Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1118: Brush reputation (three more)


The Jinwu Guards mobilized and rushed into the palace like wolves and tigers.

With a clear goal, he went straight to the accounting room and warehouse, and sealed up the two places.

Holding the emperor's handwritten letter, Qian Xiang was extremely arrogant.

He just wants everyone to be afraid of him.

He enjoys being feared.

He even enjoys the pleasure of investigating the royal family and high-ranking officials.

Regardless of how awesome you were before, you have to squat for him when you enter the Jinwu Guard.

Every action of the Jinwu Guard can attract attention from all directions.

This time, you attacked the two princes at the same time, what's going on

"It's so weird that I didn't hear anything about it beforehand."

"What did the two princes do?"

"I heard that His Majesty is not in good health. Could it be that you want to clear the way for His Highness King Qi in advance?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

"His Highness King Qi is training in the northwest, and he will go to the Western Regions next year. If His Majesty is really worried about his health, why would he send His Highness King Qi out at this time?"

"It is all your speculation that His Highness King Qi is the crown prince. Maybe His Majesty really likes the Second Prince or the Third Prince, and it is possible to take the opportunity to send His Highness King Qi out of Beijing."


"Your Majesty is at the peak of his spring and autumn, and you are bewitching the crowd with your little monster's words."

"Jin Wuwei is dispatched and can only handle the case normally, which is definitely not what you think."

"Since the case is being handled normally, let me tell you, what did the two princes do?"

"It's our turn to intervene when the Jinwu Guard handles the case."

"Since we don't know why the Jinwu Guards are targeting the two princes, then everything is possible. Perhaps His Majesty's health is really failing."

"I have heard for a long time that His Majesty has many old wounds on his body, which must hinder his longevity."

"Don't forget, with the Empress here, nothing major will happen."

"That makes sense."

"Yang Xianggong was single-handedly promoted by the empress, and he will definitely stabilize the court for the empress."

"Yes, yes, with the empress here, the court will not be in chaos."

"The harem is blatantly interfering in the government. You don't object, but you keep applauding. Have you read all the sage books into the dog's stomach?"

"Hold the handicap!"



A series of reprimands came back.

"It's not just today that the Empress interfered in the government affairs. As early as Emperor Chengzong Wende, she gave advice and suggestions many times. Now, if you accuse me of not reading the books of sages, you are just mediocre."

"I heard that the Audit Department already has a female accountant, and the speed of accounting is not as fast as that of men."

"I have also heard about this. It is said that he graduated from a girls' school. The salary is not as high as that of the male accountant, and the calculation is as fast and good as the male accountant. Many businesses are a little tempted and want to hire a female accountant."

"The firm still has some scruples. There are men coming and going, and there is a female accountant among them, which is really inappropriate."

"It makes sense!"

"Don't you care about what happened to the two princes?"

"We want to care about it, but we can't get any information. Whoever has connections in the Jinwu Guard or the palace, we might as well use it at this time. Changing the Great Court Meeting tomorrow, I can also perform well in front of my colleagues. "

"Why do you need to show off? Do you still want to help the two princes reverse the case?"

Overturn the case


Don't say that you don't have the ability to reverse the case, and you don't have the courage!

The Jin Wuwei attacked the two lords suddenly, it must be because the two lords did something taboo, bumped into His Majesty, and made His Majesty furious!

A group of foreign ministers should not get involved in royal affairs.

A few days later, the Great Court Meeting.

Qian Xiang participated in the event, which attracted many disgusted looks.

Qian Xiang sneered.

Don't make trouble!

Don't fall into the hands of Jin Wuwei if you commit a crime.

Otherwise, I will dig three feet into the ground, and I will close the case as an iron case, and I will not be able to stand up for the rest of my life.

There was that timid official who met Qian Xiang's eyes and trembled with fright.

Today's court meeting will mainly discuss the case of the two princes.

Dali Temple blamed the Shaofu.

The Shaofu questioned Jin Wuwei.

Qian Xiang directly took out the materials he had prepared a long time ago, stood on the main hall, and threw out one item at a time.

If you want to ask the two princes what good deeds they have done, it is hard to say.

If you want to ask the two princes what bad things they have done, it would be too much to talk about in one day.

There are so many things, and they add up to a lot of crimes.

The courtiers fell silent.

Not only did the questions not be answered, but new questions were added.

The things that the Jinwu Guard found out were quite common in the clan, and in the past, everyone turned a blind eye to it.

Let's talk about the crime of occupying good land, which is common among the rich and powerful, can it be considered a crime

Is Your Majesty making a fuss over a molehill

What kind of taboo did the two princes commit so that His Majesty had to use such a small means to deal with them

The ministers looked at each other in blank dismay.

