Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 142: Dead man's car


After Zhong Ming finished speaking, I glanced at his face and eyebrows, and then said: "It's not you who hit the evil, it was your car that hit the evil."

When Zhong Ming heard this, he immediately woke up, "You mean, there is something dirty on my car?"

I nodded, and then asked him if anything special happened to his car.

Zhong Ming said that his car was bought in the second-hand market, and within a few months, he bought the car for food.

I sneered, that is definitely correct. Second-hand cars have a lot of tricks. Soaking cars and mortgage cars are everywhere on the market. Although the prices are cheap, these cars are really pitfalls. You must keep your eyes open and don't buy them.

Even if you buy this kind of second-hand car, you are lucky. There is another kind of car that is even more pitted, that is, the "hearse."

What is a "hearse"

"Hears" are cars that have died of human lives. After these cars are sold, they become second-hand cars and enter the market.

This kind of car is very evil. After buying it back, it will be bad luck, but if it is heavy, it will lose your life. This kind of "hearing car" is absolutely impossible to drive.

After Zhong Ming understood it, he was instantly furious. He punched the sofa and cursed: "The second-hand car dealers are too cunning now. They actually sold me a dead car. No wonder I have frequent strange things these days. peaceful."

After scolding, he asked me what to do? Is it possible to sell the car

I quickly stopped him and said, "Don't, don't, you will hurt others if you sell it again, so let's go and see first and see if I can deal with it."

Zhong Ming nodded quickly and said yes, and asked me how much money should I charge for doing this

This matter has always been discussed by the fat man. Now that the fat man is not there, I just said ten thousand casually. If the "dirty" is too fierce, I will add more money.

Zhong Ming frowned and said that it was too expensive and it was not worthwhile.

I said it’s not cost-effective. The price is fair for any Yinxing shop. I’m a good shopkeeper with a childish and innocent person.

Zhong Ming said that if there is a problem with the car, he can just resell it. Now there are many second-hand car networks, and the price will be higher than the physical store. He won't lose much. On the contrary, if he pays to catch ghosts, he still has to lose one. Wan, this is definitely not worthwhile!

I heard that it made sense, and then asked him how much the price is right

Zhong Ming thought for a while, and then said that he would give him five thousand at most, and he wouldn't want any more.

I sighed. It seems that the asking price is better to make old fried dough sticks like fat. I gritted my teeth and said that five thousand is five thousand. When I was about to agree, suddenly the poetry grabbed me and said It costs ten thousand, and one point less will not work.

Zhong Ming saw that the price was inconsistent, so he patted his butt and left. I quickly complained to the poem: "The money is still relatively small. If he sells the dead car to someone else, and finally something goes wrong, what should I do? ?"

The poetry said nothing, and I said, "You open a Yinxing shop, and you are not doing charity. What are you doing with so many others? Besides, he can't sell that car."

I was shocked and said how do you know

Shiyan curled his lips and said that "the hearse" was not as simple as I thought, and she didn't explain as much about the others, saying that I would know in the future and Zhong Ming would be back.

Now that the poem says so, I don't have to worry about anything anymore, I yawned and went back to the dorm to take a nap.

After sleeping for a while, the door of the dormitory was pushed open. I thought it was Zhao Yi and Li Wen, but didn’t care, turned over and continued to sleep, but at this moment, I suddenly felt that a cold monster was approaching. When I approached, I felt completely drowsy, and sat up with a "puff" sound. At this moment, I saw a figure from behind snatching out of my dormitory. This figure looked familiar, but couldn't recognize who it was for a while.

Why did this guy come in my dormitory? What did he want to do to me just now? Coincidentally, Li Wen and Zhao Yi were not in the dormitory today. They both stayed in the dormitory and slept in the dormitory during a nap. same.

I checked the time, and it was time to start the ** class. I just sorted it out and went to the classroom. I was absent-minded in sitting in the classroom this afternoon, and my mind was full of the back.

After class, I was blocked by a group of girls at the entrance of the stairs begging to socialize. I pushed them away helplessly, and then ran out of the school all the way. These girls are really lingering and they are all caused by Bai Yin. How can we get rid of them completely

After returning to the shop, I vomited all my troubles to the poem. When I heard the poem, I said it was simple. If I found a girlfriend, wouldn't the evil spirits disappear from those women? 591 read novel network

When I heard this was even more nonsense, where would I find a girlfriend suddenly

At this moment, suddenly Zhong Ming ran in again, and I looked up and asked inexplicably, "Didn't you sell the car? Why did you turn back again?"

