Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1089: I am the butcher


The implementation of any law cannot be smooth sailing.

The tax collection teams scattered around the Shaofu met with varying degrees of resistance.

The main force of resistance is either a local wealthy family or a powerful party.

From verbal wrangling, to small-scale weapon fighting, to large-scale weapon fighting, and then to killing people...

The way of resistance is upgraded step by step.

The purpose of resistance is to refuse to pay taxes.

In the face of various emergencies, the Shaofu has long been prepared.

The Jinwu Guards were dispatched, who should be hit and who should be caught.

All of a sudden, Jin Wuwei's reputation was raised to a higher level.

Local officials impeached the Shaofu, and the impeachment of Jinwuwei flew to the capital like snowflakes.

All families, ethnic groups, and various related households have sent people to the capital to clear the way.

It won't work if we continue like this!

For a while, on the various official roads leading to the capital, several galloping carriages could always be seen. Being cursed by passers-by, he was rushing to seek death.

The court officials finally couldn't sit still.

Looking at the letters sent by the family, they could no longer remain silent.

Shaofu and Jinwuwei are really deceiving people too much.

Since ancient times, officials have not been required to pay taxes.

The number of acres of hermit fields is a common practice.

Nowadays, Shaofu not only collects taxes from official families, but also measures the number of acres of land.

Too much deception.

If the Shaofu is allowed to succeed, wouldn't the number of acres of hermitage be announced to the world and put on the desk of the emperor and empress.

Officials who are called poor, how can they be called poor in the future

Officials who talk about incorruptibility will not be able to flaunt incorruptibility in the future.

Officials who say they are not corrupt, how did they get so much land at home? Do you dare to say that you are not greedy

This is a double-edged sword!

It can't go on like this.

The court officials moved.

Shaofu, Jinwuwei, Ministry of Internal Affairs, one counts as one, and they all can't escape. The impeachment memorial has to use several baskets every day to hold it.

Emperor Liu Zhao picked up an impeachment memorial and opened it, but lost it within two seconds.

Nothing to say!


Picked up another copy, or lost it!

The content is empty and nothing new!

"Ten taxes and one, full name tax payment, is a long-established charter, and all the lovers didn't object at the beginning. What's the matter, this is just the beginning, and you can't sit still? Is it wrong for the Shaofu to measure the land? Didn't measure the land clearly , How do you know how much each household should pay in tax.”

"The government has a fish-scale book, which records the amount of land for each household. The Shaofu wants to collect taxes, and it can be collected directly according to the number of acres on the fish-scale book. Why do you have to disturb the people and measure the land?"

The officials had been prepared for a long time, how could they be easily persuaded by Liu Zhao to retreat.

Emperor Liu Zhao smiled sarcastically, "The fish scale book? I don't know what year the local government's fish scale book is? Ren Aiqing, tell everyone."

Ren Qiu, who was dozing off, woke up suddenly, came out, bowed slightly and said, "My Majesty, the fish scale book of the local government is basically the data from the reign of Taizu Taizong. There will be some supplements in the follow-up, but most of the data They were all left over from that year. The local government usually copies a copy, which is regarded as re-registering the number of acres of each household.”


Liu Zhao directly smashed the inkstone, "Did you all hear this? Let the Shaofu collect taxes according to the data more than a hundred years ago, what do you want to do? Isn't it because you are afraid that the family's reclusive farmland will be found out by the Shaofu. Lu Aiqing , your family’s registered field is 300 hectares, how many acres are there in seclusion?”

Mr. Zhongshu Ling Lu has a sentence of MMP, I don't know if I should say it or not.

This scene is embarrassing!

However, the emperor named him, and as a loyal supporter, Master Lu still stood up and said, "Don't dare to lie to Your Majesty, the family's reclusive farmland is about a thousand hectares."

Liu Zhao smiled knowingly, "One thousand hectares is definitely not the most among all the officials present. As far as I know, just on this Golden Temple, there are individual official families whose fields are as high as 10,000 hectares in seclusion. That is really a wealthy party. No, to be precise, it should be a rich province.

You all call me a faint king, call me a butcher. I have been in the army since I was a child, and I am indeed a butcher. It is wishful thinking for me to leave my words here today, wishing to fight against me, wishing to continue to live in seclusion. The Jinwu Guards sharpen their swords vigorously, and the Beijing Daying Camp is ready to move. If anyone refuses to accept it, he will ransack his home and kill him, I will never tolerate it! "


Liu Zhao kicked over the small stool and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Lin Shuping hurriedly sang and drank, "Retire!"

The officials watched the emperor Liu Zhao leave, and everyone was still stuck in the Golden Temple, unable to recover for a long time.

"Is Your Majesty crazy?"

"The number of acres of secluded fields is a common practice! Your Majesty has broken the practice for thousands of years. He is trying to force the people to live in dire straits!"

"I'm not afraid of the flames of war all over the world..."

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense about this."

"Is Your Majesty trying to force us to death? When the Shaofu measures the acres of fields, it is tantamount to putting the amount of property of each household on His Majesty's desk. How can this be done!"

"It's absolutely impossible!"

"Your Majesty's move is against the officials and gentry all over the world. Sooner or later, the ship will capsize."

"Master Gu, wait a minute."

