Maoshan Heir to The Maoyi Religion

Chapter 114: Guarding the corpse one


Brother Mao looked at Dai Yujiao who was sleeping, and another soft and beautiful figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Brother Mao frowned slightly, seeing the beautiful figure gently swinging with the wind, sometimes flying around the sky, sometimes pacing briskly, sometimes looking back and smiling.

Brother Mao was shocked and said to his heart: "How could it be her!"

Brother Mao shook his head hurriedly, and threw this strange idea into his mind.

Dai Yujiao still fell asleep with her arms around Brother Mao's waist unaware.

In the evening, Dai Yujiao woke up. Brother Mao hugged Dai Yujiao’s delicate body and took a bath with mandarin ducks. It was another few hours of spring time. The two seemed to be trying to overcome the pain of lovesickness over the past few years. All vented out in general.

Lying in sex, Dai Yujiao told Brother Mao all her experiences after leaving.

Finally Dai Yujiao sighed: "If it hadn't been for quietly sneaking into my room that night to remove the seal and restore my memory, I really don't know what will happen!" Jiao body is shivering.

Brother Mao looked at Dai Yujiao's delicate face, and said bitterly, "Don't worry, I won't let him go with this sword!" After a pause, he asked: "Sister Jiao, do you remember that? Where is the monster?"

Dai Yujiao nodded slightly, and said, "Remember, it seems to be what happened yesterday!"

Brother Mao said, "Okay, then you will take me to that place tomorrow. I want to see what kind of monster dared to hurt my Jiao Sister!"

Listening to Brother Mao's love words, Dai Yujiao smiled sweetly like a young girl in the beginning of her love.

Dai Yujiao said, "But, that monster's strength seems to be quite good, I'm worried..."

Brother Mao interrupted: "Don't worry, I have a way!"

The next day, Brother Mao and Dai Yujiao headed towards the west.

Dai Yujiao was worried all the way, and Brother Mao had been comforting her.

Three days later, Maodi and Dai Yujiao came to Wuyuan City, GS Province, and planned to rest here.

Immediately after getting off, Brother Mao said to Dai Yujiao: "Sister Jiao, I see a lot of evil spirits hovering over here, I'm afraid something will happen."

Dai Yujiao nervously said, "What should I do?"

Brother Mao said: "Don't worry, take a look first!"

The two arrived at a four-star hotel called "Fu Lihua". After opening the room, Dai Yujiao couldn't wait to rush to the bathroom to take a shower. .

Brother Mao shook his head helplessly, and said in his heart: "Women really love to be clean by nature, especially in front of people they like!"

About an hour later, Dai Yujiao walked out of the bathroom.

Brother Mao couldn't help himself when he saw Dai Yujiao wearing a pink bath towel, wet hair, and delicate cheeks, like a lotus flower. He smirked and rushed up, screaming at Dai Yujiao's screams. Picked her up in the middle.

After nearly two hours, Brother Mao took Dai Yujiao's hand and walked out of the hotel.

Brother Mao said to Dai Yujiao, "Sister Jiao, why don't we try some snacks here?"

Dai Yujiao leaned her head on Mao's shoulder and said softly, "Well, listen to you!"

Brother Mao took Dai Yujiao to a food stall in the night market and found an inconspicuous seat to sit down.

At this moment, a young girl with a particularly pure dress came in. The girl came in and looked around and walked to an inconspicuous corner to sit down.

Brother Mao glanced at Dai Yujiao, who nodded tacitly.

At this time, Brother Mao and the three young people at the table with weird hair and three little punks in hip-hop clothes got up and walked in front of the girl, and said with a hippie smile: "Beauty, alone?"

The girl raised her eyes slightly and did not speak. A young man said, "Little girl, it's cool!" She touched the girl's face and continued: "Go, play with brother!"

The girl suddenly raised her head and smiled coquettishly at the three young men, her eyes flashing red. The three young men looked at the girl with blank eyes, their mouths opened wide, and their saliva murmured: "It's so beautiful!"

The girl smiled slightly and stood up, and a gust of fragrant wind blew out and walked out. The three young men followed closely and stared at them, and soon lost their figure.

