Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1142: Liu Zhao is seriously ill (midnight)


Liu Zhao is sick!

A wind and cold almost killed him.

If Gu Jiu hadn't been able to deal with it, he would have been the first emperor in Dazhou to lose his life due to wind and cold.

He was lying on the bed, showing his vulnerable side for the first time in many years.

However, he still tried his best, "I'm fine!"

"Shut up!" Gu Jiu snapped, without giving any face, "You almost died, do you know that!"

Her eyes were red, and tears fell uncontrollably.

Liu Zhao felt distressed.

Hold her hand tightly, "Why are you crying? I can't die!"

"Are you trying to piss me off on purpose?" Gu Jiu shook off his hand, "Look, you can't even get out of bed now, and dare to insist that you're fine."

Gu Jiu tried hard to control her tears.

She didn't want to cry because she seemed too vulnerable.

But emotion surges up, and irrationality can control it.

Liu Zhao looked at her pitifully, stretched out his hand and tugged at her sleeve, moving cautiously.

Just like a child, testing the adult's reaction.

Gu Jiu snorted, turned her head, and didn't want to talk to him.

Don't care about your body at all.

"I was wrong!"

Gu Jiu sneered, and asked him with red eyes, "What's wrong?"

Liu Zhao said with a guilty face: "It's my fault that I shouldn't show off!"

"Do you also know that you are showing off? You are simply... Did I owe you in my last life? No, it should be in my last life. I must have owed you. Only in this life will I be a husband and wife."

"According to what you said, I must owe you too. In the world, I don't want to listen to anyone's words, and I am not willing to listen to them. Only your words, I have to listen to."

"Listen to your tone, you are still wronged."

Gu Jiu stared, very angry.

Liu Zhao laughed, "Don't be angry! I will obey the empress's orders and take care of my body. If I don't take good care of myself, I will never come forward to deal with the government affairs."

Gu Jiu took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of his eyes, "It's not that you have to restrict your activities, but it's not suitable for you to deal with government affairs until you're in good health. First, it's hard work, and second, it's bad for your illness. I'll let the boss Take care of the government on your behalf, you can rest assured of his ability. If there is something he can't decide, I will take care of it myself."

"To tell you the truth, I don't trust the boss, but I trust you. You can definitely help me take care of everything."

Seeing Liu Zhao being obedient and not yelling about getting up, Gu Jiu finally laughed.

After laughing, she got angry again, "Do you know, you scared me to death!"

Liu Zhao held her hand tightly, "I won't scare you anymore, I will listen to you in the future."

He didn't expect that the mere wind and cold would come so violently that it almost killed him.

In the past, he refused to accept his old age, but this time he was cold, he really realized that he was old!

The body is not as good as when I was young, I stayed up late for three or five days, and I was still alive and well.

He sighed, "I am getting old!"

Gu Jiu nodded heavily, "You are indeed old, and you can no longer work as hard as before."

"How many years can I live?"

"Don't be discouraged. With me here, no matter what, I will let you live until you are seventy or eighty years old."

"It's not interesting to live too long. It also delays the boss's future and arouses the disgust of the children. Secretly scold me for being old."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Gu Jiu scolded him.

Liu Zhao was cheerful, "Are you afraid that I will die before you?"

This man really deserves a beating!

Gu Jiu was very angry, with a straight face, and didn't want to talk to him.

Liu Zhao has always been thick-skinned, but as he got older, his skin did not become thinner, but became thicker and thicker.

He took her hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I don't want to part with you, even if I get to the gate of hell, I will struggle to come back to visit you. The King of Hades won't let me come back, so I smashed his Palace of Hades."

"Do you think you're awesome?" Gu Jiu asked him.

Liu Zhao asked back, "Aren't I awesome?"

Gu Jiu heheed twice, "You just need to remember my words, don't be brave! If you have any discomfort, you must speak out, and you are not allowed to hold back. If you let me know that you are hiding your illness, I will never forgive you."

"You must listen to the queen's words. I promise to listen to you if you feel uncomfortable."

That's about the same.

Liu Zhao's condition was stable, Gu Jiu was finally able to lie down and rest.

During the days when he was sick, she hadn't had a full night's sleep.

He would lie down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep in a blink of an eye.

Gu Jiu is not in front of him, Liu Zhao is the one and only boss.

He ordered the servant, "Help me up!"

The servant did not dare to disobey, so he lifted him up tremblingly, and sat on the head of the bed.

"Send someone to call King Qi, I have something important to order!"

Lin Shuping hurriedly ordered the fast-paced servant to invite His Royal Highness King Qi.

Qi Wang Liu Yu put down the errand at hand and hurried to Xingqing Palace.

"Is the father in good health? The father summoned his son, I don't know what to order!"

"I've been seriously ill for several days, and I can't get out of bed. What's happening in the court? Is there someone in trouble?" Liu Zhao was most worried about Da Zhou's Jiangshan Sheji.

