Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1159: Finale (10)


Brother Xuan is going to fight.

Before the arrival of Uncle Rong and Aunt Ruyang, Brother Xuan led his bodyguards and followed the army to quell the chaos.

From here, it will take half a year at least, and a year or two at most.

Liu Zhao is worried!

I tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep.

He wanted to personally lead people to protect Brother Xuan's safety.

The weather was originally scorching hot, but Liu Zhao was still excited, and kept tossing and turning, which was really too much.

"You're just worrying about it. There are hundreds of guards protecting him, so there's no danger for him. It's impossible for the general to let him be the vanguard to charge forward."

Gu Jiu complained about Liu Zhao fiercely.

"In the past, the children went to sea, and those who went to the Western Regions went to the Western Regions. Why didn't I see you worried, and I didn't hear you say that you should personally lead people to protect the safety of the children."

"Can it be the same? That's Brother Xuan!"

Liu Zhao made sense.

"The eldest brother and the second child have rough skin and thick flesh, so they will be beaten a lot. Ruyang has the second brother as his brother to protect him, so don't worry. Brother Xuan has no one besides the guards. I don't believe it. Don't worry about him."

Gu Jiu snorted, "Although I'm worried about him, I won't personally lead someone to protect his safety."

Liu Zhao took her hand, and said solemnly: "You forgot that brother Xuan is a wild child, full of wildness. I'm afraid that he will go to the battlefield, and when he gets excited, he will rush to the front."

"Brother Xuan is a steady kid, not a hot-blooded stunned young man. You must have underestimated him."

"He is a child after all, let alone a child when even adults are impulsive."

Gu Jiu was annoyed by what he said, and said sharply: "Don't dare to chatter again, you are not allowed to go to bed."

Liu Zhao immediately confessed and shut up.

When King Rong Liu Heng and Princess Ruyang Liu Xiang came to camp overseas, Liu Zhao chatted with his two children.

Liu Heng complained secretly in private, "Father is indeed nagging more and more. Once you have a grandson, you forget about your son."

Rong Wang Liu Heng was treated the same as Lu Wang Liu Yun, and they were also not welcomed by Liu Zhao.

Sure enough, it was my dear father.

Gu Jiu laughed, "It's rare for your father to care about someone so much, you let him torment for a few days, and when he gets tired, he will stop."

Liu Zhao dragged Liu Heng to look at the map every day, predicting the actions of the rebels.

The personal guards are on standby at any time, and will go out to rescue the emperor's eldest grandson when necessary.

Of course, these matters are all tossed by Liu Zhao alone.

Gu Jiu paid more attention to people's livelihood and economy.

She went to King Rong Liu Heng and Ruyang's territory to investigate.

She concluded, "It's time to start a vassal state!"

"My son also thinks it's time. Brother Huang, I don't know if there will be twists and turns."

Gu Jiu said: "The imperial court will definitely have objections. With the annual increase in overseas business income, not only has it achieved a balance of payments, but it has been slightly surplus every year for the past few years. Overseas land has gradually attracted the attention of court officials. You and Ruyang are starting a vassal state at this time, and the officials of the court will definitely want to interfere in the appointment of the officials of the vassal state. You must be mentally prepared, the matter of opening a vassal state will not be settled without a tug-of-war for a year or two."

Rong Wang Liu Heng said: "My son will never accept that the court interferes with the appointment of officials in the vassal states."

"So it takes time to play games and fight a protracted tug of war. Taking advantage of this time, you can prepare the princes first. One radish and one pit. When the court sees that you have already found officials, it cannot force you to send people Replace them all."

"Thank you, Queen Mother, for your reminder. Brother Huang, please, Queen Mother, please speak kindly for my son and Ru Yang."

Gu Jiu laughed, "Don't worry! Your imperial brother supports you and Ruyang to start a vassal state. Your imperial brother even wants the princes of the clan to go overseas to open a vassal state, lest they stay in the capital to waste food."

King Rong Liu Heng was speechless secretly, "Brother Huang's move is really ruthless."

Only by opening a vassal state can we truly occupy a strange land.

Xiliang is the best example.

