Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1157: Finale (eight)


He was a little confused.

Is the tea he fried not good enough

Or grandparents were dissatisfied with him.

He was worried for several days, frowning.

Bai Zhong took the order and came forward to remind him, "The Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager give you double homework, not to punish you, but to value you. If you don't have that ability, the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager will not waste their time on assigning homework."

After being reminded, Brother Xuan really frowned and was full of energy.

Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao went out for sightseeing every three days. Brother Xuan is immersed in his homework, or takes people deep into the village to investigate the people's conditions. He never has time to spare.

After Guyu, the couple changed their way to Jiangling Mansion.

Jiangling Prefecture is rich in water resources and surrounded by great rivers and lakes.

As soon as Liu Zhao arrived at Jiangling Mansion, he wanted to eat fresh seafood.

Gu Jiu reminded him, "Don't open up your appetite, first get used to the climate here."

Liu Zhao is as good as others.

The two took a boat to visit the Great Lake, and listened to the boat mother telling stories about the fishermen by the lake and singing ancient ditties.

Gu Jiu thought the little song was quite interesting, so he ordered someone to find a musician to record the score.

"Collecting ditties and folk songs from all over the world into a book, a book of ancient music can be published in the future, and many people will definitely collect it."

Liu Zhao has always supported Gu Jiu's decision unconditionally.

Since then, there have been two more musicians in the tour team.

Occasionally, Liu Zhao became interested, and sang and drank with the musicians, very happy.

Gu Jiu spread his mind and traveled along the way. Not only can he record the music score of Xiaoqu Mountain, but he can also order people to record the customs, eating climate, etc. of various places.

Strange people and strange things encountered on the road are also recorded one by one.

In the future, it may be possible to publish a copy of "Strange Tales of Strange People in Local Places" for future reference, and it can also broaden people's horizons.

In this day and age, most people have no chance to travel far in their lifetime. To understand the outside world, only through books.

Really being able to publish a copy of "Strange People and Strange Tales in Local Places" can be regarded as adding a touch of color to everyone's life.

With the birth of the idea, two bookmakers and two painters met in the team.

The painter is responsible for drawing the landscapes, customs, and characters along the way.

In the future, it will be assembled into a book and made into book illustrations, so that people can understand the outside world more intuitively, and don't be a frog at the bottom of a well.

The husband and wife lived in Jiangling Mansion for a year.

Taste special delicacies and enjoy the local scenery.

Brother Xuan has grown taller again this year, he lost his childishness and became more youthful.

Brother Xuan learns everything quickly and well.

In Jiangling Mansion, he learned how to row a boat, learn to catch fish, learn to swim, learn to distinguish herbs, learn how to paint from a painter, learn how to compose music from a musician, learn martial arts from a master martial artist, and even learn a little rough carpentry. …

This comprehension, even Liu Zhao said that he had only seen it in his life.

"I'm afraid that his wisdom will be hurt."

"Not necessarily." Gu Jiu thinks that Liu Zhao is worrying unfoundedly, "Brother Xuan followed us to travel all over the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and got in touch with all kinds of religions. He has a wide range of knowledge and a broad mind. The more he learns, the more he realizes his own shortcomings, instead of digging into a dead end. The so-called extreme wisdom will hurt, mostly because the environment is blocked, only knowing one but not the other, not seeing the world, but worrying about the world. Only seeing the evil of human nature, not seeing the good of human nature.”

Liu Zhao looked at brother Xuan, he was indeed a bright and good boy, not the kind of character who puts everything into a dead end.

At Brother Xuan's age, his knowledge is unmatched among his peers.

What he learned was very complicated, but it did not shake his mind, but strengthened his three views.

During the time they lived in Jiangling Mansion, Cui Qi, the head of Jiangling Academy, often came to visit with a pot of wine.

Seeing Brother Xuan's excellent comprehension, he became interested in talents, so he suggested: "Maybe it would be beneficial for His Royal Highness the eldest grandson to go to the academy to study and get along with his peers for a period of time."

Gu Jiu readily agreed.

Brother Xuan has been away for such a long time, he should take care of himself and go to the academy to receive his education.

So Brother Xuan ended his days of catching birds in the mountains and fishing in the river, and entered the academy to study.

His level of learning is so deep and so rich that ordinary masters can't teach him at all.

