Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 76: Xie's miscarriage


Gu Jiu picked up the teacup, and distanced herself from Liu Zhao without making a fuss.

Liu Zhao said: "Miss Gu, take care of yourself."

"Thank you Mr. Liu for your concern."

After finishing speaking, Gu Jiu turned his gaze out of the window.

The rice store was in chaos, some people were crying, some were yelling, some people ran over the wall and were arrested again.

Liu Zhao also looked at the rice shop on the opposite side, and said softly: "Master Gu and Mr. Xie of the East Palace are in-laws and have always been close.

This time, Mr. Gu was uncharacteristically, disregarding the relationship between the two families, and brazenly destroyed the stronghold that Mr. Xie had been running for many years. It seems that Mr. Gu is going to tear himself apart with Mr. Xie. "

After Liu Zhao finished speaking, he observed Gu Jiu's reaction.

Gu Jiu's face was expressionless, and she didn't even move her eyebrows.

She said in a cold tone: "Father has his own reasons for doing things. I am a little girl, how can I know anything about officialdom?"

Liu Zhao smiled lightly, "Miss Gu, why should you belittle yourself."

Gu Jiu raised his eyebrows, "From Mr. Liu's point of view, he believes that I know something."

"Isn't it?" Liu Zhao stared at her with a half-smile.

Gu Jiu said very calmly: "You let Mr. Liu down, I don't know anything. If you hadn't told me that this rice shop is a spy placed by Mr. Xie in Jinzhou, I would just take it as an ordinary case."

Liu Zhao nodded, "I believe this. But Miss Gu must know why Master Gu did this

The Gu and Xie families were originally close, but Mr. Gu kept turning a blind eye to these spies, assuming he didn't know about them.

This time, he changed his previous style. Judging from this posture, he wanted to uproot the spy stronghold that Mr. Xie had been running for many years.

This time, Mr. Xie suffered a heavy loss, and he didn't know how he would resent Mr. Gu.

The last time Mr. Gu sent someone to seize the property of the Xie family in Jinzhou, compared to this time, it was just a drizzle.

After much deliberation, it must have happened that something ten times more serious than the last time, Master Gu made up his mind to tear himself apart with Xie Mao. "

Gu Jiu smiled, "Young Master Liu wants to know why my father targeted Master Xie?"

Liu Zhao admitted frankly, "Exactly."

Gu Jiu shook her head slightly, "Don't say I don't know the reason, even if I know the reason, I have nothing to say."

Liu Zhao laughed.

Gu Jiu was curious, "What are you laughing at?"

Liu Zhao suddenly changed the subject: "I should thank Miss Gu in person for saving her life."

There are oddities.

Gu Jiu was vigilant in his heart, "Young Master Liu also saved my life, so we're on even terms."


After finishing speaking, Liu Zhao glanced at Zhao San who was guarding the door.

Zhao San immediately took out a bottle of ointment and put it on the table.

Liu Zhao took off the cap of the bottle, Gu Jiu knew it was a wound medicine prepared according to her prescription, and the effect was excellent.

Liu Zhao said, "This bottle of ointment was made from Miss Gu's prescription, and it has already been used in the military camp. Miss Gu's consent was not obtained for this matter. Please forgive me, Miss Gu."

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "It's okay! Medicines are for people."

"Miss Gu is really generous."

Gu Jiu became more and more confused, what is Mr. Liu trying to do

Liu Zhao said: "In two days, I will leave for Beijing."

This dynamite pack is finally leaving.

"Good luck on your journey."

Gu Jiu didn't realize it herself, her tone was relaxed and cheerful.

Liu Zhao heard it, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Miss Gu really wants me to leave?"

Gu Jiu was stunned for a moment, "Young Master Liu misunderstood. However, Young Master Liu has been away for such a long time, and his family members are also very worried about coming. Go back as soon as possible and reunite as soon as possible."

Liu Zhao smiled, but did not expose Gu Jiu.

He looked out the window, the capture operation was over. The yamen servant escorted the shopkeeper of the rice store, and the waiter went back to the yamen.

The crowd of onlookers followed the yamen servants and went to the yamen to continue watching the excitement.

No matter how Master Ma tried to drive him away, he couldn't stop everyone's enthusiasm for watching the excitement.

The streets are back to normal. It's just a little empty. As the crowd of onlookers dispersed, it felt like the number of people on the street was reduced by half.

"Miss Gu, I will wait for you in the capital. I hope we will meet again."

Gu Jiu frowned, and laughed, "I'm going to disappoint Mr. Liu, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to go to the capital in my life."

Liu Zhao smiled, "Anyway, I'm waiting for you."

