Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 124: Pick up the corpse


The fat man slapped his head when he listened, "Yes, it's still the little brother who speaks rationally, can't I conquer that woman? When the time comes to give birth to a mixed blood, that will also be a leverage."

After the fat man finished speaking, he hurriedly took out the phone, and I asked him what he wanted to do

He said he called to find out where the Thai woman went. If you don't find her in advance, what if you return to China

After a few seconds, the fat man's phone was connected, and he said, "Hey, old Bao, can you help me find a woman? It's okay, money is not a problem, yes, it is not bad, mainly because the news is accurate, um, it's Thailand. Woman, I knew so much about the strong conflation with Scar before, and the rest depends on you, yes, wait for your good news."

The fat man hung up the phone after speaking. I asked who to call

The fat man said that he didn't know the real name of this old bag, only the last name Bao, but he had a very loud name, called Bao Inquire, there was nothing he could not receive, but ah, all the news It's expensive to buy, and it's very expensive.

While the fat man was talking, Bai Yin suddenly walked in, followed by a group of girls, all in school uniforms. These should be innocent girls who were tortured by Director Zhao. Just now I called Bai Yin and asked her to bring them all over. I didn't expect her to come so soon.

I folded my hands and bowed to Master Ghana: "I'm troubled Master."

Master Ghana nodded, and then took out a small black square box under his sleeve. After opening the lid, I saw a very thin black shadow lying still on the box. Upon closer inspection, I found that it was A worm similar to a gecko.

Master Ghana gently clamped the bugs with two fingers, and then put them under each girl’s nose one by one. After about a minute, they crawled out exactly the same bugs. According to the master, these are all Mother worm.

After the female worm came out, the master wrapped it in toilet paper, and then lit the paper with a lighter. In an instant, all the female worms were reduced to ashes.

After removing the female worms from everyone, the master sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Those girls moved their bodies, and felt that their whole bodies were much more relaxed, and no longer felt uncomfortable. After they thanked them, they happily returned to school with Bai Yin.

I sighed, hoping that they can live happily in the future and not suffer such painful torture again.

"Master has worked hard." I bowed again, helping so many girls to surrender, but this old man was exhausted.

Ghana said with a smile, saying that it is not hard, he still has an urgent matter, and he will return to the country soon, and he will benefit 20,000.

I almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on his old face, is this asking for money? Why didn't the poetry say it, didn't it mean friends

I glared at Shi Yan in a hurry, hoping that she would give me a reasonable explanation, but the dead girl turned a whistle and looked at the ceiling and ignored me at all.

"Master, Thai... Thai currency?" This time it's my turn to wipe my sweat, not only on my forehead, but also on my back. Is it easy for me to make money? In this way, I paid 20,000 yuan, and the one-month deadline is about to pass. I still have to collect 100,000 yuan.

"No, RMB." Master Ghana smiled.

I gritted my teeth and stomped and shouted: "Fat... Fatty, give... Give money, twenty thousand."

Now that I was speaking out, the fat man had no choice but to transfer 20,000 to Master Ghana.

After Ghana received the money, he smiled so badly that he kindly said goodbye to us.

"Lin... Poem... Words!" I squeezed out between my teeth word by word.

"Now, give money for doing things, this is a matter of course, don't you also collect money for others to solve the yin and yang? Can't you blame me?" Shiyan said.

"But didn't you mean that your friend? Say it early if you want money."

"It's a friend? It has nothing to do with that. Friends don't need to collect money for work?" Shiyan said with a smile.

I:"… "

Fatty: "..."

It makes sense. We two were speechless, but it cost 20,000 yuan, which was too expensive, but I felt so sorry for my brothers. Shiyan also called us iron roosters. We were incapable of being a hero. , And don't want to pay the price.

Watching her pursing her mouth and scolding us, we still have no temper at all, which is really a bit awkward.

At this moment, the fat man's phone rang suddenly, and after he picked it up, he found that Baotou was calling. It turned out that it was just a matter of time, but Baotou found the whereabouts of the Thai woman. Now he is locked in Lan. There in Guifang.

Lan Kwai Fong is a bar and nightclub here. Many young people like to go there at night, not for anything else, just for excitement. Wyatt e-book

What is that woman doing there? No, Bao Da heard that she was locked up there

Who kept her there, and what did she do

Bao Da heard that the woman had lost her face last time by Scar. Scar was angry and locked her up as a tool to make money.

The fat man hung up the phone and punched him on the sofa, cursing that Scar Qiang was really not a human being. He was humiliated by the fat man because of his incompetence, so he vented the fire on the woman, which was nothing.

