Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 136: Bring back the corpse


The first step in surviving a corpse is to extract the soul of the container. This is not a good job. Pumping the soul of a living person, if you fail, can kill you. Any mistake is a human life. Even if it is successful, People who strip their souls alive, as containers, will also experience unprecedented pain.

"Are you ready?" I asked Shi Han.

She nodded, without any expression of fear, the appearance of going to death generously, which was very pitiful.

I spread the black cloth on the ground, then told Shihan to lie down, then wrapped her in the black cloth, and finally asked about her birth date.

After Shihan said her birth date, I immediately stunned, the girl of pure Yin

This girl was born when the year was overcast, the moon was overcast and the sun was overcast. The eight-character birth date was full of yin. It was the body of pure yin, and this pure yin body was the best container for resurrecting the soul from the corpse. The rate has been greatly increased, and the pure Yin body will not repel the ghost too much, and it is of great benefit to both people and ghosts.

I wrote Shihan's birthday horoscope on the black cloth with chicken blood, and then lit a big red dot on the center of her eyebrows, and lit three white candles around her.

The candle represents the three souls of Shihan. When the candle goes out, the soul leaves!

"Playing by the Hunyuan River, King Kong lined up on both sides. The soul is coming out of my body, and I eagerly get out of my body." I yelled, and then suddenly slapped Shihan's forehead with the palm of my hand, the speed changed from slow to fast.

Shi Han suddenly retched, looking extremely uncomfortable, and then twitched, his hands and feet fluttered. At this time, the black cloth suddenly tightened to prevent Shi Han from moving, and the spells above glowed faintly.

"No, Lin Yuan, the soul can't be extracted. If the six souls are damaged like this, think about a solution." Tianyi suddenly shouted anxiously. This was the first time I saw another expression on his face.

Damn, it seems that my Taoism is still not enough. It is too difficult for a living person to draw souls. I need someone to help me.

"Shiyan, help me pull Shihan's soul out of my mouth." I hurriedly shouted: "There is no time, hurry up, don't hesitate.

Shiyan saw something very serious, and didn't dare to linger, so he just came up and prepared to suck his soul.

At this time, Tian Yi threw a golden talisman to Shiyan, "Half of the golden talisman bites his mouth, usually spit out to Shihan, the success rate will be much higher."

After Shiyan took Tianyi's golden talisman, she did so directly. She mouth-to-mouth sent the golden talisman into Shihan's mouth, and then desperately sucked it out.

"The golden bird is transformed into a spiritual body, and the soul is born to see the body." I held Shihan's forehead and read it once, blew three breaths, and three times, blowing nine breaths into the body.

At this time, Shiyan suddenly bounced, bulging his cheeks and hesitated at me, as if I was saying something. Before I had time to react, Shiyan's body began to expand slowly, like a bloated balloon. I only heard "Puff". With a sound, the three white candles went out at the same time.

"It's done, the soul is in Shiyan's mouth." I yelled happily, then opened the lid of the small white bottle that had been prepared, and let Shiyan spit into it.

After Shiyan vomited his soul, he immediately fell to the ground feebly, coughing constantly, and his body instantly returned to its original shape.

"I'm exhausted, as if I ate an elephant in an instant, and then vomited out the whole body." Shiyan said panting, sweat on her forehead.

After putting the lid on the little white bottle, I quickly drew a few spells on the bottle to prevent the soul from escaping. That would be bad.

"Gui Niang, you can go in!" Tian Yi regained his cold expression and said to the female ghost.

Guiniang nodded, and then walked into Shihan’s body. At this moment, lightning flashed and thunderous without warning, and a few flames flashed across our heads, frightening me, Ni Ma, is this going to cross the catastrophe or why

"Lin Yuan, hurry up, finish it in ten minutes, or we will all die here." Tianyi suddenly roared, his expression becoming extremely serious.

I nodded, and then took out a white cloth, exactly the same as the black cloth before, but with a different color.

I spread the white cloth on the ground, told the ghost lady to lie down, and then wrapped her tightly.

At this time, the thunder sound became louder and louder, and a lot of black clouds fell down and gathered on top of my head. I remembered that using this forbidden technique would be struck by lightning, and my heart immediately went up.

"Don't stop, this is not a punishment." Tianyi shouted again. At this time, the old woman in the cave suddenly shouted: "The ghost king is here. Boy, do you have to kill my granddaughter to be reconciled?"

As soon as the old woman’s voice fell, suddenly black clouds turned into countless black shadows hovering around us. Three seconds later, the black shadows became translucent, with a skull on top and a black body underneath, wearing armor. They keep spreading their teeth and claws around us, as long as they find opportunities, they will attack us.

