Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 139: Weird rooftop


I said that I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, and I have to take it slowly, but it should be over.

I told Shiyan to look at the store, and then took the guy and got into the car with Cao Fan. Cao Fan asked where to go

I thought about it for a while, and then said to go back to your house. When I get back, I stay in the car. You go up first. If anything happens, you call me.

Cao Fan was a little scared, and even asked why

I said you don't need to be afraid, the "female corpse" will not hurt you at all. If I were there, she would not show up. This thing is really "fine".

Cao Fan nodded, expressing his understanding, and then told me to be there in time.

I was ashamed for a while. Why is this kid so courageous? No wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend, and he has to rely on "picking corpses" to get a sense of achievement.

When the car drove to the parking garage of Cao Fan's house, Cao Fan told me how many floors I lived on and went back. Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell me to be there in time. I was worried like a woman.

I sat in the car and played with my phone for a while. After feeling a little bored, I sent a few WeChat messages to the fat man, asking him how he is now? Has the injury improved

After a while, the fat man sent a few photos, all of which were intimate photos of him and the Thai woman. The two seemed to be really good this time.

I hurriedly replied: Did I blow your house fan or plan your house? You gave me a lot of dog food this night. Are you still a human being

The fat man replied hehe, even more annoying, Del, I still save the province, so as not to be abused.

At this moment, suddenly my phone rang. It was Cao Fan. When he answered it, he said, "Boss, she, she is here!"

"Okay, you protect yourself, I will rush over now." After I finished speaking, I hung up the phone and rushed forward without stopping.

When I arrived at the door of Cao Fan's house, I kicked the door open, but after I entered, there was no one, no "female corpse", nor trace of Cao Fan. I felt a bit in my heart. Could it be that it was too late and Cao Fan encountered an accident

Impossible, if the female corpse really wanted to harm Cao Fan, she wouldn't have waited until now, she would have done it long ago.

I quickly took out my phone and called Cao Fan, but no one answered after a few calls. It seems that something really happened. What should I do now

At this moment, a text message suddenly came. I opened it and saw that it was sent by Cao Fan. There were only three words: "Go to the rooftop."

I was overjoyed. This kid can still send text messages, indicating that there is no life worry for the time being. I hurried to the rooftop and whispered: "Hold on, I'm coming!"

After I got to the top floor, I saw that the door of the roof was half-hidden, which made me more sure that someone should have come up. Just when I was about to rush up, someone suddenly pulled me from behind.

I gave a joke, and looked back subconsciously, and found that it was the man in the suit who was in the nightclub that day.

"Why are you here?" I asked suspiciously, did he keep following me for that little black card? Is he really a corpse chaser

The man in the suit gave me a "hush" and motioned me to stop talking, and then closed the roof door with his backhand.

I am a little angry. Cao Fan is my guest. If he has any winter melon tofu (accident), then I will take full responsibility.

"Man, what do you want to do? Don't stop me, I want to go up and save people." I said.

"Help you!" the man in the suit whispered.

"Hmph, I don't need you to save it, get out of the way!" I was anxious, Cao Fan was still on the rooftop, and his life might be in danger at any time.

The man in the suit glared at me suddenly, his eyes a little fierce, "What are you anxious for?"

This person has always given me a relatively peaceful feeling. His sudden change of face made me a little uncomfortable, but I was not afraid of him, and hurriedly replied: "My client is on top. You can't bear this responsibility if you are late."

"I don't know if your client is or not. I only know that there are two corpses on the rooftop." The man in the suit said quietly, staring at the door of the rooftop without blinking.

"Two corpses?" I was a little confused at first, didn't I mean there was only one female corpse? How did the two change? Then where did Cao Fan go? The words of a man in a suit cannot be trusted.

"What are you waiting for?" After the man in the suit stopped me from going up, he seemed to be waiting for something.

The man in a suit looked at his watch, and then replied, "Wait for the lunar eclipse."

Lunar eclipses? This thing seems to be difficult to encounter. Most of them happen on the night of the full moon, but the lunar eclipse is very cloudy and many strange things will happen. There are even haunted rumors in some places. In ancient lunar eclipses It's an ominous sign. People who see it will either be bloody or be haunted by evil spirits. Of course, no one believes it anymore after modern times.

"What about a lunar eclipse?" I continued to ask.

The man in the suit glanced at me blankly, and then replied, "Grab the dead body."

"Catch the corpse? Are you really a corpse chaser in Xiangxi?" I asked.

The man in the suit nodded and said that the little black card I picked up was his, which could prove his identity as the corpse-shoveler. After speaking, he extended his hand to me and motioned for me to return it to him.

