Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

Chapter 83: Xiaojiu heals her brother's injured leg (1st update)


Are you going back to Beijing

Gu Jiu put down the book in his hand, he didn't expect to return to the capital so soon.

She has always known that Lord Gu is planning to return to the capital.

I thought that I would have the opportunity to return to the capital until Mr. Gu's term expires next year and he returns to Beijing to report on his duties. But I didn't expect it to be so much earlier.

If she wanted to go back to the capital, she had to advance all her plans for her new career.

She had to hurry up and get everything done before leaving the capital.

"The girl has grown up this year, and she can't fit last year's winter clothes, so she has to make new ones from the inside to the outside.

In the sewing room, the third and fourth girls are always taken care of first.

Those who count on the sewing room are afraid that the girl's winter clothes will not be ready by the time she leaves for the capital.

Starting today, the few of us will stop our work and make winter clothes for the girl together. "

Qingmei chats with Qingzhu and Xiaocui.

She was worried that when the weather became cold, Gu Jiu would not have suitable winter clothes to wear, so she planned to make winter clothes for Gu Jiu herself.

Qingzhu said: "I haven't touched needles and threads for half a year, I have to practice before I dare to get started."

Qingmei opened the cabinet, took out the cloth, and said, "Then hurry up and practice. You can't let the girls wear the clothes we made, and let people say that the needlework is not good enough. How embarrassing."

The two chattered and moved all the cloth out of the cabinet.

Qingmei came to Gu Jiu with the cloth in her arms, "Girl, which color do you think is better?"

Gu Jiu laughed and said, "Everything is fine."

Qingmei thought for a while, "It's better to make one for each suit."

Qingzhu said: "The cotton cloth must be saved, and I will make an inner coat for the girl."

Qingmei nodded.

She discussed with Qingzhu about making clothes.

Seems to have been discussed, Qing Mei took the measuring tape and measured Gu Jiu's size.

Gu Jiu stood up so that Qing Mei could measure the size.

Qingmei said: "It's only been half a year, and the girl has grown a lot taller."

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "It's good to grow taller. I should still be able to grow taller."

She hasn't reached the age where she can't grow taller, and she can grow her height for at least two or three years.

Qingmei said: "When the servants make clothes, they should roll up the sides more. If the girl continues to grow taller, it's fine to put down the curls."

Gu Jiu nodded, "Make up your mind."

As for sewing, making clothes and other tasks, Gu Jiu knew all of the six orifices, but didn't know anything. She doesn't know what to do, and she comes up with ideas blindly.

As for the color and style, Qingmei and the others have an online aesthetic, so there is no need for Gu Jiu to remind them.

As long as it conforms to the mainstream aesthetics.

Gu Jiu never thought about being unique and trying new tricks when it comes to dressing.

Even in modern society, in daily life, if a person dresses too uniquely, he will attract all kinds of attention and discussions.

Whether it is at school or at work, there are actually basic requirements for dressing.

What's more, Gu Jiu is now in an ancient society, so he is doing something unique in dressing. He is afraid that he will be dragged back to the room by his childhood sweethearts before he goes out, so he has to change it out quickly. He also had to be nagged and scolded by two maids.

Gu Jiu saw that Qingmei and Qingzhu were very busy, so she said, "I'm going to Siguoyuan to visit my brother, you guys should be busy."

Qingmei was worried, "Girl, when you go out, bring a few more people by your side."

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. This is in the mansion, what can happen."

Gu Jiu took Xiaocui and two little maids out of the house.

The news of going back to the capital has spread throughout the entire government. Along the way, most of the people I saw were smiling.

When I arrived at the Siguoyuan, I heard my brother Gu Ting losing his temper.

It seemed to be scolding Li Chuan.

Gu Jiu frowned slightly, and hurried into the bedroom.

"What is brother talking about? I heard your voice at the gate of the courtyard."

The servant, Li Chuan, stood beside her with her neck shrunk, like a pissed off daughter-in-law.

Gu Jiu waved at him, "You go down first."

Li Chuan secretly glanced at Gu Ting, saw Gu Ting nodding, and then retreated.