Only when the Pei family cracked the soil and became the king could they willingly take root in Xiliang and spread the culture of the Great Zhou to the Western Regions.

Gu Jiu is very satisfied with the work of these years of overseas business trips.

She was very proud, and she paid privately to expand the city for the location of the camp, increase employment, and do real estate business by the way.

The whole camp rejoiced.

The empress dowager's ability is obvious to all.

It is no exaggeration to call it a miracle that Xinmin County has grown from nothing to a city that never sleeps and generates millions of taels of tax revenue every year.

Now the empress dowager is going to build a city overseas, it seems like a pie in the sky, everyone is so happy that they can't close their mouths.

King Rong Liu Heng and Princess Ruyang Liu Xiang are in a hurry.

The queen mother can't favor one another.

Build a city for overseas companies, and invest some money to build a city for them by the way.

Without further ado, Gu Jiu took out two more sums of money to expand the city on the territories of King Rong Liu Heng and Ru Yang respectively.

Liu Zhao was very curious.

One night, when the two of them were sitting in the courtyard to enjoy the shade, he asked casually, "How much money do you have? How much money do you need to burn to build a city? You just took out the money without blinking."

Gu Jiu drank the juice, thought for a while and said, "I don't know exactly how much money I have under my name. Tens of millions of taels are definitely available."

Liu Zhao made a decisive decision, "You are richer than me, and you will be responsible for all future expenses."

Gu Jiu looked him up and down, "Didn't I raise you for the past few years?"

Liu Zhao is embarrassed!

"It wasn't counted before! From now on, I will officially hand over my more than one hundred catties to you."

Gu Jiu rolled his eyes directly.

Liu Zhao had a sullen look on his face.

For old couples, there is no need to distinguish so clearly.

He dragged Gu Jiu out every day.

Gu Jiu thought it was hot, so he didn't want to go out.

Gu Jiu doesn't go out, it's boring for him to go out alone.

He ordered people to build a swimming pool in the backyard and pour live water into it.

He soaks in the swimming pool every day, and the days are really cool.

Gu Jiu sorted out the materials at hand, enough to publish two books.

She ordered someone to bring the materials back to the capital and hand them over to Huang Qubing.

A few months later, the first volume of "Strange People and Strange Tales in Local Places" was published.

Detailed content, exquisite illustrations, interesting stories, and Wenqing Bookstore have gathered all their strengths to promote this book.

With so many advantages added together, the first volume of "Strange Tales of Strange People in Local Places" has just been released, and it has caused panic buying.

This is a travel note, but it is richer and more interesting than traditional travel notes, and there are exquisite illustrations that faithfully restore the local style.

It is said to be a travel note, but it is more like a travel guide that is necessary for going out.

Food, drink and lodging, folk customs, where to eat and have fun, routes, and precautions along the way are all covered in the book "Strange Tales of Local People and Strange People".

Such detailed content is like a treasure for many young people who yearn for the outside world.

When I went out before, my eyes were darkened. Want to inquire about news, but also worried about being cheated.

It was not easy to meet a fellow villager, and it might be a liar.

Now that there is "Strange People and Strange Talks in Places", it is an option to follow the above route.

In the book, there are luxury inns and restaurants, as well as small street shops and roadside stalls.

If you have money or not, when you go out, you bring a copy of "Strange Talks of Strange People and Strange People in Local Places" with you, to ensure that it is correct.

The first batch of 30,000 copies was printed and sold out in less than half a month.

Huang Qubing made a decisive decision and printed another 50,000 copies, which were distributed all over the country.

As a result, this year, there have been more young travelers on the official road who do not do business or study and go out to gain knowledge.

The inns and restaurants all over the place also received a wave of passenger traffic during the off-season.

Gu Jiu was very happy when she heard about this situation.

She smiled and said, "I never thought that a single book would trigger a wave of free travel."

"What is free travel?"

"Pay your own money, arrange your own itinerary and go out for fun, which is called independent travel."

"We are a typical independent traveler. The itinerary is decided temporarily. When we arrive at a place, we live there. When we get tired of living, we change to another place."

