Maoshan Heir to The Maoyi Religion

Chapter 35: Spiritual Club One


By the time Maodi and Wan Ziwei returned to the East China Sea, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. Wan Ziwei drove directly to the newly decorated villa.

Brother Mao looked at the decoration of the villa and was very satisfied. There was no feeling of magnificence. He only felt warm and mixed with strangeness. The first floor is a hall of more than 80 square meters, with a bar, swivel chairs and sofas. It is complete, and a variety of drinks and beverages are displayed behind the bar.

On the second floor are four bedrooms and a large office. The boss desk, boss swivel chair, sofa and coffee table are all placed in the office.

On the third floor is an exclusive large bedroom, a sports room and a guest bedroom of Maodi, which is very warm.

After reading it, Brother Mao said to Wan Ziwei: "Ziwei, I'm bothered, thank you!"

Wan Ziwei's face flushed and said, "I made this according to Bai Liwei's design, and I don't know if you are satisfied!"

Brother Mao said: "Very satisfied, it's exactly the same as I imagined!"

Wan Ziwei said: "By the way, Bai Liwei registered a sneak attack company and asked you to be the chairman of the board and me as the director and general manager. However, I was pushed. I only divided the money and did not participate in the management, so he became the director and general manager. ."

Brother Mao said, "I can't do the chairman, so let him do it!"

Wan Ziwei immediately said: "By the way, when will it open? The name is still waiting for you! And my dad, Uncle Wang, my brother and Bai Liwei all said they would attend your opening ceremony!"

Brother Mao said, "Well, I've figured it out, so it's called "Spirit Club". As for the opening ceremony, don't do it, just invite a few familiar people!" After a pause, he said, "Ziwei , How about you being my assistant?"

Wan Ziwei said with joy: "Okay!"

Brother Mao said: "You're up to you for communication!"

Wan Ziwei said: "No problem! When will it open?"

Brother Mao said: "The day after tomorrow is the most suitable day, so let's set it on the day after tomorrow!"

"That's good!" Wan Ziwei said: "I'll find someone to make a plaque now!" He went out in a hurry.

Brother Mao went back to his bedroom to take a shower, and the phone rang as soon as he came out.

After Brother Mao connected, Wang Shi's voice came: "Brother Mao!"

Brother Mao said: "Brother Wang!"

Wang Shi said: "Xiao Wei told me you have returned to the East China Sea?"

Brother Mao said: "Yes, I just came back!"

Wang Shi said: "Why are you so anxious?"

Brother Mao said, "Well, I opened a club in Donghai and it was scheduled to open the day after tomorrow, so I hurried back."

"Oh?" Wang Shi said, "Really! That's fine, see you the day after tomorrow!" After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Brother Mao looked at the phone and smiled helplessly, and muttered to himself: "I didn't expect that a one-hundred-year-old man would still be so impatient!"

Southern Guangxi, close to the border with Vietnam, has large tracts of mountains that are undulating. There are many rare birds and animals in the mountains, and the trees are luxuriant. Although they are not as mysterious as Shennongjia in Hubei, they are also very magnificent. The locals call this mountain the Shiwan Dashan, and few people dare to enter the depths of the Shiwan Dashan.

Shiwan Dashan is an unnamed peak, and the top of the mountain is a platform, as if it had been chopped away with a knife.

Four or five stone houses made of bluestone are lined up on the top of the mountain.

In one of the stone houses, an old man with an ugly face and ravines on his face sat on the ground. In front of him was a very strange mirror shining with red light.

The mirror shows the pair of ugly men and women killed by Brother Mao lying on the ground.

The old man looked at this picture, the old meat on his face trembled violently, and at the same time he shouted: "Who is it? Who is it?"

The old man called for a long time and no one responded. The old man took out a black pennant.

The old man shook the small flag vigorously, chanting obscure spells silently.

As soon as the spell was finished, a large black mist suddenly appeared from the small flag, and a black head appeared from the black mist.

Black head said to the old man: "Master!"

The old man said: "Ghost, go find Gonnan. Let him find out who killed Gondong and Gonsi, and let Gonbei come back to see me!"

The ghost said: "Good master!" After that, the figure disappeared in a flash.

Time was fast, and another day passed in the blink of an eye. Today is the opening day of Mao's "Spirit Club".

Wan Ziwei and Bai Liwei came early, and Bai Liwei also brought a dozen young men and women.

Brother Mao pointed to these men and women and asked: "Li Wei, these things..."

Bai Liwei said: "These are all I invited. They have waiters and chefs. There will be many people here today. How can the three of us come here busy!" Then he said with a smirk: "Brother Mao, Oh, no, Chairman Mao, please do something!"

Brother Mao frowned and said, "Speak well!"

"Okay, okay!" Bai Liwei said: "The soup you made last time, can you let me enjoy it again?"

After listening to Bai Liwei's words, Brother Mao moved in his heart and said, "No problem, but I have something to deal with now, don't disturb me!" After speaking, he walked upstairs.

Brother Mao returned to his very large office and got through to Wang Jian's phone.

