Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1158: Finale (9)


Brother Xun was captured by King Liu Yun of Lu. He forgot to eat and sleep every day, and his eyes were red from boiling.

Liu Zhao felt distressed.

He pointed at his son Liu Yun and cursed at him for being heartless and oppressing children.

Brother Xuan is just at the age of growing up, how can he stay up late every day.

Liu Yun was stunned by the scolding, and went to his mother for comfort.

"Father really had a grandson, but lost his son. It's really partial."

Gu Jiu couldn't help laughing, "Your father has always been partial."

This is too sad.

Gu Jiu wanted to continue to sprinkle salt on his wounds, "You are not as likable as brother Xuan, and the eldest is still dependent on your parents, it is inevitable that your father is partial."

Lu Wang Liu Yun wanted to vomit blood.

"Does the queen mother despise her son?"

"Of course I don't dislike you, it's just that if you don't return to Beijing, your father will personally come forward to drive you away."

"The son wants to be filial to his father and mother, but he is also disliked by his father. The father is really too picky."

"Brother Xuan is enough to be filial in front of us! You are indeed not as caring as Brother Xuan."

Liu Yun, king of Lu, wet his clothes with tears.

so poor!

So wronged!

So helpless!

Disliked by his father, queen, and queen, he is not as likable as his nephew.


Under the cold eyes of the Supreme Emperor Liu Zhao, Lu Wang Liu Wei stayed cheeky for another month.

There are still two months before the Chinese New Year, and I finally have an idea.

He ran to his father and queen mother, "My son wants to spend the New Year with you, and we will return to Beijing after spring begins."

Liu Zhao was extremely disgusted, and waved his hand, "Hurry up, hurry up! Write a letter if you have something to do in the future, and don't show up suddenly again."

Disliked again.

Liu Yun looked at the queen mother eagerly.

Gu Jiu said with a smile: "The business is important, and there will be opportunities to travel around in the future. When you make achievements, I and your father will return to Beijing to congratulate you."

"The son is waiting for his father and queen mother in the capital."

Lu Wang Liu Yun packed his luggage and set off for Beijing.

Brother Xuan sent him out of the city.

"Bon voyage, uncle!"

"Respect your grandparents well, and don't be naughty."

"Nephew obeys uncle."

Sending Lu Wang Liu Yun away, the grandparents and grandchildren began to celebrate the New Year.

All kinds of cured meat are hung under the eaves in rows, which looks extraordinarily rich.

They are many.

The cured meat has been made into a thousand catties.

All the butcher shops in the city knew their family.

With such a large population, they can still eat meat every day, so what is it if they are not rich.

After the new year, it will be Qingming in a blink of an eye.

Brother Xuan roasted two more pots of tea with his own hands, honoring his grandparents.

With Mingqian Tea, Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao decided to set off to the border to have a look.

Brother Xuan jumped up excitedly when he heard that he was going to the border.

He has always kept the idea of going overseas to fight in his heart.

Continue south along the official road.

All the way, it's all mountain roads.

It is not easy to open an official road in such a place that can pass three carriages side by side.

The money spent is astronomical.

The most intuitive benefit of the opening of the road is that there are many more pedestrians and horses passing by, and the circulation of goods is convenient.

Many merchants who sell north-south goods take the initiative to buy mountain goods locally.

The local people sell their own dry and mountain products to merchants, and the family finally has some income. They can buy two taels of salt and three feet of cloth to make a new clothes.

Brother Xuan asked curiously, "Is there no Four Seas Meat Shop in the local area? Why are some peddlers buying mountain products?"

Gu Jiu told him, "Sihai Meat Shop has set up two points at the toll booth. The output here is limited, and the staff usually go into the mountain once every six months. You see, there are many mountains here, and it is not easy to go into the mountain every time. For things like going into the mountain, it takes at least one month and at most three months to get out of the mountain.

Not everyone is willing to wait for the guy from the Four Seas Butcher's to come and pick up the order. Moreover, the market for agricultural and sideline products cannot be monopolized by Four Seas Meat Shop, and other merchants must be given a way to survive. In any industry, if you eat alone, you will be hated. You can only get what you give, and you have to learn how to distribute the benefits. "

Brother Xuan thought about it.

