Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 127: Suit man


After we drove away, I asked Cao Fan what you were looking for. It felt a bit weird. After it got dark, I didn't dare to stay any longer.

Cao Fan was also scared and sweated by the strange phenomenon just now. He swallowed and stabilized his emotions before continuing: "This place used to be with my classmates when I was in college. Back then, I was playful and curious. Any abnormal place is rare, so I thought of it as an expedition, but after I came here once, I found that there was nothing unusual, and then I didn’t come again. It was an impulse that night, so I thought of this place again."

At this time, the fat man suddenly said: "The group just now was people!"

I quickly looked at the fat man and motioned to him what did this sentence mean? Did the fat man just see it

The fat man continued: "I saw the weeds sink in the place where the footsteps were made just now, indicating that someone stepped on it."

If it's like what the fat guy said, then it should be really a human, but for humans, why did they disappear in the blink of an eye? The crow hovering on the roof also told me that things might not be that simple.

After the incident in the Spiritual Society, I really realized how low my Taoism and knowledge were. Not only was the sign lost, the mahogany sword given by my second uncle was also broken, and I couldn’t explain many weird things and phenomena. You have to continue to practice and gain knowledge.

After leaving the range of the wilderness, I asked Cao Fan to drive the car directly to the nightclub. Maybe Cao Fan had a shadow in his heart. Instinctively, he shook his head in fear and said that he would not go to the nightclub for fear of encountering the "corpse" again. .

The fat man said that you are afraid of a hammer, and if we and you are brave, even if it is really a ghost, I will catch you home as a wife.

I gave the fat man a white look, and now I speak loudly, and I might be scared to pee my pants when I really meet a ghost.

After our repeated persuasion, Cao Fan took the courage again and drove the car to the nightclub. To our disappointment, we did not see the "corpse" that Cao Fan said, but there were two women lying on the ground as drunk as pigs. , I hugged my thighs when I saw someone and said it was her husband. I shook my head and ran away hurriedly. This thing looked annoying, and I vomited everywhere. I was so drunk that I looked disgusting. I really admire it. Those legendary "corpse pickers."

Although Fatty and I were a little disappointed, Cao Fan sighed. It seemed that he was really afraid of the "corpse."

At this moment, suddenly the fat man pointed to the sign of the nightclub and shouted: "Brother, my wife is locked here. She has nowhere to look for her iron shoes. It takes no effort at all."

I glanced at him in vain, without a stroke of the character, and the wife was tall, but it really saved me a lot of effort, I didn't expect to hit the place where Cao Fan said.

We took Cao Fan in and strolled around, but we still didn’t find the "so-called" corpse. Cao Fan said that he would meet every time he came, but this time it was really strange. This thing is really evil, do you know that we are looking for her, so we hide

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but stunned, maybe it really is.

Since we haven't found it, we will send Cao Fan back first, and the fat man and I will have to do some work later, so we can't bring a burden.

After Cao Fan left, Fatty and I ordered a cocktail alone. This thing was not used to drinking orange juice, but the fatty drank it with relish. He said I was used to drinking it. Then I would take out a cigarette. Twitching, looking wretchedly at the dancing girls, almost no water came out.

I looked at the twisted bodies and didn't feel at all, as if these women were just like animals, except that there was a thick layer of rouge on their faces, so that people could not see that they were animals.

I said to the fat man, don't stare so hard, drop your hair carefully, I can't save you.

When the fat man heard this, he turned his head in a hurry and said he wasn't so fierce, right? He just looked at it.

I smiled and said who knows, this thing of lowering your head is just like Miaojiang Poison Gu, you don't know what's going on when you die.

Hearing what I said, the fat man didn't dare to look again, and concentrated on drinking and smoking.

Now it’s not suitable for hands-on. When the night is late, there will be several times more people than there are now. At that time, there was a mixture of fish and dragons. The fat man and I turned this place upside down again, and then rescued the Thai woman.

Anyway, when I was free, I asked Fatty who opened this nightclub. He said before that it was opened by a rich and powerful boss, and he should be an insider.

The fat man vomited a smoke ring and said that he didn't know the name of the big guy who opened this nightclub, only his name in the arena, San Ye.

This Sanye specializes in black shops, and sells both fans and women. This nightclub is just a sham, used as a shield for illegal activities. Of course, if you don’t have the ability, then the store would have been blocked long ago. I heard that the third The Lord is a high-ranking official, and he has 40% of his shares here, so these three masters are rich and powerful, and no one dares to provoke them.

