Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 695: The end of savagery


"I am old and cannot serve the Marquis. We cannot live together and can only die together. Hahaha..."

The white-haired queen Zhao Tianbi smiled instead of angry, and her laughter spread far away.

The towering Sky Demon Peak suddenly shook and the ground shook.


The faces of all the masters in the world changed slightly, and they looked around in confusion, but the white-haired Queen Zhao Tianbi's laughter became even louder.

"Yao Ji, you want to deceive and destroy the Tianyao Peak with your own hands and drag the world's masters to die together?" Qing Tianhou's face changed drastically, and he was keenly aware of the madness in the white-haired queen's laughter.

The ground shook again, this time much more violently, and many people lost their footing and fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, boy, you know now, isn't it too late? Hahaha..."

The white-haired Queen Zhao Tianbi laughed loudly and performed a few spells with her hands, causing the Heavenly Demon Peak to shake violently. Many cracks appeared on the walls of the majestic Tianyao Palace, and huge boulders rolled down the mountain.

"There's an earthquake, run!"

"The Queen is completely crazy, go away from this lunatic!"

All the masters in the world changed their minds, and people shouted loudly, trying to escape from the towering Sky Demon Peak.

Colorful light suddenly burst out from the fingers of the white-haired Queen Zhao Tianbi and filled the sky above the entire Tianyao Peak.

People looked up, and countless treasures and techniques fell from the sky.

As expected, the treasures and techniques burned by the white-haired Queen Zhao Tianbi were only a small part of the inheritance of the Tianyao Sect. When the Heavenly Demon Peak was about to collapse, the enchantress took out all the remaining inheritance from the Heavenly Demon Sect and threw it into the air in public.

If you get a treasure, your combat power will be greatly increased in an instant. If you grab a skill, you may be able to break through the bottleneck and reach the sky in one step, or even create your own sect on the top of the mountain!

Seeing the treasures and techniques falling from the sky, the people who were about to leave all became excited, their eyes burning red.

Coming all the way to the Tianyao Sect and fighting hard for three whole months, for what reason

On the surface, it is for the so-called fight for independence and freedom, and to overthrow the giant Tianyao Sect that dominates the wild world; in fact, everyone comes here for the inheritance of the Tianyao Sect. Practitioners are all eager for greater strength and are eager for powerful techniques and treasures. With the inheritance of the Tianyao Sect, the strength of the sect has greatly increased, and personal cultivation is bound to reach a higher level. Otherwise, who would risk their lives and fight to the death with the Tianyao Sect

A loud roaring sound came from deep in the ground, and the Tianyao Peak shook more and more violently. In fact, not only the Tianyao Peak, everything shook wherever he looked, the earth cracked, and many cracks appeared.

The earth is sinking!

The white-haired Queen Zhao Tianbi laughed loudly and frantically activated the ultimate ban on the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Knowing that Tianyao Peak was becoming more and more dangerous, but looking at the treasures and techniques falling from the sky, the masters from all over the world shouted and rushed forward to fight for them. In order to compete for a powerful treasure or skill, they would even draw swords and fight to the death. The Tianyao Peak is about to collapse, but everyone dreams of being the lucky one to escape, and they want to grab a full plate before leaving. Top figures as powerful as Qing Tianhou are not exempt from this. He draws in the air with his big hands and uses his keen sense to seize high-level treasures and techniques. While seizing the treasures, he flies towards the white-haired Queen Zhao Tianbi, trying to capture her alive. . The latter laughed loudly and kept wandering around, pinching a series of magic spells with his hands, activating the ultimate restriction to accelerate the collapse of Tianyao Peak.

"Sir, this opportunity is rare, how can you..."

The old Yinshan demon Rhodes, who was mixed in the crowd, also grabbed a few treasures and was very proud. When he looked back, Ye Chuan was motionless.

"That's enough, Rod, let's go."

Ye Chuan gave a faint order and led Nan Tiandu, Xiao Long'er and others who were mixed in the Puppet Demon Sect to turn around and leave. The old demon Rhodes of Yinshan was reluctant to leave and wanted to seize more treasures and techniques. Seeing that Ye Chuan and others were walking faster and faster , had to fly to catch up, and the group accelerated down the mountain.

As soon as the white-haired queen Zhao Tianbi activated the ultimate restriction of the sinking of the earth, Ye Chuan knew that the Tianyao Sect was going to be completely destroyed.

The masters in the world didn't know the prohibition of the earth's sinking, and they were still fighting for the inheritance of the Tianyao Sect. Even the arrogant Qingtianhou was not immune, but Ye Chuan was not unfamiliar and left decisively.

Speaking of which, the ultimate ban on the sinking of the earth was put in place by himself and the Blue Eyed Demon Queen, the founder of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and it took a lot of effort. Many materials for the ban were collected from all over the wild world, and it took seventeen years to basically take shape. Once it is activated, not to mention the Heavenly Demon Peak, it will sink thousands of miles away. At the same time, there will be a powerful restriction in the sky that no one can break out of. Everything on the ground will be swallowed up. Once this ban is activated, no one can interrupt it. When Ye Chuan and the Blue Eyed Demon Queen set up this ban, they had no intention of leaving a way out. It was a trump card to kill the powerful enemy together, so it was called the ultimate ban. Unexpectedly, in the previous life, in that era where there were many saints, neither he nor the Blue Eyed Demon Queen had the chance to open this restriction; but now, it was opened by the white-haired Queen Zhao Tianbi.

