Man from the Wild South

Chapter 8


She must fulfill his madness, she can't have anyone in her heart, and there can't be anyone other than him!

How can you deceive him

She clearly said that there is no lover waiting for her on Yuling Peak in the West Sea, how could she deceive him?!

Pinching and rubbing her tender skin, Nufeng fell into his palms, and he pinched and rubbed his fingers hard. His skin was unbelievably white, and he was very angry, and he kept attacking the city and plundering the land. His behavior is extremely obscene and immoral, but why would he care? Until... He and her were about to take off their clothes, his lower body was pressed against her legs, and the heavy male was hot on her most fragile and tender place... He could possess her as much as he wanted, savagely galloping in her body, and he could take away his anger for a while. hatred. But it will bring more problems.

Moreover, without her input, even if she gets her, the powerful loneliness will still devour him.

Stick to her body. Pressing against her forehead, he exhausted his efforts to adjust the breath and adjust the breath, and then the breath. It took a long time for the restless heart and restless body to calm down.

He knew that there was an extremely violent part of his temperament, and he had always suppressed it extremely well.

This girl, her temper is not difficult to understand.

She is strong in martial arts, chivalrous and righteous, has a tenacious temperament, and is calm and has the style of a general. She wants to help the weak. Well, then if he can help her, he will be a "poor person" who needs to be helped, and then beg for pity on her. People get along for a long time, will see results. As for "West Sea Yuling Peak", he didn't plan to let her go back. Her grudges and grievances were none of his business. As soon as he stepped into his southern barbarian territory, he could not fight with Xihai.

She returned to him.

The anger and desire in his body gradually subsided, and he sighed.

This sigh surprised even himself. Headache, ignorance, and unwillingness were all mixed together, and it turned out that even he had to sigh. Now, is the magic star meeting the hit nemesis

With a wry smile, she tucked up her clothes, slender fingers slowly brushed away her hair, caressed along the line of the woman's firm yet soft face, and stroked her slightly plump lower lip with her thumb.

"Since you want to stay for a long time, you should prepare one or two messengers for you. Isn't it?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, his phoenix eyes faintly like a demon, hooked his lips, and pecked a strange kiss on the corner of her mouth. .

Then, he got up and sat beside the couch, and took out a simple wooden box from the paulownia wood cabinet beside the couch.

Open the lid of the box, there is a stack of paper inside.

He took out two small stacks of paper, spread out his hands lightly, and put them on his knees, with heads, hands and feet, two paper figures.

"What kind of little girl do you like? Well, how about being more lively?" He asked in a low voice, he glanced at the beautiful face that was still awake and her brows were peaceful, then he closed his eyes and put on his fingerprints.

The curse is not enough.

He bit the ends of his fingers and dropped three drops of hot blood on the paper.

Shangguanjing consciously fell into some kind of "predicament" that he couldn't say or get out of.

Things that confuse people one after another, she is still a little dizzy and can't think about so many things at the same time, and if she doesn't understand, she has to adapt for the time being, accept it quietly and watch the follow-up.

The first thing she got used to was that there was a maid beside her who was round and round. When asked about the age of the other party, he said he had just turned sixteen. When asked about his name, he said his surname was Zhu, Zhu Yu.

"The master has explained that the young lady lives in Zhuwu, not only as a distinguished guest, but also as the master of this place, and ordered Zhu Yu to take good care of the young lady's daily life. I remember it very well, and I dare not forget it. Zhu Yu takes care of it, and the package is neat and clean, so that you won't get any dust. There are also three meals and tea. Miss will tell me your favorite foods and flavors one by one. , so I can ask the lady of the kitchen to prepare... Ah, yes! Miss, the master has several pieces of summer cloth, and I want someone to help you tailor cooler dresses. When are we free, we will go to Widow Li's house in East Village. Can you measure your body? That widow of the Li family is very skilled, and the clothes she makes are durable and good-looking..." twitter, twitter.

Shangguan Jing looked at the little girl in the bronze mirror who was standing behind her combing her hair and talking as fast as running water, so she almost forgot to blink.

This morning, she woke up in her own room, and the little girl suddenly appeared like this.