Gu Jiu nodded repeatedly.

They went out to play this time, which is a large-scale free travel.

After the new year, it is another year of reincarnation.

Brother Xuan finally returned safely.

He is darker, taller, and his body is getting stronger and stronger.

Speaking of body, Liu Zhao has lost a lot of weight since he came to camp overseas, maybe because he sweated too much.

Coupled with swimming every day, his body can catch up with a man in his prime.

He was very embarrassed and patted his chest, "In the past two years, I obviously feel much better. The pain caused by old injuries can be completely ignored."

Gu Jiu smiled.

Liu Zhao's health has improved, which is the biggest gain from traveling and playing.

The second is Brother Xuan's rapid growth.

After experiencing the baptism of war, brother Xuan has obviously calmed down a lot.

Half a teenager, already has the stability and wisdom of an adult.

Enjoy the food and drink.

They decide to leave for the next leg of their journey.

Take a sea boat to Lingnan.

Gu Jiu conveniently bought some properties.

Then headed north all the way, and then turned to the northwest.

After leaving the Northwest for decades, Gu Jiu set foot on this land once again, feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

She told Liu Zhao, "The thing I regret the most is that I never met Lu Hou. It's a pity that a generation of heroes never met."

"That old thing is old and cunning, and he has been dead for so many years. Why do you miss him?"

Liu Zhao was not happy.

Gu Jiu laughed, "Ben Gong and Lu Hou have been friends for a long time, and they cherish each other. I don't know if there is a portrait of Lu Hou in his prime in the Anxi Palace."

"If there is a portrait in Anxi Palace, it is also a portrait of him in his old age."

But Gu Jiu said: "Old Lu Hou, I have no interest in this palace."

Liu Zhao laughed, and his mood turned cloudy.

"You have seen Pei Meng, and you basically know what Luhou looks like. Their father and son have similar facial features, and they are basically carved out of the same mold."

After all, Gu Jiu still hasn't seen the portrait of Lu Hou in his prime.

Northwest is where she got her start.

The aquaculture and textile industries are thriving here.

Cashmere products and wool products are sold at home and abroad, bringing a steady stream of income to the local people.

There is also the horse farm here, and the private horse farm is gradually flourishing again.

As a large number of people responded to the imperial court's call, of course, they also went to the prairie to develop and manage in order to seek an official position, and the exchanges between the northwest and the prairie became more frequent.

A concrete road that goes deep into the hinterland of the prairie is being built.

On the roads that have been opened to traffic, cars come and go, all in exchange for supplies.

Gu Jiu wanted to see how his prairie plan was going.

So the group left the northwest, walked along the concrete road, and entered the prairie.

Being a king by enclosing land and being a seventh-rank official appointed by the court officials is quite attractive to many people.

Along the way, I encountered several large-scale ranches, all of which were run by marginal children from aristocratic families.

They even met several clan members in the hinterland of the prairie.

Several clans recognized the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager at a glance, screaming with excitement.

Kill cattle and sheep and entertain them.

Liu Zhao was very curious, "When did you come to the prairie?"

"Reporting to the Supreme Emperor, I waited to come here six years ago."

"I ran to the prairie six years ago, but can I still find such a good pasture?"

Damn it.

"Don't dare to lie to the Supreme Emperor. We bought this ranch from the Zhou family in Chuzhou."

"Why did the Zhou family in Chuzhou sell the ranch?"

"The Zhou family in Chuzhou are all from the south, and they are not used to the climate and life of the grassland. Their family is a scholarly family, and they are pure laymen in running the ranch. The surrounding ranches are making money, and their ranch has been losing money for several years. So they decided to sell it. For sale. We were in the capital at the time, and by coincidence, we learned that the Zhou family was selling the ranch, so we immediately signed an agreement with them and successfully took over the ranch."

"It took a lot of money to take down this ranch."

"Two farms were mortgaged to take this ranch."

"Have courage! How is business now?"

"The Shaofu directly approached us to buy cattle, sheep and horses. The business is not bad. In addition, selling cashmere and wool every year is also a lot of money."

"Empress Dowager, let's build a city on the grassland!"