Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 137: Ghost surname girl


"Smelly boy, where are you taking my granddaughter?" the old woman shouted in the cave.

When the old woman was speaking, Tianyi had disappeared into the dark night, and the two had long since disappeared, so there was no room for the old woman who had already died.

"Mother-in-law, you won't stay in the big girl, save your energy, they will come back naturally after they are over in two days." I said.

"What are you talking about, brat." The old woman suddenly became furious, and the entire canyon was trembling.

I'll go, I'm still so tempered after death, what kind of hotness I must have in my lifetime, forget it, I'll just slip away!

The driver was also obviously a little frightened, and hurriedly took me and Shiyan out of Broken Dragon Valley and returned to the parking position just now, so I relaxed.

The driver didn't leave immediately, so he took out his cigarette and leaned on the car and smoked, saying to ease his emotions and leave in a hurry.

I also asked him for one. This is the first time I smoked a cigarette. I coughed for a long time after the first puff, and then it gradually healed, but I still don’t like the taste, it feels so-so, I don’t understand why So many people like to smoke, so I threw it away after half a cigarette.

"The first time you smoke?" the driver asked with a smile.

The driver was about forty years old. He was very kind, and he spoke a kind of intimacy. He was flat-headed, was a little tall, and wore a white shirt with leather shoes. Tianyi called him the fourth uncle. I don't know what their relationship is.

I nodded, "Yes, the first time I smoked, what happened just now was so shocking, I also want to learn how you smoked to ease my emotions."

"Well, smoke is a good thing, but also a bad thing." The driver vomited a long smoke ring, looking at Broken Dragon Valley as if worried.

I couldn't help but become curious about the story of Tianyi and these two ghosts. Listening to their dialogue, it seemed that something special had happened.

"Uncle, can I ask you something?" I said.

The driver laughed and said, "Do you want to ask the young master about them?"

I nodded.

The driver smiled again and said about the Tianjia things, but you can’t just talk to outsiders. He has been a driver for Tianjia since he was 20 years old, and it has been almost 20 years now. He knows many things about Tianjia. , But never said to the outside that Tianjia also trusted him.

After listening to him, I was a little disappointed. I thought I could pry out some secrets in his mouth.

But then he said: "One thing to make clear, they weren't killed by the young master."

I frowned, a little doubtful, even if they weren't from Tianyi Killing, they should have nothing to do with Tianyi.

"Get in the car, and my task of sending you back tonight is complete." The driver threw the cigarette butt to the ground, then slammed it out, turned his head and got into the car.

Shiyan and I also opened the door of the car. After the car started, the three of us did not speak, and Shiyan fell asleep even more tired. The soul-absorption might have consumed all of her physical strength. Since just now, she has not said a word. words.

When the car was halfway through, I suddenly bounced from my seat, just like getting an electric shock. The driver was startled and thought something had happened.

"Boy, what are you doing?" the driver asked nervously.

"I want to ask you, what is the girl's surname?" I hurriedly asked, because I suddenly remembered what my second uncle had said. If you meet a girl surnamed ghost, you must marry her as your wife. Just now in Broken Dragon Valley, the driver called her Guiniang.

The driver was dumbfounded, and then said: "Her surname is Gui, she is called Guiniang. Although this name and surname are a bit strange, your reflection arc is too long. I only reacted to it now, and what are you doing with such a big reaction? With a long history, there is no surname or first name."

"She is really a ghost?" I continued to ask.

"Really, I didn't lie to you." The driver said firmly.

What should I do now? My second uncle told me to marry a girl surnamed Gui, but she is dead, and she still looks good to Tianyi, then I am not very embarrassed

Second uncle, it's not that I don't listen to you, there is really no way, this girl surnamed ghost, I have no way to marry.

The driver saw me with a strange expression and was very worried, so he asked me what's wrong

I shook my head and said it was all right, just a little curious.

The car kept driving, and I didn’t think too much anymore. Staring out of the dark window, I fell asleep quickly. When I woke up, it was already four o’clock in the morning. After returning to the shop with Shiyan and I, we slept even more. Same as a dead pig.

The next day when I went to school, I was still yawning again and again, and I was not in good spirits. I suddenly started to feel a little envious of poetry.

After I returned to school, the situation remained the same. A group of girls I didn’t know and knew circled around me, either directly or indirectly suggesting that I was so scared that I slipped out of the classroom after class. No matter who it was, I was the same. The man who will never get it, still wants to use me to bet and make a show off, I babble. 127 Novel

After leaving school, Shiyan called again and said that Cao Fan was already waiting for me.

The matter of surviving the corpse has been completed, and Cao Fan's matter should also be resolved.

I rode a broken bicycle to the shop quickly. After I went in, I saw Cao Fan sitting there drinking tea. He looked refreshed and full of energy. He should have slept well last night.

