Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1152: Finale (3)


The matter of abdication is complicated and cannot be completed overnight.

Except for Gu Jiu, Liu Zhao didn't say anything to anyone.

Gu Jiu was also tight-lipped.

The stakes are high.

If the news leaked in advance, there may be disasters.

Now that he has decided to abdicate and give up the throne, he must start making preparations.

Liu Zhao first issued two decrees, summoning King Rong Liu Heng and Princess Ruyang Liu Xiang to return to Beijing with their families.

Liu Yun, the King of Lu, learned of this, and volunteered to go overseas to deliver the imperial decree.

"Father, Empress, and Empress do not have to worry about the safety of my children. My son is traveling by land, and it is just for my father, Empress, to inspect the construction of overseas cement roads."

Liu Zhao asked him, "What are you going to do on the return trip? Your elder brother and sister are all going back to Beijing by water, and if you go by land alone, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

King Lu had already thought about it, "I will set off early on the return trip, and travel day and night, and I will definitely be able to come back before the Chinese New Year. The four-wheeled carriage is stable, and most of the road is cement roads. My son can live in the carriage. , Change horses and don’t change people to hurry back.”

Gu Jiu said to Liu Zhao: "Let him go! He has been talking about going overseas to gain knowledge for several years. But he is afraid of water, dare not go out to sea by boat, and can't find a chance to go out. This is a rare opportunity. , Let him go out to see and see.

You know his temper, geek. It was rare that he wanted to go out on his own initiative, so he couldn't stop him. Moreover, the eldest and the second child both went on study tours. Only the third child never went on a study tour, this time it should be regarded as compensation for him. It's a big deal, arrange more guards to protect him, and order the troops stationed along the way to escort him. "

Lu Wang Liu Yun looked at his father eagerly.

Emperor Liu Zhao suddenly softened his heart, "Forget it, let him go out to deliver the imperial decree, and visit the mountains and rivers by the way."

"Thank you, Royal Father!" King Lu Liu Yun beamed with joy.

Liu Zhao did not forget to remind him, "Remember, you must rush back to the capital before the New Year. I have something important to announce. If you miss the time, you will stay in the capital honestly in the future, and you are not allowed to leave the capital."

Liu Yun, the king of Lu, readily agreed and was overjoyed.

Qi Wang Liu Yu also wanted to go overseas to have a look.

But he couldn't go away.

The emperor's father is sick, and he is in charge of supervising the country, taking care of everything.

If he left, the burden of government affairs would all be on the father. With Father Huang's current physical condition, the consequences would be disastrous.

At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, Liu Yu, king of Qi, sent Liu Yun, king of Lu, out of the city.

"Third brother is really enviable to be able to go overseas to see. When you return to the capital, you must tell me about the scenery along the way."

"Brother, don't worry, I will paint the scenery along the way and give it to you."

"It's so good! Have a good trip, go early and return early!"

Liu Yu, the third brother, was sent away, and Liu Yu continued to be busy with government affairs.

The father didn't care about government affairs, but suddenly issued several orders, dismissing officials from three provinces and six ministries one after another, and made other arrangements.

Then a group of young officials were promoted.

Liu Yu was taken aback when he got the promotion list and saw it.

He knew all the people on the list.

Not only know, but be familiar with.

Because these young and middle-aged officials who were suddenly promoted are all his supporters.

Several of them have a life-and-death friendship with him. We have been to Xiliang together and been on the battlefield.

Liu Yu felt uneasy, and hurried to Chang'an Palace with the promotion list to ask for an interview.

Gu Jiu was putting plaster on Liu Zhao.

It rained continuously for the past few days, and Liu Zhao suffered from old injuries and was in unbearable pain.

After putting on the plaster, the pain gradually eased, and Liu Zhao let out a sigh of relief.

Liu Yu walked into the study with the list of promotions, the husband and wife saw it and understood everything.

"Sit down and talk!"

Gu Jiu looked gentle.

"Is your father's health critical?"

"It's better!" Liu Zhao just wanted to lie down on the soft bed at the moment, no matter how comfortable he was. But he didn't want to lose his majesty in front of his son.

