Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 147: Dog boy


"Lin Yuan, I've had enough, you are a lunatic, I'm really sick, and I choose to believe you!" This completely slapped Ye Mei in anger, but at this moment, she looked up and saw herself in the mirror. Suddenly he was too scared to speak.

On her shoulders is a strange child of about seven years old. The child has no nose, no mouth, and no ears. He has only a pair of black eyeballs. He is covered in long yellow hair and looks very weird. Because he had been sitting on Ye Mei's shoulders, Ye Mei's neck was not bearing heavy pressure, so the problem occurred.

"Wow!" Ye Mei was shocked when he reacted, and hurriedly threw the mirror away. Fortunately, my eyes were quick and my hands were quick, otherwise the mirror would have to be scrapped.

"This... What is this? Did you use any demon method on me?" Ye Mei's face was pale, and his body was shaking when he looked at the mirror.

"I'm not a monster. Where's the demon technique? I just opened the sky eye for you, which is commonly known as the yin and yang eye. You just hit the evil. If you don't believe it, take a look at it yourself?" After that, I turned the mirror to her again. In front of him.

"Ah, no, take it away, I don't want to look." Ye Mei hurriedly turned to his side, not daring to look at herself in the mirror again, "I believe it, I believe you, take it away quickly, let me beg is you."

Seeing Ye Mei begging for mercy, I closed the mirror and said, "Just believe it. The kid you saw just now is a ghost!"

Ye Mei swallowed, and asked dubiously, "That... is it really a ghost? Did I hit an evil?"

"You have seen it with your own eyes, can there be fakes? Whose kid is sitting on your shoulders, and looks so horrible? What else can it be except ghosts?" I continued.

Ye Mei didn't speak, his expression was a bit sluggish, a person's many years of worldview was shattered in a short period of time, the feeling was hard to accept.

For example, he has believed in science since he was a child. Suddenly he saw a ghost one day. In addition to being afraid, he was also shocked. He had to adapt to it. I also used to suspect that I was mentally ill. I was immersed all day long. In hallucinations.

It took a long time for Ye Mei to finally recover. At this time, her face became paler, with no blood at all. Wouldn't I know if I attacked her? Wow, this charge is not small, I can't recite it. Up.

Ye Mei said to me with a look of horror: "Then... Why is that kid pestering me? You help me drive him away. Now I feel cold when I think of something "something" sitting on my shoulder. Okay. terrible."

I comforted her not to be afraid, and then helped her to sit on a chair. When I touched her, I found her body was a little cold, as if she was really scared this time.

"It's easy to get rid of the kid, but it's not me, it's you," I said.

Ye Mei frowned, looked at me with a look of confusion, and said that depending on what she was doing, she would only catch bad people, but not ghosts. It seems that she has completely begun to believe that there are real ghosts in this world.

"I don't mean that, I mean, what happened to you before, what happened, as long as you find out the origin of the incident and the source of the evil, then I have a solution." I explained.

Ye Mei seemed to understand what I meant, frowned and recalled carefully.

She said that the neck discomfort started six months ago. Thinking about it carefully, something really happened half a year ago. Although it was not a weird thing, Ye Mei still felt extremely uncomfortable when he thought about it.

That time Ye Mei caught a robber. His name was Huang Biao. He robbed a supermarket because his wife was seriously ill and had no money to treat him. Although he managed to escape at the time, Ye Mei quickly took people to the hospital a week later. , And successfully arrested him.

Huang Biao’s wife was already very ill. Seeing this, she was furious on the spot. Huang Biao still had a son. Before he left, he dragged his father’s leg tightly and refused to let them take him away. Dad was left alone, so he took his father away and jumped from the hospital.

Ye Mei treated it as a child's angry words and ignored it. During the law enforcement process, no matter what happened, she would never soften her hands. After pulling the child away, she took Huang Biao away.

As soon as she got downstairs and was about to board the car, she suddenly heard a "bang" that the child really jumped out of the hospital building.

Ye Mei was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the child was so stubborn that he really jumped off the building. It took his height to climb the railings, and it was normal for the child to cry and make noise. Who would really pay attention to him.

Huang Biao saw his child jump down from the stairs, and his wife passed away again. The blow was too heavy. He turned his eyes and fainted immediately.