Gu Jiu sat down on the round stool beside the bed, "Brother, why are you scolding Li Chuan? He did something wrong."

Gu Ting sternly said, "He did nothing wrong, I blame myself, I hate my leg for not being able to live up to it. Seeing that I have to go back to the capital, it doesn't matter if I drag my injured leg."

Gu Jiu understood.

Gu Ting has been bedridden for a long time since he was injured, feeling depressed.

Then I heard that I was going back to the capital, thinking that I would be seen as a joke when I dragged my injured leg back to the capital, and the accumulated dissatisfaction and anger burst out all at once.

He couldn't find anyone else to vent it on, so naturally he could only vent it on Li Chuan, the servant.

Gu Jiu said: "Brother, lift the quilt, let me check my injured leg."

But Gu Ting refused, "My legs are rubbed with medicine every day, and they are very dirty. Don't dirty my sister's hands. Besides, you are not a doctor, sister."

Gu Jiu smiled, "Brother, do you believe me when I say I know medical skills?"

Of course not.

Gu Ting grinned, taking it as a joke.

Gu Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, "Brother, if you don't listen to me, then I will do it myself."

After finishing speaking, Gu Jiu made a gesture to lift the quilt.

"I'm afraid of you." Gu Ting was always helpless in front of Gu Jiu.

He lifted the corner of the quilt, revealing his injured leg, "Look."

Gu Jiu reached out and pressed the skin around the wound.

The injured leg is recovering, just slowly.

Every day nestled in bed, can't go anywhere. When getting out of bed, Li Chuan had to support her.

No wonder my brother is so upset.

For a person who used to go out every day, trapping him in a room and being unable to move was more painful than killing him.

Gu Jiu exerted all his strength and pressed heavily, "Brother, do you feel it?"

Gu Ting nodded, "I have a feeling."

Gu Jiu simply took off the hairpin on his head, and poked it twice on Gu Ting's leg.

"how about this?"

Gu Ting nodded, "Sister, what are you doing? If you poke me like this, I must feel it."

"What does it feel like? Does it hurt?"

Gu Ting shook his head, "It hurts, but it doesn't hurt."

Gu Jiu simply increased his strength, and the place where the skin was poked was obviously sunken. This kind of strength, most people will feel pain.

Gu Jiu asked again: "Does it hurt?"

Gu Ting shook his head, "It doesn't hurt."

Gu Jiu frowned, simply picked up the hairpin, and poked Gu Ting's arm with the same strength.

"Ouch!" This time, before Gu Jiu could ask, Gu Ting was screaming in pain.

Gu Jiu asked him, "Does it hurt?"

Gu Ting bared his teeth, "Sister, you are too ruthless."

Upon hearing this, Gu Jiu frowned even tighter.

Obviously, Gu Ting's injured leg is not recovering well, and he is not sensitive enough to pain.

"Li Chuan, show me the prescription prescribed by Dr. Xu."

Li Chuan responded outside the door, found out the prescription, and handed it to Gu Jiu.

Gu Ting didn't understand, so, "Sister, can you understand the prescription?"

Gu Jiu smiled softly, "Brother, didn't I say that I know medicine."

Gu Ting let out an "ah", he thought his sister was talking nonsense.

He asked curiously, "Sister, where did you learn medical skills?"

Gu Jiu said casually, "A long illness makes a good doctor."

The prescription prescribed by Dr. Xu is no problem, and the right medicine is prescribed.

But obviously, the medicine is not effective enough. Gu Ting's injured leg didn't recover very well.

It seems that the prescription should be changed to enhance the efficacy of the medicine.

Gu Jiu thought about his memory.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Jiu asked, "Brother, will your injured leg still hurt?"

Gu Ting shook his head, "As long as you don't move, you won't feel pain. Occasionally, if you move, you will feel soreness, numbness, and slight pain."

Gu Jiu frowned.

The elder brother's wound is not recovering well, which hinders the elder brother's feeling of pain.

This is not a good sign.

Let Xiaocui prepare pen and ink.

