Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 160: Green-eyed zombie


Fatty and I patted our chests and said it was okay, but at this moment, Zhang Xiaoman suddenly gave a long roar like a wolf, and my heart shook a bit. Oh, I forgot to seal her mouth.

Too late to regret, there was a long scream outside the door, as if a group of zombies were coming, and there were still a lot of voices. I didn't expect that zombies could have this kind of ability.

"Brother, what to do, she seems to have recruited all the zombies." The fat man pointed to Zhang Xiaoman and said, and took a piece of cloth and quickly stuffed it into her mouth.

I smiled bitterly, what can I do, I can only go out to meet the enemy, now I finally understand Tianyi's words, the poetry please five ghosts, Lin Yuan blocks the demons, this kid is really god, everything can be expected.

The rest of the sentence is also more obvious. After a while, I rushed to kill the corpse and cast the clouds, meaning that he would be there soon, and then killed all the zombies.

"Fatty, do you still have any yellow symbols?" I asked.

"Yes!" The fat man took out a stack of yellow talisman in a secret place in the house, there were almost two dozen. He said that he was afraid that I would use it in a hurry, so he hid a stack of yellow talisman.

"You pour all the remaining glutinous rice in front of the door, and then put all the red lines on the ink fountain and wrap it around the door. It will be difficult for the zombies to enter the door." I warned, it should be no problem to hold it until Shiyan recovers.

The fat man said again, what should I do if I can't stop it

"If you can't stop it, just learn like TV. Hold your nose and don't breathe." After I said that, I opened the door and rushed out like a phantom.

As soon as I came out, I shuddered directly. There were rows of zombies outside, all with white eyes and blue faces, stiff bodies and long nails. They were like a besieged city of zombies, surrounding my shop.

"Mom sells batches. How many zombies do you get? Are all the people in Nima dead?" I cursed, and I felt a retreat in my heart. It was too scary. I just counted them. There were almost hundreds of them. I don’t know if there are anyone I usually know.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho" when the zombies saw me coming out, they were as excited as knocking on the medicine. They all rushed towards me step by step, looking at my neck as if staring at meat.

"Scatter!" I yelled, the yellow talisman in my hand flew out like a goddess, and then surrounded me in a circle with me as the center. After the zombies rushed over, they snapped when they encountered the yellow talisman. The fireworks slapped, and then they bounced out, but they were not afraid, batch after batch came over like the tide.

Seeing that the zombies were temporarily unable to get close, I took out the gossip mirror again, and then opened the back cover, facing the fishy moon tonight.

When the moonlight touched the gossip mirror, a gossip form immediately appeared on the ground. I kept turning my hands, and the gossip kept opening and closing on the ground.

"Tai Chi is easy to have, two yis produce two yis, two yis produce four images, and four images produce gossip.

Gossip is like a sharp sword. All zombies that come across have cracks on their bodies, and those that cut their necks will fall off with a click of their heads. Ziwei Novel

But these zombies were completely unaware, just a kind of instinct. They didn't stop, they still rushed over like a mad dog, even if they were torn apart by gossip, they were not afraid.

Damn, this time I was stunned. If it wasn't for the scarlet moon tonight, which weakened the power of gossip, I would kill you.

I took out the octagonal bell again with my left hand, and then kept shaking it to make a rapid "clang clang" sound.

"Dan Zhu speaks God, spit dirty and remove the atmosphere. The tongue is righteous, and the life is nourishing. Luo Qianfang is the god, but the evil Weizhen is true. The throat god is awkward, and the Qi god attracts the body. The heart and the essence of the heart make me understand the truth. Refining liquid, Daoqi always exists. Urgency is like a law."

The octagonal bell matched the mouth-cleaning curse, and I saw a ripple-like thing splashing out. When it touched the zombie, the movement of the zombie became extremely slow, and even some stopped, just like a piece of wood. Staying still, the front blocked the back, and the zombie's attack immediately weakened.

"Damn, it took such a lot of effort to stop them. It's really not as good as a mahogany sword, so I can kill zombies, but a good mahogany sword is not easy to handle and expensive."

Just when I thought I could block the zombies in this way, there was a long roar suddenly. The sound came from behind the zombie group, not Zhang Xiaoman in the house.

I swallowed, and my heart straightened. Could it be that there is something more fierce behind

Sure enough, I saw a zombie jump up from the far back, his hands stretched out, his blue face fangs, white hair on his neck, and green eyeballs looked a hundred times more infiltrating than these zombies.

His jumping ability is very strong, and he suddenly collapsed to the front. A few zombies blocked him. With a wave of his hands, the heads of those zombies were all scraped off by his nails. Looking at his clothes, it seemed that It's from the corpse hunter.

My grandfather used to take me to the Yellow River to play, and I have also seen a corpse squad. Generally, large corpse squads have uniform clothing, and this zombie wears it.

It seems that this zombie is the group of corpses in the nightclub. They all turned into zombies. Could it be that the inside of the coffin was also the one that bit them all so that it became like this

I can't think about it now, because this zombie is different from the others, his eyes are green.

The eyes of zombies are divided into levels. There are several colors, red, green, blue, and white. I heard that there is also purple and gold, but no one has seen them. The zombies in the zombie group are all white, which is a group. Xiao Luoluo, the green zombie in front of you is the big one, and he is estimated to have sucked a lot of blood tonight. His strength is absolutely powerful. What worries me most is that there are dozens of such green-eyed zombies. I am one of them. People may not be able to deal with it, so they can only hold on and wait for Tianyi to return.

The green-eyed zombie roared, and I saw white hair coming out of his mouth. He jumped forward and jumped angrily towards me. Before he touched me, he was bounced off by gossip and yellow talisman. There was no damage, but the gossip and the yellow talisman all sparked and became a little black. He roared again and covered the sound of my bells. I actually saw a small crack on the octagonal bell.

Mom sells batches, this green zombie is really strong, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it for long, this thing is more powerful than this group of zombies.

The green-eyed zombie jumped up again, his hands moved forward and pinched at me, this time he bounced out again, a slight spark appeared on his body, and my yellow talisman burned up and turned into ashes. I only heard " With a bang, the shadow of the gossip on the ground disappeared, and the gossip was broken into fragments.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho" the zombie shouted like an ape, as if cheering, but my whole body was hairy when I listened, and I finally realized a terrible thing, this kind of zombie, he is conscious.

(End of this chapter)