Zhong Ming didn't answer, and squatted on the ground holding his head in horror, his body trembling slightly.

I see his performance, is it true that what the poetry said is effective

I helped him onto the sofa, then comforted a few words and then asked him what happened.

Zhong Ming raised his head, with horror in his eyes. He said that when he went back in the morning, his contact had sold the car, and an hour later someone drove the car over to complete the formalities, but in the afternoon the car ran back by itself. Zhong Ming called to check. The staff didn't know what had happened, saying that the car had disappeared suddenly.

It was the same for the second time. The staff said that the car was not accepted. It was too evil. It was obvious that no one in the car would drive by himself. This was a dead car, and Zhong Ming was blacked out.

After listening to Zhong Ming's words, I immediately gave a thumbs up to Shi Yan. The two things that the girl had expected were fulfilled. One was that the dead car was not that easy to sell, and the other was that Zhong Ming turned it back.

"Boss, I'm fed up with this car. It's so scary. I'll leave for ten thousand. You can help me get rid of that dirty thing." Zhong Ming pleaded.

I nodded and said yes, this must be done for you properly, but I have to pay half of the deposit before this.

Zhong Ming didn’t even think about it, so he called me five thousand on my mobile phone. After collecting the money, I went out with Zhong Ming and went to see his car, but we called back. I Complaining why he didn't drive the car by the way, he smiled bitterly and said no. The car is now cold and whizzing without the air conditioner. It's okay if you don't know it. Anyone who knows dares to drive, I guess it will be possible. Frighten the gall.

After returning to the community where Zhong Ming lived, I didn't bother to sit up there, and went directly to the garage with him.

After I arrived in the garage, I saw Zhong Ming’s car. It was a white Volkswagen. Zhong Ming said that when I bought it for more than 80,000 yuan, I was greedy for cheap second-hand cars, but I didn’t expect it to suffer. I came back after a big trouble, and now I can’t get rid of it. It’s really lingering and unlucky!

After listening to Zhong Ming's words, I walked around the car, then asked Zhong Ming to open the car door, and I went in and took a look.

Zhong Ming immediately took a few steps back in fear, saying that he didn't dare, because the car was scary.

I said it’s not so exaggerated, right? How can this daytime drop you

Zhong Ming said that it was not an exaggeration. Last time, he let the "thing" kicked a key, and he lay down for a long time before he recovered. It was also daytime, although it was a morning without sun.

I think Zhong Ming is so scared, and I don't want to force him to ask him to give me the key and I will open it myself.

At this moment, the car door seemed to understand the words, and it opened with a "poof", which scared Zhong Ming enough. If I hadn't caught him, he would have almost ran away.

"Look, it's here again, that "thing" is here again, I haven't got the key out yet, really wicked." Zhong Ming yelled in fear, and casually cursed a swear word to relieve his fear.

"Calm, I'll get in the car and have a look, don't run away, don't come over, understand?" I warned.

Zhong Ming nodded, and said that after I understood, I walked to the car. Instead of getting in the car, I took a closer look inside the car and found a large group of hair on the driver's seat.

The hair was black and long, curled up in bunches and bunches. I stretched out my hand to take it out, but the hair seemed to be growing on the driver’s seat. I pulled out a few by forcefully, and then came back to my senses. When the time came, the hair was gone.

I asked Zhong Ming to throw me a lighter, and then took out my hair and set it on fire and planned to burn it, but the lighter's fire extinguished as soon as it touched the hair, and it extinguished as soon as it touched, as if someone was blowing nearby.

"Boss, this hair is so evil, you should throw it away!" Zhong Ming said.

I ignored it, took out the yellow talisman with two fingers, chanted a few spells and then flicked it, and the yellow talisman burned with a pop. I burned the yellow talisman’s fire, but it burned the hair." "Zizi" creaked, and the car suddenly vibrated violently, making a strange "hooo" sound.

This weird situation stopped after the hair burned. Zhong Ming quickly clapped his hands and said, "Boss, you really have had two troubles. This time it is estimated that the female ghost has been trimmed enough."

At this time, I glanced at the car again, and suddenly found a woman sitting in the front passenger seat. The woman had a disheveled head and couldn't see her face. I hurriedly wanted to see her body clearly, but the woman disappeared in the blink of an eye, like an illusion. same.

I took a breath, and after several rounds of inspection and testing, this car is really a ghost, and it is still a female ghost, but how can I get rid of her

(End of this chapter)