Of course I don't do it. I am not Lei Feng. In the future, there may be places where a man in a suit is needed. He can use this little black card in exchange for help. He said before that this little black card can change a life. Can I not cherish it

The man in the suit seemed to have nothing to do with me as a rogue, so I had to give it up. I started to feel a little lucky. Fortunately, I met a gentleman.

It is clearly recorded in the Maoshan Ghost Road that there are two occupations that cannot be provoked. One is a midwife, and the other is a corpse driver. The former is to ferry the living, and the latter is to ferry the dead. As for why they can’t be provoked, this book is not clear , Just confess not to offend, but I think the man in this suit is gentle, it shouldn't be so good.

"Time is up." The man in the suit suddenly shouted, and then dashed to the door. After the door opened, he rushed up as quickly as a cat. I almost missed him on these few stairs.

After I got on the rooftop, I couldn't see anything, because it was so foggy and everything around half a meter away was barely visible.

"Cao Fan, where are you?" I shouted loudly, for fear that something might happen to him.

No one answered, even the man in the suit who came up in advance disappeared. How big the roof of a building can be, if it is really here, he will definitely be able to hear it, unless he is absent or unable to answer.

I called a few more words, but no one answered, so I had to dial Cao Fan's number.

After the call was connected, I was overjoyed and quickly asked where Cao Fan was? But on the other end of the phone there was only the interference sound of "呲呲呲呲", which was a bit weird. I heard that the lunar eclipse radio waves would be disturbed. I wonder if there is such a thing

I quickly raised my head and looked at the sky, and found that half of the jade-like moon had disappeared as the man in the suit said, and the other half was slowly disappearing.

What surprised me was not the lunar eclipse, but there should be very few moons that are so big and round this season. What is going on? Also, how could there be such a heavy fog on the rooftop this night? It's not a special place. I feel that things are getting more and more wrong, not just the "female corpse".

"Boss, help me!" Suddenly Cao Fan's voice came from ahead. He was calling for help, but of course I was not that stupid. In this case, I know that I can't act rashly. Things are strange and on the rooftop. A little carelessness may be possible. Will lose my life here.

"Cao Fan, is that you? Where are you?" I asked tentatively.

"I'm right in front, she forced me to jump off the building, you save me!" Cao Fan's tone was very anxious and scared, and he was crying, as if the "female corpse" would really push him down.

The matter has reached a very urgent point. If I don’t save him again, Cao Fan may really die, but I don’t know why. The more urgent the matter, the calmer I will be. The calmness is terrifying. After a series of yin and yang events, I am no longer there. It's the original me.

If I'm not mistaken, these fogs must be weird. They should be just a blinding method to obstruct the vision and confuse people.

"Shenhuo Avenue, the evil and evil are burned, my eyes open to the sky, and the fog is broken." I crossed my index fingers and pointed my thumbs together, and then quickly united my palms, and a yellow talisman flew out of my palms.

The yellow talisman flew straight. Three seconds later, the yellow talisman made a "puff" and caught fire, and then the fog made a puff sound like gasoline. Only a bang was heard, and it caught fire like the yellow talisman. I was in the fog as if I was in a sea of fire, and a few seconds later, my clothes all over my body was also burning with flames.

I sneered, these little tricks still can't bluff my uncle, I calmly put my two fingers together and yelled: "Jing."

The surrounding raging fire was like rain, and it was extinguished in an instant. Looking at the roof again, there was no fog, and the fire disappeared. Everything around was clear at a glance. It was at night and it was a bit dark. Fortunately, the moon had not been completely swallowed. I can still borrow some light, but it's almost gone, two-thirds of it has disappeared.

At this moment, I suddenly saw two people standing on the edge of the roof. One was Cao Fan and the other was a man in a suit. What was strange was that the man in the suit pressed Cao Fan’s head tightly with his hands, and then went to the edge of the roof. Push, as if to push him off the roof.

"Hey, are you crazy? Why kill him!" I yelled at the man in the suit. My first impression of him was pretty good. I didn't expect that he was also a vicious guy, but why did he treat Cao? Where do you want to kill? Is there any grudge between the two

The man in the suit ignored my question, but instead asked, "Are you from Maoshan?"

I nodded: "That's right."

"Which one is Maoshan?" He continued to ask.

"Maoshan Ghost Road."

"Oh, disrespectful! I'll talk to you after I finish the work." The man in the suit suddenly pressed Cao Fan's head against the roof, trying to throw him off the roof.

This person really wants to kill Cao Fan!

"Stop, are you crazy? You killed someone in front of me." I roared angrily.

"Boss, save me, he wants to kill me, I don't know this person, why did he kill me, save me quickly, I don't want to die!" Cao Fan was so scared that his face was already pale, his eyes looked at me in horror. The voice was crying, but I wanted to cry but couldn't cry.

(End of this chapter)