Gu Jiu picked up a pen and wrote the prescription.

Gu Ting asked, "Sister, what are you doing?"

Gu Jiu looked back at Gu Ting, "Brother, do you believe me?"

Gu Ting nodded, "Of course I believe you."

Gu Jiu thought about it for a while, and said, "I wrote a new prescription for my brother, and he took the medicine according to the prescription. If there is an effect in two days, I will give my brother an injection at that time."

Gu Ting opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

Is my sister really good at medicine

Gu Jiu didn't explain much, just said: "Since my brother believes in me, I will definitely heal my brother's injured leg as soon as possible. But please keep this matter a secret, and don't spread it to the outside world. I don't want people to know that I have medical skills."

Gu Ting blinked his eyes, then pinched his arm again, it hurt so much, it was true.

He looked at Gu Jiu, "Sister, are you really good at medicine? Can you really heal my injured leg and let me get out of bed as soon as possible?"

Gu Jiu nodded, "Yes."

"Then how did you learn your medical skills?"

Gu Jiu smiled and said: "I said it before, long-term illness becomes a good doctor. Brother, have you forgotten, I asked you to search for medical books before. Those medical books are not for nothing."

Gu Ting sighed, "I didn't expect my sister to learn medical skills just by reading a few medical books. Sister, you are amazing."

Gu Jiu said: "It's nothing. Although I know a little bit of medical skills, I don't treat people seriously. After all, my brother is my first patient. Are you afraid?"

Gu Ting grinned, "Of course I'm not afraid. My sister wants to practice medicine, of course I have to cooperate. Do whatever you want."

Gu Jiu was moved. Anyone else would definitely not trust her wholeheartedly.

This trust is really valuable.

Gu Jiu said solemnly: "I will definitely cure my brother."

After writing the prescription, let Li Chuan go to the warehouse to get the medicinal materials.

The prescription prescribed by Gu Jiu includes one part for oral administration and one part for external application.

Li Chuan brought the medicinal materials over.

The mother-in-law in the medicinal materials warehouse knew that the medicinal materials were for the third young master Gu Ting, so she didn't dare to neglect her. All the medicinal materials are of the best quality.

Gu Jiu arranged for Xiaocui to decoct the medicine.

For the externally applied medicine, Gu Jiu took the Li Chuan and smashed it up little by little with a pestle.

Then start making the ointment.

After a busy day, when it was dark, when Qingmei found her, the ointment for external application was finally ready.

Using a clean wood chip, scrape off a little of the ointment and apply it gently to the wound and the skin around the wound.

Gu Ting was very surprised, "Sister, what kind of medicine is this? It's refreshing and cooling, much better than Dr. Xu's ointment."

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "This is my exclusive secret recipe, which can promote wound healing."

Gu Ting became happy, "Then will I be able to recover soon?"

Gu Jiu shook his head slightly, "It's been a hundred days of injury, brother, this is not nonsense. Your bone is broken, you must take good care of it, don't move around, be careful that your bone grows crooked, and you become a cripple."

In order to prevent Gu Ting from becoming a cripple, Gu Jiu planned to give Gu Ting an injection in a few days, after everything was ready.

Because Dr. Xu was a military doctor, Gu Jiu had confidence in Dr. Xu's medical skills in treating trauma, and the medicine prescribed by Dr. Xu was also considered appropriate.

However, she still overestimated Dr. Xu, perhaps it should be said that she underestimated Gu Ting's injury.

According to Dr. Xu's treatment method, Gu Ting's injury will definitely heal, but it will take longer.

And after the injury healed, Dr. Xu couldn't guarantee whether his legs would be lame, whether he would be unable to walk, whether his legs would hurt in rainy weather, and so on.

It is very possible that Gu Ting's injured leg has healed and he is not limping, but that's all.

The legs can walk normally, but they can't use their strength, can't run and jump, and they will suffer from pain in rainy days. All these may happen.

Gu Jiu asked Gu Ting, "Does brother really want to join the army?"

