Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1148: Relational account (three shifts)


Emperor Liu Zhao's body, the imperial physician has already come to a conclusion.

The pain caused by old diseases will increase the burden on the body.

Must rest!

The emperor and empress have lived in Xiaozhu for a year and a half, and have never returned to the palace.

As soon as the government is in charge, it is handled by Qi Wang Liu Yu.

King Qi couldn't deal with it, so he went to Xiaozhu to ask for an imperial decree or Yi decree.

It must be a lie to say that the emperor is in good health.

It is said that the emperor is not in good health, but apart from resting, there seems to be no major problem.

Ren Qiu told Mr. Lu, "The Empress personally supervised, and His Majesty's health has improved. Continue to rest, don't worry about hard work, and you can live a long life."

Mr. Lu is not very optimistic, "As an emperor, how can you not worry about labor. Letting the king of Qi supervise the country for many years is not an option."

"You are not in the court, so don't worry about it. The Empress and Your Majesty have their own plans!"

Mr. Lu laughed at himself, "The old man is far away from the court, so there is really no need to worry about it. As the saying goes, if you are not in his position, you will not seek his own affairs. If you manage too much, it is easy to be annoying. And you, don't take my words as wind on your ears, there is someone who can live and work The magic weapon must be taken out as soon as possible, so that everyone in the world knows your value.

It can also attract more talents to join medical schools. As the saying goes, more people are more powerful, but there are still fewer people in the medical school. It's best to recruit a few people from among the officials and nobles, and treat them as related households. In case something happens in the future, at least there will be fellowship. It's better than asking someone you don't know well. "

"I know! Sooner or later the medical school will be known."

Mr. Lu was worried, "Don't just talk big, you have to take practical actions. For example, only the family members of the patients and people in the circle know about the surgery you performed.

If your medical school is always aloof and arrogant, and few people in the world know it, when those in power want to erase your existence one day, it will be easy. On the contrary, the reputation of your medical school is well known all over the world, and any person in power who wants to obliterate you has to think twice. "

Ren Qiu nodded, and he thanked him.

A month later, the School of Medicine and the Tai Hospital jointly announced that they had found a solution to smallpox.

Next, the School of Medicine will send 30 medical teams to all state capitals across the country to vaccinate everyone for free.

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole world was shocked!

Smallpox was conquered

Is there a cure for smallpox



In order to win the trust of the world, the medical school announced in the newspaper several counties that had been vaccinated in advance.

Anyone who has doubts can go to the announced location to investigate and verify.

When it comes to matters of human life, the medical school will not talk nonsense.

The imperial court, government, and aristocratic families all sent people to several counties that had been vaccinated to investigate.

As more and more news came out, the cure for smallpox in the medical school was confirmed.

All the world cheers!

For several days, firecrackers were fired in the capital.

The little people spontaneously went to the medical school to send food, clothing, and money.

The medical school immediately chose a location in Xinmin County as a temporary location for vaccinia vaccination.

On the first day of vaccination, in the middle of the night, the vaccination site was already buzzing with people.

The lanterns hung under the eaves, swaying in the wind, a bit creepy.

But it can't stop people's enthusiasm.

By the time the day was bright, there was already a long queue at the vaccination site, and at a glance, it was impossible to see the end.

"I'm afraid there are thousands of people!"

"Not only! It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of people."

"I heard from the household department that there are millions of people in the capital alone. How long will it take for everyone to get vaccinated?"

"This is just the first inoculation point! Inoculation points will be set up in other places in the future."

"People in the medical school said that children should be vaccinated first."

"It's time for children to be vaccinated first."

Where there is a smallpox outbreak, the first to be vaccinated.

The epidemic is under control, as long as the vaccination is inoculated in advance, the smallpox will not be infected.

The effect is obvious.

The news spread to the south of the Yangtze River and the capital, and people became more active in vaccination against vaccinia.

The medical school had to temporarily recruit personnel from major pharmacies, train the apprentices, and then pull them to the vaccination point to work as coolies.

After this incident, the medical school became famous all over the world!