Qi Wang Liu Yu bowed slightly, "I would like to report to my father, during your serious illness, Mr. Yang tried his best to resist all opinions and asked his mother and empress to order martial law in the capital, and the capital camp entered a state of war! Even if someone deliberately provoked chaos , under the suppression of Yang Xianggong, he did not dare to act rashly."

"Martial law in the capital? Is it so serious?" Liu Zhao was surprised.

Qi Wang Liu Yu's eyes were red, "Father has been in a coma for three days, I don't know how urgent the situation is. The imperial physicians have already announced... It was the empress who insisted, and finally rescued the father. Under the situation, the capital can only be martial law."

"It turns out that I have been in a coma for three days. No wonder I feel something is wrong when I wake up. I am sick this time, everyone is scared."

Qi Wang Liu Yu nodded heavily.

It's more than scaring, almost scared to death, okay

Liu Zhao continued to ask: "What's the situation in the court now?"

"Step by step, nothing major happened."

Liu Zhao thought for a while, "My health won't get better in a while. The capital will continue to be under martial law, and you will continue to handle the government affairs for me. If you have any doubts, please consult your mother. Your mother's decision is my decision. , is also the final decision. I will take advantage of this time to take good care of my body."

"My son obeys the order! Is the father going to the palace to take care of his body?"

"It's very cold in the palace this season, so it's better to live in the palace. I will cultivate in the palace."

"My son understands!"

Liu Zhao asked with concern, "Is there any difficulty in handling the government affairs?"

Qi Wang Liu Yu said solemnly: "With Yang Xianggong's suggestion, I can still handle it!"

"Very good! You step back!"

"Farewell, son!"

In the following days, Liu Zhao began to take care of his body according to the instructions of the caregiver Jiu.

He is weak and has limited mobility.

Gu Jiu ordered someone to make a few wheelchairs, and pushed him to the imperial garden to enjoy the plum blossoms.

The whole body was wrapped up thickly, and I was afraid that the wind would get in and make my condition worse.

He joked: "If it were other doctors, given my current physical condition, they would definitely not agree with me going out to enjoy the scenery. I am afraid that I will blow a little wind and make my condition worse. You are not worried at all about my condition getting worse, and you took the initiative to take the I'm going out. If I didn't know your temperament, I would have wondered if you wanted to murder your own husband!"

Gu Jiu laughed at him, and asked back: "If I just want to murder my husband, what are you going to do?"

Liu Zhao thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Of course it's according to your wishes! It's hard work for you to marry me in this life."

Gu Jiu stretched out her finger and poked his forehead, "Don't think about death all day long, you don't die that easily. You look weak now, but your condition has actually improved. It's rare to get the sun today, so naturally you have to come out to bask in the sun." Basking in the sun. Boring in the dormitory all day, good people will get sick from boredom, and sick people will only make things worse.

Do you know why the imperial physician objected to your leaving the palace? Because they are afraid! They are afraid that if you appear, they cannot bear the responsibility. Therefore, too many doctors are usually very conservative in treating diseases. But I am not afraid, I know what you need. "

"Then tell me what I need?"

"You need to get out of Xingqing Palace, you need to bathe in the sun, and change your mood. You are almost sick, and the tight string is about to break."

"But with you by my side, I can bear it."

"Since you are sick, don't bear it. Patience can't cure the disease."

"The queen is right." Liu Zhao laughed.

Going out for a walk, taking a look, breathing in the fresh air really made Liu Zhao feel much better.

For an emperor, bored in the hospital bed all day, his mood would become ups and downs, and his temper would become extremely irritable.

Only by stepping out can he gain temporary peace and help his condition improve.

After staying in the Imperial Garden for half an hour, Gu Jiu personally pushed the wheelchair back to Xingqing Palace.

Lunch is very light, and it is a sick meal.

For Liu Zhao, who is used to heavy food, it was really hard to swallow.

Gu Jiu said: "If you don't like to eat, eat less, don't push yourself too hard."

"Emperor physicians say to eat more, but to you it becomes eating less. You are running counter to imperial physicians. Could it be that imperial physicians are quack doctors who do not deserve their names."

Gu Jiu shook his head, "The imperial physicians in the imperial hospital are all people with real skills. As I said, they are very afraid that you will have an accident, so all the medicines and doctor's orders are very conservative. You are a patient, so you shouldn't have more Eat more and drink less, the burden on the stomach is small, which is good for the body to recover. Another thing, when you get older, you shouldn’t eat too much. It’s best to reduce your previous food intake by 30%.”

"Thirty percent reduction? You are so cruel." Liu Zhao complained.

Gu Jiu rolled his eyes at him, "Do you want to live a few more years? You really have the heart to let me be a widow!"

"You are still young and beautiful, you just want to be a widow, dreaming!"

Gu Jiu was overjoyed upon hearing this.

She smiled and said, "It's useless for you to praise me for being young and beautiful. I can only eat sick meals when I'm sick. If you want to eat heavy meals, wait until next year!"