So he said to Gu Jiu, "You talk to the boss, I will take a break here."

Gu Jiu responded, not forgetting to remind him, "No candy!"

Liu Zhao was dissatisfied, how could he say that he ate sweets in front of his son.

He doesn't want to lose face!

He made a serious face on purpose, "I don't eat candy!"

A real man must never eat sweet candy.

Even if you want to eat it, you can only eat it behind your back.

Never lose the majesty of being a father in front of your children.

He held his chest up, and left!

Liu Yu lowered his head and snickered, not daring to laugh out loud.

Gu Jiu also didn't know whether to laugh or cry, secretly complaining about Liu Zhao wanting to save face.

Only mother and son are left in the study.

Gu Jiu cut to the chase and asked him: "But you came here for the list?"

"Exactly! My son doesn't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"Why are these people suddenly promoted, and they are all familiar to me?"

Gu Jiu put down the teacup, "What do you think is the reason?"

Liu Yu shook his head, "I dare not think about it."

"Why don't you dare! You can think boldly."

Liu Yu still shook his head.

Some things cannot be thought deeply about.

Gu Jiu said softly: "Actually, you already have the answer in your heart. Your father promoted these people for you."

Liu Yu frowned tightly, "Why did the father do this? Could it be that the father's body..."

He didn't dare to continue talking.

He was a little scared in his heart, afraid to say it out loud, and he became a proverb.

Gu Jiu followed his words and said, "Your father is not in good health, you can't be tired, you can't worry about it."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "The son can share the worries of the father, this is what the son has been doing."

Gu Jiu smiled, "Because the government cannot do without you, in order to make you more handy, your father thinks that some officials who can cooperate with you should be promoted."

Liu Yu frowned tightly, is it really that simple

Gu Jiu said again: "Don't think too much! With me guarding your father, your father will be safe."

Liu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "My son understands! The empress has worked hard."

"Young couples come to grow old together, and being able to stay together until old age is also a blessing."

The weather is getting hotter, Gu Jiu took Liu Zhao to Xiaozhu to escape the heat.

Liu Zhao thought that if the Jing Daying was going to change, Liu Yu had to be enthroned smoothly.

"Don't move in the Northwest for the time being! Overseas camping, after the second child comes back, another person will be arranged to take up the post."

"You make up your mind!" Gu Jiu was very straightforward.

"Are you not worried at all?" Liu Zhao hummed twice, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Gu Jiu laughed, "For now, the situation is fairly stable. At this time, military changes are mainly based on your decision. After all, no matter how personnel changes, the strategy of going west and going south will not change! The boss and We think the same way."

Liu Zhao said "Oh" and continued to ponder.

"Sure enough, I've been working so hard. After leaving the palace, I still can't forget to pay attention to the government and worry about everything. Back then, my father didn't teach me by hand, and I figured it out by myself."

Gu Jiu asked curiously, "Are you resentful?"

Liu Zhao shook his head, "Of course I won't resent you! I've thought through it long ago. Every parent actually has their own way of teaching their children. My father has my father's way, and I also have my own way."

Gu Jiu laughed, "From Emperor Wuzong Kaiyao down, the emperors of the Great Zhou have become more wise and gentle. I still remember that Emperor Wuzong Kaiyao treated his children like animals. It is not ordinary for the first emperor to be able to endure for decades. Strong. When I came to the late emperor, I seldom insulted my children with animals. When I came to you, although I was strict with my children, I would not insult them for no reason. There is progress! Every generation is getting better!"

The corners of Liu Zhao's mouth twitched, always feeling ashamed.

Gu Jiu told him to lie down, and wanted to massage the medicated oil for him.

"Let the servant come. This job is too hard." Liu Zhao said.

Massaging medicated oil requires a lot of strength. 100% is a labor of love.

Gu Jiu said, "I'll massage you for a quarter of an hour first."

Liu Zhao stared at the chiming clock, "Then it's settled, just massage for a quarter of an hour, I'm worried that you'll be tired."

