Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 101: Weird patterns


I followed the oil-burning lamp and walked for about five minutes. I suddenly found that there was a big room in front of me. The room was a bit like a church. There was no door. There was a road on the left and right sides. The road on the right was moving, and it looked like Someone.

I didn't rush to the right, but looked carefully at this church-like room.

There are many patterns on the walls around the room, and the people on those patterns are a bit unsuitable for children, making me and the fat man blush and heartbeat.

In addition to these patterns for men and women, there is a huge pattern on the top of the wall. I can’t understand this pattern a bit. Although his appearance is the same as a human, I can’t tell whether it is a male or female, the strangest one. Yes, he has two different male and female organs.

"Brother, who idiot drew this picture? I can understand if you say nothing. Isn’t it an eunuch? But if there are both, then I can’t understand it? Could it be that this is a legendary abstraction? Painting?" said the fat man looking at the pattern on the wall.

I shook my head and said that this is not a painting that is painted randomly. This kind of painting has a weird style and has a strong religious belief or religious belief totem.

When the fat man heard this, he suddenly yelled, "Brother, do you think the expressions of these men and women are the same as those of the girls we looked at on the computer just now."

Don't tell me, I feel a lot like Fatty mentioning this, especially Bai Yin, who looks almost exactly the same as the male and female expressions on the pattern here.

In addition to the pattern, there is a container in the center of the room. This container is not big, like those leaking iron barrels filled with oil. When the fat man and I looked down, we could see traces of blood stains. The bottom was dyed scarlet. The color seems to have been soaked in blood for a long time.

"I'll take it, isn't this stuff used for sacrifice? Why is there so much blood? Is this the base of a cult?" The fat man looked at the bottom of the leaky barrel, and couldn't help shrinking his head, as if he was a little frightened.

When the fat man talked about cults, I don’t know why, but the word “Lingyishe” flashed through my mind. Will these things have something to do with the Lingyishe

This place is so weird that we two couldn't figure it out, so we had to take a photo with our mobile phone and take it back to the poem for detailed reference. Maybe it could come out as a whole.

After photographing all the patterns and the iron barrel, the fat man and I ignored the road on the left of the room, and the two secretly moved to the road on the right together.

The more we walked, the louder the movement we heard. At first there were only some vague sounds. After walking for a certain distance, we heard the sound of "pop". At first we didn't understand what it was, but then we gradually learned. This is the sound of the whip, accompanied by the sound of the whip falling, and the voice of a woman.

The woman’s voice sounded miserable, but it was accompanied by a burst of happy convulsions, like being twitched by a whip. It was a painful and happy thing. The fat man and I took a breath when we heard it, because the whip caught the flesh. Hearing the person’s back chills, what is going on in front of Nima

Fatty and I wiped the cold sweat on our heads and continued to move forward, but the hearts of both of them were lifted upside down. When we walked, we did not dare to breathe. One was careful, and the other was nervous.

After another three minutes, we heard Director Zhao’s voice. He kept making a silver smile, and then cursed frantically: "Haha, are you happy? Are you comfortable? Lao Tzu kills you all, hitting your head. How?"

"Zhao Qin Beast is really here, and he doesn't go to bed in the middle of the night, and he's cruelly torturing the little girl again. This thing is really not a thing, I babe!" The fat man gritted his teeth with anger and cursed in a low voice.

I pointed to the front and motioned him to continue walking to see what Director Zhao was doing.

We walked a few steps before we came to another room, but this room had a big iron door, and the sound came from the iron door.

I touched the iron door lightly and found that it was tightly locked and couldn't be opened at all. Because Zhao Qinju was there, he didn't dared to let the fat pick the lock recklessly. The two huddled under the door and listened quietly to the movement behind the door.

At the beginning, there were only whips and screams from women. Later, I gradually heard someone talking to Director Zhao. The person who was talking to Director Zhao was a woman with a special accent, and she seemed to be a foreigner.