An idea was planted in everyone's mind: the medical school is the most powerful place in the world.

There is not only one miracle doctor, but countless miracle doctors.

If you get sick and the doctor can't cure you, you go to medical school.

If you have an incurable disease, go to medical school!

Don't worry about the consultation fee.

For intractable diseases, the medical school is willing to treat them for free.

For a while, patients suffering from various incurable diseases rushed to the medical school from various places.

Can be cured the best!

Patients and their families who cannot be cured can also accept it.

For free treatment, for the medical school to conquer smallpox, neither the patients nor their families have the face to blackmail the medical school.

If there were to be family members of patients blackmailed by scoundrels, Jin Wuwei would not be a vegetarian.

The Jinwu Guard has a great reputation for viciousness, so its deterrent power is naturally leveraged.

With a large number of patients with intractable diseases, the skills of doctors in medical schools have naturally improved by leaps and bounds.

The reputation of the medical school has spread, and it has attracted a large number of children from medical families with family backgrounds to study in the medical school.

It also attracted a group of people who had no intention of taking the imperial examination and were purely interested in medicine to apply for the exam.

Ren Qiu remembered Mr. Lu's reminder.

He wants to recruit several relatives for the medical school.

It's not easy to deal with related households!

Playboys can't see corpses and blood, and they can't suffer from medical school.

But if he wasn't a dude, he wouldn't give up his official career and take the path of medicine.

Medicine, in this day and age, is always inferior.

Everything is inferior, only reading is high, and this is the reality.

He couldn't recruit any relatives, and Ren Qiu didn't want to lower his requirements, so he was very worried.

Shanhe Academy, Guozijian, Zhixing Academy and other academies, there are a lot of related households.

The existence of these related households has woven a huge relationship network for these academies in the officialdom.

For example, if a student who graduated from Shanhe Academy encounters an accident in his official career, no matter whether he recognizes it or not, his classmates and schools will help.

With the convenience of a large number of classmates and schools, the official career will naturally go more smoothly than those who do not have a "famous school" background.

Other academies have related accounts, how can the medical school have no related accounts.

Seeing that Ren Qiu was scratching his head for recruiting students, Mr. Lu gave him an idea, "Go ask the Empress! The Empress must have a lot of connections!"

Ren Qiu slapped his thigh.

Yes indeed!

Why didn't he think of it before, and he got into a dead end.

Sure enough, I have been too tired recently, and my brain is not working well.

He rushed to Xiaozhu excitedly, straight to the point, "Madam, let's get some related households for the medical school. There are related households in other families, and our medical school can't live without them!"

Gu Jiu took a sip of tea and signaled him to be calm.

"Inoculation with vaccinia is enough for the medical school to settle down in the world! Even if someone discovers a shocking surgery project in the future, I believe it will be safe. You should be busy now supervising teaching, purchasing medicinal materials, and cultivating more qualified medical talents. What? Suddenly thought of recruiting related households!"

Ren Qiu said, "To tell you the truth, I just want to find a few more backers for the medical school. In any case, the medical school has to weave a network of relationships in the court, otherwise don't worry! Just rely on the medical school. Our medical school has secretly set up an anatomy class, which is not compatible with secular ethics from the very beginning. If one day the secret is exposed, without the relationship network weaved by related households, everyone in the medical school will be torn to pieces ! To say something outrageous, the Empress and Your Majesty cannot protect the medical school for the rest of their lives!"

Gu Jiu nodded, "If you don't have long-term considerations, you will have near-term worries. It's not bad that you can consider such long-term considerations."

Ren Qiu became happy, "Your Majesty promised to find a relationship partner for the medical school."

Gu Jiu thought for a while, "I have a few ideas, just listen to them. Vaccination against smallpox, this matter must have spread to the Western Regions and overseas, you can take this opportunity to write to King Anxi, King Rong, and Princess Ruyang Ask them to send talents to the medical school for two to three years, and the medical school will train them to be first-class doctors for free.”

"Your Majesty is asking me to make friends with foreign ministers?"

"Medical friendship." Gu Jiu emphasized emphatically.

Ren Qiu nodded, he understands!