Miss Gu, you think too well.

This time, Xie Mao would not let it go.

I believe we will be able to meet in the capital soon.

Liu Zhao got up to leave, and when he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and said to Gu Jiu, "Miss Gu, you are dressed very well today."

Gu Jiu was stunned, before he recovered, Liu Zhao had already gone downstairs.

Guard Zhao San put an envelope in front of Gu Jiu, "This is what my young master ordered. Thank you Miss Gu for the prescription. It works very well. There will be a date later!"

Before Gu Jiu could speak, the guard Zhao San hurriedly chased him out.

Gu Jiu stretched out her head, looked at Mr. Liu, master and servant, and disappeared into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

Gu Jiu frowned, leaving now

Mr. Liu is so easy to dismiss

Didn't ask why, and left by himself

Gu Jiu picked up the envelope, it was thin.

She thought it was a letter, but when she opened the envelope, she found that there were bank notes inside, worth two thousand taels.

Gu Jiu hurriedly lay down on the window, looking for Mr. Liu's master and servant.

Where can I find someone here.

I don't know, this Mr. Liu still can't live in Tianmen Temple.

Gu Jiu held two thousand taels, which felt a little hot.

She was short of money, very short of money, and was wondering where to get some money to start her business network, and then Mr. Liu sent the money.

Two thousand taels, say more or less.

To put it bluntly, compared to the monthly rate of five taels per month, it is indeed a lot.

To say the least, it's because Gu Jiu's plan is huge and there are many places to spend money, no matter how much money she has, she can spend it.

Gu Jiu was torn between whether she should take the two thousand taels or not.

Thinking of what Zhao San said, the two thousand taels were probably used to buy her prescriptions.

Forget it, just accept it.

If there is an opportunity in the future, it will be convenient for the other party.

Having made a decision, Gu Jiu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Oh my god, it's two thousand taels for a single shot, which is quite heroic. Worthy of being a member of the royal family.

Qingmei asked: "Girl, shall we go too?"

Gu Jiu nodded, "Let's go, I have to visit Nanny Gui."

With these two thousand taels, plus her original silver, there are more than three thousand taels.

With this money, Gu Jiu was full of confidence.

After leaving the teahouse, I found Li Chuan and Er Zhuang.

The two hid in the alley.

Seeing Gu Jiu, everyone felt relieved.

Li Chuan said: "I almost bumped into Mr. Ma, but fortunately we hid quickly."

Er Zhuang also said: "The little one is scared to death. Master Ma is leading so many people, it will be a disaster if he gets hit."

Gu Jiu smiled, "Are you all okay?"

"Miss Lao is worried, the little one is fine."

Gu Jiu said: "Er Zhuang, you lead the way, we're going to see Nanny Gui now."

"Alright!" Er Zhuang responded loudly.

The house rented for Nanny Gui is in an alley near West Market.

When he got to the gate, Er Zhuang jumped down, opened the gate, and drove the ox cart into the yard.

"Girl beware."

Qing Mei got out of the car first, and helped Gu Jiu down.

Gu Jiu looked around the courtyard, it was very quiet.

Those who live around are all families with a certain family background.

"Mom, the second girl is here!"

Er Zhuang yelled into the room.

After hearing the sound, Nanny Gui hurried out of the room. With excited eyes, "It's good if you come, it's good if you come."

Gu Jiu smiled softly, "Mama is quite used to living here."

"Habits, habits. Thanks to the girl, we, mother and son, were able to leave the farm. I didn't expect that when I was old, I would still have a chance to enjoy happiness."

Nanny Gui burst into tears as she spoke.

After crying twice, feeling unlucky again, she hastily wiped away her tears, "Your maidservant, I'm living a good life now, but I'm crying again. Miss, come into the house quickly. Er Zhuang, go boil water and make tea."

Er Zhuang responded.

Gu Jiu stepped over the threshold and said, "I know, Mammy is happy."

Nanny Gui nodded again and again, "Second Miss is right, this servant is really happy."

Gu Jiu sat on the main seat.

Nanny Gui looked at Gu Jiu, "Since the last time we met, the girl has grown taller again. How are you doing these days?"

When Gu Jiu heard that she had grown taller, she was very happy.

"I'm fine! If Mammy has any difficulties in life, just tell me."

Nanny Gui hurriedly said: "Your maidservant and Da Zhuang, Er Zhuang is fine, so you don't have to worry about it. I heard that what the girl ordered Da Zhuang to do has already been figured out."

Gu Jiu hurriedly asked, "Is Brother Big Zhuang at home?"

Nanny Gui said: "At this time, I should be back soon."