"Director Zhao, these women come and go. My master said that if there is no more Hinako, he will withdraw to help you and stop helping you by lowering his head." 258 Novel Network

"Hey, hey, tell your master not to be angry, I will change the batch as soon as possible. Originally, I found the best beauties in two schools, but I didn’t expect to be accompanied by a very powerful kid who wanted to get rid of him. I never thought I didn’t succeed, but now I’m in trouble. Zhang Hu is already investigating the Spiritual Society. This guy can’t provoke him. He is rich, powerful, and cruel. He was a ruthless character before he got up. After the storm, I I'll get you more."

"The bad thing you are talking about, isn't it the heir of Maoshan Ghost Dao?"

"I checked before, and it seems that this kid does open a yin and yang shop like this, and he is not small."

"Hmph, he broke my business last time and hurt me. I have to find him sooner or later for this account. You don't need to take care of his affairs. Leave it to me. You can concentrate on helping my master find a woman! "

"Yes, of course I know this."

After the conversation, I heard the sound of a door ringing in the room. It seemed that there was a door in the room. The foreign woman seemed to have gone through the door. It is very likely that the door is the exit. If you climb back from the straight hole, it will cost you money. Quite a lot of energy.

After the foreign woman left, Director Zhao waved his whip again and started beating again. He still cursed, "Bah, what's the force? The stalk of Lingyishe was still invented by Lao Tzu. If it weren't for Lao Tzu's convenience, you Where are you going to get so many girls, if it weren't for your master's face, I would have smoked you too, bah, and lowered my head!"

Director Zhao became more vigorous as he scolded, and he played more and more vigorously, but the women who were beaten seemed to scream miserably and seemed extremely happy.

"Brother, the foreign woman seemed to say you just now, why did you have a holiday with a foreigner?" the fat man asked in a low voice.

I nodded. There is no doubt that the kid she mentioned was me, and he had a feast with me, planning to come to me for revenge.

I frowned and thought, foreign women? Drop their heads? Could it be...

I suddenly thought of the customer who came to the store before, Liu Ting.

Liu Ting and her husband did not have a child, and then they brought home bullying and beatings. Later, they found a Thai woman to avenge her. After the incident, Liu Ting ended up miserably, but the Thai woman disappeared.

When I think about it this way, everything makes sense. This woman is the Thai woman who lowered her head before Liu Ting asked. She did have a holiday with me. That time she almost killed me and the fat man. When we first met, we fought. After a five to five minutes, I didn't expect to meet her again here, hum, if she doesn't ask me to settle the account, I have to find her.

In addition to this Thai woman, another thing that Director Zhao said is also very important, and that is the Spiritual Society!

It turns out that the Lingyi Society is not a serious society at all, but an attractive cover for the purpose of abducting women. No wonder the Lingyi Society cannot find it out because the investigator commissioned by the principal is Director Zhao.

Director Zhao is the person who planned a series of things in the Lingyi Society. How could he confess himself? This old fox is really cunning, not only cunning, but also courageous. He actually wanted to do something to Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Xue. Fortunately, I followed him. No, then the results are unimaginable. I imagined that they were also killed by Director Zhao just like Bai Yin, and then they were also recorded as a video and saved on the computer. I was so angry that I almost got angry with my head. I can’t wait to castrate him right away.

However, you can't mess around. Director Zhao can't accomplish this kind of thing by himself. There seems to be a capable person around him. He seemed to be the master of the Thai woman after listening to them. Maybe it is a ruthless character. Maybe we are both. If you want to lose your life here, it doesn't matter if I die, Tianyi is still waiting for me to save my life.

I have already figured out most of the matter. It should be withdrawn at this time, but the fat man refused to leave and said he wanted to take a look.

I hesitated for a moment. Anyway, there is only Director Zhao, and he will run away when he is caught. It shouldn't be a big problem.

After seeing my consent, the fat man hurriedly squatted and started picking up the lock, but this time he was very slow to pick up, and he was also nervous. I saw his hands trembling slightly. He said that for the first time in his life, someone was still picking the lock. .

It took about seven or eight minutes before the fat man broke the lock. We pushed the door slightly open, and then we squeezed our eyes together and looked inside.

When I looked inside for the first time, I was stunned. It was an indescribable scene. Most importantly, I saw Bai Yin.

(End of this chapter)