Liu Zhao interjected, "Your grandmother is right. It's about the distribution of benefits. In the whole world, your grandmother recognizes you as the second, and no one dares to recognize you as the first. Every shock in the court is ultimately a redistribution of benefits. Why? Give it to the owner and not to the west? Why should it be given to the surname Li and not to the surname Zhao? Are they inferior to others? Not so! Instead, give it to the owner and give it to the person surnamed Li, so as to maximize the benefits and benefit more More people are more conducive to the promotion of the system.”

Brother Xuan suddenly realized.

Gu Jiu was straightforward, and immediately assigned him homework, "On the word 'benefit', write an essay. The homework should be handed in within half a month."

"Grandson obeys!"

When we arrived at the border town, we realized that this place was already a bustling and prosperous commercial center.

Merchants, literati, scholars, unidentified people, people who escaped here with lawsuits, and military troops coming and going, all three teachings and nine streams gathered once.

A small border town with a population of less than 1,000 people has been forced to become a border trade center because of the opening of the cement road leading to overseas.

Just in time for the fruit to be on the market, Brother Xuan eats it every day.

Sure enough, he is half a child, and he will eat me to death.

With this amount of food, a slightly poorer family can't afford it.

Families of small landlords feel weak in the face of such a large amount of food.

Brother Xun was not satisfied with going to the market to buy fruits to eat, he led people to the orchard and climbed directly to the trees to eat fresh fruits.

When I came back at night, I brought back some wild game.

The guards reported that Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao knew that this kid not only climbed trees to eat fruit, but also went into the mountains to hunt game. After cutting three poisonous snakes in a row, he went down the mountain with game, and he still looked embarrassed.

Upon hearing that they encountered a poisonous snake, Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao were taken aback.

"This kid is too wild! I don't know how many times wilder than his old man."

"He dares to cut a poisonous snake casually, it's really annoying."

Liu Zhao was furious, and ran to teach Brother Xuan a lesson. He was also worried about brother Xuan's comfort.

Brother Xuan bowed his head and admitted his mistake, Liu Zhao immediately relented and told him not to go to the mountains to hunt game in the future, and there would be no other punishment.

Gu Jiu rolled his eyes repeatedly, he was an old man who was duplicity.

He was so fierce before, but when he saw the eldest grandson, he immediately became so gentle that he was not willing to punish the eldest grandson.

Gu Jiu will not soften his heart, "After half a month of thinking behind closed doors, think carefully about what is wrong."


Brother Xuan honestly went back to his room and thought about his mistakes behind closed doors.

Seeing this, Liu Zhao felt distressed.

"After half a month of thinking behind closed doors, isn't your punishment too harsh?"

Gu Jiu stretched out his finger and poked him on the head, "Are you stupid? The thunder is heavy and the rain is light. No matter how you teach Brother Xuan, you still dare to say that I am too cruel. Believe it or not, I will punish you as well." .”

Believe it!

How dare Liu Zhao not believe it.

Never disobey the Queen Mother's decision.

"It's all up to you. Whatever you say is what you say. If you say to punish him for half a month, it will be half a month, and if you punish him for one month, it will be one month. I have no objection."

Liu Zhao was very cowardly.

Gu Jiu laughed, "You just dote on him too much, you can't do this in the future."

"That won't work! Let's sing bad faces one by one and red faces alone. We can't all be fierce, that will hurt Brother Xuan."

Gu Jiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You didn't say that when you taught the children back then."

"That's different. Brother Xuan is a grandson, not a son. How can those brats compare with Brother Xuan."

have to!

This is my dear father, he didn't run away.

Liu Zhao disliked his own son so much, but he treasured his grandson so much.

Typical double standard!

He stayed in the border town for a month before officially leaving the customs.

As the Empress Dowager and the Supreme Emperor left the customs, a decree from the Empress Dowager was sent to the sub-point of the Shaofu in the state capital.

A few days later, the Shaofu of the prefecture city dispatched all the troops, took the embroidered clothes guards to the gate of the town, dragged the border staff to the end, and arrested them all back for interrogation.