As soon as Da Zhuang was mentioned, there was movement at the gate, and Da Zhuang came back.

Knowing that Gu Jiu was coming, Da Zhuang hurriedly washed up, and then came to see Gu Jiu.

Da Zhuang is tall and big, with a simple and honest face, he looks honest and reliable.

"The little one has met the girl. The little one has fulfilled the mission that the girl ordered, and it finally came to fruition."

After speaking, Da Zhuang took out a piece of paper from his arms, with some words written crookedly on it.

He handed the paper to Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu looked at them one by one.

Da Zhuang introduced: "According to the girl's instructions, I went to all the private horse farms outside the city. There are three that meet the requirements, but the one who is really interested and wants to sell the horse farm is only Xiaohegou Horse Farm."

Gu Jiu pondered for a moment, then asked: "What is the specific situation of this Xiaohegou racecourse?"

Da Zhuang said: "The young one has worked part-time in the racecourse for half a month, and the basic situation has been inquired clearly.

A few years ago, the Xiaohegou horse farm was very profitable, so the owner of the horse farm took the opportunity to buy another pasture.

Five years ago, the horse policy was implemented, and the Xiaohegou Racecourse suffered losses year after year, unable to make ends meet. The owner of the racecourse is eager to get rid of it now, saying that he wants to return to his hometown for the elderly. "

Gu Jiu asked blankly: "How big is the horse farm? What's the geographical location? How many horses are there, how many mares, how many stallions, how many foals? How about the horses?"

Da Zhuang answered these questions one by one with detailed content.

As expected of someone who went to the racecourse to work as a part-time job for half a month.

Gu Jiu had some money in his hand, so he thought about starting some business and using money to make money.

After thinking about it, she stared at the racecourse.

Because of the implementation of the horse policy, it is very difficult to manage the horse farm now.

But Gu Jiu has a magic weapon for victory.

With this magic weapon, the problems that plagued the racecourse can be easily solved.

Gu Jiu was very straightforward, and said to Da Zhuang: "In the morning of the day after tomorrow, you lead the way, and I will go to the racecourse to see in person."

Da Zhuang hesitated, "Girl, the road to the racecourse is not easy."

Gu Jiu smiled lightly, "It's okay."

This is the first business in her life, she must see it in person, otherwise she is not at ease.

After talking about the racecourse, Gu Jiu asked Nanny Gui again, "Mommy, I heard that you can weave cloth, but have you ever used wool to weave cloth?"

Nanny Gui was a little confused, "As for the girl, she has never used wool to weave cloth."

"I want to weave cloth out of wool, can Mammy help me?"

Nanny Gui looked at Gu Jiu, "Why did you think of using wool to weave cloth?"

Gu Jiu laughed, "Because of this business, no one seems to be doing it yet. I want to do this business."

After discussing the matter with Nanny Gui, mother and son, Gu Jiu left.

It was still Li Chuan and Er Zhuang who were driving the ox cart, wandering back to the back alley of the governor's mansion.

Qingmei waited on Gu Jiu, and changed into the clothes worn by a maid.

"Is the girl really going out the day after tomorrow? The servant is worried that going out frequently will arouse suspicion from others."

Gu Jiu said: "Taking advantage of my wife's recent self-discipline, neglecting the family, ignoring affairs, and slack in the house, finish things quickly. There will be no such good opportunities in the future."

Qingmei was curious, "What do you mean, Miss, can the wife turn over this time?"

Gu Jiu laughed, "Don't forget, my wife is pregnant. She will turn over sooner or later."

"But, didn't the master arrest all the spies placed by Mr. Xie in Jinzhou? This is considered to have completely offended Mr. Xie, and the wife can still turn around?"

Gu Jiu said: "Master Xie is Master Xie, wife is wife. Wife is the second wife of the Gu family, not the wife of the Xie family, understand?"

Qingmei seems to understand but not understand.

Gu Jiu smiled and said: "You just have to remember that the wife gave birth to two sons and two daughters for the master, and with the ones in her belly, there are five children.

The weight of five children is not as good as Mr. Xie

And the sixth brother is promising in his studies, no matter what, the master will train the sixth brother to become a talent. Even if it's for Sixth Brother's future, the master will give his wife face. "

"Your servant understands. In the past, the wife's bargaining chip was the Xie family, but now the wife's bargaining chip comes from the Sixth Young Master and the others."

Gu Jiu pinched Qingmei's cheek, "My Qingmei is really smart. I figured it out so quickly."

Qingmei smiled and said, "It's all taught by the girl."

The bullock cart wandered to the back alley of the Governor's Mansion.

