Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 152: Transport corpses to hide poison


At this moment, suddenly there was movement outside the ward, as if someone ran across the corridor.

I made a silence gesture to Lin Xue, motioning her not to speak, and then I shorted my body and carefully walked out of the ward. At this time, the corridor returned to silence again, and the person who had just walked by was no longer visible.

Who is it? Zhang Xiaoman? Or a survivor in the hospital? I heard the sound just now, it seemed to be running fast, it should not be the person who was bitten.

The body of a person bitten by a zombie will be stiff and cannot run so fast. Even if it is not Zhang Xiaoman, it may be someone else.

At this time, I couldn't control that much, and shouted, "Zhang Xiaoman, where are you? Are there any living people here? Come out!"

If it were a living person, it would have come out when I heard my shout, but there was no movement around here. What was going on? Where is the person who ran by just now? Didn't he hear it? Just for a while, it's impossible to run away, right? Is it on the elevator

Thinking of this, I hurried to the elevator to see if the elevator was working, but when I just walked there, I heard a ding sound, and then the elevator door opened.

There were two people in the elevator. When I saw them, I couldn't help but be overjoyed. They were actually Ye Mei and Zhang Xiaoman. They were in ragged clothes and had many scratches on their bodies, as if they were going through a battle royale.

"Lin Yuan, it's you!" The two of them were also surprised, and shouted at the same time.

But before the three of us had time to be happy, I suddenly heard a "wow wow wow" cry from the stairs, and then a group of hideous turquoise faces pounced with their teeth and claws.

They are hospital patients, doctors, nurses, and security guards, even the police.

All of these people are stiff, their eyes can only see white, their nails have turned gray, they are sharp and long, and there are two terrifying tusks. I felt a bit in my heart. Sure enough, everyone became a zombie. Here What happened

I didn’t have time to think about it. I pulled the two of them out, then ran back to the original room frantically, and then closed the door of the room. There were too many. I’m afraid I can’t deal with it alone, and I have to take care of three. girl.

After Lin Xue saw Zhang Xiaoman again, the two jumped up happily and hugged them tightly, but Ye Mei and I looked at each other disgustingly, indifferent.

However, Zhang Xiaoman's expression dimmed after seeing the housekeeper. She said that the housekeeper was killed just to protect herself.

The housekeeper has been working in Zhang’s house since a long time ago. He watched Zhang Xiaoman grow up, and he always loved her and treated her as his own daughter. It was just for her and gave his life to her. lost.

"God stick, is the butler dead? Also, what does this yellow talisman do? Why is it stuck on his forehead?" Zhang Xiaoman also found something wrong with the butler, because his appearance is too bad now. It's scary, just like the zombies on TV.

"Could it be that the butler has become a zombie like those people just now?" Zhang Xiaoman asked curiously.

I nodded and said yes, and then asked Ye Mei what happened here? Why did the hospital become like this? How did she get together with Zhang Xiaoman. Look at the novel

Ye Mei sighed and said that this was the fault of the third master. She had found out that all the things were done by the third master. His nightclub hid a lot of ugly things.

Sure enough, as the man in the suit said, what exactly did the third master do that actually caused the zombies to come out.

Ye Mei said that San Ye was doing a "big deal" recently, and he wanted to transport a large amount of fans back from other places.

But the country is very strict, even if it is by water, it is easy to be caught. This time he smashed his boss in. If he fails, he will not only have to pay a clean but also wash his butt and be jailed.

Later, he thought of a wonderful way, which is to hide poison in the corpse. As long as the powder is stuffed into the corpse, no one will find it.

After San Ye made up his mind, he did not know where to get dozens of corpses, and smoothly transported the powder back, and then put the corpse powder into the cellar of the nightclub, but the corpses changed within a few days. It's very strange.

Those corpses will not rot, nor will they smell. Their nails are slowly growing every day, and their teeth are constantly growing. Occasionally, their bodies will tremble, just like an electric shock, and their faces are not the same as those of dead people. , A little green, white hair still grows on the neck.

Although San Ye feels very weird, he is a person who lives a life of licking blood with a knife. He is not afraid of the living, and he is not afraid of the dead. It is just that the corpse is too boring in the cellar, so the mutation occurred. After this batch of goods is sold out, it's all over and burned to ashes. Are you afraid that they will jump up and bite

But what I have to say is that the cellar of Sanye Nightclub is very secretive. The police brought people to search for a few times but they didn’t find him, and there were his people here, so he escaped many times. If you find out earlier, maybe you won’t. There will be so many moths.

A few days later, San Ye successfully sold all the fans. After making a lot of money, he remembered the batch of corpses. When he was about to burn the corpses, he found a "boom boom" in the cellar. The sound is like someone hitting the cellar door below.

San Ye feels a little strange, is there still someone here

He hurriedly ordered people to open the cellar, but at this moment, the group of corpses threw out from the cellar, and the corpses were alive!

The group of corpses had ugly faces, long teeth and long armours, green eyeballs, and powerful. After they came out, they would bite when they saw people, just like a mad dog. After something went wrong with the third master, he hurriedly used his younger brother’s body as a cover, and then took care of himself. Escaped.

After receiving the alarm, Ye Mei hurriedly brought people to the nightclub for rescue, but just happened to ran into the third master who had escaped. Ye Mei caught him back without saying a word, and when the others went to the nightclub, the group of corpses was already Missing, the nightclub people were dead and wounded, and when the ambulance arrived, they were all taken to the hospital.

This kind of thing happened in San Ye's nightclub, he must know the real situation, Ye Mei hurried to interrogate him, but the grandson's mouth was so hard that he refused to speak.

Later, Ye Mei really had no choice. The matter was urgent and weird, so he could only be hardened. Anyway, this grandson did so many unreasonable things, and he didn't have to be polite to him.

No matter what, San Ye is also the number one person. He thought that this method would not be able to deal with him, but he did not expect that this grandson could not help beating. After a severe beating, he could not hold it anymore. He took out all the words and asked. Ye Mei don't hit him, he changes a woman every day, his kidney is a little weak, and his body is very weak.

After listening to San Ye's confession, suddenly the bureau received a call again, saying that something went wrong in the hospital, and the person who called the police heard a scream before he could finish speaking.

(End of this chapter)