Cui Qi gave him a small lesson and asked famous teachers and scholars to teach him.

During the time in the academy, Brother Xun came into contact with Taoism, Buddhism, Yin-Yang School, Mohist School, Science and Technology School...

A new field of knowledge exudes a seductive atmosphere.

Brother Xuan plunged headlong into the new field of knowledge, and he couldn't think of leaving.

Liu Zhao yelled in private: "Be careful of becoming a nerd."

"Don't worry, I can't be a nerd. I don't forget to go up the mountain to catch birds and fish in the river every day in the academy. The academy has complained several times, and he and his group of students have almost stolen all the fish in the pond. They often catch fish and grill them in the middle of the night. eat."

Liu Zhao laughed loudly when he heard the words, "It has the demeanor of my past, not bad. It is three points more naughty than his father."

"Brother Xuan is more wild than the boss."

Free-range children and captive children are indeed different.

Brother Xuan, who is full of wildness, has strong adaptability.

No one in Jiangling Academy except Cui Qi knew his true identity.

Even so, within a short period of time, he made a name for himself in the academy, surrounded by a group of students, as if he was a boss.

It is inevitable that there will be conflicts with other groups of students.

He joined the battle with conspiracy and conspiracies, overthrew his opponents in twos and twos, and became the well-deserved overlord of the academy.

Cui Qi once again visited the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager with wine.

He wiped his face, not knowing where to start.

Finally decided to tell the truth.

"His Royal Highness, the grandson of the emperor, is very prosperous in the academy, and he has dealt with all the local snakes in a submissive manner. Everyone in the academy regards him as the leader, and he has the aura of a mountain king."

Liu Zhao laughed out loud when he heard the words.

After laughing, he said again: "It's nothing to be a mere king of the mountain. If you have the ability to pretend to be a general, it's not bad."

Gu Jiu saw that Cui Qi still had something to say, so he asked, "Did Brother Xuan get into trouble again?"

"The Empress Dowager is worrying too much. His Royal Highness is still very measured. There has been banditry in the mountains recently, and the empress also knows that there are many mountains and less land around Jiangling Mansion, and the banditry is endless. The local government is not effective in suppressing bandits. I am familiar with the bandits. It also has something to do with it. His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson, learned of this situation, and began to instigate the students to organize the guards from various families to train, saying that they wanted to go up the mountain to suppress the bandits."

The matter was so important that Cui Qi couldn't control His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson, so he could only sue secretly.


Liu Zhao was annoyed, "Half a young man, learn from others to suppress bandits, be careful to give your life."

But Gu Jiu said: "This matter should not be suppressed forcefully, but should be actively guided. You are familiar with the military, and you are responsible for this matter."

Gu Jiu acted as the shopkeeper and handed over the responsibility to Liu Zhao.

Liu Zhao pondered for a while, and transferred the local garrison to take charge of suppressing the bandits. Brother Xuan took the people he trained as logistical support.

"Let this kid see the blood first, and then he will know that fighting is no joke."

Gu Jiu agreed with this method.

After careful deployment, the troops entered the mountain and began to suppress bandits.

After going to March, climbing mountains and crossing rivers, the conditions were difficult, and finally took several lairs of bandits and killed the bandit leader. A large number of materials and population were seized.

This time the bandits were suppressed very cleanly.

There can be peace in the mountains for at least ten or eight years.

After three months of suppressing the bandits, a group of student soldiers grew rapidly under the leadership of Xuan Geer.

They are all people who have seen the world, and they have suffered enough. They are not as arrogant as they used to be, and they are all starting to learn to be prudent.

Brother Xuan's eyes became more determined.

He secretly asked Gu Jiu, "Grandmother, where are we going next? Is there any banditry?"

Well, this kid is addicted to suppressing bandits.

"Do you want to fight?"

Brother Xuan nodded heavily.

Gu Jiu said: "Go south all the time, go abroad, go overseas, you can fight every day."

"Are we going overseas?"

"Overseas can be arranged on the itinerary."

So Brother Xuan buried the idea of going overseas to fight.

Go retrograde along the river from Jianglingfu to Yizhou.

Coincidentally, there are also bandits running rampant in the mountainous area hundreds of miles away.

Brother Xuan was full of pride, joined the local garrison, ate, lived and trained together.

When you are ready, go up the mountain to suppress the bandits.