Brother Mao said to Dai Yujiao: "Sister Jiao, let's follow!" As he said, Liu pulled Dai Yujiao away from the food stall and chased after her.

The girl turned three streets and came to a dead end where no one passed. She turned around and looked at the three young people who followed her. She smiled coquettishly and said, "Am I pretty?"

The three young people said in a daze: "Beauty, beauty, beauty!"

The girl's eyes flashed red, she smiled coquettishly, and said, "Then what are you waiting for?"

The three young men smirked and hugged the girl. The corner of the girl's mouth curled, her mouth opened, four pointed teeth sticking out of her lips, and biting at the neck of one of the young people.

"Naughty animal! Stop!" There was a loud cry at this moment.

The girl closed her mouth and looked up in the direction of the sound. I saw a long and very handsome young man leading a woman who looked like a fairy and came to the alley at some point.

"Don't worry about your business! Otherwise, don't blame aunt *grandma* for being polite!" the girl yelled angrily.

"It's just a little fox. You suck human blood and kill people, and you dare to speak wild words! Brother Mao said blankly.

"Smelly boy! Why are you nosy? Our monster race's affairs are not your turn to take care of! Leave quickly!" The girl threatened.

"If you practice hard, we won't take care of it yet, but you can't blame us for harming people!" said Brother Mao.

The girl was heartbroken and shouted: "Go, kill them!"

When the three young men heard the girl's cry, they suddenly turned around, rushing towards Brother Mao and Dai Yujiao with a fierce light in their eyes.

Brother Mao frowned and looked at, Dai Yujiao said, "Brother Mao, leave it to me!"

Brother Mao nodded slightly, Dai Yujiao stretched out two pink fists and rushed into the middle of the three youths, punching and kicking them, knocking them to the ground. However, the three young men stood up and rushed towards Dai Yujiao as if they didn't know the pain.

Brother Mao saw that he stepped forward and came to Dai Yujiao, changing his hands a few gestures, and muttering silently: "The heart is clear, the sky is not alarmed,... "The Qingxin curse was recite by Brother Mao. After coming out, the three young men suddenly came to their senses.

The three young people shook their heads that were a little heavy at the same time, and one of them suddenly said, "What happened?"

Brother Mao shouted to the three youths at this time: "Don't leave soon!"

The three young men awoke like a dream and ran away in a hurry.

After the three young men left, Brother Mao looked at the girl and said coldly, "What else do you have?"

Suddenly, the girl screamed, and her figure slowly diminished, becoming a snow-white fox with green eyes and blue eyes. Her red paws were scratching the ground vigorously, and her mouth kept squeaking. .

It turns out that the girl is a blue-eyed fox that has been rare for thousands of years. The blue-eyed fox can be said to be the king of foxes, even more noble than the nine-tailed fox.

Brother Mao shouted at this time: "Naughty animal, don't die!" Said offering the wishful stone, shouted: "Shaantian seal!" He threw it at the little fox.

"Who dares to hurt my child!" Suddenly there was an angry scream.

Then a fiery red demon pill slammed into the wishful stone.

Brother Mao heard the cry. The wishful stone was recovered.

I saw an old man with white hair and white robe slowly landing. The little fox jumped into the arms of the old man and looked at the old man pitifully.

The old man glared at Brother Mao and asked, "Boy, why do you want to hurt my daughter?"

"Your daughter hurts people's lives, and I will go out for the human world today to this scourge!" said Brother Mao.

The old man said angrily: "Bastard!" As he said, his body was full of white light, and nine white tails stretched out from behind and entangled towards Brother Mao.

Brother Mao took out the Long Xiao Baodao and waved it towards the tail entwined towards him. The nine tails of the nine-tailed fox were cut off by a third.

Nine-tailed fox watched distressedly that his tail was missing three, and distressedly retracted the remaining tail.

Brother Mao said to the nine-tailed fox: "Nine-tailed fox, it is not easy for you to practice, and I feel that you don’t have the aura of blood and light, so don’t embarrass you and leave quickly! If you continue to be obsessed, don’t blame me. Leave your old life here!"

"It's not ashamed to say it! The old man has practiced for five thousand years and has never seen a kid like you who speak crazy words like you!" shouted Nine-Tailed Fox. ()