Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 75: Thunderbolt means


Early in the morning, Jiang Yan packed her luggage.

All the luggage added up is just a burden.

Qingmei knocked on the door and came in, seeing the bundle on the table, she asked, "Is everything packed?"

Jiang Yan nodded.

Qing Mei said: "The things you explained, have been arranged to be sent back to your hometown. If all goes well, they have already received it."

"Thank you, Sister Qingmei."

"You're welcome, we always get along."

Jiang Yan nodded, "I want to kowtow to the girl."

Qingmei smiled and said: "No need to kowtow. Today the girl will send you out of the house in person."


Jiang Yan was surprised and moved.

"How did this happen?"


Qingmei stretched out a finger and placed it on Jiang Yan's lips.

"The girl is leaving the house quietly, so don't say anything."

Jiang Yan nodded nervously.

Qing Mei said: "Let's go."

Jiang Yan followed Qingmei out of the bedroom, stood at the door, and couldn't help but look back.

She looked sad.

The few months in the Governor's Mansion, calculated, should be the most comfortable and fulfilling months for her to grow up.

Every day is very tiring, there are endless things to do, but very satisfying.

Even her height, because of the good food, has grown a lot in just a few months.

When the door is closed, the stable life is also closed.

Jiang Yan took a deep breath, her eyes became firm again, "Sister Qingmei, please lead the way."

Qingmei led Jiang Yan out of Zhilan Courtyard, took a remote path, and came to the back door.

Out of the back door is the back alley.

A bullock cart is already waiting in the back alley.

The car door opened, and Gu Jiu, who was dressed in men's attire, stretched out her head and smiled, "Jiang Yan is here, come up quickly."


Jiang Yan looked shocked at Gu Jiu who was disguised as a man.

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "It's convenient to go out this way."

Jiang Yan frowned, smiled, and nodded heavily, "The girl is so beautiful dressed like this. Ah, it should be said that she is so handsome. When outsiders see it, they will guess whose young man this is, and I am afraid that she wants to take it home to do it." son in law."

Gu Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, "You can still joke, yes, yes. Keeping this mentality, you can make a way in the capital and enter the palace."

Jiang Yan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Holding back her tears, she got on the bullock cart.

"Thank you girl."

The bullock cart moved forward slowly. Sitting on the frame and driving the ox cart were Er Zhuang and Li Chuan.

Gu Jiu took out a purse from his bosom, and said, "Don't say anything polite, you accept this purse, I hope it can help you."

Jiang Yan was at a loss, and opened her purse to see that there were bank notes of one tael, five taels, and the largest denomination of ten taels, and there were a total of one hundred taels in total.

Jiang Yan looked terrified, and hurriedly returned the purse to Gu Jiu, "It's too expensive, I can't take it."

Gu Jiu put the purse back into Jiang Yan's hands, and said with a serious face: "From today on, you are no longer my maid, and you don't need to call yourself a slave.

This amount of money seems to be a lot, but when it is really needed, it may not be enough.

I just hope that the money can help you reach the capital and enter the palace smoothly. This is also my last help to you. "

"How can a slave girl ask for money from a girl." Jiang Yan shook her head frequently, refusing to ask for anything.

Gu Jiu smiled, "Take it, treat it as if I lent it to you. If we can meet again in the future, if you have money, just return it to me."

"This..." Jiang Yan hesitated.

Gu Jiu quickly put the purse in Jiang Yan's hand, then took her hand, holding the purse tightly.

Jiang Yan said solemnly: "This money, the servant will definitely return it to the girl."

Gu Jiu smiled, noncommittal.

She took out two more books and handed them to Jiang Yan, "When you have time, read more books. You are a smart person, and after learning the principles in the books, it will be helpful to you."

"Thank you girl."

Jiang Yan knelt down on the ground and kowtowed heavily.

Gu Jiu helped her up, "Don't break your forehead, it will make you ugly."

Jiang Yan's eyes were moist, and she said with a smile: "Your servant listens to the girl."

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped.

Li Chuan shouted from outside the car door: "Girl, we're here!"

Gu Jiu pulled the curtains of the car and looked outside.

Jinlai Winery is the place Pei Yun mentioned.

Jiang Yan gritted her teeth and jumped off the bullock cart.

She stood outside the car door, looking at Gu Jiu in the car, reluctantly.

In the end, he only said: "The maidservant will miss the girl."

Gu Jiu waved his hand, "Go ahead and fight for a bright future."

Jiang Yan nodded heavily, turned around, and walked into the winery without looking back. After presenting the nameplate of household registration, he was welcomed in by the waiter.

The shopkeeper stood behind the counter and glanced at the bullock cart.

Gu Jiu nodded to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper nodded slightly.

Gu Jiu laughed.

Soon, Li Chuan came back.

He told Gu Jiu, "I watched Jiang Yan enter the inner yard with my own eyes. There are more than a dozen beauties in the yard, all of them are as beautiful as flowers, and they are learning the rules from a nun.

