Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 170: The second book Maoshan ghost road


After Lai Rui finished speaking, he suddenly stopped in front of an electronic door, and then continued: "And this person is the person who wants to see you today."

I was so frightened that I backed up a few steps and said, brother, are you okay? Bring me to see a murderous demon. I'm just a fledgling boy, this kind of gangster-level figure, and I won’t be able to visit him again in the future. For the sake of it, I want to say goodbye.

Lai Rui dragged me back and said that this place is not where I want to come or leave. Without him, I would not be able to get out for the rest of my life, and I had no choice at all.

Damn, this is too bullying. There is no way. Whoever calls people belong to the government? I, as a common people, can do what I can do. I can only do what others say.

"Go in!" Lai Rui entered the password, pressed the fingerprint lock, and the electronic door opened slowly, "Remember, don't believe her, don't believe anything, as long as you don't approach her, Can guarantee your safety."

I swallowed, then boldly walked in.

After entering inside, the electronic door suddenly closed automatically again, which shocked me. This eldest brother really didn't leave me a way, even the door was closed.

"Come on?" Suddenly an old voice rang.

This cell was divided into two parts, separated by a iron window, and a lot of transparent infrared rays were mixed in. There was a straw bed at the other end of the iron window, and an old woman sat on the front side.

When I saw the old woman's appearance, my scalp was numb with fright, and the cold sweat on my back was like rain, slicking down.

This old woman is no one else, but the ghost old woman who has always wanted my life. Her distorted and hideous face, even if it turns to dust, I recognize it. Sometimes I often have nightmares.

The old woman giggled and said, "My child, don't be afraid, I am not her."

I was shocked. I don't know what she meant by this. Could it be that there are still two ghost old women who can't make it? Wait, if she isn't, how does she know what I think

"I'm a real person, she's a demon." The old woman pointed to her handcuffs and ankles, and then giggled again. The laughter was exactly the same.

"Are you really her?"

"Really not!" The old woman shook her head.

"Then what's the relationship between you and her? Why do they look exactly the same?" I asked.

The old woman said you don't need to worry about it, and you will naturally know in the future that there is something else going on when you came to me today.

I scratched my head and asked what was it? If she is not an old ghost woman, then I don't know her, and she has killed so many people, it is probably not a good bird, I don't want to deal with her.

The old woman did not know where to take out a shabby book. I took a closer look and found that it read Maoshan Ghost Dao. My heart immediately thumped. Is this another copy of Maoshan Ghost Dao

The old woman said to me: "There are four books in Maoshan Ghost Road, this is the second one, here you are!"

I frowned and asked her what she wanted. There is no free lunch in this world. A murderer called me all the way to give me a book for nothing

The old woman giggled again, "Haha, kid, you are a real wizard, of course you have the conditions, the condition is that you will kill her for me?"

"That she is an old ghost woman who looks exactly like you?"

"Yeah." The old woman nodded.

"Why?" I asked. 135 Chinese

"There is no reason, this is a deal, I will give you the book, and you will kill her for me."

"That's it?" I will definitely kill the old ghost lady, otherwise, I will die in her hands. For me, the advantages of this transaction outweigh the disadvantages.

"That's it, come and get it!" The old woman stretched out the book behind the bars and motioned for me to go and get it.

I was stunned for a moment and remembered what Lai Rui had said to me. This is a murderous yin person. Her yin technique is extremely weird and superb. If I had her intentions wrong with me in the past, then I would be in danger.

"Why, afraid?" The old woman giggled.

I didn't speak, nor dared to take the book forward.

"I want to kill you, you can't live for even a second now, do you really think this kind of place can trap me? A joke, I just came here to avoid the limelight." The old woman said.

I was still unmoved. I didn't even dare to move forward. Who knows if what she said is true or false. Lai Rui also especially told me not to believe her. Such people are probably extremely sinister.

The old woman's face suddenly sank, as if she was angry, she stood motionless, but I found her shadow seemed to be floating, she was spreading her teeth and claws, and she was dancing again.

I felt something wrong, and quickly stepped back, but the old woman giggled, her shadow returned to normal again, as if all I had just seen were hallucinations.

"Your courage is much smaller than your grandfather, take this book!" After she said she threw the book to my feet.

I picked up the book without asking why she knew my grandfather, and then knocked on the door desperately. After a while, someone opened the door for me.

After coming out, I was in cold sweat all over, and Lai Rui asked me what I had talked about with the old woman

I raised the book in my hand and said, "She gave me this."

As for the old ghost lady, I never mention it. I only met Lai Rui on the first day. I don't know if he is reliable, but I don't want to deal with people from the government.

"Maoshan ghost road?" Lai Rui pushed the frame of the glasses and read the name from the book. Suddenly his face changed and his expression was a little strange.

After I noticed it, I hurriedly asked what happened

Lai Rui said that all the prisoners here are empty when they come in. After entering the cell of the electronic door, they will basically not come out, especially the old woman. She has never been out of this cell before, so how can she have an extra copy? What about books

After Lai Rui finished speaking, his face was incredible, and even I could see fear on his face. I remembered the words of the old woman. If she wanted to leave, this cell would definitely not be able to hold her.

"Lai Rui, ask you something." I said.

"Just ask!"

"This old woman killed so many people, shouldn't she be shot directly? How could she be locked up here." I asked curiously.

Lai Rui smiled bitterly and said, "There is no evidence to be found using Yin Shu to kill people. How can she be convicted?"

It seems to be the same, but she will be locked up here for the rest of the day, which is almost the same as being shot, for fear that this place will not trap her.

After chatting with Lai Rui for a while, he sent me back, but it was still the old rules. I had to be blindfolded. He said that this place is a state secret and should not be known to ordinary people.

After returning to the shop, I saw an extremely thin woman sitting on the sofa. She sold the meat to the weasel Chen Meijia just to lose weight.

(End of this chapter)