Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 102: Living human head


Why is this? Is this really Bai Yin? Looking at this scene, I was really uncomfortable, but it was very likely that Director Zhao used some means to make Bai Yin this way. Thinking of the scar on Bai Yin's hand that day, I immediately understood the reason.

"Save her, save Bai Yin."

Suddenly, this sentence flashed across my mind. This is what the ghost said to me in the ninth classroom of the abandoned teaching building. He repeatedly asked me to save Bai Yin. In addition to the words of Director Zhao, this has already happened. Ninety out of it became clear. Bai Yin was definitely controlled by some nasty means. This Zhao Qin Beast is really not a human being. I really want to rush out and punch him in the nose.

In addition to Bai Yin, there are three other sisters. Director Zhao was beating them with a whip, and their expressions were very strange. They were both happy and painful. I was a little puzzled. With this kind of whip, I guess the tears would be lost. They could come out, why didn't they cry or make trouble? What did Director Zhao do to them? Could it be that they lowered their heads

At this moment, the door at the exit of the room opened with a creak.

Even Director Zhao was taken aback. He shook his head and asked, "Who, so scared Lao Tzu, can you pay for the scared burp?"

"Hey!" With a sudden weird cry, a black human head rolled in from the door. This human head has long hair and beard, eyes wide open, and panting.

"Old Monster Xu? What are you doing? Didn't you tell your apprentice just now?" Director Zhao said angrily. It is estimated that he was very scared by the name Old Monster Xu just now, so he is a little angry now.

But the fat man and I felt very strange that there is only one head left. Is it still alive? What kind of monster is this? Too evil, right? Is there such a sharp drop in Thailand

The old evil monster did not speak, his eyes were like cross-eyed eyes, and he looked at us diagonally for an instant. He opened his mouth and said a word, but I did not understand it. It seemed to be in Thai, but I understood that we were discovered, except Director Zhao, even Bai Yin looked at us.

Oops, it was discovered! I felt a little bit in my heart. I don’t know the origin of the head of the old monster Xu in the room, and I have no chance of winning him, but I must save Bai Yin tonight. I promised the ghost and promised myself. .

But before I rushed out, the fat guy suddenly strangled my neck and dragged me back. I wanted to struggle, but he didn't give me any chance to struggle. His neck was so tight that he gave me some breathing space. .

When I returned to the bottom of the straight hole, the fat man released me. I immediately shouted at him like a volcanic eruption: "What are you doing to stop me? I want to save Bai Yin."

I haven't seen this person a few times with her. I don't know the one who has just met, but I don't know why. I just wanted to save her. Maybe the picture just touched me and felt that she was very pitiful.

"Brother, calm down, she is like this now, does she want you to see her? If you rush out now, she will break down." The fat man grabbed my arm tightly to prevent me from getting too excited.

The fat man was right. Bai Yin definitely didn't want me to see her now. It was too embarrassing to look like this. Even if I saved her, I would probably collapse and not survive.

After I calmed down, the two climbed up without stopping. Although the process was a bit difficult, especially the fat man, they finally squeezed up and returned to Director Zhao's office the same way.

At this moment, I saw a dark head slowly rolling up from the straight hole.

"Little... little brother, people... heads are coming up." The fat man yelled nervously, already a little bit inconsistent.

I immediately reacted, calling out a yellow talisman in my hand, "The sacred fire descends and burns all the demons in the world, and the old man is anxious and anxious."

Suddenly, the yellow symbol "poof" between the two fingers raised a golden fire. Nine Nine Chinese

"Go to hell!" I threw the yellow talisman down the straight hole, then quickly rotated the ashtray, and immediately the desk returned to its original position and the straight hole was sealed.

Fatty and I wiped the sweat on our bodies. Both of them sighed for a long time. Then our whole bodies fell soft and we slumped on the ground. This living human head is really scary. If we let it out, we still don’t know how to deal with it. It's better to burn it in the hole now, which can be regarded as a major problem.

But what I thought was too simple. At this moment, there was a "banging" crash under the desk, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

"Grass, this thing is still lingering." The fat man scolded.

"Don't worry about it, hurry up, this thing looks evil, I don't know what it is, save my life first, brother, slip!" After saying that I dragged the fat man and ran out, and then took three steps and two steps. Went downstairs.

After we got down to the teacher’s building, suddenly the fat man pointed to the previous position on the second floor. I looked up and shrank my head in fright, because someone was staring at us with sparks from his head, and it didn’t come down. , Just floating in the corridor on the second floor, I don't know who the cat is walking around in the corridor.

"Brother, dare to love your yellow charm is to perm the living person's hair." said the fat man.

"I didn't burn it to death. Fortunately, grab it and use it as a urinal next time." After I finished blowing, I hurriedly pulled the fat man out of the school. This thing was seen infiltrating most of the night, and there was only one left. The head can still gasp, and the lowering of the head is really evil.

After we got out of school, we went straight to our shop. I definitely wouldn't dare to go back to the dormitory to sleep again. I found that I was used to laying on the floor, but I felt more secure here.

After returning to the shop, the two of us hurriedly pulled up the poems that slept like pigs, and then showed her the patterns we photographed before and the iron bucket-like container.

Shiyan rubbed his eyes and yawned greatly before looking at the pattern on my phone with his dim eyes.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't look at it. As soon as I saw the person, I immediately felt energetic, and my sleepiness disappeared.

"Where did you shoot this stuff? Huh, I got goose bumps when I looked at me." Shiyan threw the phone away disgustingly, especially when he saw the pattern with male and female organs, his expression became even more mysterious. stand up.

I saw that Shi Yan seemed to know something, didn't hide it, and directly told her about tonight's affairs in detail.

After listening to the poem, he couldn't help sighing, saying that these girls are really pitiful.

I said it was pitiful, of course pitiful, but you have to tell me how pitiful they are. To put it bluntly, that is why they became like this. What exactly did Director Zhao and the Thais do with them

Poetry propped his chin and frowned and said that the drugs and insects used for lowering the head are only for counseling. The main thing is to use people's seven emotions and six desires, and then guide and stimulate them, and finally control them.

The so-called seven emotions refer to: happiness, anger, sadness, joy, fright, fear, and thought.

The six desires refer to: appetite, surname desire, erotic desire, possessive desire, thirst for knowledge, and desire for excellence.

These seven emotions and six desires have corresponding totem gods in Thailand. The pattern photographed on your mobile phone is the surname of the evil god. The iron barrel is the sacrificial object, and the blood in it is probably the blood of the young child sacrificed to the god of desire.

(End of this chapter)