Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 79: Gu Ting was injured


Wang Erya is an eighteen-year-old girl who lives in a small mountain village thirty miles outside Jinzhou City.

She couldn't survive, she might as well die.

She hadn't eaten for two days, and walked out of the village hungry, looking for a place to die.

She walked all the way, recalling her eighteen years of life.

She was tall and strong since she was a child, and she practiced martial arts with her father and brother since she was a child.

At that time, my father and elder brother were still alive, and the family lived a good life, and built five big houses with black bricks and black tiles.

This is the first in the village.

Later, my father joined the army, fought in wars, and never came back.

My elder brother joined the army and fought, but he never came back.

Mother fell ill, and the family's money was spent like water.

Insufficient money, sold fields and land, and borrowed money from uncles and aunts.

At that time, my uncle and aunt were very kind and generously borrowed money to buy her medicine.

But my mother still failed to survive, and left her alone last winter.

Then, the uncle and aunt seemed to be a different person, and came to her door fiercely to ask her for a debt.

The family has no money, and Wang Erya is unable to repay the debt.

After all, my uncle and aunt finally agreed to repay the debt after the autumn harvest this year. She also asked her to write an IOU and calculate the interest.

Wang Erya went out before dawn every day and returned home after dark. She was busy in the field alone, and even went to the city to do odd jobs.

Waiting until this autumn harvest, the time to repay the debt has come.

The original debt of fifty taels has suddenly changed to one hundred taels.

The food harvested by the family was taken away, all the money earned from odd jobs was taken away, and the only remaining fields were also taken away, which was still not enough to pay off the debt.

Finally, uncle and aunt set their eyes on the five big tile-roofed houses at home.

Wang Erya disagreed desperately, but her arms couldn't twist her thighs.

The elders in the clan and the village elders all stood by the uncles and aunts.

Repaying debts is a matter of course.

Wang Erya is desperate.

She still remembered what the villagers said at that time.

"Erya, you see that you are so old and you don't have a husband's family, so what should you do? From now on, you won't be counting on your uncle and aunt."

"Erya, you are so tall, so strong, and eat so much, which man would like you."

"Eating so much every day, and not being able to get married, it's better to die. It can also save food."

"If you can't get married and stay at home, will you embarrass the old Wang's family? The girls in the family are all troubled by you. When you hear about the Wang family, who doesn't know that you, Wang Erya, are a shameful thing."

"Just find an old bachelor and send Erya out."

"Yes, yes, there is an old bachelor on the other side of the mountain. I will go and ask tomorrow."

"With my own virtue, I don't know how to look in the mirror. An old girl, she can't even get married, and she dares not to pay back her debts. Without your uncle and aunt looking after you, your father and elder brother are dead. You think you can live until today?"

"If you are sensible, give up the house as soon as possible."

"Get out!"

"Get out of Wang Family Village!"

Wang Erya was kicked out of the house and out of the village.

She thought about resisting, and asked countless why.

But facing the hatred eyes of the whole village, Wang Erya gave up.

She didn't know what she did wrong and why she was hated by everyone.

Perhaps, she shouldn't have been born, and shouldn't have grown up like this.

There is no point in living, and you can't get married, so you might as well die.

Wang Erya, who was determined to seek death, walked on the official road without thinking.

A bullock cart wobbled towards her and passed her by.

"Girl, look at that man, he is clearly wearing a girl's dress, but he looks so tall, like a man. It looks scary."

Are you talking about her

Wang Erya didn't care.

Her goal is the ruined temple on the mountain, which is her burial place.

Gu Jiu raised the curtains of the car and looked at Wang Erya.

Sure enough, he was tall, with a visual height of 1.7 meters.

In this time and space, there are very few girls who can grow so tall.

Not only tall, but also strong. The waist and back look broad and powerful.

This girl, there is something wrong with her, she is out of her mind, maybe she has encountered a difficult problem.

Hey, I went up the mountain.

Gu Jiu knocked on the car door and asked Da Zhuang, "Da Zhuang, do you know what's on that mountain?"

