Maoshan Road Ghost

Chapter 173: Cruel and cruel


Shortfoot Qiyi thought so too, so he stopped worrying about tonight's affairs, and wanted to slowly develop a good relationship with Huang Xi in the future, but he didn't know that Huang Xi not only didn't like him in the future, but instead killed him.

In the days to come, because the old man Huang recruited a short and ugly son-in-law, he was ridiculed by neighbors. Originally because Xiaojiaqi saved Huangxi, the old man Huang accepted him with a grateful heart. It is terrible to say, the old man Huang himself is a person with a good head and face, this said, the old man Huang was completely broken.

Later, not only did Huang Xi hate Shortfoot Seven more and more, even the old man Huang began to respond to him. After a long time, the two father and daughter began to think about how to get rid of him. After thinking about it for a long time, old man Huang took a lot of money. When the money came out, he was prepared to use the money to persuade him away, which was considered to have repaid him for saving his daughter.

How do you know that Xiaojiaqi didn't agree to it all the time? He had said long ago that if you don't want gold, you don't want silver, you need Miss Huang's daughter. Now what is going on suddenly repenting? Don’t your Huang family say anything about credibility

Old man Huang was also angry. He pointed to Xiaojiaqi’s nose and cursed: "You are a short and ugly man, what else did you do besides the last trip to the roof that day? How can you get married with the money now? The daughter-in-law went home, now thinking about the toad eating swan meat, what's the matter if he doesn't leave?"

"My toad wants to eat swan meat? If it weren't for you to beg me that day, could I help you save your daughter? Turning over is faster than flipping a book now. Don't even think about it. There is absolutely no way!" Angrily slammed the door out.

After Xiaojiaqi left, the old man Huang was also itchy. He knew that he would not go for Xiaojiaqi anyway, and there was no way for a while.

At this time, Huang Xi suddenly came in. She heard everything by the window just now. Since she couldn't get rid of the short-footed seven, she confided her heart and made a wiping gesture to the old man Huang, indicating that she would do it. A short foot seven, so that the heart thorns of the father and daughter can be removed.

Old man Huang's expression changed when he heard it, and Xiaojiaqi was also the savior of his daughter. Even if he crossed the river and demolished the bridge, he could not avenge his grievances, but he would be condemned by the heavens.

Seeing that his father didn't agree, Huang Xi felt hard and pleaded, and finally staged a death-compelling performance. Old man Huang really had no choice but to agree.

The old man Huang and his daughter stayed in the room for a long time before they bought a packet of poison and poisoned Amphiprion to death while eating.

Before dying, Xiaojiaqi exhausted his last breath and cursed: "I must make you father and daughter have a hard time." After speaking, he died. After he died, his eyes opened wide, just staring at his father and daughter like that. Both of them look extremely oozing.

After Xiaojiaqi died, Huang Xi not only was not afraid, but he was relieved, as if a thorn was removed from his heart. Old man Huang was a little scared, for fear of retribution, and said that he should bury Xiaojiaqihou quickly, otherwise when thundering occurred. He can't sleep.

Huang Xi hurriedly scolded him for being confused. They killed the people. How could he burial with great fanfare? It should be the destruction of the corpse, so no one would know about it.

Huangtou gave a sharp voice and said: "We two father and daughter have not killed even chickens. How can we destroy the corpses? If the corpses are burned, the smell will definitely be found by the neighbors."

This is a problem. Huang Xi frowned and started thinking hard. After a while, he thought of a good idea. China Library

When Dwarf came to Huang's house, in addition to the bride price, he also brought two weasels. This is one of the reasons why Huang Xi disliked her. What kind of pets are not good enough to raise two weasels. How strange is this person

Xiaojiaoqi explained that this animal is sometimes better than humans and knows how to be grateful and rewarded. In addition, he is a yin person. He must raise some wild fairy yin beasts to protect the lord. People who originally eat the meal of Yin Xing It's not the same as normal people.

Since Shortfoot is dead, it's better to let the weasel eat his meat.

The old man Huang never thought that his daughter was so vicious, that he could even think of such a cruel and inhuman way, but everyone has been killed, and he has no choice. He regrets that it is too late, so he can only follow Huang Xi's method, but Old man Huang suddenly felt wrong again. He said that the weasel was raised by Dwarf. Would it be willing to eat his meat

Huang Xi smiled and said that there is a cellar behind our house, where the corpse and weasel are locked in. When it is hungry and red-eyed, why not eat it? Don't talk about the owner, I am afraid it is also eaten by the same kind.

Hearing Huang Xi's poisonous tricks, Old Man Huang shuddered. Is this still his own daughter? How could he come up with one vicious method after another, but now, this method can only be used to destroy the corpse.

Later, the old man Huang and Huang Xi joined forces to carry the body into the cellar, and then put the two weasels in the cage in, and then locked the cellar door tightly.

In the next few days, Old Man Huang and Huang Xi were a little worried, but as time passed, nothing happened slowly, and the hearts of their two fathers and daughters also relaxed. If anyone asks about the short-footed girl Whereabouts, Old Man Huang said that his hands and feet were dirty and that he often stole things from him, so he drove him away. In the next half month, no one ever mentioned Diaojiaqi again, and Old Man Huang and his two daughters gradually forgot. After this incident, I forgot the corpse in the cellar and the two weasels.

It wasn't until a month later that Huang Xi suddenly woke up in his dream, dreaming that Xiaojiaqi came to avenge his life.

After waking up, she suddenly saw the door ajar, as if someone had opened it, and through the crack of the door, Huang Xi saw two weasels, and the weasel also looked at her through the crack of the door, when Huang Xi and one of the weasels had four eyes. When facing each other, I suddenly realized that its eyes were exactly the same as when Xiaojiaoqi died.

Huang Xi screamed in fright, and the voice attracted Old Man Huang, but he said that when he came in he didn't see any weasels, and the weasels were already locked in the cellar. How could it be possible to run out

Having said that, Huang Xi was still not at ease. She insisted on checking the cellar in the middle of the night. Old man Huang had no choice but to take a flashlight to accompany her.

After arriving in the cellar, the door and the lock were in good condition, and Huang Xi was slightly relieved, but when the old man Huang opened the cellar door, he was shocked. The two weasels were gone, and the corpse was chewed into a white bone.

"This... what the hell is going on? The cellar doors and locks are all right, why are the weasels gone?" Old man Huang started to panic. Did the two weasels really appear at the door of Huangxi

The two fathers and daughters thought this was very weird, and they were a little frightened. They quickly re-covered the cellar and did not dare to go back to sleep. They sat in the living room until dawn.

(End of this chapter)