Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1146: atmosphere of terror


Even though he was unwilling, Liu Ping took the two servants to the imperial mausoleum.

The only thing that can comfort him is that he has 80,000 to 90,000 taels of silver notes in his pocket, which is enough for him to be chic for a long time.

Is there a cool place near the imperial mausoleum

This is not important!

Having money is the most important thing.

Originally, he should have a bank note of 110,000 taels.

Before leaving, the women in the backyard, the sons and daughters of the concubine, were crying and making noise like crazy.

One cry, two make trouble and three hang himself.

All means were used, and more than 20,000 taels of silver bills were finally taken out of his pocket.

It's annoying.

Liu Ping, who was still a little sad and a little angry at first, was glad to be able to go to the imperial tomb to hide for a few years in the face of the wolf-like sons and daughters and women in the backyard.

With such a group of women and children raised, he doubted that his money would be wiped out in a few years.

Thinking of going to the imperial mausoleum to get rid of these women and children, Liu Ping felt very happy.

The mood that was still angry before became excited.

Dissatisfaction with the palace was greatly reduced.

Even imagining Ouyang Fu's appearance made her feel much more pleasing to the eye.

Ouyang Fu was not in a hurry to move into the mansion.

She first invited someone to drive away the women who were still living in the house.

These people are very difficult to deal with. After a few years with Liu Ping, they have become more and more shameless.

Thanks to Chang En's willingness to help, he asked the Prisoner of the Shaofu to come forward, and then drove out all the women and children who were staying in the house.

Then, Ouyang Fu asked people to look at Feng Shui to see the day, and even changed the pattern inside.

She despises those women and concubines and concubines.

She wants to remove all traces of their past.

After that, it was confirmed that the house was clean before moving in.

While she was moving, a great shock occurred in the court.

First, on the way to the Yamen, an official suffered from a disease and died suddenly.

It was originally a very common thing, but it was not expected that Jin Wuwei would join the investigation.

Afterwards, many people recalled only four words: violent storm!

The situation in the court was like a sudden storm, and it took a turn for the worse.

The court, which seemed to be calm and calm at first, was suddenly thrown into a big case by the Jinwu Guard.

Every day, officials are invited to the Jinwuwei for tea.

In the beginning, there were one or two people every day, and later, there were seven or eight people every day.

On a single day at most, more than a dozen people were invited to the Jinwu Guard for tea.

After entering the Jinwu Guard and trying to get out, it is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Hundreds of officials were implicated.

Emperor Liu Zhao personally decreed that Qi Wang Liu Yu presided over the event.

"Invigorate the Great Prison!"

These three words popped up in everyone's mind.

His Royal Highness Qi Wang, who was always gentle and polite, suddenly showed a ferocious face, which made the courtiers tremble with fright.

It is worthy of being a child of the royal family, in the same line.

The so-called gentleness and politeness are just an illusion.

The true face is a monster that eats people.

For the first time, Qi Wang Liu Yu showed his dark side in front of his courtiers.

More than a hundred officials were arrested in one go.

No delay, no hesitation.

Once the charges are confirmed, they will be beheaded directly at the vegetable market, or they will be ransacked and exiled.

He didn't follow the order step by step, and didn't set a time according to the previous rules. All the prisoners were pulled out and beheaded.

Instead take one and chop one.

One pair cuts one pair.

This is scary!

Afterwards, people recalled the summer of this year, and it was full of blood in their memory.

From summer to autumn, and from autumn to winter.

This is a long torment and a long test.

In everyone's memory, the smell of blood is all in the air.

The little people were terrified, and so were the officials.

His Royal Highness King Qi's knife is fast and sharp, but the kill is too long, and everyone suffers.

This group of people who were arrested and hacked all deserved to die, and their charges were well established.

Murdering His Royal Highness, not being punished by the nine clans, is already lucky.

Just when will the long killing end

"I didn't expect the boss to have such a cold side, and he knows the essence of cutting flesh with a blunt knife. Could it be that he learned it from you?"

Gu Jiu rolled his eyes at him, "I don't advocate killing people, but I won't prevent others from killing people. I haven't done this kind of beheading directly. You said that he learned from me, it's obvious It's unfair. You clearly handed it over to him."

"When did I teach him to cut flesh with a blunt knife? This is clearly your style of doing things."

"We don't know exactly what kind of mental journey the boss has experienced in the Western Regions. He has such a cold side, which obviously has something to do with the Western Regions."

"War, there is no one who is immortal. People who have been baptized on the battlefield will indeed become cold and hard."

"The battlefields of the Western Regions are obviously different from the battlefields we understand. Don't forget, the hobbies of foreigners in the Western Regions."

"You mean massacre the city?"

Gu Jiu nodded, "One city after another was slaughtered. Anyone who faces such a cruel scene again and again will have a change of heart. This time, the boss showed a cold side, maybe this is his true face."

Liu Zhao frowned, "What do you want me to do?"

"Talk to him! You father and son have both experienced wars and have a common language."

"Okay! The winter solstice will be in a few days, let the boss bring his wife and children to Xiaozhu for dinner, and I will talk to him."

Before the winter solstice, people were killed.

This time, when the big prison was built, it didn't pay attention to the time of day at all, and it was killed when it should be killed.

People, in fact, don't kill many.