"Big Brother Tianyi, let's go, otherwise you will really die!" Gui Niang persuaded worriedly.

"The mere ghost king, why don't you hang your teeth, even if the ten temples come today, I will definitely want you to resurrect." Tian Yi raised his head, arrogantly, his eyes were very firm.

He took out the rectangular box that he often carried on his back, and with a shot, the box opened automatically.

What I didn't expect was that a pile of dark spiritual cards fell out of the box. The names on them were all surnamed Tian, which seemed to be the spiritual cards of the ancestors of the Tianmen ancestors.

I thought this box contained a powerful weapon. I didn't expect it to be a pile of spirit cards. What did Tianyi kid carry his ancestors on his body every day? It's really strange, could it be some strange rules of Tianmen

At this moment, suddenly a black figure ran out of every spirit card, and then scrambled with the skulls in the sky, and it seemed to have the upper hand.

"Bold Tianyi, I dare to disturb Yin and Yang. People in Tianmen can't change their fate and destroy cause and effect." Suddenly a cold sentence floated in the sky, and the cold breath came to his face. Except Tianyi, the other three people were all There was a chill, and his legs trembled.

"I didn't disturb the yin and yang. I only need two days, just two days. If you don't sell my face, then fight!" Tianyi was not afraid, he looked at the sky coldly, expressionless, as if he was cold. Warrior.

"Hmph, you really have you, OK, today you moved out even your ancestors, I will sell you a face, two days later, borrowing a corpse will not end, everyone here will have to die tonight." After the words were over, in the sky The skull disappeared, the dark shadows re-entered the spirit card, and Tianyi covered the black box again.

"Hurry up, there are more fierce things than these, and there are five minutes left, don't be surprised." Tian said to me.

Is there something more fierce? I looked up at the sky and found that the clouds had turned blood red, the surrounding air was getting colder and colder, and the rocks and trees next to it seemed to have dark shadows surging.

What level of forbidden technique is to borrow a corpse? Why does the atmosphere become so terrifying, is it really just as I know it

I didn't dare to think further and proceed with the ceremony at hand.

I lifted the ghost girl in the white cloth, and then chanted the spell silently, and then the white cloth floated up strangely, spinning constantly above the black cloth, I aimed at the ghost girl's heart and pressed a palm down.

"The souls are united, and the corpses are resurrected!" I shouted and pressed the white cloth down desperately, but the white cloth suddenly produced a huge air current and resistance. Not only could I not press it down, but if people were not paying attention, the body would be bounced away.

It's over, I can't press it down, I can't complete the resurrection by borrowing the corpse, is it because I didn't do enough, or which step is wrong

While thinking in my heart, I continued to resist with force, but the white cloth was like a thousand pounds of stone, and I couldn't press it down at all.

Seeing that something was wrong, he hurried over to help. He breathed out a long sigh, then with luck, one palm was pressed on my palm.

Immediately, the white cloth seemed to be under heavy pressure, sinking steadily, but it was still not able to touch the black cloth. It was only a few centimeters away. Tianyi seemed to have exhausted his whole body and failed to achieve his wish. Dou was sweating heavily. Zhu slipped from his forehead like rain.

"Blood, use that kid's blood to drip on my granddaughter." The old woman in the cave reminded.

My blood? But there is obviously no such step on the Maoshan Ghost Road.

"There is no such step, but your kid's curse and handprints are messed up. It's good to be able to complete it to this point. My granddaughter can directly enter by himself with the blood of the descendants of Maoshan Ghost Dao." The old woman seemed to be able to see through me. The same mind.

I smiled bitterly. I only spent a week studying the biggest forbidden technique of Maoshan Ghost Road.

According to the old woman's instructions, I bit my finger and dripped blood on the ghost woman.

Suddenly Guiniang's body turned pink. As soon as she closed her eyes, the white cloth sank automatically. After touching the black cloth, the two cloths immediately melted and turned into a white and a black cloth. The gossip picture has also become black and white, and Guiniang has no news.

At this time, Shi Han opened her eyes, her eyes were a little confused, and then brightened up, and shouted to Tianyi Brother Tianyi.

"It's finished!" I yelled happily in my heart.

I liberated the ghost girl from the black and white cloth. Like a lively bunny, she jumped and ran to Tianyi's arms.

At this time, Tianyi blushed suddenly, but like a meteor, it disappeared very quickly. Maybe others didn't find it, but I caught him.

After the successful resurrection of the corpse, the surroundings returned to calm, and the sky was no abnormal, I took a long sigh, and it was finally over!

After Tianyi explained that the driver took us back by himself, he picked up Guiniang and continued to walk to the front of the canyon.

"Smelly boy, where are you taking my granddaughter?" the old woman shouted in the cave.

(End of this chapter)