She helped her to prepare warm water and utensils for her body and toilet. When she got up, the little girl quickly made the bed with her hands and feet. Help her take a bath! If she hadn't woken up in time, her clothes would have been stripped naked by the little girl.

Look, she was distracted by her incessant words again, and even handed over the comb obediently. Oh, what's going on now? Still sitting in front of the dressing table and being served by others... That means, who does she need to take care of her? Always take care of yourself!

Besides, she has never combed the complicated and soft hairstyles of the girl's family. The black hair is often tied in a simple bundle, and clean and neat is the essence.

She made a quick move, lightly caught Zhu Yu's busy little hand, and made the other party quiet for a while.

"I don't need new clothes, and I eat casually, so I don't have to worry about me. Besides, I'm not a young lady, I'm just staying in Zhuwu, not your master!"

"Miss... little, little lady... woo, lady..."

The little girl's face turned so fast that she turned the book, her sweet smile and round face suddenly turned into a wrinkled bun, her brows were slanted, her round lips were trembling, and her round eyes were pitifully squeezed into two slits, both squeezed. I burst into tears.

"What's wrong? You... don't worry, don't cry!" Shangguan Jing hurriedly stood up and shook her hand.

"Wow—" Really cried out, and even the tears were round and round, so pitiful. "Miss... Miss doesn't want me to serve, then, that Zhu Yu is useless... woo woo woo, the master will tear me up and throw me into the stove to burn, woo woo... I'm so miserable... Miss, don't want Zhu Yu. , I will be good, I must be good, okay?"

"Uh... OK, OK... Don't cry, I want you, of course I want you!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu better."

Shangguan Jing shook her head vigorously. She really didn't know how to comfort someone who was crying, but the little girl's tears turned into laughter, too, didn't she? As soon as she shook her head to assure, the round face that seemed to be soaked in water immediately laughed, making her dumbfounded again.

"Ah! The lady's neck was bitten by mosquitoes, and it's green and red!" Zhu Yu suddenly widened his eyes.

This is also a point in the cloud of doubt.

Shangguanjing found it while taking a bath. Not only on the side of the neck, but also on the shoulders and chest, there are blue and red marks, round and small, as if someone had deliberately pulled it out... Could it be the bruises left from the fight last night? Other than that, she couldn't think of any other reason.

Repressing her thoughts, she reluctantly had her hair combed, and after eating the breakfast prepared by the maid, she stepped out of the room and nearly bumped into a tall servant at the corner of Xuan Lang, who was busy sweeping , Seeing that it was her, he was very respectful, silent, and quietly stepped aside to let her pass.

"Miss, he's Niu Da! The master explained that the rough work here in the east wing of Zhuwu is all done by Niu Da. You will see him often in the future." Zhu Yu hurriedly opened the window and stuck out a face, smiling. Mimi said.

Therefore, in addition to Feng Jin and her, Zhuwu does have "living" servants and maids. The strange silence after yesterday's night was just because she was rare and strange, and was mediocre

However, there were indeed too many mysteries last night. For example, if you accidentally entered the realm of chaos, even if you wake up, you will not know whether you are awake or not.

Searching around, it was the figure of Suzi, who was slim and thin... Ah, he's there!

Feng Jin stood under the melon shed. The verdant vines and leaves covered the melon shed. There were more than one kind of melons intertwined in the shed. The wonderful thing was that all the melon species could coexist peacefully, and the vines were swirling on the scaffolding. A different melon grows.

Suddenly, Shangguan Jing Xiu Rong froze.

There seems to be another person under the melon tent, dressed in dark clothes, with a sword on his back, very similar to the opponent she remembered last night... No! Absolutely the same person!

"Feng Jin!" She couldn't help shouting, flying close.

Again, the stance of the guard.

Feng Jin was laughing, and all his limbs were filled with joy, but such a cheerful smile was not revealed, and it was all preciously hidden in his heart. On the surface, he was always calm and indifferent.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" he asked warmly, putting a gourd just picked into the bamboo basket on the ground.