I inquired a little, and these beauties will leave for the capital in two days. "

After Gu Jiu finished listening, she only said, "Let's go."

She gave Jiang Yan a chance. Whether Jiang Yan can succeed in the future depends on her own fortune.

The winery is located in the East Market, and Gu Jiu is going to the West Market.

The West Market is bustling with small merchants and hawkers.

Gu Jiu simply got out of the bullock cart and wandered on the street.

Qingmei followed Gu Jiu nervously, "Girl, let's leave. There are a lot of people here, what should we do if we get separated or meet someone who can't open their eyes."

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "It's okay."

It's rare to go out for a trip, and of course you can't return empty-handed.

Gu Jiu is not interested in all kinds of gadgets on the market.

She stops and stops to see how other people do business. Various thoughts swirl in my mind.

She was short of money, a lot of money.

It is not difficult to make money, but due to her own conditions, the business she can do is actually very limited.

Gu Jiu stopped suddenly and looked at a man dressed as a herdsman on the side of the street.

In front of the herdsman, there is a pile of wool.

The wool was dirty, Gu Jiu observed it for a long time, but no one cared about it.

"Girl, what are you looking at?"

"Have you ever heard of sheep cannibalizing people?" Gu Jiu laughed, her eyes sparkled, as if a bunch of treasures were waving at her.

Qingmei was stunned, "How can sheep eat people?"

Gu Jiu asked again: "Did you wear woolen clothes?"

Qingmei shook her head, "I heard that there are woolen carpets in the west, they are so beautiful."

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "Wool is not only used for weaving carpets. Let's go, let's see Nanny Gui."

Gu Jiu was walking back in a hurry, when suddenly, there seemed to be something extra on his head.

Gu Jiu reached out and took a peanut from his head.


The corners of Gu Jiu's mouth twitched.

The one who received a thousand dollars actually threw peanuts on her head.

Gu Jiu looked up, and saw a familiar face, Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu waved at her solemnly, as if he wanted her to go upstairs.

As for the peanut just now, Mr. Liu seems to have forgotten it.

Gu Jiu frowned, why is there this Mr. Liu everywhere.

From the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to have anything to do with the royal family, it would be troublesome and dangerous.

The guard Zhao San came out from the teahouse, "I met Miss Gu, but I didn't expect to meet here. My son invited Miss Gu to go upstairs for tea."

Gu Jiu raised his head again and looked upstairs.

Mr. Liu's handsome face is gone.

Gu Jiu thought for a while, I'm afraid this side must be seen. She nodded in response, "Guard Zhao please lead the way."

"Miss Gu, please."

Gu Jiu followed Zhao San to the second floor, and Qing Mei waited by her side.

Zhao San opened the door of the box, "Miss Gu, please come in."

Gu Jiu took a deep breath and walked into the box.

Liu Zhao looked cold and made a gesture of invitation.

Gu Jiu sat down opposite him.

I wanted to ask Mr. Liu why he invited her upstairs for tea, but at this moment, a commotion suddenly broke out on the street.

Master Ma led the officials of the governor's office and surrounded a rice shop.

Mr. Ma stood on the steps with a cold expression, and shouted loudly: "Arrest everyone in the store, and don't let a single one go. All other irrelevant people should disperse."

It is impossible to disperse, and it is impossible to disperse in this life.

It was rare to have a lively audience, and the crowd became more and more impenetrable.

They are all very curious, why the Yamen of the Governor's Mansion wanted to arrest the people from the rice shop.

Gu Jiu was also very curious.

I haven't heard of any major incidents recently.

Liu Zhao's cold voice suddenly rang in Gu Jiu's ear.

"The shopkeeper of the rice store opposite is a spy stationed in Jinzhou by Master Xie of Donggong."

Gu Jiu was startled, turned her head and stared at Liu Zhao.

Liu Zhao remained expressionless, and said, "In the past ten or twenty days, the city of Jinzhou has been very lively. This Master Ma, if I remember correctly, should be the third time he has come forward to arrest people.

Moreover, all the spies placed in Jinzhou by Master Xie of Donggong were arrested. Mr. Gu's move is really intriguing.

May I ask Miss Gu, what happened in the house recently? "

Gu Jiu took a deep breath to calm down the nervousness in her heart. She said calmly, "Everything is fine in the mansion."

Liu Zhao seemed to have heard a very ridiculous joke, and suddenly laughed.

After laughing, he poured the tea himself, and put the teacup in front of Gu Jiu himself.

It was only then that Gu Jiu noticed that Mr. Liu's hands were so beautiful. The bones and flesh are well-proportioned, and the fingers are slender, but they are full of strength.

"Miss Gu drinks tea."

Gu Jiu reached out and picked up the teacup.

Unexpectedly, the fingertips of the two touched together.

Mr. Liu's hands are completely opposite to others, warm and warm, which makes people feel at ease.

In medicine, this is called qi and blood foot.

And Gu Jiu's hands were icy cold, as if in winter. Obviously lack of energy and blood.

-----Off Topic-----

It will be available tomorrow!