The back alley was quiet and there was no one on the street.

Li Chuan knocked on the car door, "Girl, you can come down now."

Gu Jiu opened the car door, looked around, and then jumped out of the bullock cart decisively.

This scared Qing Mei to death, "Miss, be careful." I was afraid that Gu Jiu would accidentally sprain her foot and hurt herself.

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "I'm fine."

She then told Er Zhuang, "When you go back, ask about wool weaving and ask people from the west. Also, go to all the cloth shops in the city and ask them if they accept wool weaving. "

Er Zhuang nodded in response, "I understand."

Gu Jiu gave a few more instructions, then walked through the back door with Qingmei and entered the Governor's Mansion.

The back door was quiet.

Qingmei led Gu Jiu through the remote path and returned to the Zhilan courtyard smoothly.

As soon as he entered the room, Qingzhu jumped up from the bed.

"The girl is finally back, and the servants are almost worried to death."

Gu Jiu laughed, and before she had time to speak, Xiao Cui ran in from the outside, "It's not good! Girl, madam, madam..."

"What's wrong with Ma'am? Take your time." Gu Jiu comforted Xiao Cui.

Xiaocui took a breath, and then said: "Madam, Madam had a miscarriage."


Gu Jiu turned pale with shock, Xie's miscarriage

How about such a coincidence.

wait a minute.

Gu Jiu closed her eyes, contemplating deeply.

The series of things that have happened recently, I always feel that there is a smell that has been designed long ago.

When Pei Yun was drugged, it happened just in time to discover that Xie Shi was pregnant.

Now, Mr. Gu is arresting Xie Maoan's spies in Jinzhou throughout the city, and Xie's family just happened to have another miscarriage.

Why is it such a coincidence.

Of course, it can also be said that Xie's fetal image was originally unstable, and he was stimulated again, so a miscarriage was inevitable.

It's just that Gu Jiu doesn't believe that there is such a coincidence in this world.

One can be said to be a coincidence.

Twice, three times, it's not a coincidence, it's deliberate.

All in all, Gu Jiu is not afraid of the most malicious speculation about Xie Shi.

Gu Jiu took a deep breath and said, "Qingmei, Qingzhu, help me get dressed. I'm going to the room to visit my wife."

Qingmei was worried, "Is the girl really going?"

Gu Jiu smiled and said: "My wife has a miscarriage, it's a big deal. As a junior, I should be by my side."

Xiaocui was at a loss.

Gu Jiu told her: "Xiao Cui, go to the room and watch. If there is any situation, report it in time."

"The servant understands."

Xiaocui hurried out again.

Gu Jiu changed into plain clothes so as not to offend Mrs. Xie.

She doesn't wear makeup, her plain face looks extremely delicate.

Looking in the mirror, Gu Jiu was very satisfied with her outfit.

She nodded and said, "Follow me to the room."

When I got to the upper room, I saw people coming in and out.

The eldest sister, Gu Zhen, and the fourth younger sister, Gu Shan, were all guarding the door, looking anxious and at a loss.

"Second sister is here."

Gu Zhen shouted.

Gu Jiu nodded slightly, stepped forward and asked, "How is Madam now?"

Gu Shan said incoherently: "There is a lot of blood, Doctor Xu is inside. I don't know what's going on now."

Gu Jiu asked curiously: "Alright, why did something happen all of a sudden?"

Gu Zhen and Gu Shan looked at Aunt Bai who was kneeling in the corner of the courtyard.


Could it be Aunt Bai's fault again

Aunt Bai heard the movement and looked at Gu Jiu. A small face, weak and helpless, more frightened than anyone present. It was as if the sky was falling.

The maid broke out pots of bloody water from the room.

Gu Shan covered her mouth, her face turned pale with fright.

Gu Jiu frowned tightly, could it be that Xie Shi really had a miscarriage.

Gu Zhen was very worried, "Madam's child, is it really impossible to keep it?"


Following this cry, Gu Yue rushed in.

Gu Yue was still grounded, because she ran out because she heard that Xie had a miscarriage.

Looking at the bloody water brought out by the maids, Gu Yue was shocked at first, and then she looked angry, "Mother is fine, why did something happen suddenly. Who harmed mother?"

As soon as she finished speaking, all the maids in the courtyard looked at Aunt Bai.

Gu Yue burst into anger, and all rushed towards Aunt Bai.

"It's you who killed my mother again, you scourge!"

"Third Sister, speak carefully." Gu Shan was clever and hurriedly pulled Gu Shan back.

Gu Yue was furious.

At this time, I don't know who shouted, "Master is here!"

The whole yard fell silent in an instant.