He is not an official rookie.

Gu Jiu continued: "For a family of officials, it is not easy to persuade them to send their children to medical school. You can start with the noble generals and let them send them to study in medical schools. It is easier for them to face life and death. Accept all the shocking surgical projects of the medical school. Whether it is a family child or a family servant, you accept it all. As long as you can become a talent, it will be a boost to your medical school.

In addition, you can go to the nursery hall to recruit gifted children and cultivate them from an early age. You can also take advantage of the opportunity of the medical team to go deep into the local area to vaccinate, and find a way to make friends with some official families, maybe you can get a few students from official families. Not every son of an official wants to study and become an official. There are always rebels who want to take a different path. You medical school, give these kids a chance. "

"Couldn't your empress just send a few relatives to the medical school?" Ren Qiu was not reconciled, he came here rarely, so he must get some ready-made relatives.

Gu Jiu smiled, "Do you want an idle clan?"

Ren Qiu nodded repeatedly, "Yes!"

The clan's reputation is not good, but the clan's reputation is good!

When each yamen hears that it is a clan, they have to weigh it.

Those gangsters of the clan clan are definitely easier to ask gods than to give them away.

Gu Jiu asked again: "Gu's collateral descendant, do you want it?"

"Yes, yes!" Ren Qiu was very excited.

The queen's natal family, even though they are only collateral descendants, is also surnamed Gu.

Gu Jiu looked at him, isn't that enough

Ren Qiu shook his head again and again, not enough, not enough.

It's better to come to a few more related accounts.

Because he knows how hard it is to study medicine, there are ten people in these related households, and it would be good if two or three people can persist.

So people, the more the better.

Gu Jiu smiled knowingly, "How about this, I will find a way to let His Majesty make a decree that all doctors who successfully graduate from the medical school will be awarded the rank of seventh-rank medical officer. In addition, the Department of Medicine will be established to directly manage the medical school. The Department of Medicine is attached to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and any yamen has no right to intervene in any matters of the medical school. With the status of a court official, I think there will be children of officials who are tempted."

Ren Qiu was overjoyed.

He just wanted a few relatives, but he didn't expect the empress to be so generous and directly gave him a lifetime gift package.

The medical school has a directly managed yamen, and the graduated doctor has an official status. This is equivalent to going from a wild road to a regular army!

Let's see who dares to look down on medical school in the future.

"Thank you, ma'am! Ma'am, this method is better than any relationship."

Gu Jiu reminded him, "Don't get too excited. Since the Department of Medicine is under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it must be under the command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It also means that the medical school will be directly responsible to the emperor in the future. Do you understand the scale of this?"

Ren Qiu nodded heavily.

The emperor will decide the direction of the development of the medical school, decide the life and death of the medical school.

This is a double-edged sword.

It gave the medical school the guarantee of settling down, not afraid of being overthrown.

At the same time, it is also possible to be backlashed by the emperor as a scapegoat, the group will be wiped out, and all will be obliterated!

Seeing Ren Qiu's serious expression, Gu Jiu couldn't help laughing.

"You don't have to worry too much, I will leave you a life-saving magic weapon."

"What magic weapon?" Ren Qiu was curious.

Gu Jiu shook her head, "It's not beautiful to know too early! You can do things with peace of mind, and the magic weapon will come to you when necessary."

"Thank you, empress."

This trip has yielded a lot.

Ren Qiu left satisfied.

Gu Jiu personally supervised Liu Zhao's medication.

Liu Zhao pinched his nose and drank the medicine, it was very bitter.

He put down the medicine bowl and asked, "What do you think the medical school will look like in a hundred years? Can the medical school cure my old wound in a hundred years?"

"It can't be cured!"


"You also said that this is an old injury, how to treat it?"

Liu Zhao was at a loss for words.

Gu Jiu scolded him, "If you had listened to me back then and cared for your body, you wouldn't have suffered such a big punishment today."

Liu Zhao covered his head and pretended to be asleep.

Don't listen, don't listen!

More and more childish.


Gu Jiu laughed out loud, and complained about him: "Excellent!"