Liu Zhao was triumphant, "This kid is like me, he has the drive I had back then, and he will not die in a fight."

Gu Jiu rolled his eyes at him, "When brother Xuan comes back, let him go to the local academy to cultivate himself for a while."

"Both civil and military, very good!"

At this time, Lu Wang Liu Wei was tired of staying in the capital, and the project at hand had not progressed, so he wanted to go out to play and change his mind.

Knowing that his parents were in Yizhou with Brother Xuan, he also hurried to Huihe in Yizhou.

Liu Zhao detested the addition of an extra light bulb.

Directly sent Lu Wang Liu Yun to the local academy to teach. It doesn't matter if you don't teach, as long as you don't appear in front of you.

Liu Yun pinched his nose, is this his real father

He simply ran into the mountains, waved the flag and shouted after Brother Xuan, helping to settle the accounts and doing logistics.

Without his son and grandson bothering him, Liu Zhao is in a good mood.

Take Gu Jiu out every day to walk the streets, drink tea, watch theaters, and play in mountains and rivers.

He became interested, so he specially learned a few arias and sang them for Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu was very supportive.

Clapping his hands, he said loudly: "Sings very well!"

"Singing really well? Don't coax me."

"I'm not kidding you! You are very imposing when you play a general. Those singers have never been on the battlefield, fought a war, or even seen blood. Playing a general is neither fish nor fowl."

This makes sense.

Liu Zhao was elated, and learned a few more arias, specially singing them to Gu Jiu.

When the uncles and nephews, King Lu Liu Yun and brother Xuan returned, Liu Zhao was very interested and showed off his singing.

Lu Wang Liu Yun didn't dare to complain, he suppressed his laughter and kept silent.

Brother Xuan picked up the drumsticks and beat the drums to accompany the accompaniment. The grandfather and grandson had a great time playing.

Lu Wang Liu Yun secretly complained, "Father is really not very good at singing, but Brother Xuan is very good at drumming. It can be seen that he has learned it specially."

Gu Jiu smiled, "Do you know why your father likes Brother Xuan so much? Not only because Brother Xuan is smart, but also because Brother Xuan is more filial than you."

"Son also has filial piety!" King Lu argued.

Gu Jiu smiled, "But you will never play drums to accompany your father and let your father have a good time. This is what makes Brother Xuan so cute. He knows a lot and can handle everything. As long as he is willing, He can make everyone like him. If he hates someone, he has a way of making everyone hate that person."

"Hearing what my mother said, brother Xuan's city is quite deep."

"He is highly savvy and extremely intelligent. It is not unusual for him to be quite strategic at such a young age. He is really likable, a good boy who is motivated and filial. People are willing to give him the best things."

King Lu Liu Yun heard the words and asked in a low voice, "Is this the appointment of Brother Xuan as the heir apparent?"

"It's too early to talk about it now."

"Oh!" Lu Wang Liu Yun was very knowledgeable and didn't bring up this matter again.

He said: "How about I also send the boy in the family to my father and queen to fulfill my filial piety on my behalf."

"Don't! That brat of yours doesn't understand. He is at the age when people hate dogs. I am not happy to take care of children. When the children grow up to be three or five years old, they can be sent to Bengong, and I will train them personally. some."

Lu Wang Liu Yun smiled happily, "It is his blessing that the child can be trained by the queen mother herself. All children trained by the queen mother are extraordinary."

Gu Jiu laughed happily, "Taste the taste of this tea. Brother Xuan roasted it himself. It has already got the essence of the master."

As soon as he heard that brother Xuan personally roasted the tea, King Lu Liu Yun immediately became interested.

Drinking tea with heart is really unique.

"Brother Xuan is really a genius. Why don't you let him follow me to learn the math equipment, and the collision of different thinking ideas may bring new inspiration."

Gu Jiu asked: "Your research has hit a bottleneck, and you haven't made any progress for such a long time?"

"It's true that there is no progress at all. Seeing brother Xuan, with his clever mind, may give me a little inspiration."

"Fine! As long as he is willing, I will not stop him."

Liu Yun, king of Lu, smiled happily.

After that, he dragged Brother Xuan to bury his head and count the instruments, forgetting to eat and sleep.

-----Off Topic-----

It's underestimated, and it won't be finished today.

Still have to write a few more chapters.