Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 162: Red eye zombie


Looking at the shoes on the zombie's feet, I frowned, how do I feel a little familiar.

Wait, aren't these shoes Zhang Xiaoman's? Is this zombie...

While I was puzzled, the zombie revealed its true face, and she stepped out of it. I guessed it was Zhang Xiaoman.

Zhang Xiaoman’s neck is covered with red hair, and her two fangs are very long, as if she is shining silvery white light. Her nails are like a sharp blade, and her scarlet eyes are like a terrifying creature under the radiance of the blood and moon. Destroy the world asura.

Wait, Zhang Xiaoman’s eyes are red? Red, green, blue, and white. Why is Zhang Xiaoman the highest level zombie

Generally speaking, if you are bitten by a red-eyed zombie, you will become a zombie below the red-eye level. It varies from person to person, but it will never become a red-eye or above level. Zhang Xiaoman was definitely injured by the white-eyed zombie. , No matter how she mutates, she will never turn into a zombie with such a high level of red eye. Why is it so

While avoiding the attack of the zombies, I looked at the fat man, and then asked him what happened inside.

The fat man said that he was talking with me just now. Suddenly Zhang Xiaoman went crazy, and fine red hairs began to grow on his neck and face, so he didn’t have time to talk to me anymore, and hurriedly pressed Zhang Xiao with Ah Qing. Man, but it didn't take long before he suddenly didn't know what was kicked out. It is estimated that some "big guy" got in the house, and now he doesn't know what happened to Qing.

I'm a little unbelievable, don't you know what the fat guy kicked out? He is so big, what can kick him out of the door with one foot is definitely not simple, and it is too fast to be seen

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoman interrupted my thinking with a roar. She screamed, and the whole house was trembling, as if it would collapse at any time, and all the glass on the house made a "pop-pop" sound, broken. It became glass slag, and a yin wind blew over with her voice. Fatty and the zombies and I were blown to each other, and we couldn't stand firmly. Her hair stood up one by one, as if struggling in a strong wind. Like the branches.

Is this the power of the red-eyed zombies? It was terrible. For the first time, I felt that Zhang Xiaoman was not at the same level as Zhang Xiaoman.

I finally understood the saying that life is a great person, and death is a ghost. The devil Zhang Xiaoman was terribly good when she was a human being, and she was terrible when she was a zombie.

The white-eyed zombies immediately stopped attacking us. They started to run away like a mouse when they saw a cat. These zombies are unconscious. Their fears are instinctive reactions, but everyone is zombies. , There is no need to escape, right

The white-eyed zombies didn't run far, and suddenly "swish", Zhang Xiaoman in front of the door disappeared, only to see a phantom dangling in front of my eyes, when I recovered, some of the white-eyed zombies had their heads off. After trembling for a few times on the ground, he also lost his struggle.

The speed and power are so fast, no need to guess now, it was Zhang Xiaoman who kicked the fat man out. At this speed, I don't even know how the white-eyed zombie's head dropped.

Zhang Xiaoman opened his teeth and danced his claws a few more times, and yelled at the blood moon, his mouth sprayed with black air, as terrifying as a werewolf.

"I rely on, brother, you made this time. Your horse is so awesome. I guess killing these trash fish zombies is as easy as cutting cabbage. Look at how aggressive her eyes are. These little zombies are still white eyes. It seems like a cataract." The fat man seemed to be ignorant of the zombie's level, he was talking nonsense here.

"Mazi? What is Mazi?" I asked puzzled.

"Ma Zi is a girlfriend!" The fat man rubbed his head and smiled.

"Go away, this is not my girlfriend. My girlfriend's legs are longer than her, whiter than her, and more beautiful than her." Ranwen Novel Network

"But she should be big in the big place, small in the small place, and full of looks. Other people still have money in their homes, so if you look like a bear, you won't be enough to post it!"

"Oh, I'm going, it's about this time, you still deliberately have trouble with me, are you a fat man inconspicuous?"

"Don't pretend, Fat Lord, I am called the prodigal son of love. Seeing you were nervous before, I really don't believe me that I don't have a leg."


When I was bickering with the fat man, the group of white-eyed zombies had run away without a trace, but about one-third of their heads were twisted off. Now the floor is full of corpses and infiltrating heads, Zhang Xiao Man killed them just like Fatty said, like cutting cabbage.

However, I found a red-eyed zombie with different characteristics from other zombies. Zhang Xiaoman’s body is not stiff. Like us, she does not jump and jump, that is, when she walks, her body is a little sluggish, but her movements and speed are absolutely fast. Sometimes the naked eye may not be able to keep up.

White-eyed zombies have no consciousness, green-eyed zombies have their own consciousness, does the red-eyed zombie not only have consciousness, but also have their own thoughts? Does she still recognize me? If this is the case, then we really earn it and become a zombie Zhang Xiaoman, is he still saved? Thinking of this, my heart felt like being held down by a thousand catties, and I couldn't breathe.

After the white-eyed zombie ran away, Zhang Xiaoman suddenly faced us and looked blankly at us. Fatty and I swallowed at the same time, looking at each other, nervously not knowing what to say.

In addition to Zhang Xiaoman, there were a group of green-eyed zombies on the roof staring at me and the fat man. They did not run, nor did they dare to get down. They kept jumping on the roof, as if they were trying, and they were obviously afraid of Zhang Xiao. Man, but can't figure out what Zhang Xiaoman is. After all, she is a high-level zombie. Maybe they don't understand what Zhang Xiaoman wants to do, and why he kills the same kind.

Suddenly, a green-eyed zombie finally couldn't help it. He roared and jumped off the roof, but when he was still in the air, he only heard a "swish", and a phantom appeared in the air, the green one. The eye zombie was cut off.

The divided green-eyed zombie struggled on the ground for a while, and then shed black pus, and stopped moving completely after ten seconds.

At this moment, I saw an incredible scene. All the green-eyed zombies on the roof shuddered at the same time. It seemed that there was a scared expression on their faces, just like a sheep meets a wolf, and a mouse meets a cat. I don't know if this is instinctive fear or they know the fear themselves, or why they would shudder and make corresponding expressions.

Those green-eyed zombies seemed to know that there would be no fruit to eat, so they had to abandon me and the fat man, and then jumped to the roof one by one in the opposite direction. They actually understood that Zhang Xiaoman's red eye could not be offended by them.

After about five green-eyed zombies jumped down, suddenly a leather whip swept over from another direction and tied the green-eyed zombie who was about to jump down.

After the whip tied the neck of the green-eyed zombie, it actually gave out a dazzling red light, his neck was emitting black smoke, and his skin began to burn and became scorched.

The green-eyed zombie wanted to struggle, but as soon as his hand touched the whip, it bounced away, and three of his five fingers were missing, and his palms became bloody.

As soon as the whip was tightened, and then pulled hard, the head of the green-eyed zombie flew out and fell to the ground. The whip swept over the body of the green-eyed zombie, and immediately fell down and stopped moving. .

"Second... Kill..." The fat man was dumbfounded, and he couldn't help but yelled these two words.

This is... Chase the corpse whip? Who the hell is here? To kill the green-eyed zombie in seconds, I hurriedly looked up to find the owner of the whip.

(End of this chapter)