"Brother Mao!" Wang Jian said, "Why do you remember calling your brother?"

Brother Mao said, "I miss you!"

Wang Jian disdainfully said: "Cut, come on, you won't call me if you are fine!" After a pause, he said, "Say, what can I do?"

Brother Mao said, "Brother, brother, I opened a club..."

Wang Jian interrupted and said, "Okay, I see, I will be there soon!" He hung up the phone!

Brother Mao looked at the hung up phone and said to himself: "I haven't said anything yet!"

When Brother Mao went downstairs, Wandakang and Wang Guoqiang had arrived and were chatting with Bai Liwei.

Seeing Brother Mao coming down, Wang Guoqiang said: "Brother Mao, you have been a busy man since you came to the East China Sea. It's not easy to meet you!"

Brother Mao said innocently: "There is no way, it's natural to work hard, I can only run around!"

Everyone laughed "haha" with Mao's weird look.

Just as a few people were chatting, the door was opened and Wang Jian walked in.

Brother Mao hurriedly greeted him and said in surprise: "Brother, how do you know I am here?"

Wang Jian patted Ke Mao's shoulder and said, "I know everything!"

Wan Ziwei came over and asked, "Brother Mao, who is this?"

Before Brother Mao could answer, Wang Jian said: "I am Brother Mao's eldest brother. Are you his girlfriend?"

Wan Ziwei blushed and said, "But Brother Mao said he is an orphan, so how come he has a big brother?"

Wang Jian said: "I am his righteous brother!" After a pause, he said: "I am in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring anything. Let this be a meeting gift for you!" A flash of light suddenly appeared in his hand. Oval pendant with colorful brilliance.

"This is?" Wan Ziwei asked.

"Hehe" Wang Jian said: "This is a meeting gift for my younger siblings. If you are Brother Mao's girlfriend, accept it!"

Wan Ziwei reached out and took the pendant, and said shyly, "Thank you, brother!"

"Hahaha" everyone roared with laughter.

Bai Liwei approached Wan Ziwei and smirked, "I didn't expect Shi Nu to bloom!"

"Go to hell!" Wan Ziwei kicked Bai Liwei.

Brother Mao said embarrassingly: "Sit down, everyone, my brother and I have something to do!" He said, pulling Wang Jian to flee and went upstairs.

After arriving at the office upstairs, Brother Mao said to Wang Jian: "Brother, Ziwei is not my girlfriend!"

Wang Jian smiled and said: "You are such an idiot. She accepted my gift and admitted that she is your girlfriend. However, what I gave her is a rare treasure! Thinking of this is a pain!"

Brother Mao asked: "What is so precious?"

Wang Jian said: "It's a colorful god stone!"

"What?" Brother Mao exclaimed.

"Yes!" said Wang Jian: "It is the colorful stone, which was given to me by Po Meng and her old man. Po Meng and Nu Wa were great gods of the same period. What's so strange about the colorful stone? And that is, this colorful stone has been Po Meng made a set of armor, which can be changed by injecting spiritual power." After a pause, he said, "But only for women!"

Brother Mao calmed down and said, "Brother, you have a lot of good things! Honestly, what is the relationship between you and Po Meng, how could she give you so many good things?"

Wang Jian asked: "Brother, it's not that my brother didn't tell you. It's just that the time has not come. Knowing too early is not good for you. When the time comes, you will naturally know!"

Brother Mao saw Wang Jian's embarrassed look, and said, "Well, brother, you won't be embarrassed. But what is this yin-yang stone?" Then he took out the yin-yang stone.

Wang Jian asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Brother Mao told Wang Jian about the battle with the warlock.

Wang Jian heard and said: "The Yin-Yang Stone was also given by Meng Po. In those days, the god of fire Zhurong and the god of water worked together, and the god of water was defeated. In his anger, the god of water couldn't hit the mountain with his head, and the mountain was broken. It was made into the Heaven-shaking Seal. This yin-yang stone was a broken piece left by Yuanshi Tianzun and was picked up by Po Meng."

Brother Mao listened to Wang Jian's words and said, "I didn't expect this yin and yang stone to have such a big origin! Po Meng is really not easy, who is she?"

Wang Jian said: "Speaking of Po Meng and her old man, I can't help but stand in awe. She is Houtu Empress. Back then, Houtu Empress saw human spirits floating everywhere in the wild land. She had nowhere to go and she was very compassionate. , Incarnate in the six reincarnations, Po Meng is the soul of the Houtu Empress, and the underworld is the body of the Houtian Empress."

Brother Mao sighed: "I didn't expect Po Meng to be so great, I really want to meet her old man!"

Wang Jian patted Brother Mao on the shoulder, and if he said meaningfully, "There will be a chance!" After a pause, he asked, "By the way, what are you looking for?"

Brother Mao immediately turned into a shameless expression, and said: "Brother, brother, you have so many good things, you see that I have so many guests today, can you get some characteristics of the underworld for us to taste? I ate the Bianhua you gave me this time. It is the most delicious thing in the sky and on earth!"

"What? You actually ate Bianhua!" ()