Gu Teng was about to slip away, but he was a step late and was stopped by someone.

"Master Gu is the elder brother of the empress. I don't know how many acres of land your Gu family has in seclusion. Can you measure it?"

This is a bad comer.

Gu Cheng coughed softly, "I want all the adults to know that our Gu family has never had the number of acres of secluded land. All the acres under our name are documented in the yamen."


"Ming people don't speak dark words in front of them, so why should Mr. Gu play careless with us?"

Gu Teng said with a straight face, "To tell you the truth, our Gu family stopped buying farms many years ago, and the family's money was mainly invested in the four seas and the universe. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to inquire about it. Over the Grange."

Everyone frowned.

"Could it be that Mr. Gu knew that such a day would come?"

"I don't know!" Gu Cheng's face was serious.

Everyone sneered, I believe you!

"Ask Mr. Gu, what is the empress's attitude?"

"My wife hasn't entered the palace to pay her respects for two months, and I don't know the empress's attitude."

"Sure enough, there is no truth. The officials are extremely dissatisfied with Gu Teng, but they can't help him.

Gu Teng took the opportunity to say goodbye and slipped away.

Zhongshuling Master Lu also slipped away.

By the way, Ren Qiu was kidnapped.

The two closed the door and chatted.

Mr. Lu was a little worried, "I know that one out of ten taxes, the whole people pay taxes, it is impossible to go smoothly. If it is just to collect taxes, the tax will be paid according to the number of acres registered on the fish scale book, and it will not involve the number of acres of fields that the big families are reclusive. There will be disturbances. As a result, the Shaofu decided to poke the hornet's nest and measure the land, and the place will definitely be full of chaos."

Ren Qiu ate chicken feet.

There is a new lo mei shop in the city, and the craftsmanship is excellent. It is said that the boss is from the south, and the craftsmanship is passed down from family.

Ren Qiu specially asked the servant to buy it.

He sat on the soft bed and gnawed on the chicken feet so intently, it was delicious.

Lord Lu was very angry, "I'm talking to you, can you give me some feedback?"

The chicken feet were gnawed cleanly, and there was no shreds of meat left.

He drank a sip of tea and said: "If you don't measure the land, one tax per ten, and the whole people's taxation is just empty talk. Only by measuring the land and digging out all the hidden fields of the big families can this move be considered half successful. Anything, The first year is always more difficult. As long as the Shaofu can withstand this wave of pressure, things will be easy to handle next year. After five years and ten years, ten taxes will be one, and it will be a common practice for all people to pay taxes."

Master Lu frowned, "From your tone, do you think the Shaofu can handle this?"

Ren Qiu nodded, "It can definitely be done. If other emperors implement this project, it is doomed to fail. But Your Majesty and Empress, don't forget the Four Seas Meat Shop, but it is very hidden. The quantity, including the number of acres of fields that each family and clan thought were hidden deep, was actually known when the Four Seas Meat Shop traveled from village to village. Now the Shaofu is measuring the land, but the data it has is made public With the support of this data, it is difficult to think about success.”

"How do you know that the Four Seas Meat Shop has the population and the number of acres in the world?"

Master Lu was surprised and shocked.

Before that, he really hadn't paid attention to Sihai Butcher's.

Like most people, he thought it was the least profitable among all industries in the world.

For so many years, no one has been able to intervene in Sihai Meat Shop, nor has it accepted anyone's investment.

That is a low-key firm that is easily overlooked by others.

Only in the early morning, when the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law go to the butcher shop to buy meat and vegetables with a vegetable basket, do they have a sense of presence.

After Ren Qiu gnawed a chicken paw, he threw the bone into the white porcelain plate.

He wiped his mouth and said: "The chief manager of Sihai Meat Shop is called Chen Erzhuang. He is the son of the empress's nanny, and is also the earliest member of the empress's team. He is the most trustworthy person. Arrange the most trusted person in the The most inconspicuous butcher shop, traveling from village to village every year, is miserable. Many people think that Chen Erzhuang has fallen out of favor and won't be trusted by the empress. However, it is precisely because he is the most trusted person by the empress that he will It is arranged in this position to ensure that the collected population and field data will not be leaked."

Master Lu frowned, "According to what you said, Your Majesty and the Empress have already mastered the data on the population and acres of land in the world, including the number of acres of fields that the major families have reclusively?"

"Exactly!" Ren Qiu nodded heavily, "With the data collected by the Four Seas Meat Shop as a reference, coupled with the shock of the Jinwu Guard, the Shaofu will make an immortal contribution this time. It will definitely be passed down for thousands of years, and the history books of future generations will definitely be special. In the eighth year of Shu Jingming, ten taxes are one, and all people pay taxes. Lord Lu, you are about to leave your name in history, how do you feel?"

Mr. Zhongshu Ling Lu just wanted to say MMP.

Ren Qiu laughed heartily, as if he had nothing to do with himself and watched the fun.

Master Lu rubbed his brows, "I'm a little flustered now!"

Ren Qiu was curious, "Why panic!"

Master Lu solemnly said: "If there is too much trouble in the local area, I cannot escape the blame. As the Secretary of the Central Committee, I have to stand up to take the blame for His Majesty and bear the world's infamy."

The Shaofu took all the credit, he has to bear the world's infamy, can you not panic