Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 151: Unmanned hospital


"Lin Yuan, can you be my boyfriend?" Lin Xue asked firmly again.

I lowered my head again and didn't speak. Lin Xue was completely anxious now, her eyes were red, and she seemed to be crying. I couldn't bear it, so I hugged her over.

"Okay, okay, can't I be your boyfriend?" I patted her back and comforted.

Xue Lin also hugged me tightly and smiled happily: "Hehe, I finally chased you, so happy."

Has Lin Xue chased me? If this kind of thing is heard by others, then I don’t know how many people come to see me as a teacher. From their point of view, it’s really a way for a boy with my condition to be chased by Lin Xue It was a legendary thing, but it was my blessing to be able to find Lin Xue's beautiful and well-behaved girlfriend. I only hope that I will survive that old woman's hands in a year.

Xue Lin and I held hands and entered the hospital happily, but when we first stepped in, we suddenly felt something wrong. There was a very special smell of dead people rushing towards us, and the hospital seemed particularly deserted. Although I was still outside the door, I felt a deathly silence.

At this moment, Lin Xue shivered suddenly, with a strange expression on her face. I hurriedly asked her what's wrong

Xue Lin pointed to the moon in the sky and said, "Look, today's moon is red!"

I looked up and found that the moon in the mid-air was really scarlet, just as Lin Xue said. It looked very strange.

"Could it be that this is also an astronomical phenomenon? But it seems that I haven't seen the news today. The moon of this color will definitely cause a sensation." Lin Xue said.

My face sank and I shook my head: "If the moon changes color, there will be disasters. Green is famine and worry, red is fighting and soldiers, yellow is virtue and joy, white is drought and funeral, black is water, and people are sick and die. "

The Maoshan ghost book said that the red moon is the most cloudy to cold phase, indicating that the human world is weak, evil, resentful, and hostile; the wind and clouds change drastically, the mountains and rivers scream; the world is moving, the flames are all over, and the three gossips are broken. , There are only five.

In one sentence, the bloody moon appears, the breath is broken, and the breath is exhausted, like falling into prison, and disaster.

Lin Xue was a little frightened, she held my hand tightly, and the talent calmed down a bit.

"Lin Yuan, is there something major going to happen?" Lin Xue asked nervously.

My brows became a ball, and then I remembered what the man in a suit said to me, there will be a disaster in this city, could it be tonight

"It's okay, with me, no matter what happens, I won't let you hurt." I said firmly.

Lin Xue smiled and nodded: "I believe you, Lin Yuan, but I think this hospital seems a bit weird."

"Why is it weird?"

"Don't you smell any special smell? This smell is neither disinfectant nor potion, I can't tell."

"It's the smell of a dead person." I said it for Lin Xue.

"Really?" Lin Xue looked at the hospital in horror, never dared to move half a step forward, and took my arm.

"Ah, ah, ah..." Suddenly, a painful scream came out of the hair from the hospital. The voice was very high and thin. It penetrated the roots of our ears and made our scalp numb.

"Xiaoman, it's not good..." Lin Xue and I yelled at the same time, and then the two looked at each other and walked into the hospital slowly. No matter what dangers were in it, we would not leave Zhang Xiaoman alone.

After entering the hospital, there was no one, no nurses, and no patients. The charge registration window was dark, and the other windows were empty. In a huge hospital, there was no half of a person to be seen.

"What the hell is going on in this hospital? Why is there no one at all?" I felt very surprised. No matter how big the matter is, it is impossible to have no one, right? Are all the people in the hospital dead

"Anyone? Nurse, doctor." Lin Xue shouted without answering, but the lamp on the ceiling made a "bang" and exploded, scaring Lin Xue to hide in my arms.

I patted her on the back and signaled that it was okay, but the light went out.

We took a look at the first floor of the hospital. There was really no one, and we didn't know where all the people went.

Then Lin Xue and I went directly to the elevator, planning to go up and find Zhang Xiaoman. But as soon as the elevator opened, suddenly a dead person fell into my arms, and I subconsciously threw him out. New Schoolbag Net

Later, I took a closer look and found that it was the security guard of the hospital. I took a look at his breath and heart. He was already dead, and there was no blood on his face, and it was as pale as paper.

"Lin Yuan, what happened in this hospital? Why did the people disappear and even the security guards died." Lin Xue felt increasingly uneasy.

