Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 143: Loess slope


I took a breath, and after several rounds of inspection and testing, this car is really a ghost, and it is still a female ghost, but how can I get rid of her

I thought for a while, and then the cat got into it with a bone, and the car was as cool and terrifying as Zhong Ming said, as if entering an ice cave.

I just got into the car, and suddenly the door closed with a bang. I screamed badly, but the car's engine made a thunderous noise, and then drove out quickly.

After the car rushed out of the garage, Zhong Ming yelled while chasing behind, but the car showed no signs of stopping, and I couldn’t drive either. After turning the steering wheel indiscriminately, I found it was useless at all and the car still followed. I was rushing on the road like crazy, very fast, scared me to buckle up my seat belt, and then stared at the road in horror, although it was useless.

At this time, my cell phone rang. I took it out and saw that it was Zhong Ming who called. At this moment of crisis, who has time to pick up this stuff and hung up in a hurry.

Although the car was fast, there was no accident after a few minutes of driving. I forcibly calmed down, knowing that it was a ghost in the car. If I didn't surrender her, I would have to die in this car today.

"Dirty things" are afraid of light, as long as the car windows are smashed, although it is already evening, but the sun has not yet set, as long as the sun shines in, this female ghost will also be harmed.

But my idea hasn’t been implemented yet. Suddenly the car windows and the front windows and rear windows began to seep blood. Within a few seconds, the glass turned dark red, as if it was coated with a protective cover, and I couldn’t see it anymore. The situation outside the car.

I bumped my elbow and found it was as hard as steel, and when I punched it up, my whole hand was numb.

I had to take out the yellow talisman and pat it hard on the car window. Then I bit my middle finger and squeezed out a drop of blood. I wrote a curse with blood. Then I crossed my three fingers, then clenched it tightly and shouted, "Broken!"

Suddenly, the car window banged and there was a violent blasting sound. The glass dross all over me, and my face was cut a few times. Fortunately, I didn't hurt the vitals.

I stretched my head out of the car window and looked at it, and found that the car had already driven off the highway and was now driving on a small road. It seemed to be a sparsely populated place, surrounded by barren mountains.

What the hell does this female ghost want to do? Where is she taking me

With a sudden "bang", there seemed to be someone on the roof of the car. She kept stepping on the roof, making thunderous vibrations. I looked up and found countless footprints on the roof.

I took out seven copper coins and put them in my palm, and then slapped a palm on the roof of the car. The "thing" on it made a scream of "Wow", and then disappeared with the footprints, and the copper coins in my palm became scorched. It seems to have been burned by fire again.

"Which one is the brake?" I had a stunned expression when I hadn't driven a car. Although I knew that the car was controlled by a female ghost and it would be useless to step on the brakes, I still have to try it. I can't keep the female ghost leading the nose.

I remembered Zhong Ming, and I quickly called back to ask. The first sentence of Zhong Ming was, "Boss, are you okay?"

I'm talking nonsense, can I call you if I have something to do? Quickly tell me which side is the accelerator and which side is the brake

Zhong Ming was stunned, and then said tremblingly that it was on the left.

After hanging up the phone, I puffed up my breath and stepped on the brakes to the end. As I guessed, there was no use at all. The car was as fast as the original one.

I scolded my grandma. I didn’t believe that I couldn’t subdue you. After putting the yellow symbol under the sole of the shoe, I stepped on it again. This time it worked. The car made a squeak and stopped, but braked. Blowing white smoke, hot feet across the shoes.

I took a long breath, and when I was about to get out of the car, suddenly a pair of cold hands pinched my neck behind.

The hands were cold and strong, and my long fingernails were ruthlessly embedded in my flesh. I hurriedly tripped the seat back with my hands. At this moment, my hands suddenly disappeared, but the car drove forward again.

I clutched my neck and coughed for a while. When I recovered, I wanted to stop the brakes again, but the car stopped by itself this time. I hurriedly got out of the car and didn't dare to stay any longer.

After getting off the bus, I found out that it was a deserted place with a small muddy loess slope in front of which was overgrown with weeds and a few trees with lush leaves. Apart from the calls of insects and birds, I could not see a single figure.

"What the hell is this? What did the female ghost bring me to do? What the hell does she want to do?" I muttered in my heart, and then wanted to find the way. I don't know how far it was from where I came, if there was no such car. , Can I go out? But I can't drive either!

"Hey, girl ghost, what do you want? Come out and talk?" I knocked on the front of the car and shouted at the car.

Now the sun has completely set, and after half an hour, it is estimated that it will be dark at night.

Suddenly, the car shook, and a woman with a disheveled hair crawled out from under the car in a weird posture.