Da Zhuang stopped the ox cart, turned around and said, "Reporting to Miss, there is only one dilapidated temple on the mountain. There are a few beggars living in it on weekdays."

Gu Jiu couldn't help but wonder what that tall and strong girl was doing in the ruined temple on the mountain.

Da Zhuang asked: "Girl, do you want me to follow up and have a look?"

Gu Jiu nodded, "Go and have a look, don't be short-sighted."

Gu Jiu just said that casually, but he didn't expect it to become a prophecy.

Da Zhuang chased after him, and he really saw Wang Erya committing suicide and about to jump off the cliff behind the ruined temple.

Da Zhuang shouted to stop Wang Erya.

Wang Erya burst into tears suddenly.

Such a tall girl, crying into tears, looks quite miserable.

"She wants to jump off the cliff, why do you want to stop it. There is so much suffering in this world, it is better to die clean."

A young man in a ragged book-length gown with messy hair like a chicken coop? Middle-aged people? The beggar came out of the ruined temple and whipped Da Zhuang for his behavior of dissuading Wang Erya.

Da Zhuang was at a loss, he was no match for talking.

When he said one sentence, the other party had already said a hundred sentences.

"What's your name?"

Gu Jiu came up and rescued Da Zhuang. While looking at the talkative young man? Middle-aged people? beggar.

The beggar held his head high and proudly said, "My surname is Zhou."

A little beggar followed the beggar surnamed Zhou, and said to Gu Jiu, "He is Mr. Zhou."

Gu Jiu nodded, "It turned out to be Mr. Zhou. Listen to what you said, you have read books."

The beggar Mr. Zhou snorted, "Of course I read it."

Gu Jiu raised her eyebrows, a good scholar turned into a beggar, the world is impermanent.

She said: "It seems that Mr. Zhou's experience is very embarrassing. Mr. Zhou should know that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Mr. Zhou does not need to save her, and he should not prevent others from saving her."

Mr. Zhou scolded angrily, "What did you save her for? Do you know where she came from? What happened to her? Do you know why she wanted to die

You don't know anything but occasional kindness. Even if you save her, it won't change her situation. After that, she will still seek death.

It's better not to save her in the first place, and let her die happily. "

Wang Erya fell to the ground and cried loudly, not knowing which words hit her heart.

Gu Jiu smiled. This Mr. Zhou's nonsense is really one set. I don't know what kind of blow I suffered, so I was so cynical.

"Looking at Mr. Zhou's words and deeds, life seems to be very difficult. But you didn't seek death, maybe because you still have a thought, a hope in your heart.

You have fallen to this point, and you are still unwilling to give up, why do you want to persuade others to give up life. "

"Shut up." Mr. Zhou seemed to be hurt by Gu Jiu's words, "What do you know. You don't know anything, and you don't know why I'm here. You don't have the right to judge me."

Gu Jiu had a half-smile, and looked up and down at Mr. Zhou.

He has become a beggar, but still wears the clothes he wore when he was studying, which shows that there is still a trace of fantasy in his heart.

Gu Jiu said: "I really don't know what happened to you, but it's nothing more than money, love, and power.

Judging by your appearance, you probably haven't passed the exam yet, so it shouldn't be a right. Could it be the double blow of love and wealth that made you fall like this? "

Mr. Zhou, a beggar, stared at Gu Jiu with his eyes wide open, "You don't know anything, just shut up."

Gu Jiu snorted coldly, "You are an imposing man, and when you encounter mere difficulties, you actually willingly degenerate and become a beggar.

Have you read the sage books for so many years, have you read the dog belly? Don't you understand these eight words

No money, being dumped by a woman, what's the big deal.

Gritting his teeth and working hard, even if he copied books and set up a stall at the gate of the city to write letters for others, he could still earn daily expenses.

Wouldn't it be a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than you are now, to be named on the gold list, become an official, and slap those who look down on you severely in the face in the future.

And what you are doing now is nothing but a cowardly act, even worse than a woman, which is really despised.