"You don't have to worry about me. If I feel tired, I don't need you to remind me, I will stop and rest. It's not like you, dragging your broken body and holding on."

Liu Zhao hehe twice, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Gu Jiu's massage technique is very gentle, but not very strong.

Liu Zhao felt very comfortable and enjoyed it, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Cover him with a thin quilt.

Gu Jiu washed his hands, got up and left the study.

Ren Qiu has arrived.

Waiting in the hall.

Seeing Gu Jiu, he saluted first, "See empress empress!"

"Free gift!"

"What the empress ordered has been done. This is a pill remade by the medical school, and it is more than a cup more effective than the previous one."

After a pause, Ren Qiu said again: "In the words of the imperial physicians, this is the medicine for tigers and wolves. There will be risks in using this medicine."

"I know the risks involved. But without this medicine, how long do you think His Majesty's body can last?"

Ren Qiu's face was serious.

He thought for a while and said, "This pill can be taken in two doses. Wei Chen has tried this medicine on dozens of veterans who have been through many battles. As long as they can survive the first course of treatment, there will be obvious improvement in the future. But many veterans can't Passed the first course of treatment."

"Have you brought all the test drug data?"

Ren Qiu nodded.

A basket of data is the medical records of every veteran who voluntarily went to medical school to test drugs.

These veterans were tortured by old injuries.

Knowing that the medical school launched a therapy that can relieve pain, they all voluntarily signed up to test the drug.

Even knowing the risks involved and the possibility that they might not be able to survive the first course of treatment, these veterans are willing to give it a try.

It hurts so much!

Suffering every day and night.

Want to die, but don't have the courage.

Alive, no quality of life at all.

I can't eat well, and I can't sleep well.

Every month I take the relief money for disabled soldiers, and the money is spent on medicine.

Now there is an opportunity in front of me, and success means that I can live for several years, and live with quality.

To fail is to die! Finally freed.

Regardless of success or failure, everyone is prepared.

Dozens of medical records were read one by one.

Gu Jiu personally wrote and made a statistical table, which can intuitively judge the effect of this medicine.

"What are you busy with?"

Liu Zhao woke up from sleep, feeling good.

Knowing that Gu Jiu was in the small study, she hurried over immediately.

"Are you awake?" Gu Jiu put down what she was doing.

Liu Zhao nodded, looking at a basket of materials, "What is this?"

Gu Jiu didn't hide it from him, "This is a medication report."

Liu Zhao casually picked up a copy and flipped through it. He didn't understand a lot of content, but he understood the basic content.

He frowned, flipping through the pages one by one, "Do these people have the same disease as me?"

"They are all veterans of many battles. Some of them have more injuries than you, and some of them have less injuries than you."

"What medicine are you using for him?"

"It was all voluntary, and the risks were told to them truthfully. Many people here came to medical school with the idea of either living a few more years or getting rid of it."

Liu Zhao sighed, "I can understand their thoughts. If I hadn't been the emperor and could enjoy the best medical treatment in the world and use the best medicinal materials, I'm afraid I would have made the decision to try the medicine for relief. They didn't get the best The medicinal materials are available, and there is no imperial doctor to see them, so they suffer ten times and suffer ten times more than me."

"You don't have to! Half of the people here survived."


Gu Jiu nodded, "Through these years, there are different ages, but the common thing is that they have a strong desire to survive, and their physical fitness is not bad among the crowd."

Liu Zhao asked her, "Is this medicine effective?"

"Yes! For those who survived, the pain has been significantly relieved, which is tolerable and will not affect their lives."

"You want me to take this medicine?"

"I'll have to think again."

Gu Jiu couldn't make up her mind, after all, this medicine is risky.

No one dares to guarantee that Liu Zhao will be able to carry it through.

"Why are you hesitating! Since the medicine is effective, take it out quickly, and I want to take it. These days are really tormenting, and I can't wait for a day."

"No! Even if you want to take it, you have to prepare to take it a few days in advance. This medicine is a medicine for tigers and wolves. You can't take it right away if you want to."

"I listen to you, what preparations to make, just tell me."