Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1123: Divide property


"The second one is that I have had enough of a good life, and I don't have to worry about it, so I don't feel at ease."

Liu Zhao looked disgusted.

Zongzheng Temple is getting more and more sloppy in doing things.

He chattered with Gu Jiu, "Why don't I just let him make peace with Ouyang Shi."

Gu Jiu looked at the report submitted by Zongzheng Temple, and burst out laughing.

"Look here, the second brother complained that he was abused by his second sibling at home. With his physique, can his second sibling domestically abuse him?"


Liu Zhao hesitated for a moment.

"Didn't you say that mental domestic violence is also considered domestic violence?"

Gu Jiu rolled his eyes at him, "You mean, the second younger sibling has control of the family's financial power, so they treated the second child in all kinds of cold and violent ways? You are trying to fight for the second child."

"The queen misunderstood! How could I make a complaint for the second child. I listen to you on this matter."

Too no position!

While flipping through the report, Gu Jiu said, "Both the couple agreed to reconcile, Zongzheng Temple can actually go through the formalities directly. The husband and wife are divorced, and the children have grown up. The most important thing is the division of property. Let Zongzheng Temple Follow the rules, whether they divorce or not, I have no problem."

"I have no objection either."

"However, it is rare for the clan couples to reconcile. The second child and the second younger siblings are also a precedent. Beware of the censor making a fuss and jumping up to oppose this matter."

Liu Zhao said directly: "The censor has no right to interfere with the internal affairs of the clan. As long as I have no objection, the second child and Ouyang family can go through the divorce procedures."

Gu Jiu nodded, "The major newspapers in the capital are going to be lively for a while."

Zongzheng Temple got the reply from the palace and started to go through the normal process.

A group of elders from Zongzheng Temple met with Liu Ping and Ouyang Fu.

"I want to tell you a good thing. The palace has agreed to your reconciliation. We are now making a property division. If there is no objection, we can go through the formalities and formally reconcile."

Liu Ping sneered, "What kind of property division, everything in the mansion is mine, not her share. I remember clearly that the mansion we live in now is the money given by the emperor, plus the public account It was bought with money.”

Ouyang Fu rolled her eyes, "I also have a share in the public account. Also, I paid for all kinds of furniture and decorations in the house. There is a clear note on this matter in the account book, and it cannot be faked." .Besides, all these years, I have been using my dowry to support my family. Now that I want to reconcile, do I have to settle this account? "

Liu Ping sneered, "Sure enough, he got into Qian's eye. What's the matter, you still want a house? Let me tell you, there's no way!"

"It's fine if you don't give me the house, but I will pay for my loss, and I will sign it immediately."

"No money!" Liu Ping was very straightforward.

Ouyang Fu was even more straightforward, "If you don't have any money, let me compensate you and leave the house to me."

"Dream!" Liu Ping refused to give up the house no matter what.

The house where the whole family lives now cost nearly 100,000 taels when they bought it.

In recent years, housing prices in Beijing have been rising.

Their house has been repaired by craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry. The layout of the house is excellent, the lighting is transparent, and the location is good.

According to the current market price, the premium of this house is at least double.

If you don't rush to sell, and slowly find suitable customers, selling two to three hundred thousand taels will not be a problem.

Such a large amount of fixed property should be given to Ouyang Fu, unless Liu Ping is stupid!

The couple quarreled endlessly about Erlang's house.

A group of elders in Zongzheng Temple are happy to drink tea and watch a play.

Even after arguing for several days, there was no result.

They all wanted the house, and they refused to let go.

You know, if you want to find such a good house in a prime location these days, it's not worth one or two thousand taels, so don't even think about it.

It's not easy to live in the capital, it's not just talking.

Ouyang Fu is reluctant to part with the house.

The house was her last decency.

In recent years, she has also bought some houses, or the area is too small, with only two entrances. Or the location is not good enough.

All in all, she doesn't want to let go of the house she lives in now.

The couple divorced, and everyone in the house was panicked.

Especially the women in the backyard, as well as the sons and daughters of the concubine.

They all knew the family's background, the public really had no money, and it was really supported by Ouyang Fu's dowry.

Once Ouyang Fu divorces Liu Ping, will the whole family drink Northwest Wind with Liu Ping

The house cannot be eaten as food.

It is rare for them to have a unified opinion, and they firmly oppose the couple's divorce.

We have been together for decades, why not continue to live.

The women in the backyard were dispatched one after another to do work for Liu Ping, trying to persuade him to give up his divorce plan.

Liu Xun also came back from Shanhe Academy.

His attitude was very clear, "Li, we must leave. After my mother finishes the formalities with him, our family will move out. I don't want to see his ugly face again."

Ouyang Fu frowned, "It's a waste to give him such a good house. And he can't afford to compensate me. I can't let him go so cheaply."

"Then what should we do? Is mother going to keep dragging on like this?"

Ouyang Fu smiled, "I have already cut off the expenses of the mansion, so your father has to realize the reality. Without my money supply, let's see if the women in the backyard are willing to use their private money to support him."

