Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 134: celebrity


I stood up and was about to go out. At this moment, I don't know who whispered: "Greetings to the love saint."

At this moment, the whole class became uproarious, and the head teacher almost couldn't control the situation. She immediately threw a chalk eraser at me in anger and anger: "Get out, get out of here."

The expression and roar were even more terrifying than the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. After hiding away sensitively, I hurried out of the classroom.

Crazy, the whole class is crazy, Bai Yin and the others are also crazy, what are they, they are criticized for no reason, who am I provoking

After I got out of the classroom, I didn’t bother to worry about it anymore. I went straight down the stairs and went straight to the shop. Cao Fan was still waiting for me there, but when I was walking on the campus, people kept pointing me and commenting. of.

"Look, is that Lin Yuan?"

"Are you average? Why are there so many girls taking turns to confess? Are they hired?"

"What is the origin of this kid? Where is the charm of a country kid?"

"Look, the love saint of our school, I want to worship him as a teacher."

"This kid looks mediocre, but he has such an ability. He must be exceptional. You need to get acquainted when you have time."

"I don't know why, I really want to confess to him."

Listening to those talks, I was one head and two loud. These sounds were like flies, buzzing in my ears. I didn't expect to become a celebrity in this school by accident. Last time I asked Bruce Lee to be a black belt master in karate. It hasn’t been long since I hit that, and now I’m once again a focus figure on campus, which is not a good thing for me.

I hurriedly sent a text message to Bai Yin and scolded her. After a while, she replied a few grimace symbols, but there was really nothing to do with her.

When he returned to the shop, Cao Fan was sitting pale on the sofa, seeing me as if he had seen a life-saving straw, and almost did not kneel down.

"Boss, you have to save me, I'm about to collapse." Cao Fan shouted in horror.

I was a little puzzled, saying that I didn't meet the "corpse" last night? Why are you so scared

When he talked about the corpse, Cao Fan was trembling with fear. He said I didn’t know. After separating from us, he thought that he couldn’t go to the hotel to sleep often. It was too expensive and the hotel didn’t dare to go, so he decided to drive back. The company will only have one or two nights, and the company also has sofas and air-conditioning, and the conditions are no worse than the hotel.

After returning to the company, he was about to go to bed. Suddenly the computer on the desk was turned on. Cao Fan called Ji Ling. He had clearly checked that all the computers were turned on before. How could this happen

He cautiously leaned over, and suddenly saw a person lying in the computer. That person was the "corpse" she had picked up before. She was vomiting and mumbling nonsense in the computer as if she was drunk.

Cao Fan paled with fright and trembling all over. At this time, he was really sure that he had encountered a "dirty thing". How could a person run into the computer

He hurried to turn off the computer, but the computer did not respond no matter how he pressed it, just like he was sick. On the contrary, a disgusting drunk smell came from inside, as if it had come from the woman.

Cao Fan was frightened in a cold sweat, where he dared to stay, he hurried out, and then spent the night in the car. Fortunately, the "corpse" didn't chase him, otherwise he didn't know what to do and his legs were scared. It's sour and soft, I guess I can't run.

He was not in the mood to go to work the next day, so he came to me after taking a leave. After he came to the shop, he smoked for a long time until I finished class.

After I listened, I sighed. Cao Fan didn't understand what I looked like.

The poetry reminded: "Fool, you are not dead, it means that the "dirty" just wants to haunt you, not to kill you, otherwise you will die a few times, brother."

Cao Fan was not happy when he heard it. Instead, he hugged his head in pain, and said in a choked voice: "If this goes on, even if she doesn't harm my life, she will be scared to death sooner or later. I don't want her to be entangled. Live, boss, please help me."

If Cao Fan’s words are true, it proves that this so-called "corpse" is really not a human, and it is very cunning, knowing that we will only show up when we are gone, but I have something tonight and I don’t have time to catch her. But it's easier to know that she is not a human being.

I handed a stack of yellow talisman to Cao Fan and asked him to stick it on the doors and windows, but be careful not to let the wind blow away. Go home and sleep boldly tonight, and then take off the yellow talisman when it’s dawn. .

After receiving the yellow talisman, Cao Fan nodded, and then asked again, if the yellow talisman doesn't work, what should I do if she can't hold her back

I glanced under him, scared that he hurriedly covered it, saying that he would not engage in ji.

I said don't be nervous, I won't do it, and then asked him what kind of underwear he was wearing

He froze for a moment and said it was red, very puzzled why I asked this.

I clapped my hands and said that the red one was just right, he was even more weird, his brows were frowned, and I couldn't figure out what I meant at all. Shuxiang Novel Network

I laughed a few times and said that if Huang Fuzhen can't live, then fold the red underwear into a seven-pointed star, put it on the head of the bed, and sleep under the bed, remembering that the shoes should be made up with the toes of the shoes.

