Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 125: Strange corpse


After opening the house, Cao Fan carried the "corpse" back. He was a little nervous for the first time, his palms were sweaty, but looking at the body of the "corpse", his whole body was boiling. Tonight, he will Become a real man.

Cao Fan did not act in a hurry, but took a fragrant bath to wash himself clean, although the "corpse" was full of "corpse smell" (drinking), even though the other party was not an imaginary hot girl or beauty, but Cao Fan took it seriously, after all, this was his first time.

But at this moment, the "corpse" suddenly vomited wildly, which made Cao Fan a little caught off guard. He didn't expect something went wrong at the critical moment. The drunkard is a drunkard, so I have to guard against this.

No way, Cao Fan had to endure the stench and dirty vomit, and patiently cleaned it up. After the incident, he was sweating profusely and became exhausted into a dog.

But just this little difficulty did not wipe out his sex. Cao Fan also took a bath for the "corpse". Just now, she vomited all over her body. If she didn't wash it, she wouldn't get rid of her hands at all. In the future, Cao Fan took a bath. Fan only knew that this was actually very dangerous, because the "corpse" might be awakened by taking a bath. Fortunately, the "corpse" he picked up was already very drunk.

After everything was done, Cao Fan rekindled his sex. After the incident, Cao Fan immediately left the hotel.

If you don't leave early, you are afraid that the "corpse" will be blackmailed after waking up. If you call the police, you don't have to worry. Generally, women in nightclubs will not choose to call the police.

Cao Fan was quite worried at first. After a few days of nothing, the stone in his heart fell heavily. From that night on, the door to the new world in his heart was completely opened. He would pick it up in a few days. She was more and more courageous, and she dared to spend the night with her sister, even not picking it up outside. When she went inside, she saw the single woman drinking almost drinking and helped her away. The experience became more and more abundant, and the number of "corpses" picked up gradually increased, so He also summed up some experience of picking up "corpses".

Cao Fan said, "Don't want the whole body, only pick up the half body." The so-called "whole body" refers to girls who are so drunk and unconscious. The "half body" is about 70% drunk. "The whole body smells like a corpse (alcohol smell). , Can vomit, very disgusting, although the half-corpse is drunk, still conscious."

Cao Fan stated that there is a principle of "three nos and twos" for corpse picking. The "three nos" means not finding a male partner, not inviting the same kind of wine, and staying overnight. "Two beings" means that there will be alcohol and bullets (money). But he almost had an accident, "Once I spent the night with my sister, and when she woke up the next day, she asked for 50,000 yuan, and the last 10,000 yuan was settled."

Based on these experiences, Cao Fan became an enviable "corpse picker". Within a few months, he almost picked up more than 30 "corpses", just when Cao Fan thought that happy days would go on. When he went down, he got into trouble, or he got into strange things.

That weekend, he went to the nightclub to "ambush" as usual. Generally, there are many people on false dates, and the probability of picking up the "corpse" is also high. All he needs to do is to wait patiently and choose prey. In the past, he only wanted women. It's the same, don't look down on it.

After Cao Fan went in and wandered around, he found that there was no suitable target to start tonight. He shook his head, sighed, and had to go outside and wait.

When he went outside, he suddenly saw a woman in black lying on the ground talking nonsense, her eyes could not be opened in a daze, her body was even more limp, she wanted to stand up but she had no strength at all.

Cao Fan approached and observed the "corpse". When he saw her face, it was no exaggeration that Cao Fan saw such a beautiful woman in a nightclub for the first time.

To be honest, women with excellent looks rarely come to nightclubs. Even if they come, they are usually surrounded by stinky men. Otherwise, they dare not come in casually. They are all hungry wolves from Nima. When the good meat comes in, it is easy for there to be no residue left.

Thinking of this, Cao Fan hurriedly looked around. If he went up rashly, if someone had a male partner, he would definitely be slapped with a big mouth.

