Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1122: Divorce


"Did you change my medicine? Poison woman! I'm going to fight you!"

As soon as Doctor Tian left, Liu Ping went berserk, pointing at Ouyang Fu and cursing.

Ouyang Fu looked calm.

She scolded softly, "Shut up! No matter how cruel I am, I will not change your medicine. Doctor Tian checked all the medicines himself, and found no problems. The reason why your injury did not improve is not because of improper medicine. , but you didn't follow the doctor's advice and didn't rest. You didn't find the problem from yourself, but you wronged me, you are shameless!"

"I'm shameless?" Liu Ping sneered, his face darkened, "It's not that you changed my medicine, my injury has been bad? Ouyang Fu, you just hoped for my death, you just changed my medicine. You poisonous woman!"

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence!"

Ouyang Fu approached him, "In case I get upset, I really changed your medicine. Guess, if you die, will anyone care?"

"You threatened me?" Liu Ping couldn't believe it.

Ouyang Fu raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I'm just kindly reminding you, don't provoke me. If you provoke me, I can make up my mind. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try."

Liu Ping's throat rolled, "You, what do you want to do?"

"I just want you to calm down and stop talking nonsense."

Ouyang Fu looked at him condescendingly.

The muscles on Liu Ping's face twitched a few times, with a look of resignation, but he didn't say anything.

Ouyang Fu snorted coldly, turned and left.

She called the steward, "What's going on? Why didn't the master's injury improve? Could it be that you secretly changed the medicine?"

"You little one is wronged! You little one dare not secretly exchange the master's medicine after eating the bear's heart and leopard's guts."

"Then why hasn't his injury healed?"

"You little one doesn't know!" The steward looked confused.

Ouyang Fu thought for a while, and then asked: "Did the master follow the doctor's advice and take good care of his wounds?"

The steward nodded, "Yes, yes. The master is very afraid that he will not recover, so he strictly abides by the doctor's orders given by Dr. Tian. The little one can't figure out what went wrong."

Ouyang Fu frowned, "Who has visited the master recently?"

"They all came to visit."

This is not easy to check!

It's not easy to check, but also to check.

Want to frame her, dreaming!

Ouyang Fu arranged more people to take turns taking care of Liu Ping with the manager.

At the same time, she began to tidy up the mansion.

Anyone who has visited the master will be registered one by one in chronological order.

The woman in the backyard is very suspicious, and there are too many benefits to be gained by framing her. But thinking about it the other way around, if Liu Ping fails, it will not be a good thing for them.

Those concubines and concubines are all careless masters.

Anyway, Ouyang Fu was suspicious of everyone.

At the end of the investigation, the murderer jumped out by himself, and it was her own son Liu Xun.

"You're crazy! You actually tampered with your father's medicine. Do you know what the consequences will be if you're found out?"

Ouyang Fu was so anxious that she didn't think about her own son from the beginning.

Liu Xun's eyes were full of hatred, "Damn him!"

"Don't say that about your father! You are not allowed to participate in the conflict between me and your father."

"Why can't my son participate? My son has heard about it. He clearly wants to kill his mother. Which man would treat his wife who has been with him for many years like this? Mother is worried about this family. The whole family relies on mother I was raising him, but in the end he became murderous towards his mother. Such a vicious man is not worthy of living, nor worthy of being my father."

"Keep your voice down, lest outsiders don't know what's on your mind? I didn't even know you had such a big resentment towards your father."

Ouyang Fu sighed.

Although she hated Liu Ping, she never thought of turning the child against his father.

Liu Xun said: "Mother is too weak in this matter."

"You fart! This is not weakness, this is called having a bottom line. Do you want me to kill my husband? You silly boy, you are blinded by hatred."

Liu Xun looked unconvinced.

Ouyang Fu sighed, "I know why you have these thoughts, I have wronged you so much these years. But don't worry, I am already thinking of a way to ensure that all the property is left to you. Bastards and daughters, don't try to get it from me. A penny."

"The son is not for these properties, the son just doesn't want him to treat you like that."

Liu Xun looked annoyed, and hated himself for not being able to share her mother's worries.

Ouyang Fu smiled, "You can think of mother, mother is very pleased. But in the future, don't do such dangerous things again. I found an errand for you, and I guess news will come in a few days. Are you going to Get ready, you will be on duty every day in the future, you can't be careless."

Liu Xun was surprised, "What job did mother find for me?"

Ouyang Fu whispered: "I found a job for you in the Horse Administration. If there is no accident, I will work in the Huanyu Racecourse."

"Oh!" Liu Xun was not very interested.

Ouyang Fu asked him, "Are you not satisfied with this job?"

Liu Xun shook his head, "This job must have cost a lot of money, right?"

"You don't have to worry about money, it's better to have a decent job than anything else." Ouyang Fu said indifferently.

But Liu Xun said: "Mother, please take the money back. My son will not work on the racecourse. My son wants to continue studying and take the imperial examination."

Ouyang Fu frowned, "You have been taking the exam for so many years, but you are still just a child. Seeing that you are getting older year by year, Brother Xun, listen to your mother and go to work as an errand at the racecourse."