The ground shook and large rocks rolled down the mountain.

"Xiao Long'er!"

Ye Chuan shouted sharply, and Xiao Long'er who was following him understood, and turned around to reveal the demon dragon himself. As soon as the group of people sat down on Xiao Long'er's back, the latter flew into the sky. Behind him, a huge crack appeared on the ground with a click, and the screams became intensive. Many people were unable to dodge and were swallowed up by the sudden crack.

"The ground is sinking. This is not an earthquake. This is not an earthquake. Move quickly!"

The masters all over the world who were vying to seize the inheritance of Tianyao Sect woke up, shouted hoarsely, and ran away from Tianyao Peak one by one. Unfortunately, it was already too late. Before they took a few steps, they discovered that it was not as simple as the mountain shaking and cracks appearing. Instead, the entire Sky Demon Peak is sinking faster and faster. Looking up and around, I found that it was not just the Tianyao Peak that was sinking. All the mountains in the distance, large and small, were sinking. It seemed that the earth was cracking and the entire wild world was going to sink.

The limbs of the masters all over the world were cold, and they all felt boundless fear and even despair. Qing Tianhou also came back to his senses. His cold and arrogant face in the past turned pale with fear for the first time. He gave up his pursuit of the white-haired queen Zhao Tianbi, and was about to tear through the void and fly away when his feet were suddenly touched by the white-haired queen. Zhao Tianbi hugged him tightly.

"Hahaha, Lord Marquis, don't you want me to sleep with you? Where are you going? Stay and let me treat you well. It's the same for everyone. Once you're here, don't even think about leaving, hahaha... "

The white-haired Queen Zhao Tianbi laughed loudly, and was kicked hard in the head by Qing Tianhou's left foot, while her hands tightly grabbed his right leg and wouldn't let go.

The ground was sinking faster, and the sky above Tianyao Peak changed color, creating a vacuum. With a whoosh, a dazzling black light suddenly erupted from deep underground. The masters who stepped on the flying sword to escape were pulled back to the ground with their bodies sank at the same time. They tried their best and could no longer urge the flying sword to fly. Some Being hit by rocks rolling down from the top of the mountain, some unfortunately fell into the increasingly widening cracks and were swallowed up by the sinking earth.

"Xiao Long'er, hurry up!"

Ye Chuan suddenly put his hand on Xiao Long'er's back. Nan Tiandu followed the example of Yinshan Old Demon Rhodes and others. Xiao Long'er raised his head and roared, and his fierce body accelerated straight upward again, forming a black mask surrounded by black light. He had rushed out dangerously before. As soon as the black mask took shape, the earth sank faster. The originally towering Sky Demon Peak was only half exposed to the ground in the blink of an eye. Then, in less than three breaths, even half of it was gone. I could vaguely see the eaves of Tianyao Palace. Then, even the eaves were invisible. Seen from a high altitude, thousands of miles around are swallowed up by the earth.

The giant demon sect that dominated the wild world was completely annihilated. Between heaven and earth, only the white-haired queen Zhao Tianbi's laughter still vaguely echoed. Qingtianhou, who suddenly broke through to the saint realm, was about to show off his skills on the Tianyao Peak to frighten the world's heroes. However, he was pulled alive by Zhao Tianbi, the white-haired queen who wanted to die, and was buried alive in the ground. This time is different from the Kraken Holy Land. I am afraid that even if he has great abilities, he will not be able to come out alive.

Above the clouds, Nan Tiandu, Yinshan Old Demon Rhodes and others who were sitting on Xiao Longer's back looked horrified. Especially the old demon Rhodes of Yinshan Mountain was secretly glad that he listened to Ye Chuan's instructions and did not covet the inheritance of the Tianyao Sect. Otherwise, he would end up like Qing Tianhou.

"Elder brother, where are we going?" Nan Tiandu asked.

"Go back to Yunwu Sect." Ye Chuan replied.

"Then what?" asked the old demon from Yinshan.

Ye Chuan pondered for a while and said: "Go to Dragon King Island and move the entire Yunwu Sect overseas to stay away from the dispute between China and Earth."

"What happens next?" Nan Tiandu asked.

"Go to the outer world. Although the wild world is big, I want to go out for a walk. Why, don't you want to?" Ye Chuan said, looking up into the distance. On the horizon, where ordinary people couldn't see, there was a strong wind, and at some point a huge crack in time and space appeared, which was a passage to the outer world. It is dangerous to step into it, but it is also possible to step into a world that is a hundred times larger than the wild world. That is the real stage for a cultivator.

"Haha, okay, I will follow my senior brother to the death!"

"Sir, count me in, I want to go out for a walk too, quack quack!"

The old demon Rod from Yinshan laughed loudly and was in high spirits.

"Xiao Long'er, let's go."

Ye Chuan patted Xiao Long'er on his crotch, and the group quickly walked away and disappeared into the distance.

The first episode of Savage Storm is over!

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