Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 140: Fighting corpses


Hearing Cao Fan’s message for help, I immediately started to move around. I was afraid that one step later, the man in the suit would really throw him out of here, but what makes me wonder is that since they don’t know him, why did the man in the suit kill him

"Don't be impulsive. It's illegal to kill. Calm down. I can discuss something." While holding the man in the suit, I slowly moved towards him.

"Nothing to discuss. I'll talk to you slowly after I get things done here." After the man in the suit finished speaking, his arms suddenly slammed into force. Cao Fan actually didn't even have room to struggle, and he fell into the air. .

I don't know how many buildings there are here, but looking down from the rooftop, my legs are shaking. There is no doubt that Cao Fan will die!

What a vicious murderer! I didn't realize until now what kind of character the man in the suit standing in front of me was. When I reacted, I was already raging.

"Asshole, what kind of hatred do you have with him, why do you want to kill him? It's too cruel to throw it down from this height?" I pointed to the man in the suit's nose and asked.

The man in the suit shrugged and said with a relaxed look: "We have no grudges! I didn't kill him, I was helping him."

"Fuck you shit, then I will throw you down from here now, and see what it feels like to help others." I don't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, I will slap him with clenched fists. .

At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of "huhu", just like the roar of a wild boar, coming from a point below the roof.

The man in the suit snorted coldly: "Humph, I finally found you."

I hurriedly stopped, did not go forward to attack the man in the suit, but searched for the source of the sound, but there was no one else around the rooftop except me and the man in the suit, and Cao Fan had fallen down, absolutely nothing The vitality may have fallen into sludge.

At this time, the man in the suit suddenly pointed to the bottom of the roof wall: "There!"

I hurriedly looked carefully towards the wall below the roof, and suddenly saw a woman in a black dress lying on the wall like a gecko. Her face was hideous, her pupils were white, her eyes were not black at all, and her face was full. It was a violent black tendon, and below her was dozens of stories high. I also saw Cao Fan's body lying on the ground like an ant, and a group of people had already surrounded it.

Is this woman the "female corpse" that Cao Fan said? It seems that she is no longer a human being, and who can lie on her stomach at such a high altitude.

"Be careful, she is coming up." The man in the suit reminded.

Sure enough, the female corpse quickly climbed up like a gecko, and her throat made a "whoop" roar, just like a wild beast.

After I reacted, the female corpse had climbed up, her hands and feet were very strange, and she leaped at me in a weird posture.

I took a step back, and then grabbed her hands. She actually flew up with her legs in the air, competing with me like a truck.

Her strength was so great that I was pushed back steadily. When I reached the edge of the roof, I pressed my foot against the corner of the wall to stabilize my body, but the female corpse was reluctant and her strength grew stronger and stronger. I push it down from here.

I didn't dare to relax, so I had to fight it with my hands. The female corpse looked at a deadlock with me, and suddenly her mouth opened wide. In addition to exhaling disgusting corpse air, I also saw that she had two sharp fangs, but only There is on the upper jaw.

"Zombie!" I screamed suddenly. This female corpse is more than a wicked corpse. Not only does she transform into a corpse, but she has gradually become a zombie. This is very strange. If she is about to become a zombie, why not bite Cao Fan? Tsinghua Novels

"Wow!" After the female corpse showed her long fangs, she bit into my neck frantically. I couldn't hide it. If I went back, I would fall down.

At this moment, suddenly a hand squeezed the female corpse's mouth, pinched her mouth tightly, and I recovered a small life.

It's a man in a suit! This kid didn't watch the play beside him. He rescued me in time. I took advantage of this gap and suddenly twisted the female corpse's wrist with my backhand. Then I pressed my body and kicked the female corpse's chest at an angle ninety degrees upwards.

The female body was kicked out by me in an instant, and the man in the suit and I hurriedly turned around and ran away from the edge of the rooftop.

After I adjusted the state again, I had hidden the yellow talisman in my hand. The body was dead, and I didn't know the pain at all. It wouldn't help if you hit her a hundred punches. The pain was still yourself.

I was about to go up again to subdue the female corpse, but the man in the suit grabbed me and prevented me from acting rashly, then looked up at the sky and began to mute silently: "Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

When he counted to one, his brow furrowed and he suddenly shouted, "Done!"

Sure enough, the female corpse was like a wood, maintaining a weird posture, motionless.

I looked up at the sky and found that the moon was completely gone. I shouted in my heart: Really a lunar eclipse!

After the female corpse couldn't move, the man in the suit took out seven nails from his pocket, and then quickly rushed to the female corpse's side, and put nails in various acupuncture points on the female corpse.

"Thirty seconds, just right!" After it was done, the man in the suit clapped his hands and then looked up at the sky. At this time, the moon was completely exposed, but the female corpse did not move.

"What nail is so powerful that it can stop the zombies?" I asked.

The man in the suit replied: "Seven-star coffin nails. Just nail it to the seven acupuncture points of the corpse to ensure that it will never have a temper. But I want to emphasize that this is not a zombie, it is a ghoul."

"Ghouls, what is that?" I asked in a puzzled way. Why have I never heard of this stuff

At this moment, before the man in the suit had time to answer, he suddenly heard a noise from the stairs below. It should be that someone called the police after Cao Fan died, and the note had already caught up.

The man in the suit immediately took out a small bronze bell, and then he muttered words, unable to hear what he said.

As he read it, he rang the bell, and immediately the female corpse jumped up like a zombie. The man in the suit turned over the female corpse's shoulder, and then controlled the female corpse to jump straight down the stairs.

I was shocked at once. This is all right? But even if he jumped down and didn't fall to his death, there should be a lot of people gathered below. That would not scare others to death, and it would be even worse if he was on the news.

But when I looked down, I immediately understood that I was unreasonably worried. Wherever there were men in suits below, there was only a group of people eating melons watching and taking pictures.

It's strange, Mingming and the female corpse jumped from here, how about people? Can they disappear out of thin air

Just when I was puzzled, the paper caught up. I didn't have the skills of a man in a suit. I was caught upright and brought to the bureau for interrogation. It was really unlucky.

(End of this chapter)