Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 138: Curse


I immediately struck a spirit, and suddenly remembered, is it really going to be struck by lightning when I borrow a corpse

"Run, boss, what are you doing in a daze?" Shi Yan urged beside him.

I was shocked and said that thunder was going to hit me, where should I go

"You are stupid, can't you just go where there is a lightning rod?" Shiyan cursed.

I slapped my head in a hurry. Yes, this is not ancient. If there is a lightning rod, the lightning will not be able to strike me, but my street is full of small shops, and I have to find a high-rise building.

"Boom", another thunder shook down. No, I can't hesitate anymore. I'm afraid that Shiyan will be chopped to death along with it.

I rushed out directly, rode the bike and ran, Shiyan called the boss to be careful, and I only heard the whistling wind and thunder.

I stepped on desperately. This is a race against life and death. I don’t know if I can run through the roar of God in two rounds. The meal of Yin Xing is really unpalatable. It takes my life to fight, and sometimes I can’t help myself. .

At this moment, the thunder suddenly became louder and louder, and I felt something was wrong, so I hurriedly turned the front of the car and deviated from the original track.

I only heard a loud "boom", and my position just now exploded again, and there was another half-person-high pit. The surrounding area was dark and exuding a burnt smell. It was obvious that thunder had fallen just now.

I patted my chest. Fortunately, I escaped another catastrophe. One step later, I was cut into black charcoal. Fortunately, there was no one next to me. Otherwise, I would be exhausted and innocent, then I would feel ashamed.

I didn't dare to stay and continued to ride my bicycle forward. I had already rode out of my original street. I rode for another eight minutes. There was a commercial building in front of me. There must be lightning rods in that tall building.

After seeing hope, I stepped more vigorously, but this bicycle seemed to have reached its limit, making a "clanging" sound, as if it would dissipate at any time, but now I don’t care about this, I hope it can hold on to me Live, then its mission will be completed.

I ran toward the commercial building desperately. During the period, Thunder struck down twice, but I was lucky enough to dodge it. This made me feel very lucky. I had to let poetry tell me when I went back. How many characters are Lao Tzu? Hard, even thunder can't die.

Although I have survived two lightning strikes, I also fell miserably, and suffered large and small injuries on my body. Even the bicycle fell even more torn, and luckily I was still able to ride.

After a few catastrophes, I continued to rush, and soon the commercial building was in front of my eyes. I cheered in my heart and rushed over there like crazy.

The people around the commercial building saw the thunderstorms coming from me, but they were not surprised, and hurriedly fled in fright. There was no one else around me as soon as I came around.

I didn't dare to stop, and rushed over with the pedal. As long as I got to the door, I was safe.

At this moment, a flash of lightning flashed across my head, accompanied by deafening thunder, as if rushing towards me again.

I ignored it, the door was not far away, as long as I went in, it was just a little bit short of it.

"Boom!" A loud noise passed by my ears, and suddenly I didn't know who rushed out and gave me a violent push. As my speed was a bit fast, people flew out directly.

"Bang!" A huge pit was smashed out of the door of the commercial building. The surrounding objects were scorched and broken. Although I was pushed away, I was still injured all over the body, and I was shocked. And the cement that was blown away made me dizzy.

After the thunder fell, it still didn't stop, cheering in the sky, as if preparing for the next blow.

I dare not faint. If I can't stand up, I will definitely explain my life here. There is only one word to survive, run!

I gritted my gums and stood up, but I didn't run away immediately, because someone seemed to rescue me just now and I don't know how she is now.

I was looking around, and suddenly I saw a girl lying not far from me. I fixed my eyes and found that the girl was actually Zhang Xiaoman.

This black-bellied girl, why is the big devil here? Why is she saving me? Doesn't she know how dangerous it would be to do this just now? Doesn't she even want her life

Zhang Xiaoman seems to have suffered serious injuries. It is estimated that she was implicated when the thunder struck her. Now the whole body is blood, and the person fainted.

I didn't have time to wake her up, or to check if there was anything wrong with her, I picked her up and fled into the commercial building like crazy.

After entering, the thunder gradually disappeared, but there was still a muffled noise.

"Zhang Xiaoman, wake up, wake up!" I cried out her name, but she didn't respond, and her face became paler and paler, her heartbeat became weaker and weaker, and my side was full of people watching The lively people, the security also hurried over.