The fat man also said that the current era is prosperous and stable, and public order is better. It is no better than before. There are a lot of people who walked the dark road. Now the big guys who walk the dark road either go to squatting (to go to jail) or get back to the white. If you are serious in business and can continue to eat illicit food, you must not only have to be ruthless, but also have money and power, or you won’t be able to stand firm at all. If someone else makes a report call, it’s possible that everything will be swept away by you. It may also hurt the person above, so basically your family should not even think about living.

After listening to the fat man, I couldn't help cursing my mother. As expected, people still have to go the right way. If there is any mistake, my life has been frozen.

I asked the fat man if he had seen this third master, his age and appearance. U9 e-book

The fat man took a sip of a cocktail, frowned and recalled vigorously. He said that he had seen him before, but he seemed to have forgotten. It was no good that he was the brother who fought side by side before. The one who had cut people with him back then seemed to be called Chen. The man of San had a good knife skills, and he was also ruthless. Later, everyone seemed to call him San Ye, but the fat man was lying in the hospital at that time, and he retired from the arena after he recovered.

I don't know if it's that person. Anyway, the owner of this club, San Ye, has never seen him.

I couldn't hear it. I didn't think that the fat man and the third master were of the same generation, but they are all grown masters. Why are you so miserable

The fat man laughed loudly and said that if he hadn't quit the rivers and lakes, he might not have had anything to do with the third master.

I also laughed. I was ridiculing the fat guy, thinking he would scold me a few words. I didn’t expect him to look so open now. It’s really rare. When the past things can be said with a smile, then it proves true. It's over, no longer entangled in persistence.

As I laughed too loudly, the little black card in my pocket fell out, and I hurriedly reached out to pick it up, but at this moment, suddenly a hand was placed on top of the little black card, and I subconsciously snatched it. When I reacted, I watched a man in a black suit standing in front of us.

This man is about 30 years old, with a big back, and his height is about 1.78 meters. His shape reminds me of the gambler's Fa Ge. Few people come to nightclubs in suits and shoes. This person appears in nightclubs. , I have a feeling of incompatibility.

But the man in the suit still looked at me with a smile, his eyes fixed on the little black card in my hand.

"Brother, do you know this stuff?" I asked.

The man in the suit nodded and said, "Of course I know, this is mine."

The fat man and I were stunned at the same time. A small black card that we found in the wilderness was claimed in a nightclub. No one could react to this span.

I didn't return the little black card to him, but asked him what it was, what its purpose, and why he left the little black card in that place in the wilderness.

The man in a suit shook his head, smiled and said that he had no comment.

I hurriedly put the little black card into my pocket, "Don't say it is pulled down, in this case, it can't prove that this thing is yours, and I won't return it to you."

"Whatever." The man in the suit still smiled and said, "But I have to remind you that this is not a good thing, and it may be a killer to bring it along."

The fat man is not happy when he hears it, why? Intimidate if you refuse to give? I was so scared, how can I still be afraid of you? Seeing you wearing a suit is gentle and intimidating!

The man in the suit was still not angry at the fat man's rude words. This man had a really good temper, but he didn't know if he was pretending.

"In a few days, there will be a disaster in this city. This nightclub is the starting point of the disaster. If you come to me with this sign in the future, I can guarantee one person, just one person!" The man in the suit smiled and left.

"Where can I find you?" I shouted to the man in the suit.

"Just here, I will come naturally." Soon the figure of the man in the suit disappeared from the crowd.

"Huh, what kind of person, the mysterious, what disaster? Is it scaring us? Is this brand really his?" The fat man said as he studied the little black card in my pocket, but looked at it for a long time. I can't see why.

"It's not an ordinary person. I smelled a dead person on his body." I frowned and kept looking at the place where the man in the suit had disappeared.

"Huh? The smell of a dead person? Is this man... a ghost?" The fat man was taken aback.

I shook my head: "It shouldn't be, it's just the smell of death on my body."

The fat man drank the cocktails on the stage in one gulp, and cursed: What kind of shop, something weird happened.

At this moment, I suddenly saw that Thai woman was forcibly taken to a box seat by two men. I stood up and looked at the box seat. There were some bald Mediterranean people inside, all greasy faces, wretched expressions. , Alas, it's really a tiger falling to Pingyang and being bullied by a dog. This Thai woman ended up miserably. After she lost her way, she fell to this point.

When the fat man saw it, he showed a fierce look, clenched his fist, and walked over there. I hurriedly pulled him back. He said that the third master is not easy, just the two of us. If you come hard, I guess you won’t be able to get the slightest discount. .

The fat man punched the stage and said what should I do now? Did you watch that Thai woman be bullied

After turning my eyes a few times, I thought about it, and it seemed that I had to play with those disgusting uncles.

(End of this chapter)