Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1100: Standing in the tomb of clothes and crowns (three shifts)


"Did you see that?"

Gu Jiu looked at the screen behind him.

Liu Zhao came out from behind the screen.

"I saw it."

"You said he and Huyang, he and Wuwang... I dare not think about it."

Gu Jiu was so excited that it was difficult to calm down.

Liu Zhao frowned, "I don't know what's going on. If you want to know the truth, you can only find all the people from back then and ask them one by one."

Gu Jiu grabbed Liu Zhao's hand, "Look at Wuwang's letter, he said that he picked up Zhitong on the way to Xiliang. Back then, so many people went to Xiliang with Wuwang, why has no one mentioned this?"

"Call Qianfu!"

It was the first time to go to Xiliang, and Qian Fu was also in the team.

Qian Fu hurried to Xiaozhu.

Calling him in such a hurry must be something important.

Thinking all the way, what's the big deal recently

It's nothing more than local tyrants making noise, Shaofu and Jinwuwei can handle it completely, and it's not his turn to worry about it as the head of the intelligence department.


Nothing new

After thinking about it, I didn't understand it, so I could only bite the bullet and go to see His Majesty and Empress.

As soon as she arrived at the study, the empress asked with a slap in the face: "When you went to Xiliang with the caravan, did you pick up a baby on the way?"

Qian Fu collected himself, and said affirmatively, "No!"

Gu Jiu frowned, "Do you know the apprentice Zhitong beside Wuwang?"

"The old slave knows!"

"How did Zhitong get to Wuwang's side, do you know?"

"I remember that Zhitong was a child of a mountain man. The mountain man died on the way, and Wuwang said that he was the most free and let him take care of the child. After arriving in Xiliang, Wuwang formally accepted Zhitong as his apprentice. By the way, that Zhitong was about two or three years old at the time."

Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao looked at each other, wondering why they were lying.

He knew that they would find out the truth, why would he tell such a lie that would be exposed in an instant? It doesn't make sense!

"The old slave dared to ask, why do your majesty and empress care about monk Zhitong? Could it be that something happened to him?"

"Zhitong is placing orders at Xiangguo Temple, do you know?" Liu Zhao asked.

Qian Fu nodded, "This old slave knows!"

"Zhitong is the child of the mountain people?" Gu Jiu asked.

Qian Fu originally wanted to answer in the affirmative, but on second thought, no! Could it be that there is something wrong with Zhitong's background? Otherwise, the attitude of His Majesty and Empress Dowager cannot be explained.

He thought about it and said: "The first time I saw Zhitong, he followed the mountain people. The old slave heard him call the mountain people his father, and the mountain people loved him very much. If it wasn't because there was no one at home, don't worry If the child was handed over to a neighbor, he would not take the child with him. As a result, the child was fine, but the mountain man died on the road."

Gu Jiu asked him, "Do you still remember the identity of that mountain man?"

Qian Fu bowed and said, "This old slave will send someone to investigate. It's just that after so many years, we may not be able to find useful information."

Gu Jiu exchanged glances with Liu Zhao, and then ordered: "Send someone to investigate as much as possible, and both Your Majesty and this Palace must know Zhitong's life experience."

"The old slave obeys the order!"

After Qian Fu left, Liu Zhao said: "The people around Huyang are the most important. We should also check."

Gu Jiu thought for a while, "Deng Cunli works as an errand in the Shaofu, and the people who serve Huyang have files in the Shaofu. Let him investigate this matter."

"Listen to you."

Both of them were a little absent-minded.

Gu Jiu asked Liu Zhao uncertainly, "Do you think it will be what we guessed?"

Liu Zhao said with certainty: "I won't be surprised if Huyang does anything."

Gu Jiu whispered: "When I was still living in Prince Ning's Mansion, Aunt Huyang came to me and said that she wanted to have a child for Wuwang. I advised her at that time, don't be confused. She also listened, and we I'm sure she should have given up the idea of having a child for Wuwang at that time. Do you think she secretly hid us from... "

"As I said, it's not surprising that Huyang does anything. The only weird thing is hopelessness!"

"That's right! He said in the letter that Zhitong was an abandoned baby he picked up. Could it be that he deliberately left a loophole, but to hide it from Zhitong? After all, no one can guarantee that Zhitong will not see the contents of the letter."

"Wait for Qian Fu and Deng Cunli to have news, then discuss this matter."

Liu Zhao was just a little curious about Zhitong's life experience, but not as curious as Gu Jiu.

He said to Gu Jiu: "No matter what Zhitong's status is, he is now just a monk in Xiangguo Temple, a hopeless apprentice. We can't change anything! Hopeless doesn't want us to change Zhitong's current life."

"You're right! But I still want to know whose child Zhitong is."