Liu Xun shook his head, "I used to worry about my family and refused to leave home to study. Some time ago, I finally figured it out. Only when I was promising, they would not dare to bully my mother. My son applied for the Shanhe Academy a while ago. Fortunately, he has Accepted. In a few days, my son will go to the academy to study. From now on, he will not need to spend a penny on the family. With Mr. with him, my son will definitely be able to learn a name."

Ouyang Fu burst into tears, "You silly child! Why are you so stupid? How old are you when you study, you are old..."

"My son is only in his early twenties, and he is extremely young among scholars. My mother has more confidence in me. Next year, I will definitely come back as a scholar. After that, there will be Juren and Jinshi. Even if I can only pass the exam, I can still pass the exam Finding an errand in the Sixth Department or the Shaofu is better than going to the racecourse."

"you… "

Ouyang Fu didn't want to discourage her son's enthusiasm, so she changed her words and said, "You should study hard and don't worry about your family. If I take back the house in Xinmin County, you and your wife will live in Xinmin County."

"No need! Just let her learn to be a housekeeper by her mother's side, socialize and socialize, and share her worries. My son has two days off every month, and I will come back on time. If he is bullying you, mother tells me, and I will clean up for you. he."

"Silly boy, he is your father. How can you offend your superiors and disrespect your elders. If you want to study and become an official, you must not bear the reputation of being unfilial. You are not allowed to tell anyone about the previous things. You must rot in your heart. Treat it like nothing happened. You are not allowed to miss a word with your wife, remember?"

Liu Xun nodded heavily, "Son, remember!"

After a pause, he asked cautiously, "Will his injury recover?"

Ouyang Fu shook her head, "I can't say for sure! Doctor Tian is not sure either. Let me see, even if it recovers, there may be some problems."

Liu Xun laughed when he heard the words.

"Silly boy, don't laugh! He is your father. If you show this appearance in front of others, you will get into big trouble, you know?"

"The son only smiles in front of his mother, but outside, the son is always very sad."

Ouyang Fu was amused, and she couldn't stop crying.

"I've wronged you!"

"The son is not wronged. On the contrary, it is the mother who has worked so hard these years."

The mother and son whispered, but their feelings grew deeper.

After a few days, the whole family knew that Liu Xun was going to study at Shanhe Academy, and everyone congratulated Ouyang Fu on the face.

In private, they said that he had bad luck, and he failed to get a good reputation even if he went to Shanhe Academy.

As the son of a down-and-out clan, dreaming of studying and becoming an official, let's dream!

Even if he was lucky enough to get a name in the exam, he wouldn't have an errand.

Liu Ping's injury was still delayed.

After the wound healed, bodily functions never recovered.

For this reason, Liu Ping made a big fuss.

He was sure that it was Ouyang Fu who ordered someone to change his medicine secretly, so he tried different ways to toss about it.

Even if it wasn't Ouyang Fu who changed the medicine, but he fell to this point, all thanks to the other party.

Therefore, all responsibilities must be placed on Ouyang Fu's head.

When he was tossing about, Ouyang Fu cut off his wine, his monthly payment, and all his expenses.

Only serve three meals a day or vegetarian dishes.

It is well-known as saying, follow the doctor's advice, you must eat plain.

Liu Ping yelled in anger.

He finally understood that money is a man's courage.

Whoever has money in this family has the right to speak.

Even the servants are like red and white, and they are only willing to serve the rich master.

Liu Ping pointed at Ouyang Fu, "I'm going to the Shaofu to sue you for abusing my husband."

"Just go and sue, and let me take a high look at you."

"Don't be complacent! I will definitely sue you."

"The gate is right there, no one is stopping you, you go!"

Husband and wife fight.

In a rage, Liu Ping really ran to the Shaofu, and Zongzheng Temple filed a complaint.

Ask Shaofu and Zongzheng Temple to uphold justice for him.

He also approached the clan elders and said he wanted to divorce his wife.

After hearing his nonsense, the clan elder directly found an excuse to avoid seeing him the second time.


My brain is flooded!

Ouyang Fu didn't dislike him, how dare he dislike him? Where does the confidence come from

The Shaofu didn't pay any attention to him.

Only Zongzheng Temple, no matter what seems inappropriate.

The main duty of Zongzheng Temple is to serve the clan.

There is no way, so let's take care of it.

A group of elders in Zongzheng Temple, just like the aunts of the neighborhood committee, mediate the relationship between husband and wife.

Mainly to persuade Liu Ping to stop.

It is not easy to meet a wife who can support the family.

If you continue to make trouble, you will be struck by lightning.

Liu Ping was embarrassed to say that he had hurt his life, for fear of being laughed at.

He was beaten to death by domestic violence and beaten and scolded by Ouyang Fu.

I can't live through this day, I have to divorce my wife.

Ouyang Fu doesn't care, but it's not a divorce, but a divorce.

have to!

Since you can't be persuaded, follow the procedure and report to the palace.

If there is no objection from the palace, just take the path of reconciliation.