But Cao Fan looked at it for a long time, but didn't see anyone. This beauty was indeed alone.

It’s too late if he doesn’t do it. Even if he doesn’t pick it up, others will pick it up if he sees it. At that time, it’s estimated that the intestines will be regretful.

As soon as Cao Fan gritted his teeth, he couldn't take care of that much. He quickly picked up the "corpse" and got into his car. This time Cao Fan did not go to the hotel or hotel, but drove the car to a remote place.

After arriving at the place, Cao Fan got out of the car to check, and only got on the car after making sure that there was no one around.

Cao Fan didn't go to pick up the clothes of the "corpse" immediately, but carefully observed the appearance of the "corpse", and then he started to do it after appreciating it. Love me ebook

After the incident, Cao Fan smoked a cigarette to regain his physical fitness. At this time, he suddenly had a headache. He used to be in the hotel. After the incident, it was enough to leave the "corpse" in the car. Now she can't let her stay in the car overnight. Right? This is my own car.

Cao Fan hesitated for a long time, and decided to throw her down in the wilderness. Anyway, let alone people here, there is not even a ghost to see, it is absolutely safe, but it will be more difficult for her to find the way back after she wakes up.

Cao Fan didn’t think so much. She was a “corpse-picking”, and she was not an ancient hero. She was kind, besides, which of the women who came out to play in the nightclub was a good thing. Throwing her here is considered her own self-imposed .

After Cao Fan helped her get dressed, he threw it outside and drove away by himself.

A few days later, as before, Cao Fan went to the nightclub to "picking up corpses" again. This time, to his surprise, he met the beautiful woman in black again.

Cao Fan was a little worried at first, but now he saw her drunk at the entrance of the nightclub again, and he was relieved immediately. Seeing her exquisite appearance, Cao Fan was moved again.

Originally, Cao Fan had his own principle of "corpse picking", "corpse" would not pick up the second round. First, the "corpse" played would get tired the second time, and there would be no freshness. The second is that things are easy to happen and will be blackmailed or otherwise.

But this "corpse" is different, it looks more vigorous than a star.

Without thinking about it, Cao Fan took the "corpse" into the car again, and this time he took it to the hotel.

After the incident, he was exhausted and became a dog. This time at the hotel, he was too lazy to toss and fell asleep holding the "corpse".

When he fell asleep in the middle of the night, Cao Fan heard the door opening and woke up suddenly. He touched the bedside and found that it was cold and there was no one at all.

What about the "corpse"? Did he wake up and then left

Cao Fan got up with doubts and looked around, but he didn't see anyone. He let out a long sigh. It seemed that the person had really left, but what made Cao Fan puzzled was that the door was still locked inside.

There are two kinds of locks on the door of the hotel. Cao Fan locked both of them after entering for safety. If the "corpse" left, she would not be able to lock the door from the outside. What's the matter

Cao Fan thought for a long time but couldn't understand it. Because he was too tired, he fell asleep groggy again.

When I woke up the next day, I forgot about last night's affairs and left the hotel after tidying up.

A few more days later, Cao Fan went to the nightclub to "picking up the corpse" again. It was strange to say that Cao Fan encountered the "corpse" again.

This time Cao Fan was a little timid. This "corpse" is indeed a bit strange. Why does he meet every time he comes, isn't anyone picking up such a beautiful girl? And how did she leave the hotel last time

These few questions made Cao Fan feel that things were a bit difficult. Instead of picking up the "corpse", he went in and looked for the target.

After looking for a goal for most of the day, he was not in the mood, and planned to go back to sleep when he went out.

After leaving the door, the "corpse" was no longer there. Cao Fan was relieved and was finally picked up by someone, perhaps because he was too worried.

Cao Fan suddenly became happy, and he drove home easily while blowing his whistle. After going upstairs and turning on the lights, Cao Fan immediately let out a scream because he saw the "corpse" lying on the sofa.

(End of this chapter)