Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 161: Block the door


The green-eyed zombie is more advanced. He is obviously different from the white-eyed zombies. He has a certain sense of consciousness and is more powerful. Just looking at it makes people creepy.

The yellow talisman is gone, the gossip mirror is broken, and the octagonal bell is broken. When all the props are useless, I screamed in my heart. The matter is serious now. I can't beat and beat, and I can't run. What's up

After the green-eyed zombie roared a few times, he immediately pursued the victory. He jumped more than one meter high, and then pinched me with his stiff hands.

I immediately fell to the ground behind my back, then kicked up with my feet, and I kicked the green-eyed zombie in the chest.

Suddenly, my two feet seemed to be kicked against the wall, my knees were numb, but I gritted my teeth and forced him to kick him away. The moment he flew out, I patted the last remaining yellow talisman. On his forehead.

When he landed, his head was leaking like a wire, and a lot of sparks burst out. I thought it was done. Unexpectedly, the green-eyed zombie reached out and took the yellow talisman directly, and then threw it away. The vicious roar looked at me fiercely, but his forehead seemed to have been burned, and his skin became ulcerated and scorched. It seems that the yellow symbol can still cause a lot of damage to him, but the last one is a yellow symbol. It's been used up by me.

"Ah..." The green-eyed zombies were completely angry. He let out a long roar, and immediately echoed from behind. After a while, dozens of green-eyed zombies jumped over from nowhere, all of them with blue-faced fangs and white hair on their necks. , Yelled angrily at me, and his mouth sprayed with white gas.

I know that if it is a normal green-eyed zombie, it is definitely not so powerful, but this group of zombies does not know how much living blood has been sucked. Now it can be said that they are extremely powerful, and they are slightly conscious, and they will also summon their companions. There are a large group of little brothers behind, and the number of zombies keeps increasing. They all approached me.

It's over, it's over. With my current Taoism, it is impossible to resist so many zombies, but I can't retreat. The few people in the retreat are all over. As long as the poetry can invite the Kunlun Five Ghosts, they will be saved. This There will be hope in this city. It is worth sacrificing my life!

"Fatty, can you promise me one thing?" I shouted.

"Brother, what's the matter?" The fat man had already closed the door inside, completely unaware of what was going on outside.

"If there is anything wrong with me, you can bury me next to my grandpa and them, and go to worship if you have time during the Qingming Festival!" Then I told the fat man where grandpa and their burial address were.

"Brother, what silly thing are you talking about? Just stick to the poetry, do you want me to go out and help?" The fat man was a little anxious, he seemed to know that the situation outside was not very optimistic.

"It's okay, I can hold it, you must not come out." I rushed to calm down, for fear that he would also run out, then it would be no different from dying.

After I finished speaking, there was no sound in the room, and I didn't know what happened.

I stand in front of the door with my arms outstretched and just stand straight like that. No matter who comes, I won’t step back today, and the door won’t open. I will never fall down. If you want to suck blood, let you suck enough. !

The zombies really did as I wanted. Seeing me was like seeing wonderful food. They waved their stiff paws and came like a tide. The green-eyed zombies didn’t jump over when I didn’t resist, but they jumped instead. On the roof, as if to peek at everything under the house. 20 Novel Network

In this way, I am a little worried. I would rather they come and suck my blood, so that Fatty and Shiyan are safe, but I can only hope that, other than that, I really can't do anything.

Just when the zombies were about to pounce on me, suddenly I heard a bang behind my head, and then I heard the scream of the fat man. I subconsciously wanted to look back, but before my neck was twisted, I was suddenly caught by someone. It hit and flew out, and abruptly hit a way among the corpses, and many zombies were knocked out.

Before I got back to my senses, I heard the wailing voice of the fat man.

"Damn, I'm so hurt, there are so many stars in front of me." The fat man murmured and complained.

"Damn, didn't you tell you not to come out?" I touched my head that was stunned. Fatty's weight plus the impact made me almost not killed. Except for the head, there seemed to be broken bones in my waist and chest. .

"I figured it out, there is a big guy inside." The fat man cursed with a pale face.

Is there a big guy? Is there a green-eyed zombie running in? Oops, what about Shiyan and Zhang Xiaoman

I stood up hurriedly and wanted to rush into the room, but I didn't care what the fat man said behind him.

But I didn't even take three steps. A dozen cold and stiff hands were already on my body. These hands were as hard and sharp as reinforced concrete. I was knocked to the ground within two or three times. Even the fat man couldn't last for a few seconds. There were too many zombies. They stopped us like a wall. The fat man had no strength after a few hits, saying that it was harder than Nima's copper and iron walls.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of fangs were biting at us. Fortunately, they were numerous, squeezing and squeezing and I kept dodge, and they didn’t bite for a while. The fat man was a bit unlucky, and his butt was bitten several times. Mouth, he cried and said that it was too scary, kill him, he didn't want to become a zombie.

Just when both of us thought we were bound to die, suddenly the door of the shop flew out and slammed on the zombies with a heavy "bang". The door was smashed to pieces, and the people around me The zombies were all frightened and dispersed a little distance. Both the fat man and I were temporarily saved.

I thought it was Shiyan who came out to save us. I was so happy that I hurriedly asked the fat man to cheer up and prepare to escape.

But what I didn't expect was that there was a roar in the house, and the whole house was trembling. When I heard it, my heart suddenly became cold. It's over, it's a zombie! How about the first three women in that room? Did the green-eyed zombie run in

Just when I was guessing, the ink fountain line by the door was forcibly broken by a pale long fingernail hand, and then a foot stepped out and just stepped on the glutinous rice. The glutinous rice was all exposed. White smoke, and turned into jet black, but that foot did not respond at all, as if the glutinous rice and the ink fountain line did not harm him at all.

Is it a green-eyed zombie? No, the green-eyed zombie is powerful, but I can burn half of his forehead with a yellow talisman just now. He must be a little afraid of the glutinous rice and ink line, but this zombie seems to be completely indifferent, indicating that these things have been It's totally useless to him.

The fat man just said that there is a big guy in it. Is there a zombie with a higher level than the green-eyed zombie? Could it be that jade jade coffin

Wait, how do I look familiar with the shoes on the zombie's feet.

(End of this chapter)