"What if he admits to being cowardly and changes his mind to break up, what should we do?" Liu Xun didn't quite agree with this approach.

But Ouyang Fu said: "I just want to force him to confess!"

Liu Xun frowned, "Is mother planning to continue entanglement with him? After entanglement for most of my life, the rest of the time is better to leave him and live a few days of peace."

Ouyang Fu shook her head, "I have to think for you and your children. I can't be selfish and just want to make myself happy."

"I don't need my mother to sacrifice for me at all. If you reconcile with him, I am still the clan."

"But you have a reconciled mother, which will affect your official career."

"If it affects my official career just because you reconciled with him, then I don't want this official career."

Liu Xun made a loud noise, obviously he had thought it over and planned it long ago.

Ouyang Fu frowned, "Even if it's not for you, I can't compromise easily. I'm the only one who has to worry about the whole process of buying this house. Every plant, every tree, every table and stool in this house are all cohesive. Let me give up this house easily, it is too cheap for him, and it is too wronged for myself. "

"Son think of a way to force him to give up the house."

"He won't compromise!" Ouyang Fu said firmly, "If he kills him, he must have a house."

"Then let him compensate mother."

"He can't get a single copper coin out of his body, how can he compensate me?"

"Then let him go to Shaofu Bank to borrow money." Liu Xun said simply, "Use this house as collateral. With his virtue, he will ruin this house sooner or later. When the time comes, we will save some money and buy this house." Come down. It is justifiable to drive everyone out, and mother will be able to live a clean life from now on."

Ouyang Fu's eyes lit up.

Liu Xun's words opened his mind.

"Eunuch Deng of the Young Mansion, I have contacted him a few times. I can talk to him. If one day your father loses this house, please be sure to leave the house to me, and I will pay for it. "

"Mother agrees?" Liu Xun was pleasantly surprised.

Ouyang Fu nodded, "You're right, there's no need to continue to be tied to him for the rest of the year. Anyway, I can't survive these days. I spend money to support a big family, and it's fine if I don't get a good word Yes, and people complained everywhere."

Having made up her mind, the next negotiations are all under Ouyang Fu's control.

She controlled the rhythm and induced Liu Ping to mortgage the house and borrow money from the Shaofu Bank to tide over the current difficulties.

"Let me tell you directly, as long as you are willing to compensate me 50,000 taels, I will immediately sign and pledge, bring my dowry and servants, and move out within three days. If you don't have 50,000 taels, don't talk to me. "

"Fifty thousand taels? The lion opened his mouth!" Liu Ping yelled.

Not to mention fifty thousand taels, he didn't even have five taels of silver on him.

It's been a bad day.

Ouyang Fu heheed twice, "If you can't come up with fifty thousand taels, it doesn't matter, the house will belong to me, and I will compensate you eighty thousand taels. You take the money, your woman, and your concubine and daughter to move out."

Eighty thousand taels made Liu Ping's heart flutter.

But thinking that the house is worth two to three hundred thousand taels, 80,000 taels is obviously a loss.

And if you move out, you have to spend extra money to buy a house.

After buying a house, 80,000 taels is not much money left. Still have to live.

No, no, you can't be fooled.

"Dream! Eighty thousand taels, you just want to get rid of me. Do you think I'm a beggar on the street?"

The two fell apart again.

Someone from Zongzheng Temple took Ouyang Fu's favor and privately persuaded Liu Ping to accept the conditions.

Isn't it 50,000 taels? If you give it to the other party, the other party will move away immediately. The whole house is his.

"50,000 taels and 200,000 taels, which is more important, you know it in your mind. As for living, those women in the backyard are all carrying dowry, it's time for them to take out their dowry to support you."

Liu Ping thought about it and accepted the condition.

He mortgaged his house and borrowed 60,000 taels from Shaofu Bank.

50,000 taels were given to Ouyang Fu, and the remaining 10,000 taels were used as pocket money.

Ouyang Fu kept her word, took the money, signed and pledged immediately, and completed the reconciliation procedures.

Immediately afterwards, he emptied the dowry and left with his servants.

Liu Ping had money in his hand, so he went out to spend time and drink immediately.

"Master, my wife has emptied the house!"

The servants hurried to find him with a bitter expression on his face.

"Master, go back and have a look. Even the master's study room was not spared, the furniture was torn down and moved away."

"She's presumptuous!"

As soon as he heard that the mansion was evacuated, Liu Ping put on his shoes and socks and hurried home without caring about the extravagance.

What greeted him was an empty house.

A woman, holding a ledger, said, "The master has come back. This is my wife's account book, which I asked the slaves to hand over to the master. All the belongings that have been removed are recorded in the ledger. Everything is used by my wife. According to the law, these belongings belong to my wife’s dowry. It is only natural to move them away. This move has also been approved by Zongzheng Temple. This is an official document of Zongzheng Temple, please have a look.”

"Ah... Ouyangfu bitch, she plotted against me."

Liu Ping suddenly exploded!