jump up. At that time, Ben Gong and Your Majesty will bear the pressure from officials all over the world and wealthy gentry. Therefore, your young mansion has a heavy burden on your shoulders. I also put my hopes on your young mansion. I hope you will not let me down."

Deng Cunli felt the pressure like Mount Tai at the moment, "The old slave understands. The old slave will personally sit in the county government of Gyeonggi, watch the land and calculate the tax. To ensure the smooth implementation of the ten taxes in Gyeonggi and one universal tax payment. As long as Gyeonggi If there are no problems, half of the world will be stable."

Gu Jiu nodded, "The remaining half are in Jiangnan. I specially sent Bai Zhong, the third prince, and Qian Xiang to Jiangnan, hoping that they will not disappoint me."

After a pause, she continued, "His Royal Highness Qi will sit with you in Gyeonggi. You don't have to feel pressure, just follow the plan. His Royal Highness will arrange his itinerary by himself."

As soon as he heard that His Royal Highness King Qi was going to sit in Gyeonggi with him, Deng Cunli felt a lot of pressure.

It is basically certain that His Royal Highness King Qi is the Prince Chu.

What attitude should he treat His Royal Highness King Qi? This is a question worth pondering.

Gu Jiu reminded him, "You just need to remember that you are a member of my palace, so you can do whatever you want."

Deng Cunli shuddered and came to his senses.

"Yes! This old slave listens to your mother."

He secretly spurned himself, the older he got, the more muddy his heart became, not as transparent as it was back then.

Shaofu is a place that will really corrode people's hearts.

He reminded himself that he had to reflect on himself from time to time, so as not to lose the trust of the empress.

Gu Jiu dismissed Deng Cunli and prepared to rest for half an hour.

The servant Ma Xiaoliu came in quietly with an account book, "I want to tell you, Ma'am, the archives have already drawn up a preliminary tax collection budget."

"bring here."

According to ten taxes and one national tax payment, deducting the part of the land that needs to be tax-free for the three-year buffer, according to the number of acres of land registered by the Four Seas Meat Shop, it is possible to estimate the amount of this year's autumn harvest tax.

As long as the tax collection is smooth, the deviation will not be too large.

The ledgers are fairly detailed, and statistics are made in units of county governments.

Gu Jiu flipped through the pages, her expression became more and more solemn.

Ma Xiaoliu's heart tightened, "Is your empress not satisfied with this budget?"

"No, I am very satisfied."

Just because she was satisfied, she knew that Shaofu would bear ten times more pressure than she expected.


Because ten taxes are paid by the whole people, although the tax rate is low, it is learned from the budget that the tax collected will be more than five to ten times that of previous years.

This data is terrible!

Once the news of this budget is leaked, officials all over the world will be so angry that they will jump around and scold their mothers. Maybe they directly set up an uprising and turned against the Liu Dynasty.


Because the extra tax comes from the pockets of officials all over the world.