Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1096: Bully smashes


After seven days of suspension, the funeral was held immediately.

From the top to the bottom of the Gu family, one of them is exhausted and paralyzed.

After sleeping for two days, he regained his vitality.

There are already rumors on the market about Gu Zhili being forced to death by his children.

It is said that the father-in-law of the country did not die of illness, but died by jumping into the Wei River. Also pointed out the time and address.

As long as someone is sent to the place where the water fell to inquire about it, the truth will be revealed.

The rumors intensified.

There is no shortage of caring people in this world, and there is no shortage of people who want to fish in troubled waters.

These people secretly sent their confidantes to the Weishui River to inquire about the news.

Unexpectedly, the villagers have already been given a gag order.

"Jumping into the river? No!"

"You said that day, someone fell into the water. The children in the village were playing in the river and were swept away by the water. They were rescued later."

"No, no. It's so hot, how could the official come here to jump into the river. He's not a fool!"

"I haven't heard of what you inquired about. No matter who you ask, you haven't heard of it."

"In the past half a month, no one has died in this river."

"You must have made a mistake."

"Master? I haven't seen it."

"Who? Master Gu? I don't know, I don't know."

"You asked the wrong person. There is no information you want to inquire about here."

Several confidantes with missions, MMP on their faces.

The source of the news is reliable. The father-in-law obviously committed suicide by jumping into the river nearby, or the villagers fished him out. This will be one by one silent, how many meanings.

Moreover, some people saw with their own eyes the Gu family's carriage leaving the city gate and heading towards the banks of the Weishui River.

"It must have been given a gag order!"

"Maybe it was a gag order issued directly by the palace."

"what to do?"

"If you can't pry an adult's mouth open, don't believe that you can't pry a child's mouth open."

"Yes, yes, find a few children to ask."

"Child, do you want to eat candy? Tell me, ten days ago, someone jumped into the river and committed suicide. Just tell me everything you know, and the candy is yours."

The child licked his fingers and looked at the candy eagerly, wanting to eat it.

The adult rushed out and picked up the child, "Where did you come from, a liar, go away!"

"Liar, liar!"

The children yelled liars and ran away in a swarm.

MMP, today's children are so difficult to deceive, how can they have the simple appearance of those days.

People are not old!

A group of loyal servants worked hard and thought of various ways, but they couldn't get a single truth out of the villagers' mouths.

What a frustrating experience.

"It's a pity that no one went out of the city with the Gu family's carriage that day. If they could see the scene of the father-in-law jumping into the river with his own eyes, the Gu family would be dead."

"Whether you saw it or not, there is no doubt that the father-in-law was forced to death by his children."

"Hush! It's okay for us to say this in private, but we can't talk nonsense outside. The Gu family is nothing to worry about, and the empress's test is not easy. Don't talk about your majesty's butcher temper, and the empress's blunt knife cuts flesh, life would be worse than death."

"That statement makes sense."

Several loyal servants had their own ideas, and each went back to report.

No evidence was found, which did not prevent various rumors floating in the market.

The Gu family couldn't sit still.

"what to do?"

"What else can I do. Who dares to talk nonsense, just bring someone to the door." Gu Gong's method is very rough, but it is also an effective method.

Gu Teng looked at him, "I thought you were joking."

Gu Gong said seriously, "Soldiers don't joke around."

Gu Hun weakly expressed his thoughts, "Should we wait for the elder brother and the second elder brother to return to Beijing before making any plans."

"Who knows when they will come back." Gu Gong was a little dissatisfied.

"If you received the letter, you should be on your way by now." Gu Ting wiped his face.

"Not so fast. One is in the northwest and the other is overseas. Especially the boss, it will take two or three months to go back and forth."

Gu Teng reminded the two brothers, "When the eldest brother and the second brother come back, we should talk about the separation."

The room suddenly fell silent.

Gu Hun's throat rolled and he was very nervous.

Gu Gong raised his eyebrows, "I only want my share, I don't want more."

Gu Hun said cautiously: "According to the clan rules, the eldest son can get 60% of the family property."

Gu Gong was very happy, "If the boss shares 60%, then I will take 10%."

"But..." Gu Hun hesitated, "It's not fair to the third brother and the third sister-in-law. These years, the third brother and the third sister-in-law are taking care of the house and taking care of the old man. After a hard work, the result is a 10% share, isn't it?" Too little."

Gu Gong raped him like that, "What do you want to say? Could it be that you want to be virtuous and share 10% with the second brother, so that the third brother can get 20% of the family property. Originally, you and the second brother were bastards. Now, it’s already a lot to give each of you half the reward.”

Gu Hun had a bitter look on his face, he didn't mean that! How could he be willing to share his share.

He just kindly reminded that 60% of the eldest son's share is too much. The boss, Gu Ting, has not taken care of the family for a day or the old man for a day in these years. Just because he has the title of the eldest son, he has to divide 60% of the family property, isn't it too much

He whispered: "It doesn't matter how much I get, I just feel wronged for my third brother and third sister-in-law."