"Um... I used it, I used it." What's going on? Shangguanjing was on guard, his eyes wandering back and forth between him and the black-clothed guest. At this moment, the black-clothed guest lowered his eyebrows, his arms were slightly drooping to his sides, and his standing posture was similar to that of the Zhuwu servant Niu Da. They were all respectful and silent.

"Who is this?" she couldn't help asking.

Feng Jin smiled lightly. "I didn't have time to say it yesterday, and you fought with him." He turned to the man in black. "Yan Ying, you scared my distinguished guest. Miss Shangguan didn't know about it. She thought you were a bandit and bandit who came out of nowhere. What's your fault for making such a fuss?"

"Damn it."

The unpleasant tone of voice has a smell of seriousness. Shangguanjing listened, and her heart was pounding, as if she wanted to agree, this man named Yan Ying would really draw his sword and wipe his neck, damn it to her.

"My subordinates will retire first." Yan Ying said, turning around and leaving without looking at anyone.

Shangguanjing's expression was stunned, and he couldn't understand the reason. He took his eyes away from the shadow who had left, and instead looked at Su Ying, who was also standing under the melon shed. One of his lips opened and closed, closed and opened , a lot of words are in the throat.

"Yan Ying is my prison head."

Seeing her confusion, the weak man said slowly. Shangguan Jing's ears were booming, and his delicate facial features were obviously tense.

"But he... he claims to be a subordinate, and his martial arts are so high..." How did he become a prisoner

"Yan Ying was sent by my parents to guard me, and my martial arts skills are definitely high. Zhuwu is located in a remote area, and the Nanban Mang Forest has not been very calm recently. In addition to guarding me, he has to protect me comprehensively, and he has to be fixed. It's time to report the big and small things that happened here in Zhuwu to my parents." He was half-truth and spoke smoothly and naturally.

"...Your parents?" The voice is naa.

"Yeah. I'm human, and of course I have parents."

"Yes, yes."

What is "right"? Feng Jin held back his laughter, and a hundred and eighty thoughts ran through his mind. In the end, he raised his sleeve, his middle finger rubbed on the edge of the melon leaf once, but not once. On his face with red marks, his eyes were especially bright, and his voice was low and male. With a kind of hoarseness after all night's contemplation, he said——

"You fought against Yan Ying last night, and you rushed over without risking your life, thinking that I was being bullied by evil people again, didn't you?" Before she could answer, he added, "I know, you really care about me... A small accident, I didn't have time to rush back to Zhuwu, my evil disease broke out, and you didn't run away, in addition to taking me back, you also... helped me this way, and that way... I remember... "

His face was really red, and Shangguan Jing knew that his face was not much better, it was also hot.

"This way" and "that way"... He, what does he remember so much for? Ugh. After a fake cough, she pursed her lips and asked calmly, "Why don't you live with your parents?"

"When I look like this, when the two old people meet, they will only feel heartache and tears. They simply live here away from home, and both sides are quieter."

He spoke again in a soft and gentle tone.

He said it so lightly, but if the listener has the heart, it is not difficult to touch the bitterness.

Self-esteem wraps up low self-esteem, and indifferently hides melancholy, temperament that is always cloudy and sunny. When he is sane, he is gentle and courteous, and his heart is like jade. When he gets up every day, he is a willful child at all.

My heart tightened slightly, with pain, and there was pity in the pain. Shangguan Jing has never tasted such a taste.

She remembered the man who had been suppressed in the deepest part of her mind since the accident and did not dare to think about it.

When I was with that person, my heart was happy and bright, and the endless vitality emerged, as if it was about to turn into a cloud and a little lark on Yuling Peak, and invite him to travel the world with him... Handsome face , Amorous eyebrows, tall and straight figure, clear voice and nice words, saying that he is the only one in his life, just want to stay with her, nothing else, those love words, the girls who have heard it all have to lie down . Her heart was full of tenderness, not distress, but full of bright joy, that joy, like the rising sun on the top of Jade Spirit Peak, she had loved and moved, but she had never felt pity for a person, pity to the bottom of her heart The taste of sore and sour...

The whole person was hot and cold, and suddenly, one of her hands was held.

She shuddered slightly, her eyes were fixed, and she found that Feng Jin was so close to her, but only half an arm's distance away. "you… "