Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 1161: Finale (twelve)


After the new year, Lu Wang Liu Wei sent a gift on behalf of the college.

A desk clock the size of a round fan.

Liu Zhao saw it, a little strange

"It's not easy, but the chime clock can be made so small."

Lu Wang Liu Yun said: "Not only is it small, but the time is more accurate, and there is almost no error."

Gu Jiu picked up the clock, which was exquisitely shaped, decorated with high-quality mahogany, carved with exotic flowers and plants, and inlaid with various jewels.

At first glance, it is rich and luxurious, and it is of great value.

She asked Liu Yun, "How are you going to sell this?"

"The Shaofu plans to hold a watch appreciation meeting and take the opportunity to launch a table clock. In order to open up the market, we have hired people to design more than a dozen appearances. It can be customized according to the needs of customers. The low price is three thousand taels, and there is no upper limit."

Liu Zhao said with emotion, "This time, the Institute of Science and Technology has received a large amount of money, will it be able to achieve a balance of income and expenditure?"

Gu Jiu shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work! Clocks and watches are just small items, and the Institute of Science and Technology has too many things to research and develop, and it must not be satisfied with this little achievement."

"Mr. Ren also said so." Liu Yun agreed.

Then Liu Yun took out two more wooden boxes, "The son brought another gift to the queen and the father."

"What is it?"

Curious, Liu Zhao directly opened the wooden box.


It turned out to be a pocket watch the size of half a palm.

"You actually made a pocket watch?"

"This is a sample made by my son. The time of the pocket watch is not very accurate, and needs to be improved. Because it is the first time to make a pocket watch sample, the son thinks it is very meaningful, so he brought it to his father and queen. I will make a pocket watch in the future The finished product, the son will send two more to his father and queen mother."

Gu Jiu opened another wooden box, picked up the pocket watch, and said, "There are only two samples, right?"

"There are three in total, and the remaining one will be kept in the academy for further research."

Gu Jiu laughed, "There are only three pocket watches with inaccurate time in the world, and they are also the first three pocket watches in the world. Two of them, one in the hands of the Supreme Emperor, have been in the hands of the Empress Dowager. Wait for us for a hundred years After that, these two pocket watches with inaccurate time are unique in the world, cannot be copied, and are priceless antiques."

This is the reason.

Liu Zhao called Brother Xuan, "After a hundred years from your grandmother and I, these two pocket watches will be handed over to you for safekeeping. There are only pocket watches in the world that can be worn by the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager."

Brother Xuan's eyes turned red immediately, and he nodded heavily.

King Lu Liu Yun muttered softly, "Father's words are unlucky."

Liu Zhao picked up his pocket watch and tapped Lu Wang Liu Yun on the head, "Stop talking nonsense! Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, what is auspicious or not, you just think too much."

Lu Wang Liu Yun was wronged and asked his mother for help.

Gu Jiu frowned and smiled, "The third child is here today, just in time to taste the new dishes developed by the chef."

Hearing that there was something to eat, Liu Yun smiled openly.

Sure enough, he is a foodie, and he has been a foodie since he was a child.

Without further ado, Brother Xuan went to touch two more fish in the pond.

Liu Yun, king of Lu, said with emotion: "Brother Xuan's water skills are probably comparable to those of fishermen who grew up by the water."

Gu Jiu said with a smile: "He just learned how to swim from the fishermen by the water. He spends his whole day up the mountain catching birds and down the river to catch fish. He has a very wild temper."

Lu Wang Liu Yun said in a low voice: "Brother Xuan has such a temperament, I'm afraid the emperor can't control it."

Gu Jiu said: "You are worrying for nothing. Brother Xuan has a wild temper, but he is very measured and understands the rules. He is the kind of person who puts on any posture in any situation. He is born with many faces."

"It's unbelievable!" King Lu Liu Yun said with emotion, "Brother Xuan's younger brothers and sisters are like fools compared to him."

"They're all your nephews and nieces, how can you talk like that." Gu Jiu scolded softly.