The fat man got up and wanted to save the Thai woman, saying that his future wife could not be ruined by others.

I said that you didn't change your horoscope, so you are in a hurry to pay your future daughter-in-law. Besides, how can you save people in this broad day? It must be done at night. The nightclubs are full of fish and dragons at night. When the time comes, it will be easier to do things than during the day

The fat man nodded, thinking that what I said made sense, and decided to do it again tonight, but the nightclub is not a strong one. It is another big man. Others have a lot of money and can't be as tough as last time. They have to be outsmart.

After discussing the tactics with Fatty for a while, we decided to go back to school first, and wait until dark before coming back, but at this moment, suddenly another person came outside.

This is a man of average appearance, a little short stature and dark skin. The first sentence when he walked in, he asked, "Who is the boss of Lin Yuan."

I nodded, said it was me, and then asked if I could help him.

This man said that he was Cao Fan, and he had encountered "dirty things" recently. When he said this, his face became extremely ugly, blue and white, as if he had encountered something particularly terrifying. Become very panic.

I soothed him, motioned him not to be afraid, and poured him a cup of tea, but he didn't want tea, and said he wanted wine, so the fat man had to take a bottle of Guling God to drink.

Cao Fan didn't even think about it. He poured a mouthful into his stomach. After a while, his expression softened a little. It seemed that the wine did indeed work.

I continued to ask: "Don't be afraid, tell us the specific situation."

Cao Fan nodded, and then told us the causes and consequences of the incident.

Cao Fan looks mediocre, and his job is in the IT industry. His younger sister is not good at picking up, and he has never been able to find a girlfriend, so he has been an old chick for many years, which makes him very painful.

Later, he often went to nightclubs to drink with friends, just to make a girl or something.

But the result was unsatisfactory. Cao Fan was inconspicuous in the bar at all, let alone other, there were no girls who even looked at him more. This made Cao Fan very desperate and could only sit there and drink.

After sitting in the nightclub for a few nights, Cao Fan didn't want to go anymore. Without a girl fishing, who would like to go there and drink? Stop teasing, the wine there is dyingly expensive, it is better to drink Erguotou at home.

After Cao Fan got out of the nightclub, he suddenly saw a beautiful woman lying on the ground and vomiting. After the vomiting, this person became unconscious. Occasionally, his mouth would talk nonsense. From this look, he knew that he was drunk. It is estimated that I have to lie down here for one night.

Cao Fan shook his head, too lazy to deal with an alcoholic, lest he vomit himself.

But before Cao Fan turned around, suddenly two men walked out. Cao Fan heard them discussing how punctual and good-looking the girl on the ground was.

After hearing this, Cao Fan couldn't help but take a few more glances, and immediately felt that this girl is really punctual, her body is about to burst the pieces of cloth on her chest, if she can get on, it would be great.

However, no matter what Cao Fan thinks, he just thinks about it, and after discussing for a while, the two people went straight forward, and then kept greeting all kinds of questions to the beauty on the ground, seeing that the beauty was already so drunk. Can't open it, the two winked at each other, lifted her into the car and drove away.

Only then did Cao Fan realize that he had encountered a corpse picker.

The so-called "picking up corpses" means that when a girl becomes drunk due to excessive drinking, the boy picks up the drunk girl.

Cao Fan didn't worry about the girl just now, but a flash of light flashed in his mind, why can others pick it up, but he can't pick it up? Although this kind of thing is disgraceful and immoral, and may even go to jail, he doesn't want to be a baby for a lifetime like this. He has to be bold if he wants to eat meat.

Cao Fan has been waiting for "beautiful" corpses at the entrance of the nightclub since that night. Two days ago, he had met two "corpses", but he still couldn't muster the courage, was timid and stubborn, so he held back again. Until the fourth day, he met another one.

This woman is of average appearance and body, and her face is covered with a thick foundation. I don't know what it will look like after removing the makeup.

But Cao Fan didn’t know why, so he just wanted to pick her up. Maybe in Cao Fan’s bones, he still has a sense of inferiority. When he encounters a beautiful "corpse", he feels nervous and inferior, but if he doesn’t look good, he has Courage.

Cao Fan hesitated for a while, then carried the "corpse" into his car. He dared not take it home, but took it to the hotel.

After opening the house, Cao Fan carried the "corpse" back. He was a little nervous for the first time, his palms were sweaty, but looking at the body of the "corpse", his whole body was boiling. Tonight, he will Become a real man.

(End of this chapter)