Therefore, you are not qualified to point fingers here, you still go where you came from. "

Mr. Zhou, a beggar, trembled all over.

The little beggar looked at him with great concern.

The beggar Mr. Zhou pointed at Gu Jiu, "Who the hell are you?"

Gu Jiu said seriously, "Who am I, does it matter?"

"Ha ha ha ha… "

Mr. Zhou, a beggar, laughed wildly. The little beggar was terrified.

"In vain, I, Zhou Shi'an, have been familiar with various schools of thought since I was a child, but I am not as thorough as a little girl. Haha... I really have no face to see others, damn it, damn it."

Zhou Shi'an laughed wildly all the way down the mountain, and the voice came from afar, "I, Zhou Shi'an, would not willingly submit to others. In the future, this world will definitely be controlled by my will."

What a big tone.

But the little beggar looked dazzled and adored.

The little beggar suddenly shouted, "I also want to learn from Mr. Zhou, go to the capital, and live a life of glory and wealth."

After finishing speaking, the little beggar ran down the mountain quickly.

Gu Jiu was stunned.

Are these two psychopaths? In a blink of an eye, both of them were screaming like they had been spat out.

Gu Jiu didn't know what kind of cause and effect she had planted for the future with what she said today.

Even more unexpected, what kind of characters Zhou Shi'an and the little beggar would become.

At this moment, Gu Jiu was more concerned about Wang Erya who wanted to die.

Qingmei stepped forward, took out a handkerchief, and wiped away Wang Erya's tears.

"What's your name? Where do you live? Is there anyone else at home?"

Wang Erya shook her head, "My name is Erya. There is no one in the house, and I am the only one left."

Qing Mei feels sad, it is very difficult for a girl to live alone in the world without her family.

She asked softly: "If you have any difficulties, please tell us. There is no obstacle in the world that cannot be overcome."

Wang Erya cried and said: "I have no parents, no elder brother, no family, and I can't get married. The whole village hates me. I'm still wasting food while I'm alive. It's better to die."

"Just because others hate you, are you going to die?" Gu Jiu couldn't figure out what kind of brain circuit this was.

Wang Erya looked at the cliff, "If you die, you will be free."

Gu Jiu asked: "Are you sure you will be freed after you die? Who told you? Do you know that there are 18 levels of hell, people like you who don't cherish life and seek short-sightedness, when they come to Lord Yama, they will also die." Put into the frying pan."

Wang Erya was stunned.

Gu Jiu said again: "Dead will not be easier than living. There are 18 levels of hell after death, and there are layers of suffering. As the saying goes, it is better to live than to die. I think life should be easier than death. Besides, you You are not even afraid of death, but you are afraid that others will hate you, it shouldn't be!"

Wang Erya's mind was in a circle, she had been fooled by Gu Jiu so much that she couldn't find her way.

Gu Jiu asked, "Do you know Xiaohegou Racecourse?"

Wang Erya nodded, "I know. I also worked on the horse farm."

"A girl who can work on the racecourse is amazing. Why don't you want to commit suicide. How about this, you guide me, I'm going to Xiaohegou Racecourse. Afterwards, I will pay you."

"No, no, no pay. I'll lead the way."

Wang Erya continued to be surrounded, stood up in a daze, and wanted to lead Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu really let her lead the way.

When he came to Xiaohegou Racecourse, Gu Jiu didn't meet the boss.

She walked around the racecourse, looking at the horses, the grass, and the geographical environment.

Quite in line with her requirements.

Gu Jiu stood up, clapped his hands, "Let's go."

Da Zhuang went to drive the ox cart.

Wang Erya stood by the side blankly, not knowing where to go.

Seeing her like this, Gu Jiu asked, "Aren't you going home?"

Wang Erya shook her head, "I'm homeless. My house, land, and food are all used to pay off my debts."

"Is the debt paid off?"

Wang Erya nodded.

Gu Jiu said: "You have no debts, you should be lucky. You have strength and can work. You have to believe that your life will get better and better."