What the hell, if you dare to reach out to the tariffs, you have to be prepared to die.

In order to take care of the hard working environment at the border, the Shaofu pays high salaries to the border staff, and there are generous bonuses at the end of the year.

A year's income can catch up with a first-rank official's annual income.

With such a high income, he still didn't forget to reach out to the tariff, but it still hit the Queen Mother's hand, and he deserved it!

After leaving the customs, I encountered many caravans transporting supplies along the way.

Sanhe Express is the main force.

For this kind of overseas cargo transportation, in order to ensure safety, commercial banks usually entrust Sanhe Express.

Although Sanhe Express is expensive, it is guaranteed.

If the goods are robbed and cause losses, Sanhe Express will compensate according to the tax value.

"This concrete road leading to the seaside is much more lively than I expected."

Gu Jiu thought that there would be very few people walking this road, and the most would be running caravans.

Along the way, I found not only caravans traveling from south to north, but also many local people and rich lords.

The closer to the town, the more people on both sides of the road hawking along the street.

Gu Jiu sighed, "I thought the local aborigines were full of hatred for the people of Dazhou, but I didn't expect to see a scene of peaceful times."

Brother Xuan spent several days inquiring outside, contacting the local people frequently, and asked him to find out a lot of things.

"The small people who set up stalls along the street can basically speak a few words of Chinese, and they specialize in doing business with Dazhou people. The overseas trip has run a free elementary school, and local children can study for free. This move is quite popular."

"My grandson also heard that the first imperial examination was held in the overseas camp last year, and local scholars flocked to sign up. The overseas camp promised that as long as they can get the honor of a scholar, they can work in the camp and eat official meals. Those with excellent grades will be recommended Go to Shanhe Academy in Beijing to study. These two alone are very attractive to local scholars."

"Another thing is that the Sun family, under the orders of the emperor's grandmother, has been traveling overseas to promote Han culture in recent years. They have made great achievements. In the eyes of local scholars, they seem to be saints and are highly respected."

After listening to brother Xuan's inquiry, Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao did not rush to camp.

I found a town and booked an inn to live in.

The husband and wife, dressed as merchants, wandered around all day.

Bazaars, villages, farmland, mines, schools...

Overseas business has been operating for many years, and the achievements are obvious to all.

"With another ten years of work, when these children who have received Han culture education grow up, they can formally incorporate overseas camps into the imperial court, and set up government offices here, and set up exile officials."

Liu Zhao nodded again and again, "There can be five counties and twenty state capitals."

"You are taking too big a step. Set up counties and state capitals, don't rush, you have to take your time. First set up one or two state capitals, experiment for three to five years, and ensure that it can replace overseas camps, and then discuss the establishment of counties. It's just that this place is far away. The capital, in people's minds, is a wild place, a place of exile, and I am afraid that no one would like to be an official here."

"When your "Strange Tales of Local People and Strange People" is published, there will always be people who will be tempted. You can also use the method of increasing salaries to attract a group of people."

Gu Jiu asked for stability, and didn't want to cause chaos here, "I'll think about this matter again, don't worry."

They went to camp.

This is the first time he has taken the initiative to go to the government since he went out to play.

Walking up and down the camp is like walking on thin ice.

Why are the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager here!

Security work is the top priority, if something happens, it will be terrible.

There is a lot of pressure up and down the camp, and everyone is worried about safety.

It turns out that the population close to Dazhou has always been relatively close to Dazhou. After years of intensive cultivation in overseas camps, they gradually accepted Dazhou people and took the initiative to learn Dazhou dialect and Dazhou etiquette. Scholars are also willing to work in camps.

So Gu Jiu and the others traveled all the way, and what they saw was a scene of peaceful times.

After passing the camp, continue to go south, the closer to the sea, the more resistance to Da Zhou.

Half of the troops in the battalion were sent out to quell the chaos.

A while ago, there were people creating an atmosphere of terror in the town where the camp was located.

Three days before Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao arrived, the camp had just killed a group of rebels. The bloody smell in the city has not dissipated.