I comforted her, motioned her not to be afraid, and then opened the collar of the security guard. I saw a blood hole and tooth mark on his neck.

Zombie? I immediately felt like a zombie. Did this hospital get a zombie

Thinking of the change of that person in the previous game, I also began to feel a little uneasy. If it was a zombie, there would definitely be more than one, because one zombie is definitely not enough to turn a huge hospital into lifelessness.

Now that there is no one in this hospital, there is no news report, and there is no article coming. It means that almost everyone here is...

I didn't dare to think further, because Zhang Xiaoman was also here, and I didn't want her to have an accident.

At this moment, the security guard's eyes opened suddenly and stared at me fiercely. The white brushed face turned into light green. Lin Xue firmly took my arm back, her expression terrified. pole.

I patted her hand and comforted: "Don't be afraid, he won't mutate for the time being, it's just that our liveliness makes him react, but it won't be necessarily in a while."

I took out a yellow talisman, then chanted a few spells, threw it on the ground, and immediately ignited a raging fire, causing the security guard's body to crackle.

I saw the security guard in the fire suddenly became ugly, and his body trembled. I thought I had made a mistake, but in the end the security guard remained motionless and burned to ashes.

I took Lin Xue and approached the elevator, and then pressed the floor where Zhang Xiaoman's ward was located. The elevator made a "boom" sound and slowly went up.

After the elevator stopped, I hurriedly held Lin Xue and signaled her not to go out so quickly. We don't know what dangers are outside. It is best to wait and see for a while to make sure it is safe to go out.

After the elevator door opened, I carefully looked at both sides and brought Lin Xue out after making sure that there was no danger.

The corridors on this floor are also the same as those on the first floor. They are deserted and deadly silent. The ground is messy, everything, unfinished bottles, hospital beds pushed out from the ward, all kinds of sundries and Glass, and blood!

There are intermittent bloodstains along the road. I don't know what panic is falling into here and what happened. Isn't there even a living person? No, I believe Zhang Xiaoman must be alive.

I took Lin Xue by the hand and cautiously came to Zhang Xiaoman's ward. The door of the ward was closed. Lin Xue and I looked at each other, and then kicked the door open with a sharp kick.

The ward was messy, it seemed that after a desperate struggle, the patient didn't see Zhang Xiaoman, and the housekeeper fell to the ground.

"The housekeeper!" Lin Xue shouted, trying to help the housekeeper up, so I hurriedly pulled her back.

"Don't get close to him, there is a problem!" The housekeeper lay face down on the ground. I couldn't see his condition, but I saw a bloody tooth mark on his neck. The housekeeper was also bitten. Where is Xiaoman? Where is she? Did something happen

At this time, I saw the butler’s fingernails turned gray and moved. Lin Xue happily shouted: "Lin Yuan, the butler is awake." After speaking, I let go of my hand, and then ran over to try The housekeeper helped him up.

At this moment, the butler suddenly turned around with a grim face, and then grabbed Lin Xue's neck, and bit her two pointed and long teeth towards Lin Xue's neck.

I quickly put a yellow talisman on the butler's forehead, and he immediately stopped moving, and I hurriedly pulled Lin Xue, who was scared of bloodless face, into my arms.

"Lin Yuan, what's the matter with the housekeeper? I'm so scared." Lin Xue was crying in her voice, she was already scared to the soul. At that time, even Ye Mei was scared enough, let alone a high school girl.

After comforting her a few words, I explained that the butler and the people in this hospital might be bitten by zombies. After they die, their bodies will also mutate into zombies. It seems that the butler is also one of the victims, but he seems to be more The security guard mutated quickly, and teeth grew out. I felt a bit sad when I touched the parent’s long teeth. Although I didn’t know him very well, I saw that he was dead, and there was still a sense of sadness in my heart. I don't know if Zhang Xiaoman is safe, but when I think of her, I feel a little nervous and worried.

"Zhang Xiaoman, you can't die, you black-bellied girl is dead, and Lin Yuan will never forgive you." I cursed in my heart.

"The butler has already had an accident, will Xiaoman..."

"No, absolutely not, that black-bellied woman's life is very hard, there will be nothing wrong." I immediately denied Lin Xue's idea, although I am not sure, but as long as there is hope of zero and one. , I will never believe that she is dead.

At this moment, suddenly there was movement outside the ward, as if someone ran across the corridor.

(End of this chapter)