I snorted coldly and said that you don't need to be stubborn. There is no one else here. I see many ghosts. You can't scare me. If you want my life, just let me go.

After the female ghost climbed out, she didn’t take my word for it, she kept climbing forward, I said you want tortoise and hare race or how to do it, don’t climb away at that time, leave me alone in this barren mountain, I don’t know how to drive go back.

The female ghost was still indifferent, and kept crawling forward in a weird posture. Like a spider, I could see my whole body hairy. Her hair kept covering her face, looking very strange.

I took out the gossip mirror and wrapped it with a red thread, and then opened the cover behind the gossip mirror, and suddenly a gossip-shaped white light flew out, shining on the female ghost's heavenly spirit cover.

The female ghost immediately became angry and roared loudly, but not only was she unable to move, she also had difficulty turning over. I took out the octagonal bell and chanted the curse while shaking it gently.

The bell made a crisp sound, which was very pleasing to the ears, but the female ghost was extremely painful when she heard it. She curled up into a ball and curled up like a twine, covering her ears tightly, with a pained expression.

Yes, I know her expression is painful, because I saw her face.

Her face was extremely terrifying, her face was as if she had been run over by a wheel, even the remaining tire marks were clearly printed in the skin and flesh, and it was rolled into a ball, all around it was wrinkled, and her face was bloody. .

I was shocked. Was this woman killed by a car

I didn’t hesitate too much, and screamed "Close". As soon as the gossip mirror's beam tightened, the female ghost was taken into the gossip mirror before it even wailed. I hurriedly tightened the back cover and wrote A swastika is added, and then a yellow character is pasted.

"Okay, you're done, work!" I yelled comfortably, but how should I get out? I don't know how to drive, should I use the No. 11 bus? Not very good, my legs went through a round of tension There is not much energy left in the fight, and besides this place is deserted, it is hard to say whether I can walk or not.

Let's call for help. The first thing I think of is Zhong Ming. Fortunately, there is still a signal in this place. Although it is intermittent, the voice is not easy to hear, but it can barely be used.

After a while, I got through. I said that the female ghost had already subdued, but I lost myself. The female ghost didn't know where she took me, and she couldn't drive and couldn't get out.

Zhong Ming asked me three times in a row, am I sure to subdue the female ghost

I smiled bitterly and said ten thousand sure, don't doubt my way, Zhong Ming asked me where I was, and he borrowed a friend's car to pick me up.

I said I don't know myself, see if I can send you a location or something.

After I hung up the phone, I adjusted the positioning. I was lucky. Although many things in this place are not very good, they are barely usable.

After giving Zhong Ming the location, he said that he would be there in a while and told me to wait for him there and don't move around.

I replied with the two letters OK, and then I sat on the roof of the car and waited boredly. Now it is dark, and this place is deserted. It's scary to be alone. I'm not afraid of ghosts, but people!

If there is a group of robbers, then I must not be robbed, but this place is probably not willing to come.

After sitting for a while, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did the female ghost suddenly crawl out? She was hiding in the car. I had no choice but to take her. She didn't seem to run away and didn't intend to attack me. What did she want? What are you doing? Why did she bring me here

After thinking about these two questions several times, I couldn't figure it out. I glanced at the direction she was climbing just now, as if I wanted to go up the muddy little loess slope.

I glanced at the loess slope and vaguely felt that there was a problem. I got out of the car and approached the loess slope.

This loess slope is not big, about two meters high and one meter wide. It is all loess. There is still some water mixed on it, making it very muddy. Look carefully at this, there are many pits and pits on it, it seems to be caused by footprints

This kind of slope is dirty and short, and most people will not be so bored to climb. Who on earth left footprints on it

At this moment, suddenly the gossip mirror in my shoulder bag vibrated violently, as if the female ghost was tossing inside. Is there something in this loess slope that resonates with her? Otherwise, she won’t suddenly boil like boiling water. Up.

I hesitated for a while, then got into the trunk of the car and found a small shovel, ready to play with the loess slope to see if something was buried inside.

After digging for a while, the shovel seemed to have touched something. I hurriedly speeded up. After a few minutes, I dug up a corpse. I was shocked and immediately thought that this could not belong to the female ghost. Corpse

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shudder, and then hurriedly dragged the body out.

The corpse had been slightly decomposed, and the whole body was tightly wrapped in yellow mud, and it was still stinking.

I gently removed the yellow mud of the corpse, and then wiped its face clean with paper. When I was able to recognize the face a little bit, I immediately took a breath. This was really the corpse of the female ghost.

(End of this chapter)