It means killing one person in a few days, and killing a few people in a few days, and it goes on and on, and they are all famous officials, which is really scary.

The so-called blunt knife cuts flesh, cuts everyone's heart, courage, nothing more.

He refuses to kill all at once, and the long beheading career gives people an illusion that repeated killings will never be finished.

This kind of psychological hint is too scary!

During the holidays, there is no festive atmosphere in the huge capital city.

In previous years, on the day of the winter solstice, the capital would be so lively that the roofs would be knocked over.

This year, the high officials and dignitaries, down to the common people, were all tortured to the point of death by His Royal Highness Qi Wang, and they spent the holidays cautiously.

After the family banquet, Gu Jiu said, "The consequence of creating a terrifying atmosphere in the capital is that the business tax in the capital has decreased by millions of taels this year. You have to reflect on it."

Qi Wang Liu Yu bowed and said yes.

Gu Jiu left.

Liu Zhao came forward and had a long talk with Liu Yu.

The father and son talked from daytime to night, and then to late night.

At night, both father and son slept in the study, and they both had dark circles under their eyes the next day.

After breakfast, Gu Jiu said to Liu Yu, "Follow me to the mountain to enjoy the snow scenery."

"My son obeys."

The mother and son walked towards the top of Yuxiu Mountain.

Dragoon guards cleared the road and tourists early to ensure safety.

The mountain stream is silent, with occasional birds flying by.

The creek is not frozen, and the Dingdong spring can still be heard flowing.

At the top of the mountain, you can see all the small mountains.

You can have a panoramic view of the huge Xinmin County.

"If you don't look at it, you don't know. When you look at it, you find that Xinmin County is already half the size of the capital city. It is densely populated and prosperous. Do you know when people will show hope?"

Gu Jiu asked suddenly, and then asked and answered by himself, "When a person is not afraid in his heart, he will reveal hope. Only when there is hope, can all businesses prosper."

"My son is wrong!" Qi Wang Liu Yu bowed and pleaded guilty.

Gu Jiu frowned and looked at him, "Is this sincere? Or did you say this under pressure?"

"The son is sincere."

Gu Jiu smiled, "I believe in you. With your ingenuity, you know very well that what you do will create a terrifying atmosphere in the capital, but you still do it without hesitation? Are you venting your anger?"

King Qi Liu Yu wiped his face, "My son is still not steady enough, this time he really wanted to vent. He did it knowingly that he couldn't do it, and it destroyed the open, inclusive and safe business environment that the mother strived to create."


Qi Wang Liu Yu hesitated for a long time, "Yesterday, I talked a lot with my father. I can only admit that the Western Regions have been deeply affected for three years. I have never come out of the shadow of war."

Gu Jiu frowned, the thing she was most worried about happened.

She asked him, "Can you control it?"

King Qi Liu Yu nodded his head heavily, "It can be controlled!"

"You have endured it for too long, and you need to vent out the shadow of war. Long-term depression will only get worse."

"Ask your mother to advise you."

"What can you do to make you feel at peace? To give you a hearty feeling to vent all your grievances?"

"Write commentary articles, scold officials all over the world, and scold the royal family."

Without any hesitation, Liu Yu gave an affirmative answer.

Gu Jiu smiled, Liu Yu's hobbies are indeed very individual.

She said to him: "Then you can write articles to your heart's content to scold officials all over the world, scold all the people you want to scold. Publish it in newspapers under a pseudonym. Until you find peace of mind."

"Thank you, Queen Mother!"

Since coming to Xiaozhu, Liu Yu showed a sincere smile for the first time.

As if returning to childhood, the stars in the eyes are twinkling, eager to try.

Since then, "Da Zhou Life Show" and "Shanhe Academy News" have added an author with the pseudonym "Xiyu Ke", who writes articles every day and openly insults officials all over the world in the newspapers and periodicals.

He's not bashing or insulting in the traditional sense.

It's name-calling.

For example, in the latest episode of the Life Show, the "Western Region Guest" named a certain doctor named Yang in the Ministry of Officials, and enumerated the improper words and deeds of this doctor, and his inappropriate handling of things.

This kind of name-calling scolding war has aroused the anger and counterattack of officials all over the world.

What the hell, do you really think officials are easy to bully

Countless officials mobilized all connections and vowed to find out the "Western Guest".

As a result, Huang Qubing kept silent.

Whether it was a threat or a lure, Huang Qubing's mouth was like a clam shell, and he couldn't pry it open at all.

The staff of the newspaper office didn't know what to ask.

Huang Qubing was responsible for all the articles published by the "Western Regions" in Life Show and Academy News.

No one knows who wrote the article and where it came from.

Huang Qubing is obviously the only one who knows the inside story.

Faced with threats and lures, Huang Qubing sneered.

No amount of threats or lures can compare to the threats and lures of the empress.

Just when everyone was arguing about the "Western guests", the "Western guests" suddenly pointed their finger at the royal family, one counted as one, and they were all scolded from old to young.

A swearing article in three days.

He scolded heartily and happily.

The terrifying atmosphere hanging over the capital disappeared as the scolding war started!

The "Western Region guest" continued to scold.

He is no longer limited to scolding officials and the clan.

As long as he wants to scold, he will definitely write an article and publish it in the newspaper.