When Gu Ting talked about this, his eyes lit up and his face was excited, "Of course. My ambition is to go to battle and kill the enemy, take the head of the enemy general from among thousands of troops, become a general, support my sister, and let everyone I dare not bully my sister."

Gu Jiu was very moved. She looked at Gu Ting and said very seriously: "For the sake of my brother's ambition, I will heal my brother's injured leg. Let my brother go into battle and kill the enemy without any burden."

Gu Ting laughed loudly. After laughing, he scratched his head again, "Sister, I thought you would object to my joining the army."

Gu Jiu said: "Joining the army is very dangerous, so brother must learn martial arts well before joining the army. You must put your own life first at all times.

Also, to be a soldier and fight a war, you can't just rely on bravery, you have to rely on strategy. In history, the generals with great military exploits were all wise and courageous, and my brother had to learn from them. "

Gu Ting had a bitter face, "But I get a headache when I read a book."

Gu Jiu smiled, "I didn't let my brother read poems, songs, Fu, Four Books and Five Classics, but let my brother read more military books and historical classics. These books will be of great help to you when you join the army in the future."

After a pause, Gu Jiu continued: "Brother, history repeats itself. You can find similar scenes in history for any war. If you want to join the army, you must read historical books."

"This is the first time I've heard of this."

Gu Jiu said: "When my brother reads a few more books, he will find out the laws of historical development and notice the similarities among them."

Gu Ting nodded, "Hearing that what you said is so mysterious, I will chew those books into it no matter what."

Gu Jiu was very relieved that his brother finally listened to her advice.

It was dark already.

Qingmei urged Gu Jiu, "Girl, go back quickly. The second lady should lock the door after a while."

Gu Jiu nodded, and told Gu Ting, "Brother, take good care of your wounds, and I will visit you again tomorrow."

"Sister, go slowly."

Li Chuan sent Gu Jiu to the gate.

Gu Jiu told Li Chuan, "Take good care of brother, and you can tell me if you have any difficulties. Also, tomorrow you find a way to bring Da Zhuang into the mansion, and I have something to tell him."

Li Chuan bowed in response.

Now, the Xie family has returned to power and has extremely strict management of the inner courtyard.

The back door leading to the back alley was changed and completely locked.

The woman who was guarding the back door was also sent to another place.

The newcomer, the woman who guards the back door, Qingmei and the other party are not yet familiar, so there is no way to get the key for the time being.

In a short time, Gu Jiu couldn't leave the house.

Before returning to Beijing, Gu Jiu had to find a way to deal with the mess outside the mansion.

She can't leave the mansion, so she can only let Da Zhuang enter the mansion.

It is still possible to enter the governor's mansion through the side door of the outer courtyard through the network operated by Li Chuan.

No matter how long Xie's hands are, they can't reach the outer courtyard.

Gu Jiu entered the inner courtyard, walked through the garden, and returned to the Zhilan courtyard before the second door could be unlocked.

"Has the clothes been cut?"

Seeing that the original complete cloth has been cut into pieces, Gu Jiu was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, in just one day, Qingmei and Qingzhu had already cut out the clothes.

But she heard that the most technical process in making clothes is the cutting process.

Anyone can sew twice at needlework. But not everyone can do it with scissors and cut clothes.

Qingmei said: "The servant and Qingzhu cut out the cloth. Tomorrow morning, we will start making clothes for the girl."

Gu Jiu smiled and said, "Qing Mei, you are really amazing."

Qingmei hurriedly said: "This little skill of a servant girl is nothing. In the past when Nanny Gui was around, Nanny Gui's cutting skills were superb.

No measuring tape needed, just a few glances to know the exact size, never a mistake.

The servant girl's needlework and tailoring were all learned from Nanny Gui, and she only learned a little superficially. "

Gu Jiu laughed, "Gui Nanny is very good, Qingmei, you are not bad. Now that Gui Nanny is getting old, her eyesight is not clear. From now on, I can only entrust you with the cutting and mending."

Qingmei smiled and nodded, "Miss, don't worry, the maid and Qingmei will make the most beautiful clothes for the girl."

"I am looking forward."

-----Off Topic-----

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