After Cao Fan saw me, he hurriedly grabbed me and said, "Boss, the method you taught me is really useful. I survived last night."

"Oh, then tell me what happened last night." I asked.

Cao Fan took a sip of tea and said that after he took the yellow talisman back yesterday, he pasted all the doors and windows, and then locked the doors and windows tightly to prevent the wind from coming in and scrape the yellow talisman away, of course. , Because the room was too stuffy, he turned on the air conditioner.

Cao Fan felt that this was still insecure, so he folded his underwear into the shape of an eight-pointed star and placed it on the head of the bed according to my instructions.

After falling asleep to midnight, Cao Fan suddenly heard the whirring sound. He drilled out of his head curiously and found that the air conditioner rang like a tractor. The wind was blowing louder than a typhoon, making the house messy and more permeable. Humanly, he actually saw a hand sticking out of the air conditioner, and he was so frightened that he hurried his head back under the bed.

Cao Fan immediately clucked his heart, and then he remembered that the air conditioner is also connected to the outside, and a yellow symbol should also be affixed. This "female corpse" came in from the air conditioner.

Thinking of this, he was already sweating profusely, and his body trembled slightly.

After about a few minutes, suddenly Cao Fan heard something coming out of the air conditioner, and the gust of wind stopped. Cao Fan raised his ears and could hear the sound of slight footsteps. He went out under the bed. Look, he found a pair of white feet in front of the bed, so scared that he didn't dare to breathe, he tightly covered his mouth, for fear of being found, I could think of this with my toes, and the "female corpse" came to look for it again. Him.

The "female corpse" stood by the bed for a long time, seeming to be looking for something. She moved a few steps to the head of the bed and was suddenly bounced away. She screamed and backed away.

After a while, those feet began to look around the bed again, as if they were looking for Cao Fan. Suddenly, Cao Fan knelt down when she saw her knees bend.

What does she want to do

Cao Fan was startled, and his nervous heart raised his throat. He had an inexplicable premonition. He always felt that this "female corpse" was him who had bent down to find him under the bed.

Sure enough, her body is getting lower and lower, and in a few seconds, Cao Fan will see a pale face staring at him under the bed.

But at this moment, suddenly the body was bounced away again. There was no sound this time, and the feet on the ground disappeared, leaving only a pair of black footprints. So far, Cao Fan has never heard any movement. He took a long sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to go out and slept under the bed all night.

"Boss, will this female corpse come to me tonight? She couldn't find it last night, shouldn't it come again?" After Cao Fan finished speaking, he looked lucky, as if he had got rid of the "female corpse" entanglement. .

"You want to be beautiful, not only will she come tonight, the methods I taught you are no longer useful, the house is spread in all directions, it is impossible to block all entrances with yellow symbols." I broke it. Cao Fan's beautiful ideas.

"No? What should I do now?" Cao Fan began to become anxious again.

I pressed his shoulder and signaled him not to rush. I have already figured out a way to help him solve his worries tonight.

When Cao Fan heard this, he relaxed and said that he would come to me after work tonight, and now he doesn't dare to go home alone.

After Cao Fan left, Shi Yan asked me what could be done

I said that this "female corpse" didn't know what it came from. It was probably very tricky. The only thing to do now is to draw her out, and then slowly clean her up.

At this moment, suddenly thunder broke out. The weather was clear just now. Why is it raining so soon

Shiyan and I walked out to take a look, and found that the sky was still clear, the sun was hot, and there was no half of the dark clouds, but the sky above our shop was thunder and lightning, and the sound of thunder was louder than ever.

What the hell is going on? It has become too weird this day, right? It doesn't matter if it rains or thunder, this big sun thunders is a bit weird.

Shiyan and I looked at each other. I don't know what the weather is. God is playing a little temper again

Just when we were about to return to the store, suddenly a thunder slammed down and struck the door of our store. Sparks were all over the place, and there was a small pit as high as half a person at the door.

I'm going, what's going on? Did the thunder come at us? If Shiyan and I were walking a step slowly, would they be killed

Suddenly I remembered the death of my family members. It seems that my second uncle said that the weather was so abnormal during his lifetime, and he was killed by such lightning? Could it be my turn this time

Shiyan also felt that something was not right. She rushed into the room, and then heard her rushing out with a few crackles, holding the fortune-telling in her hand, a few seconds later, she was shocked and shouted, "Boss, it's over There is a fine today! A big omen!"

"God's punishment? What is it, I won't cross the catastrophe." I said irritably.

"The so-called punishment of heaven is being struck by thunder." Shi Yan said nervously.

I immediately struck a spirit, and suddenly remembered, is it really going to be struck by lightning when I borrow a corpse

(End of this chapter)