Liu Yun smiled awkwardly, "The empress's time in the palace is short, so I don't know how many children of the emperor's brother are being disciplined by the old master, and they are not as clever as brother Xuan. But they have a lot of careful thoughts. I just feel that the way the emperor's wife disciplines the children There is a problem, following the tradition of the Sun family, pressing the child to study every day, there is no time to play at all.

I remember when I was young, although my father and queen gave us a lot of homework, they didn't restrict us from playing. The emperor's wife always likes to say that playing with things loses one's ambition, so it depends on how to play. Brother Huang has a lot of things to do every day, so he has no time to discipline the children. Fortunately, Brother Xuan grew up beside his father and queen, so he was not disciplined into a log. "

"The empress is very knowledgeable, can it be as serious as you said?" Gu Jiu didn't believe it.

Lu Wang Liu Yun said: "What my son said is all personal opinion, maybe a little one-sided."

Gu Jiu paid attention to this matter.

She ordered people to bring a decree back to the palace, and sent the emperor's grandson, emperor's granddaughter, and Liu Yun's two and a half children to the tea house for a summer.

Emperor Ganming was overjoyed when he received Yi's decree.

He wished to send the child to the queen mother to discipline him.

The queen mother is very good at teaching children, and their brothers and sisters are examples.

The queen was a little bit reluctant, but didn't stop her.

All the way to the south by boat, one and a half months later, a group of children of different sizes walked into the tea house.

Gu Jiu was not in a hurry to assign homework, nor was he in a hurry to examine the children's temperament.

Let the children adapt to the environment first, and let Brother Xuan take his younger brothers and sisters out to visit the mountains and rivers and walk around the streets.

A group of half-grown children who study in the palace every day are far away from their parents. They are newcomers. At first, they were afraid of the majesty of their grandparents and could not let go.

A few days later, this group of children, like wild horses running wild, took the initiative to follow Brother Xuan.

After half a month in the wild, Gu Jiu called all the children to him, inspected their progress, and assigned them homework.

As long as you complete your homework on time every day, you can play in the tea house.

Gu Jiu got used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, and then handed over the heavy responsibility of teaching the children to Brother Xuan.

With Brother Xuan's knowledge reserve, it is more than enough to be the teacher of this group of children.

Brother Xuan gladly accepted the order.

As a teacher, he will not follow the usual path.

In addition to teaching the knowledge in books, he also took his younger brothers and sisters to the fields to plant seedlings, weed weeds in the fields, go up the mountains to collect firewood and catch game, and go down the river to touch fish and wash them.

Go to the tea mountain to pick tea leaves, and go to the market to sell local products.

He took his younger siblings to Jiangnan Academy to dawdle, occupying land, and arguing with local students.

Soon, debating became a regular item for them.

A group of children, led by Brother Xuan, also became more wild.

They're all good kids.

Both the queen and Princess Lu taught well.

It's just that the discipline is too strict, and the children lose their vitality.

Summer is over, and it's time for the children to head back to the capital.

A group of children were all red-eyed and reluctant.

This summer is the most meaningful summer in their memory, and they will never forget it in their lifetime.

"We want to stay with our grandparents and be filial."

"You guys want to stay and play with your grandparents."

Gu Jiu laughed and scratched the children's noses, "Everyone is obedient, follow Eunuch Qian back to the capital. Come and play again next summer."

"Can you really come next year?"

"How can the words of this palace be false?"

After coaxing the children, they were finally sent to the upstairs boat and set off for Beijing.

Qian Fu is responsible for sending the group of precious children back to Beijing to ensure their safety.

He also brought a copy of the imperial edict of the empress dowager.

The content of Yizhi is very simple, don't tie the children in the palace or palace all day long. They all go to Shanhe Academy to study, and the girls go to Beijing Women's College to study and get along with their peers more.

Private school works very well in the enlightenment stage.

But when the children have passed the enlightenment stage, they should go to the academy to receive education, instead of staying in the palace to be taught by the old masters.

In terms of educating children, Qianming Emperor Liu Yu absolutely believed in the Empress Dowager.

After receiving Yi's decree, he sent the children to Shanhe Academy and Jingcheng Women's College respectively.