Wang Erya shook her head, "I can't find a job. My story has spread to the city, and the bosses in the city won't give me a job."

Gu Jiu was curious. "What's your business?"

"I'm old, I eat a lot, and I don't have a husband's family."

Just such a stupid thing, but it can drive a girl to commit suicide.

Gu Jiu frowned slightly and asked, "What will you do?"

Wang Erya didn't dare to say anything.

Gu Jiu's voice slowed down, and he asked softly, "Tell me, no one here will harm you."

Then Wang Erya said: "I can farm, I can carry big bags, and I can also box. I learned martial arts from my father since I was a child. My father said that I can fight at least ten big men alone. But I haven't tried it. Only hit three men at a time."

"You know martial arts?"

Gu Jiu's eyes lit up.

Wang Erya nodded, and then began to gesture.

Every trick and every style has its own rules.

It feels like a very ordinary move, but in Wang Erya's hands, it is also very powerful.

Gu Jiu was delighted.

It happened that Da Zhuang was driving an ox cart.

Gu Jiu said to Da Zhuang: "Da Zhuang, you have played against Erya, try her depth."

Da Zhuang took the lead.

Da Zhuang used to work as an errand in the Gu family, and he also learned a few tricks. He cupped his fists, "Accept!"

Then he took the lead in making the move, and got involved with Wang Erya.

The two came and went, and it was obvious that Da Zhuang was at a disadvantage.

In the end, she was kicked down by Wang Erya.

Then Wang Erya became nervous, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Gu Jiu laughed.

This girl's force value is beyond the charts, but her temperament is too weak. It is estimated that the family members have explained that they should not rely on martial arts to do anything wrong outside.

Seeing this, Qingmei knew that Gu Jiu's heart was moving.

She asked in a low voice: "Girl, do you want to accept Wang Erya?"

Gu Jiu nodded, and said in a low voice: "You are in charge of my accounts, Qing Zhu is in charge of food, and Xiao Cui is in charge of inquiring, so I need a personal guard. What do you think of Er Ya?"

Qingmei nodded, "Erya is pretty good. I just don't know if her background is innocent, so I can't rashly stay with the girl."

"I know."

Gu Jiu looked Wang Erya up and down again.

Wang Erya was very nervous.

Gu Jiu asked her: "I can offer you a job, including food and lodging, would you like it?"

Wang Erya was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly, "I am willing."

Gu Jiu said to Da Zhuang: "Da Zhuang, today Er Ya will go back with you first, you let Nanny Gui teach Er Ya well. In a few days, when the time is right, I will make other arrangements for Er Ya."

"Little one obeys."

Just like that, Wang Erya followed Gu Jiu into the city.

Qingmei teased her: "You didn't even ask who my girl is, and you didn't even know our surnames, so you just followed us into the city. Aren't you afraid that we are bad people and sold you?"

Wang Erya said: "I believe in the girl. You can see that she is a good person."

Qingmei didn't know what expression to make.

In the end, he only said: "You are very accurate in seeing people."

It was past noon when the bullock cart entered the city.

Gu Jiu was worried that someone would find out that he had sneaked out, so he had to rush back home.

When it was time to part, Gu Jiu asked Wang Erya, "Apart from punching, do you know how to use weapons?"

Wang Erya said: "I know how to play sticks. I can play sticks so well that no one can get close to me. Even my father is not my opponent."


It seems that a rolling pin must be prepared for Wang Erya.

Why a rolling pin, because it is convenient.

Gu Jiu told her, "After meeting Nanny Gui, learn the rules from Nanny Gui. Besides, you can't let go of your martial arts, especially your stick."

Wang Erya nodded again and again, "I will definitely listen to Nanny Gui and learn the rules. I will not let go of my stick either."

Gu Jiu laughed, waved his hands, and bid farewell to Wang Erya and Da Zhuang.

Er Zhuang drove the ox cart to send Gu Jiu back to the Governor's Mansion.

As soon as he returned to the Governor's Mansion, Gu Jiu heard the news that Gu Ting was injured.