All in all, the unluckyness of the two princes was definitely not because of such things as the occupation of fertile land.

After listening to Qian Xiang's statement, Liu Zhao felt a little dissatisfied deep in his heart.

They are all domineering among the people, so why are they not charged with conspiracy in court

Qian Xiang's face was full of heartache.

Your Majesty, you are asking too much.

The two princes, even if they had ten guts, they wouldn't dare to mess around in the court, and they weren't tired of work.

Last time, the reason why the two princes had the courage to join forces to plot against Duanjun Wang Liu Yi was because they were bewitched by Xiao Shu'er, thinking that His Majesty planned to kill Duanjun Wang Liu Yi as soon as possible.

His Majesty tried his best to protect Duke Duan, so the two princes naturally rested their minds.

Although Liu Zhao disliked that the evidence collected by Qian Xiang was not enough, it was enough to deal with the old and the young.

He coughed softly, with a straight face, pretending to be furious, "I have repeatedly emphasized that whoever dares to take away Xiaomin's job, I will destroy his job. Whoever dares not give me face, I will naturally not give it to you." He has a face. Ten taxes are one, regardless of high or low, as long as the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty have to pay taxes. I have said it countless times and emphasized it countless times. Even today, there are still so many people who are against me. What makes me even more disappointed is that they Still my brother."

After speaking, he showed a distressed expression.

He let out a long sigh, angry and heartbroken, "I have treated them well! They have ruined my sincerity in such a way, disregarded the brotherhood, and openly opposed the national policy set by me. If they don't kill them, it is hard for the people to be angry."

The emperor wants to kill two princes


Big thing is bad!

Could it be that His Majesty's health is really dying, and he wants to clear the way for the successor

All the ministers are panicked, what should be done about this matter.

When the ministers were in a panic, someone finally stood up and shouted, waking up everyone's bewildered heads.

"Your Majesty calm down!"

Like a thunderclap, all the officials came back to their senses.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was Mr. Yang Jiyang, the order of Zhongshu.

Yang Ji shouted loudly, "Even though the two lords are at fault, they are not guilty of death. Please withdraw your order and deal with the two lords separately."

"Your Majesty, please take it back." The ministers finally found their mouths.

"These two are inferior to pigs and dogs, and have repeatedly failed my good intentions. It is a waste of food to stay in this world."

Liu Zhao scolded sharply, with an attitude that killing people would not be enough to appease the anger.

Yang Ji, as the head of all officials, has the duty to dissuade the emperor.

He talked about brotherhood from the first emperor.

From the laws of the dynasty to the ancient legends.

He quoted scriptures and classics, and Liu Zhao insisted on not stopping.

Yang Ji kept talking, from sages to folk traditions, for almost an hour.

Liu Zhao was defeated and left in a huff.


The courtier Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, Mr. Yang, you are too good at speaking.

And the content is not repetitive.

All kinds of allusions come at your fingertips, and there are many allusions from the niche. This memory is against the sky.

It's just that the time is too long, and everyone's legs hurt from standing.

Can Master Yang talk less next time

Not only courtiers were complaining about Yang Ji being too capable, but Liu Zhao was also complaining about Yang Ji.

He complained to Gu Jiu, "What's wrong with Yang Ji? I just asked him to cooperate. Under his 'persuasion', I withdrew my life and didn't want the lives of the fifth and the sixth. In the end, he spoke eloquently for an hour. The whole process of citing scriptures and classics made me look like an illiterate. I have to suspect that he is using me to gain reputation."

Hearing this, Gu Jiu laughed unceremoniously, until he was out of breath.

Liu Zhao hummed twice, very dissatisfied.

After Gu Jiu laughed, he said: "He is newly appointed, you have to forgive him for his eagerness to show off. The courtiers will inevitably despise him when they see him as young. He has to show some ability to calm the hearts of the people. It is an opportunity to say that a Zhongshuling who can 'dissuade' the emperor is a qualified Zhongshuling."

Liu Zhao snorted, "Sure enough, he is using me to gain reputation. For your sake, I don't care about him. Next time, don't let him do that."

"Don't worry, Yang Ji is a measured person. He knows that there are certain things that cannot be changed. This time, it is enough for him to open up the situation."

"You speak for him everywhere."

Gu Jiu said with a smile: "He is a talent I discovered, so naturally I have to say good things for him. And I heard your tone, you are not that angry."

"I'm about to die of anger, which eye of yours can see that I'm not angry?"

Liu Zhao deliberately put on a fierce face, wanting to comfort and hug her.

Gu Jiu laughed, "Today, I wash my hands and make soup, Your Majesty, would you like to try it?"

Liu Zhao smiled happily, like a large dog waiting to be fed.