After the child died, something more terrifying happened. Suddenly, I don’t know whose dog actually came to lick the child’s blood. After licking for a few seconds, he actually started to eat the child’s body. Ye Mei hurriedly called his hand to drive the dog away. It’s weird not to let it eat the corpse. How could a dog come in in the hospital

Ye Mei’s two men hurriedly ran to drive the dog, but the dog seemed to be mad, biting the corpse and did not let go. Ye Mei’s men couldn’t pull away, and they were not afraid to beat them. They just didn’t let go, as if they were treating the body. Have unprecedented wild love. Daxia Chinese Network

Ye Mei's men were anxious. He suddenly tried his best to give a kick to the dog's head. There were a few errands who were eating public food. The dog immediately fell to the ground with a "whoop". , The dog died, but the body was also bitten a lot.

Ye Mei felt even more uncomfortable when such a tragedy happened. No one wanted it. But she couldn't help it. Even though the child jumped off the building and died, she still wanted to take Huang Biao back. She had her own responsibilities, but then she I said a few more good things for Huang Biao in court, and Huang Biao was sentenced to a few years less for this. Ye Mei felt unhappy, even extremely uncomfortable, but she didn’t feel guilty, she was just doing her own duty. .

Regrettably, Huang Biao squatted in the cell within a few days before committing suicide. Also, his wife and children are dead, or because of himself, no one can survive.

Before Huang Biao died, something strange happened to Ye Mei.

One day when Ye Mei came home from get off work and was about to go upstairs, suddenly a dog sprang out from the side. Because the speed was too fast and he was a little caught off guard, Ye Mei was bitten before he could react.

Due to the extreme pain, Ye Mei shook his foot subconsciously, and the dog immediately flew out and fell to the ground, as if dead.

Ye Mei is a bit strange, this kick can kick the dog away at best, it is impossible to kick it to death, why suddenly the dog stops moving

Ye Mei checked the wound and looked at the dog lying on the ground. But when she saw the dog, she was immediately taken aback, because this dog was the one that ate the corpse of the child at the time. The strange thing is, that A dog was beaten to death a long time ago, how could he come and bit her

Ye Mei cautiously knelt down to check and found that the dog was not only dead, but also decayed, and it was full of stench. It had been dead for some days.

Ye Mei was puzzled and couldn't figure out what was going on. In the end, she had to bury the dog, and then went to the hospital to get a rabies vaccine.

When she got up the next day, she felt a little uncomfortable in her neck. She also heard the news of Huang Biao committing suicide in prison. Although she regretted and was unhappy, there was nothing she could do. The world is like this. There is only one bad guy. This is a person who does bad things, but there are two types of prisoners, one is a bad person, and the other is a helpless person. Although her arrest of Huang Biao led to bad consequences, it is not hers. It's not Huang Biao's fault either, it's not the mainstream, or it's the world's fault.

Ye Mei also worked as a errand for two years. She quickly stopped thinking about such things, but her neck became more and more uncomfortable. She saw many doctors and took a lot of medicines and it didn’t get better. , But it just doesn't get better.

After Ye Mei finished speaking, he stared at me and asked if I had any problems.

"Big problem!" I stood up and said with a serious expression.

"What's the big problem?" Ye Mei looked curious.

I said, first of all, the child was very resentful, especially to Ye Mei. The most important thing is that when the child died, Ye Mei was still next to him, so there would definitely be a little bit of resentment from the child.

Next is the dog. The hospital will not run out of a dog for no reason. The dog is undoubtedly a dog raised by a child. The dog is psychic, so it is most likely that the child instructed it to do it. .

Having said that, Ye Mei hurriedly asked: "The kid has jumped off the building and died, how can he instruct the dog..."

I raised my eyebrows at her: "What do you think?"

Ye Mei seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but shudder, "But, in broad daylight, the child just died, how could it..."

I sighed: "This shows that the child has a great grievance."

After the dog ate the grieving corpse, even if he was beaten to death, he still had a grudge against Ye Mei. Why would he have to flop and bit her? How much do you think this grievance is

After the dog bit Ye's eyebrows, the dog’s corpse qi and the child’s grievances turned into a dog’s resentment that kept wrapping Ye's eyebrows, causing her neck to be uncomfortably compressed and uncomfortable. No wonder I saw the child’s hair grows all over. Dog boy.

"What should I do? If I continue like this, will I die?" Ye Mei asked nervously, his expression a little scared.

I said I don’t know, but in the long run, the neck may be deformed under heavy pressure and the cervical spine may become more uncomfortable than death. It seems that this dog boy has a reason not to kill her. The grievance is too great, and he changes her way to torture her. Just don't make her happy.

"Then you think about a way, I don't want to die." Ye Mei grabbed my hand and pleaded vigorously, "You must be able to drive that thing away."

"Ahem, it's alright, it's just that, what about me?" I chuckled and said, now it is not my turn to take the lead.

(End of this chapter)