Liu Yun's two children were also sent to the academy to study.

Tea house here.

The children were sent away, and the tea house, which had been noisy all summer, finally calmed down.

Liu Zhao took a sip of tea and felt refreshed all over.

"My old arms and legs are relieved. These children are like a thousand ducks quacking and quacking, and my ears are almost deaf. Fortunately, you only keep them for one summer."

Liu Zhao was deeply afraid.

If the children had been living in the tea house, he would have been driven mad by the noise.

Gu Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, "When children get together, there's no way they don't make a lot of noise. It's a good thing that the children have been playing like crazy all summer and making a lot of noise."

"One and two were raised wild. The wildest child belongs to Brother Xuan."

Brother Xuan came back with a stack of newspapers, "Grandfather, grandson will read the newspapers to you."

"Come here and have a sip of tea to cool off the heat. Qiuhu is very powerful, and it's still so hot in this season."

One second ago, he was complaining about brother Xuan's wild temper, and one second later, he felt sorry for Liu Zhao, who had spent a long time outside in the sun, and played the duplicity vividly.

Gu Jiu smiled without saying a word.

Autumn and winter are coming, and a new year will be ushered in.

Liu Zhao was wrapped in a thick blanket, sitting in the study drowsy.

The earth dragon is very warm, but he still feels cold.

Gu Jiu woke him up, "It's time to drink the medicine!"

After Liu Zhao woke up, he was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

He laughed at himself, "When it's winter, I can't do without medicine. I'm so weak, I don't think I can last much time."

Gu Jiu kneaded his legs and feet for him, and rarely refuted him.

After Liu Zhao drank the medicine, he realized the taste.

He asked Gu Jiu, "How many days do I have left?"

Gu Jiu remained silent.

Liu Zhao sighed, "Tell me! How much time do I have left? You have to give me some time to arrange your own affairs."

Gu Jiu let out a long sigh and held his hand, "Half a year to a year."

"There's still one year left, that's enough!" Liu Zhao laughed, "One year later, I will fulfill my promise to you."

After a pause, he said again: "You have worked hard to take care of me, a sick old man, all these years. After another year of hard work, you will be relieved."

"Don't talk nonsense." Gu Jiu scolded him softly.

But Liu Zhao laughed, "I'm not talking nonsense, I really feel sorry for you. I know how hard you have worked, and I can see it all. To be honest, sometimes I feel that I am a burden, always dragging you down. .”

"You also said that what you said was not nonsense, do you hear that what you said is human language?" Gu Jiu was very angry.

Liu Zhao pulled Gu Jiu to sit next to him, "I'm very glad that I made the decision to abdicate back then, so that I can travel with you, see the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, swim in the great rivers, and see the snow in Saibei. Even if I die now, I will I have no regrets. I am worthy of my ancestors, the country of the Great Zhou, the people of the Great Zhou, and I have fulfilled my promise to you. My life is complete."

Gu Jiu leaned on his shoulder, "It's quite complete."

Liu Zhao patted her hand, "Let's go back to the capital when it's spring. I'll leave this tea house to brother Xuan. If he gets upset in the future, he can stay here for a while to relax. You and the imperial physician Together, you must save my life until you return to the capital, I can't die here, it will ruin the feng shui here, and cause trouble."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Gu Jiu scolded him.

Liu Zhao smiled, and said indifferently: "What I said is true. I have to be buried in the imperial mausoleum, and I must die in the capital, in the palace. It is not appropriate to die anywhere other than the palace. You are here Find me a place in Chang'an Palace, and I will live in it."

Gu Jiu's eyes got wet, "You just want to anger me."

"I don't dare to be angry with you. I'm explaining the funeral. You don't want me to die in the tea house, and then transported all the way back to the capital."

Gu Jiu gritted her teeth, she was really going to die of anger.

Liu Zhao didn't know how to look at her face at all, and asked her, "Do you remember what I just said? After this winter, we will set off for the capital when spring begins."

Gu Jiu nodded heavily, "Don't say similar things in the future."

"I promise you."