I hurriedly took out my phone and dialed 120. After a few minutes, the ambulance came. I and the security guard carried her into the ambulance together. As the thunder did not dissipate, I dared not follow the car for fear that Zhang Xiao would be hurt again. Man, I called the housekeeper, told him the matter, and told him to rush over.

I stayed inside for more than an hour before the thunder gradually dissipated until there was no more.

At this time, Shiyan called and told me that the punishment was over, and I rushed to the hospital desperately.

After arriving at the hospital, Zhang Hu and the housekeeper waited anxiously in front of the operating room. When he saw me, he picked up my collar like crazy and cursed, "Boy, why on earth is Xiaoman like this?"

I didn't break free, and told Zhang Hu the reason for Zhang Xiaoman's injury.

After listening, Zhang Hu pointed to my nose and warned: "Listen, kid, although you can't be blamed for this, but if my daughter is damaged, I will let you be buried." After speaking, he pushed me angrily. , And then stared at me fiercely.

I didn’t argue either. I sat down on a chair in the hospital. I naturally wouldn’t doubt Zhang Hu’s ability, but if I were to pay for Zhang Xiaoman’s life, I wouldn’t have the slightest complaint. This kind of human debt. I will not owe it to me!

"Master, blame me, I should be there with the young lady, blame me." The butler reproached himself with red eyes.

"Okay, housekeeper, don't blame yourself, I know what Xiaoman's character is. She wants you to go back, and I have to get out." Zhang Hu still walked around anxiously in front of the operating room, as if he had no peace of mind for a moment. .

About an hour later, Zhang Xiaoman was pushed out, and the three of us hurriedly went up to ask the doctor what's going on.

The doctor took off the mask and said that Zhang Xiaoman had nothing to do, and that he would just recuperate for a period of time.

Hearing the news of her safety, the three of us breathed a sigh of relief, especially me, with a sense of relief.

"Boy, fortune telling you, you will stay away from my daughter in the future, or I will be rude to you." Zhang Hu warned me, and then pushed Zhang Xiaoman back to the ward with the housekeeper, but I didn't dare Then, I didn't even dare to say thank you to her when I saw her. One was because of Zhang Hu, and the other was I really felt sorry for her. Just as Zhang Hu said, stay away from her.

I didn't go to class in the afternoon, and I stayed in the shop after taking leave of absence from the class teacher. I didn't want to go anywhere. My mind was full of Zhang Xiaoman's appearance, and even reading poetry was an illusion.

"Boss, why do you look sullen, you succeeded in borrowing the corpse, and the punishment is over. Isn't that Zhang Xiaoman okay? Why are you still not happy? I won't go to class, you are going to heaven! "The poetry spit out.

I shook my head and said it was okay, I just wanted to rest, my heart was tired, and people were tired too!

Suddenly Shiyan giggled. I asked her why she was laughing. She raised her eyebrows and asked me: "Don't pretend, you just love that rich girl, right?"

"Nonsense, I just owe my life, how could I feel sorry for the black-bellied female devil." I said.

"Yo yo yo, your mouth is quite hard, you can keep your mouth hard!" Shiyan yawned and was about to take a nap. Anyway, if I was there, she would be lazy. I gave her a white look. It sounds like when she is not lazy and when the nature of a beggar can be changed.

The poetry sighed and said that if you change the fart, there are beggars, and the emperor is not uncommon. Have you heard this sentence

I shook my head and said that I hadn't heard it. I only heard that dogs can't change the way they eat shit.

The poetry gave me a white look and said that you only eat. Shit, I don't bother to play with me anymore, go to the room for a nap.

After Shiyan entered the room, I was the only one left. After being bored, I actually missed Zhang Xiaoman even more. What is going on? Can't someone save my life, I will fall in love with her, right

Impossible, I must be bored. It is absolutely the case. In order to distract myself, I started playing with my mobile phone. After playing for about two hours, I fell asleep on the sofa in a daze.

When I woke up, it was dark. Shiyan ordered a takeaway for me. I was so hungry that I grumbled and finished it in a few minutes. I still licked my tongue.

There is too much food in the school, and everything is delicious, and the food in the cafeteria is really vomiting.

After eating with Shiyan, Cao Fan ran in, "Boss, let's go, quickly help me fix the "female corpse"."

I said that I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, and I have to take it slowly, but it should be over.

(End of this chapter)