Gu Gong sneered, "Third brother and third sister-in-law are not your turn to fight against injustices. Let me remind you, don't make troubles. As a legitimate son, I only share 10%, and I have no objection. As a concubine, where did you come from?" Opinion?"

Gu Hun blushed, these words were too harsh.

"Old Fifth, we are brothers after all, please be more polite when speaking."

"You're dishonest, so naturally I won't be polite." Gu Gong's attitude was just so tough, and he just tore his face and turned back.

Gu Hun opened his mouth and asked, "Where am I being dishonest, I don't want to spit blood on people."

Gu Gong had a half-smile but not a smile, "It's pretty good at talking! When the old man had an accident, I didn't see you say a word, so I thought you were not good at words. How did you know that you are not bad at words, but you don't want to take trouble on yourself. When something goes wrong, you clean yourself up. When there is something good, you can say it better than anyone else. "

Gu Hun was so angry that he was trembling all over, he turned his head and looked at Gu Teng, "Third Brother, don't you want to say something?"

Gu Cheng was too lazy to participate in the quarrel, "How to divide the family, we will discuss it after the boss and the second child come back. Always listen to their opinions."

Gu Hui was so angry that he couldn't beat Gu Gong, and he couldn't offend Gu Cheng, so he took out his anger on the two elder brothers who were not present, "The eldest brother has never cared about this family. Let alone the second brother, he hasn't come back for so many years." Come by. I'm afraid in his heart, he has long forgotten where the door of this house opens."

Gu Teng sighed, "Fourth brother, don't say a few words. They don't come back, there is a reason. After the family is divided, it will be difficult for us brothers to sit together and talk."

He is sad.

He is the most reluctant person to leave home.

He hoped that the whole family would be neat and lively, and that the brothers would live in harmony.

But all this is delusion.

Gu Gong was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said, "I'll go out and have a look."

He ordered the men and horses together, and rode out of the mansion.

Hit the family that spread the rumors, without saying a word, just smash the door.

He has a fierce attitude and a bully demeanor.

"It's not good, it's not good, the cripple of the Gu family came to the door. Not only smashed the door, but also beat people. They beat anyone they see, no matter men, women, young or old. It's disgusting."

"Too much deception! The Gu family is too arrogant."

"Master, the disabled Gu family is calling in."

"Who said I was disabled? Who?"

A roar made people tremble with fear.

"General Gu, Mr. Gu, calm down."

"I can't die! Smash it for me. Call me a cripple, but you dare to make up gossip about my old man and slander our Gu family. Do you really think that the Gu family has no one? Smash it, hit it hard. Who dares to do it, just hit it!" Go back, don't give me face."

"Gu Gong, don't bully people too much."

"I'm just bullying you, so what can you do with me? Don't you have a good mouth? Keep talking, talk! I'm disabled, but it's not your turn to babble. I'm disabled, so I beat you. If you smash it, you will smash it, and Jing Zhaoyin doesn't dare to touch a single hair of Lao Tzu. Smash it, smash this yard to pieces, and let them know what's good or bad."

After smashing the east house, Gu Gong took people to smash the west house again.

The servant hurried to Gu Teng's side, "Third master, it's not good! The fifth master brought someone to knock on the door! Two houses have been smashed, and we are heading to the third house."


Gu Teng's attitude was casual, "Don't worry about him, let him smash it."

The servant was surprised, "Isn't the master worried about offending others? Is he not worried about the impeachment of the imperial censor?"

Gu Teng laughed at himself, "Those people who dare to spread rumors about the Gu family are not afraid of them. I have nothing to fear. As for Yushi, I have resigned from office and kept my filial piety. What can Yushi do to me? Don't worry about it. "

The servants tsk-tsk-tsk-t-t-t-t-t---the fifth master went to other people's houses and smashed them viciously, which is also called proper measure.

The servants are completely unable to look directly at the word 'property'.

Gu Gong smashed all the way arrogantly, smashing officials, dignitaries, and even the clan.

There were several fights with weapons, blood all the way, fearless.

Jing Zhaoyin scolded Gu Gong for not being a thing.

"His grandma has a leg, and she dares to do whatever she wants because she is the uncle of the country and because she is disabled. It's against the sky."

Scolding is scolding, Jing Zhaoyin doesn't have the guts to take care of it, he can't do it.

Embroidered clothes guard directly closed the door, as if he didn't hear or see anything.

They can't control this matter, and they don't dare to intervene.

Let Jin Wuwei take the lead.

Jin Wuwei: "..."

Our boss, Mr. Qian Xiangqian, is still in Jiangnan and hasn't come back. We don't dare to take care of him without the boss in charge.

Ever since, a strange scene has appeared in the capital today.

Gu Gong led people to smash doors and beat people arrogantly, but no official government intervened.

Along the way, not even a single official could be seen.


In the past, the government wanted to send people to inspect every street and alley, but today they are all gone.

Obviously there were still a few embroidered guards on the street before, but when they turned around, they disappeared.


"I didn't expect that the government would admit that there would be a day."

"The Gu family is disabled, even the government dare not intervene, it's amazing."