"This trick really works?" Cao Fan said dubiously.

I glanced at him for nothing and said that he should not question my professional level. This trick is sure to work and tell him not to be afraid. The "corpse" shouldn't kill him. When I finish my work, I will go. Get her done.

Cao Fan still has lingering fears, he squeaks and refuses to go, and says what if this trick still doesn't work

Now that the poems next to me were annoying, she couldn't help but yelled: "If it doesn't work anymore, then you can post the picture of Sister Feng on the bedside. If you don't want to come to me, I will kill you. you."

Cao Fan immediately felt relieved when he heard it, and took the yellow symbol to leave, but I became suspicious and asked if that thing is really useful? I haven't heard of it.

The poetry gave me a white look and said that the thing not only can ward off evil spirits, but also avoid .yun.

I immediately covered my mouth and laughed, and the woman still had a day or two to provoke her.

After dismissing Cao Fan, I went back to class in the afternoon as usual, but the atmosphere of the class was a bit wrong. Both men and women always looked back at me from time to time, which made me a little embarrassed. I was a girl at the same table, named Lin Yiting, and she quietly followed I said that the bets in the class are already high now.

I am a little curious, what bet? Does it matter to me

According to Yiting, girls are now betting to see who can catch me, whoever catches up first, whoever wins, everyone else is responsible for betting, and that's more than that, except for the girls in my class, but also in school. Gambling, now I'm just like the prey, whoever wins first wins, not only wins money, but also saves face.

After I listened to it, I leaned forward and laughed, saying that you are a real joke, and when I said so exaggerated, I almost believed it.

Yi Ting hehehe twice, and then pointed to the underside of my table. With a dazed face, I reached in and grabbed a bunch of envelopes. After reading a few envelopes, I felt my scalp numb and Nima was all sentimental. I counted the letters carefully, and there are almost 20 letters.

"This..." I'm speechless, what is this? It makes me seem like something they are vying to show off. Don’t be silly. I’m the man they won’t get in their entire lives. I blame Bai Yin. I’m just grateful for some gold and silver jewelry. What's the point of engaging in these inconsistent bad scenes

After class, I hurriedly slipped out like a mouse because I had a bad feeling. Sure enough, the classroom was surrounded by girls soon, all of them came to me. I took a picture of my chest. Fortunately!

Not long after I was out of campus, my mobile phone rang non-stop. When I saw, it was all WeChat application notifications. I, Cao, who leaked my information? No need to review, it must be Li Wen and Zhao Yi. .

I didn't bother to care about them. After processing the notification message, I rode back to the shop on a broken bicycle.

When the car was halfway there, a group of people suddenly rushed out. When I saw it, I thought someone had robbed it. Although it was not in broad daylight, but the sun had just set, it would be too hasty to come out and rob

Unexpectedly, they didn't stretch out their hand to me, but they all knelt on the ground with a plop, and banged their heads at me a few times, which shocked me. Could it be that I encountered porcelain?

But what about my broken bike, what kind of porcelain I still touched, so what if I dismantle these two wheels for you

Just when I was puzzled, they suddenly shouted at the same time: "Love saint, please accept us as disciples, and take us out of the state of being single. We don't want to be boys anymore."

"Nervous!" I hurriedly got on my bike and rushed away from them. When I got to the shop, I glanced at the back and let out a long sigh when I saw that they hadn't caught up.

Are these people crazy? If I don’t read books, I’m tossing around all day long. If I am a lover, can I be single? I bother!

"Why, being chased by a ghost?" Shiyan looked at me panicked, like a thief.

I sat down and took a few sips of water to ease my emotions, "I'm not afraid of ghosts. These people are far more terrifying than ghosts, and it's hard to say a word."

"How are your preparations for the resurrection of the corpse?" Shiyan looked at the time and said that he would leave as soon as it gets dark. If this matter can't be handled well, the store probably has to be closed.

I looked at the sunset outside and said to do my best. This is the biggest forbidden technique in this door. I do not know if I can succeed in my way.

Shiyan nodded and did not speak any more. The two were speechless. It was not until eight o'clock that a black car stopped at the door of the shop. Tianyi walked out of it and waved to both of us. Signal us to get in the car.

After I exchanged a glance with Shiyan, I put on my backpack and got into the car with the guy.

In addition to the driver and Tianyi, there is also a woman in the car. This woman has clean brows, extremely good-looking features, and has a temperament. She wears a cheongsam and has legs under the split ends. Apart from the length, she is also white and shiny. Squeeze it.

"Who is this?" I pointed to the woman and asked.

"Container!" Tian Yi replied coldly, without moving his eyebrows, without any expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)