"The truth will be found out."

The truth is not so easy to find out.

What happened more than 20 years ago was a mountain man I met on the road, and no one knew its true origin.

Ask people back then, and no one can tell why.

Most of the people who served Huyang back then have passed away.

Those who are still alive in this world were just a little maid back then, and they couldn't get close to Hu Yang's body at all, let alone know Hu Yang's physical condition.

If you can't find someone to serve you, then look through Huyang's itinerary and find out the doctor who treated Huyang.

Huyang's itinerary is easy to find, and these are all recorded.

However, the itinerary was blank for half a year without any records.

The clue is broken!

Liu Zhao comforted Gu Jiu, "I asked Qian Fu to continue the investigation."

Gu Jiu shook his head slightly, "No need! Zhitong's background is not important anymore. If it is really their child, they erased all traces, obviously because they don't want to be found out. If it's not their child, it's just a simple appearance Some similarities are also possible, and it is meaningless to check."

"You really don't want to check?"

Liu Zhao was a little surprised, he didn't expect Gu Jiu to give up this matter so easily.

"Don't check! Whether Zhitong is their child or not, I am happy for Wuwang and Huyang. There is someone in the world who looks like them, even if they are not related by blood, it is a very lucky and wonderful thing. Maybe this is The so-called fate in the Buddhist school, Zhitong has a destiny with the Buddha, and was raised by Wuwang, so it is only natural that he looks like him."

Gu Jiu figured it out!

She didn't want to get to the bottom of this matter, so she made him a secret that could never be solved.

She also ordered Deng Cunli to seal up the archives of the Huyang Princess Mansion.

The cold wind is howling!

On an auspicious day, Gu Jiu came to Beiman Mountain.

Today is the day to set up a tomb for Master Wuwang.

The abbot of Xiangguo Temple personally led the eminent monks of Xiangguo Temple to perform a ritual ceremony for Wuwang.

As Wuwang's only apprentice, Zhitong personally put Wuwang's relic into the coffin.

Gu Jiu faced the cold wind, and the corners of his eyes were moist.

Her eyes widened suddenly, and among the relics were a folding fan, a purse embroidered with gold thread, and a pair of poorly made socks.

It was a "small" gift from Huyang to Hopeless.

Gu Jiu still remembered that Hu Yang showed off in front of her with the socks he made by himself, saying that she sewed them every stitch. It was the first time in my life to do needlework, and I succeeded, so I want to present it to a young eminent monk.

What did she say

She seemed to be giving Hu Yang some advice, "Make a new pair."

Hu Yang shook his head again and again, as if to say, "I made a pair of socks, and my hands were swollen. I can make another pair, no, no, my hands will be ruined. He has to want this pair of socks, and he has to have it if he doesn't want it."

Years have passed, and I never expected to see this pair of extremely ugly and very popular socks again.

She secretly wiped away her tears.

My heart was tumbling up and down, and I couldn't say a word.

Some people just missed it.

Some feelings are destined to have no ending.

There are some things that no one can tell except the person concerned.

Seal the coffin and shovel the soil!

Gu Jiu stepped forward and shoveled the soil herself as a queen.

She said silently in her heart, "Go all the way! I will compile a "Biography of Celebrities", and your reputation will be passed on to future generations forever."

The mountains and forests whistling, sobbing...

Like someone is crying.

The voice of the eminent monk chanting scriptures suddenly rose.

The wind gradually weakened.

Seal the soil!


Looking at the imperial tomb in the distance, it is facing the princess tomb.

"Amitabha, I would like to thank the empress and empress for your kindness on behalf of the master!"

Zhitong's eyes were red, obviously crying.

"What are Master Zhitong's plans for the future?" Gu Jiu asked.

Zhitong said the Buddha's name, "The little monk will follow the abbot and master to study Buddhism intensively."

"Very good! If you encounter difficulties and need help, you can leave a message at Xiaozhu."

"Thank you, Empress, for your kindness! To set up a tomb for Master, I have fulfilled my wish. Next, I will go to retreat and practice."

Gu Jiu couldn't hear the word retreat.

When one hears about retreat, one thinks of Master Hopeless.

She opened her mouth, full of melancholy, and countless words gathered into two words, "Take care!"

Not wanting any more, Gu Jiu resolutely went down the mountain.

The Sanskrit sound remains behind.

Hopeless in Xiliang, do you sit on a high platform, pass on scriptures, and give to the world

He brought Zhitong from childhood to adulthood, and personally shaved Zhitong. What kind of mood did he feel

Relying on one breath, defying difficulties and dangers, he propped up his body and returned to the capital. Is it because he wanted to look at the Princess Grave in the distance

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!

A person cannot be resurrected after death.

Those who are alive will continue to move forward.